    def list_notifications(self,
        # check that the since date is valid, and get it into the right format
        if not hasattr(since, "strftime"):
            since = dates.parse(since)
        since = since.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

        # make the url params into an object
        params = {"since": since}
        if page is not None:
                params["page"] = str(page)
                raise JPERException(
                    "Unable to convert page argument to string")
        if page_size is not None:
                params["pageSize"] = str(page_size)
                raise JPERException(
                    "Unable to convert page_size argument to string")

        # get the url, which may contain the repository id if it is not None
        url = self._url("routed", id=repository_id, params=params)

        # 2016-06-20 TD : switch SSL verification off
        verify = False

        # get the response object
        resp = http.get(url, verify=verify)

        # check for errors or problems with the response
        if resp is None:
            raise JPERConnectionException(
                "Unable to communicate with the JPER API")

        if resp.status_code == 401:
            raise JPERAuthException(
                "Could not authenticate with JPER with your API key")

        if resp.status_code == 400:
            raise JPERException(resp.json().get("error"))

        if resp.status_code != 200:
            raise JPERException(
                "Received unexpected status code from {y}: {x} ".format(
                    x=resp.status_code, y=url))

        # create the notification list object
        j = resp.json()
        return models.NotificationList(j)
    def list_notifications(self, since, page=None, page_size=None, repository_id=None):
        # check that the since date is valid, and get it into the right format
        if not hasattr(since, "strftime"):
            since = dates.parse(since)
        since = since.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

        # make the url params into an object
        params = {"since" : since}
        if page is not None:
                params["page"] = str(page)
                raise JPERException("Unable to convert page argument to string")
        if page_size is not None:
                params["pageSize"] = str(page_size)
                raise JPERException("Unable to convert page_size argument to string")

        # get the url, which may contain the repository id if it is not None
        url = self._url("routed", id=repository_id, params=params)

        # 2016-06-20 TD : switch SSL verification off
        verify = False
        # get the response object
        resp = http.get(url, verify=verify)

        # check for errors or problems with the response
        if resp is None:
            raise JPERConnectionException("Unable to communicate with the JPER API")

        if resp.status_code == 401:
            raise JPERAuthException("Could not authenticate with JPER with your API key")

        if resp.status_code == 400:
            raise JPERException(resp.json().get("error"))

        if resp.status_code != 200:
            raise JPERException("Received unexpected status code from {y}: {x} ".format(x=resp.status_code, y=url))

        # create the notification list object
        j = resp.json()
        return models.NotificationList(j)
    def test_19_lantern_active_jobs(self):
        # Check we can list active Lantern jobs

        lj1 = LanternJob()
        lj1.job_id = "123456789"
        lj1.account = "abcdefg"
        lj1.status = "complete"

        lj2 = LanternJob()
        lj2.job_id = "123456789"
        lj2.account = "abcdefg"
        lj2.status = "active"


        lj3 = LanternJob()
        lj3.job_id = "987654321"
        lj3.account = "abcdefg"
        lj3.status = "active"

        dao = LanternJob()

        # list all the active jobs, without worrying about cutting them off by date
        gen = dao.list_active()
        jobs = [job for job in gen]

        assert len(jobs) == 2

        # now check that we can do a date cut-off, by setting the before date to just after
        # the oldest one
        lu = lj2.last_updated
        ds = dates.parse(lu)
        ds = ds + timedelta(seconds=1)

        gen = dao.list_active(checked_before=ds)
        jobs = [job for job in gen]

        assert len(jobs) == 1
 def stampify(val):
     return dates.parse(val, format=in_format)
 def stampify(val):
     return dates.parse(val, format=in_format)
    def _xwalk(cls, result):
        Crosswalk the Lantern result to an Enhancement object

        :param result:
        journal_record = result.get("journal", {})

        # publication date
        publication_date = None
        if journal_record is not None:
            publication_date = journal_record.get("dateOfPublication")
                publication_date = None

        # Version
        is_aam = result.get("is_aam", False)
        version = None
        if is_aam is not None and is_aam is not False:
            version = "AAM"

        # authors
        authors = result.get("author", [])
        eauthors = []
        if authors is not None:
            for author in authors:
                ea = {}
                if author.get("fullName") is not None:
                    ea["name"] = author.get("fullName")
                if author.get("affiliation") is not None:
                    ea["affiliation"] = [{"name" : author.get("affiliation")}]
                if len(ea.keys()) > 0:

        # publisher
        publisher = result.get("publisher")

        # DOI
        doi = result.get("doi")

        # pmcid
        pmcid = result.get("pmcid")

        # pmid
        pmid = result.get("pmid")

        journal = None
        issn = None
        essn = None
        oa_type = "unknown"

        if journal_record is not None:
            # journal title
            journal = journal_record.get("title")

            # issn
            issn = journal_record.get("issn")

            # essn
            essn = journal_record.get("eissn")

            # oa type
            in_doaj = journal_record.get("in_doaj")
            if in_doaj is not None:
                if in_doaj is True:
                    oa_type = "oa"
                    oa_type = "hybrid"

