class ConsistentEndDimensionPivotTest(htf_test.TestCase):
    """Tests validators.ConsistentEndRange. Similar to DimensionPivot."""

    _sub_validator = validators.in_range(minimum=5)
    _test_measurement = htf.Measurement('pivot').with_dimensions(

    def testPasses(self):
        def phase(test):
            test.measurements.pivot[0] = 0
            test.measurements.pivot[1] = 2
            test.measurements.pivot[2] = 6
            test.measurements.pivot[3] = 8

        phase_record = yield phase
        self.assertMeasurementPass(phase_record, 'pivot')

    def testFails(self):
        def phase(test):
            test.measurements.pivot[0] = 3
            test.measurements.pivot[1] = 4
            test.measurements.pivot[2] = 6
            test.measurements.pivot[3] = 4

        phase_record = yield phase
        self.assertMeasurementFail(phase_record, 'pivot')
class DimensionPivotTest(htf_test.TestCase):
    """Tests validators.DimensionPivot. Used with dimensioned measurements."""

    _test_value = 10
    _sub_validator = validators.in_range(0, _test_value)
    _test_measurement = htf.Measurement('pivot').with_dimensions(
        'height', 'width').dimension_pivot_validate(_sub_validator)

    def testPasses(self):
        def phase(test):
            test.measurements.pivot[10, 10] = self._test_value - 2
            test.measurements.pivot[11, 10] = self._test_value - 1

        phase_record = yield phase
        self.assertMeasurementPass(phase_record, 'pivot')

    def testFails(self):
        def phase(test):
            test.measurements.pivot[11, 12] = self._test_value - 1
            test.measurements.pivot[14, 12] = self._test_value + 1

        phase_record = yield phase
        self.assertMeasurementFail(phase_record, 'pivot')
# details, see the validators.py example.
@htf.measures(htf.Measurement('validated_measurement').in_range(0, 10).doc(
    'This measurement is validated.').with_units(htf.units.SECOND))
def measure_seconds(test):
  # The 'outcome' of this measurement in the test_record result will be a PASS
  # because its value passes the validator specified (0 <= 5 <= 10).
  test.measurements.validated_measurement = 5

# These additional attributes can also be specified inline as kwargs passed
# directly to the @measures decorator.  If you do so, however, you must
# specify exactly one measurement with that decorator (ie. the first argument
# must be a string containing the measurement name).  If you want to specify
# multiple measurements this way, you can stack multiple decorators.
@htf.measures('inline_kwargs', docstring='This measurement is declared inline!',
              units=htf.units.HERTZ, validators=[validators.in_range(0, 10)])
@htf.measures('another_inline', docstring='Because why not?')
def inline_phase(test):
  # This measurement will have an outcome of FAIL, because the set value of 15
  # will not pass the 0 <= x <= 10 validator.
  test.measurements.inline_kwargs = 15
  test.measurements.another_inline = 'This one is unvalidated.'

  # Let's log a message so the operator knows the test should fail.
  test.logger.info('Set inline_kwargs to a failing value, test should FAIL!')

# A multidim measurement including how to convert to a pandas dataframe and
# a numpy array.
              .with_dimensions('ms', 'V', 'A'))
  """Raised for testing phases that raise."""

class MyPlug(base_plugs.BasePlug):
  """Stub plug for ensuring plugs get mocked correctly."""

  def __init__(self):
    raise NotImplementedError('MyPlug not mocked correctly')

  def do_stuff(self, unused):
    raise NotImplementedError('MyPlug not mocked correctly')

@measurements.measures('test_measurement', 'othr_measurement')
@measurements.measures('passes', validators=[validators.in_range(1, 10)])
@measurements.measures('fails', validators=[validators.in_range(1, 10)])
def test_phase(phase_data, my_plug):
  phase_data.logger.error('in phase_data %s', id(phase_data))
  phase_data.logger.error('in measurements %s', id(phase_data.measurements))
  phase_data.measurements.test_measurement = my_plug.do_stuff('stuff_args')
  phase_data.measurements.othr_measurement = 0xDEAD
  phase_data.measurements.passes = 5
  phase_data.measurements.fails = 20

def raising_phase():
  raise DummyError('This Phase raises!')
        10).doc('This measurement is validated.').with_units(htf.units.SECOND))
def measure_seconds(test):
    # The 'outcome' of this measurement in the test_record result will be a PASS
    # because its value passes the validator specified (0 <= 5 <= 10).
    test.measurements.validated_measurement = 5