        # self_archiving policies
        archiving = result.get("archiving")
        archive_preprint = False
        archive_postprint = False
        archive_pdf = False
        if archiving is not None:
            archive_preprint = archiving.get("preprint", False)
            archive_postprint = archiving.get("postprint", False)
            archive_pdf = archiving.get("pdf", False)

        # embargo policies
        embargo = result.get("embargo")
        embargo_preprint = False
        embargo_postprint = False
        embargo_pdf = False
        if embargo is not None:
            embargo_preprint = result.get("embargo", {}).get("preprint", False)
            if not isinstance(embargo_preprint, bool):
                    embargo_preprint = int(embargo_preprint)
                except: pass
            embargo_postprint = result.get("embargo", {}).get("postprint", False)
            if not isinstance(embargo_postprint, bool):
                    embargo_postprint = int(embargo_postprint)
                except: pass
            embargo_pdf = result.get("embargo", {}).get("pdf", False)
            if not isinstance(embargo_pdf, bool):
                    embargo_pdf = int(embargo_pdf)
                except: pass

        # grant funding
        projects = []
        grants = result.get("grants", [])
        if grants is not None:
            for g in grants:
                project = {}
                grant_number = g.get("grantId")
                if grant_number is not None:
                    project["grant_number"] = grant_number
                agency = g.get("agency")
                if agency is not None:
                    project["funder_name"] = agency
                if len(project.keys()) > 0:

        # licence
        licence_type = None
        free_to_read = False
        licence = result.get("licence")
        if licence != "non-standard-licence":
            if licence == "free-to-read":
                free_to_read = True
            elif licence != "unknown":
                licence_type = licence

        # provenance
        prov = result.get("provenance", [])
        if prov is not None:
            prov = "Record enhanced via Lantern (not all data necessarily used), which provided provenance information: " + "; ".join(prov)

        # repository
        repository = result.get("repositories", [])
        rrecords = []
        if repository is not None:
            for r in repository:
                obj = {}
                if isinstance(r, basestring):
                    obj["repo_name"] = r
                    obj["metadata"] = "True"
                    obj["fulltext"] = "Unknown"
                    obj["machine_readable_fulltext"] = "Unknown"
                elif isinstance(r, dict):
                    obj["metadata"] = "True"
                    obj["fulltext"] = "Unknown"
                    obj["machine_readable_fulltext"] = "Unknown"
                    if "name" in r:
                        obj["repo_name"] = r["name"]
                    if "url" in r:
                        obj["repo_url"] = r["url"]
                    if "fulltexts" in r and len(r["fulltexts"]) > 0:
                        obj["record_url"] = " | ".join(r["fulltexts"])

                if len(obj.keys()) > 0:

        # article title
        title = result.get("title")

        # assign the values to the object
        do = dataobj.DataObj()

        if publication_date is not None:
            do._set_single("rioxxterms:publication_date", publication_date)
        if version is not None:
            do._set_single("rioxxterms:version", version)
        if len(eauthors) > 0:
            do._set_single("rioxxterms:author", eauthors)
        if publisher is not None:
            do._set_single("dcterms:publisher.name", publisher)
        if doi is not None:
            do._add_to_list("dc:identifier", {"type" : "doi", "id" : doi})
        if pmcid is not None:
            do._add_to_list("dc:identifier", {"type" : "pmcid", "id" : pmcid})
        if pmid is not None:
            do._add_to_list("dc:identifier", {"type" : "pmid", "id" : pmid})
        if journal is not None:
            do._set_single("dc:source.name", journal)
        if issn is not None:
            do._add_to_list("dc:source.identifier", {"type" : "issn", "id" : issn})
        if issn is not None:
            do._add_to_list("dc:source.identifier", {"type" : "e-issn", "id" : essn})
        if oa_type is not None:
            do._set_single("dc:source.oa_type", oa_type)
        if isinstance(archive_preprint, basestring):
            do._set_single("dc:source.self_archiving.preprint.policy", archive_preprint)
        if isinstance(archive_postprint, basestring):
            do._set_single("dc:source.self_archiving.postprint.policy", archive_postprint)
        if isinstance(archive_pdf, basestring):
            do._set_single("dc:source.self_archiving.publisher.policy", archive_pdf)
        if isinstance(embargo_preprint, int) and not isinstance(embargo_preprint, bool):
            do._set_single("dc:source.self_archiving.preprint.embargo", embargo_preprint)
        if isinstance(embargo_postprint, int) and not isinstance(embargo_postprint, bool):
            do._set_single("dc:source.self_archiving.postprint.embargo", embargo_postprint)
        if isinstance(embargo_pdf, int) and not isinstance(embargo_pdf, bool):
            do._set_single("dc:source.self_archiving.publisher.embargo", embargo_pdf)
        if len(projects) > 0:
            do._set_single("rioxxterms:project", projects)
        if licence_type is not None:
            do._add_to_list("ali:license_ref", {"type" : licence_type})
        if free_to_read is True:
            do._set_single("ali:free_to_read.free_to_read", free_to_read)
        do._add_to_list("jm:provenance", prov)
        if len(rrecords) > 0:
            do._set_single("jm:repository", rrecords)
        if title is not None:
            do._set_single("dc:title", title)

        # build and return an Enhancement object around the data
        e = Enhancement({"record" : do.data})
        return e