# These additional attributes can also be specified inline as kwargs passed
# directly to the @measures decorator.  If you do so, however, you must
# specify exactly one measurement with that decorator (ie. the first argument
# must be a string containing the measurement name).  If you want to specify
# multiple measurements this way, you can stack multiple decorators.
              docstring='This measurement is declared inline!',
              validators=[validators.in_range(0, 10)])
@htf.measures('another_inline', docstring='Because why not?')
def inline_phase(test):
    # This measurement will have an outcome of FAIL, because the set value of 15
    # will not pass the 0 <= x <= 10 validator.
    test.measurements.inline_kwargs = 15
    test.measurements.another_inline = 'This one is unvalidated.'

    # Let's log a message so the operator knows the test should fail.
    test.logger.info('Set inline_kwargs to a failing value, test should FAIL!')

# A multidim measurement including how to convert to a pandas dataframe and
# a numpy array.
    htf.Measurement('power_time_series').with_dimensions('ms', 'V', 'A'))

2. Using config item. This option lets you toggle this feature dynamically.

import openhtf as htf
from openhtf.output.callbacks import console_summary
from openhtf.plugs import user_input
from openhtf.util import configuration
from openhtf.util import validators

CONF = configuration.CONF

@htf.measures('number_sum', validators=[validators.in_range(0, 5)])
def add_numbers_fails(test):
    """Add numbers, but measurement number_sum fails."""
    test.logger.info('Add numbers 2 and 4')
    number_sum = 2 + 4
    test.measurements.number_sum = number_sum

# This is phase is not expected to run as the add_numbers phase is
# expected to fail.
def hello_world(test):
    """A hello world test phase."""

    test.logger.info('This phase will not be run since previous phase failed')
    test.measurements.hello_world_measurement = 'Hello World!'
class DummyException(Exception):
  """Raised for testing phases that raise."""

class MyPlug(plugs.BasePlug):
  """Stub plug for ensuring plugs get mocked correctly."""
  def __init__(self):
    raise NotImplementedError('MyPlug not mocked correctly')

  def do_stuff(self, unused):
    raise NotImplementedError('MyPlug not mocked correctly')

@measurements.measures('test_measurement', 'othr_measurement')
@measurements.measures('passes', validators=[validators.in_range(1, 10)])
@measurements.measures('fails', validators=[validators.in_range(1, 10)])
def test_phase(phase_data, my_plug):
  phase_data.logger.error('in phase_data %s', id(phase_data))
  phase_data.logger.error('in measurements %s', id(phase_data.measurements))
  phase_data.measurements.test_measurement = my_plug.do_stuff('stuff_args')
  phase_data.measurements.othr_measurement = 0xDEAD
  phase_data.measurements.passes = 5
  phase_data.measurements.fails = 20

def raising_phase(phase_data):
  raise DummyException('This Phase raises!')
    plug_away_call_counts: int

    def __init__(self):
        self.plug_away_call_counts = 0

    def plug_away(self):
        self.plug_away_call_counts += 1


@plugs.plug(my_plug=MyPlug, shameless_plug=ShamelessPlug)
@openhtf.measures('test_measurement', 'othr_measurement')
@openhtf.measures('passes', validators=[validators.in_range(1, 10)])
@openhtf.measures('fails', validators=[validators.in_range(1, 10)])
def test_phase(phase_data, my_plug, shameless_plug: ShamelessPlug):
    phase_data.logger.error('in phase_data %s', id(phase_data))
    phase_data.logger.error('in measurements %s', id(phase_data.measurements))
    phase_data.measurements.test_measurement = my_plug.do_stuff('stuff_args')
    phase_data.measurements.othr_measurement = 0xDEAD
    phase_data.measurements.passes = 5
    phase_data.measurements.fails = 20

def test_phase_with_shameless_plug(phase_data, shameless_plug: ShamelessPlug):