def _process_authors(self, properties, song): """ Adds the authors specified in the XML to the song. ``properties`` The property object (lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement). ``song`` The song object. """ authors = [] if hasattr(properties, u'authors'): for author in display_name = self._text(author) if display_name: authors.append(display_name) for display_name in authors: author = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Author, Author.display_name == display_name) if author is None: # We need to create a new author, as the author does not exist. author = Author.populate(display_name=display_name, last_name=display_name.split(u' ')[-1], first_name=u' '.join(display_name.split(u' ')[:-1])) song.authors.append(author)
def _process_authors(self, properties, song): """ Adds the authors specified in the XML to the song. :param properties: The property object (lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement). :param song: The song object """ authors = [] if hasattr(properties, 'authors'): for author in display_name = self._text(author) author_type = author.get('type', '') # As of 0.8 OpenLyrics supports these 3 author types if author_type not in ('words', 'music', 'translation'): author_type = '' if display_name: # Check if an author is listed for both music and words. In that case we use a special type if author_type == 'words' and (display_name, 'music') in authors: authors.remove((display_name, 'music')) authors.append((display_name, 'words+music')) elif author_type == 'music' and (display_name, 'words') in authors: authors.remove((display_name, 'words')) authors.append((display_name, 'words+music')) else: authors.append((display_name, author_type)) for (display_name, author_type) in authors: author = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Author, Author.display_name == display_name) if author is None: # We need to create a new author, as the author does not exist. author = Author.populate(display_name=display_name, last_name=display_name.split(' ')[-1], first_name=' '.join(display_name.split(' ')[:-1])) song.add_author(author, author_type)
def clean_song(manager, song): """ Cleans the search title, rebuilds the search lyrics, adds a default author if the song does not have one and other clean ups. This should always called when a new song is added or changed. :param manager: The song database manager object. :param song: The song object. """ from .openlyricsxml import SongXML if song.title: song.title = clean_title(song.title) else: song.title = '' if song.alternate_title: song.alternate_title = clean_title(song.alternate_title) else: song.alternate_title = '' song.search_title = clean_string(song.title) + '@' + clean_string(song.alternate_title) if isinstance(song.lyrics, bytes): song.lyrics = str(song.lyrics, encoding='utf8') verses = SongXML().get_verses(song.lyrics) song.search_lyrics = ' '.join([clean_string(clean_tags(verse[1])) for verse in verses]) # The song does not have any author, add one. if not song.authors_songs: name = SongStrings.AuthorUnknown author = manager.get_object_filtered(Author, Author.display_name == name) if author is None: author = Author.populate(display_name=name, last_name='', first_name='') song.add_author(author) if song.copyright: song.copyright = CONTROL_CHARS.sub('', song.copyright).strip()
def clean_song(manager, song): """ Cleans the search title, rebuilds the search lyrics, adds a default author if the song does not have one and other clean ups. This should always called when a new song is added or changed. :param manager: The song database manager object. :param song: The song object. """ from .openlyricsxml import SongXML if song.title: song.title = clean_title(song.title) else: song.title = '' if song.alternate_title: song.alternate_title = clean_title(song.alternate_title) else: song.alternate_title = '' song.search_title = clean_string(song.title) + '@' + clean_string(song.alternate_title) if isinstance(song.lyrics, bytes): song.lyrics = str(song.lyrics, encoding='utf8') verses = SongXML().get_verses(song.lyrics) song.search_lyrics = ' '.join([clean_string(verse[1]) for verse in verses]) # The song does not have any author, add one. if not song.authors_songs: name = SongStrings.AuthorUnknown author = manager.get_object_filtered(Author, Author.display_name == name) if author is None: author = Author.populate(display_name=name, last_name='', first_name='') song.add_author(author) if song.copyright: song.copyright = CONTROL_CHARS.sub('', song.copyright).strip()
def on_author_add_button_clicked(self): """ Add the author to the list of authors associated with this song when the button is clicked. """ item = int(self.authors_combo_box.currentIndex()) text = self.authors_combo_box.currentText().strip(' \r\n\t') # This if statement is for OS X, which doesn't seem to work well with # the QCompleter autocompletion class. See bug #812628. if text in self.authors: # Index 0 is a blank string, so add 1 item = self.authors.index(text) + 1 if item == 0 and text: if QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, translate('SongsPlugin.EditSongForm', 'Add Author'), translate('SongsPlugin.EditSongForm', 'This author does not exist, do you want to add them?'), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes) == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: if text.find(' ') == -1: author = Author.populate(first_name='', last_name='', display_name=text) else: author = Author.populate(first_name=text.rsplit(' ', 1)[0], last_name=text.rsplit(' ', 1)[1], display_name=text) self.manager.save_object(author) self._add_author_to_list(author) self.load_authors() self.authors_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(0) else: return elif item > 0: item_id = (self.authors_combo_box.itemData(item)) author = self.manager.get_object(Author, item_id) if self.authors_list_view.findItems(str(author.display_name), QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly): critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.EditSongForm', 'This author is already in the list.')) else: self._add_author_to_list(author) self.authors_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(0) else: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, UiStrings().NISs, translate('SongsPlugin.EditSongForm', 'You have not selected a valid author. Either select an author ' 'from the list, or type in a new author and click the "Add Author to Song" button to add ' 'the new author.'))
def save_song(self, song): """ Save a song to the database, using the db_manager :param song: :return: """ db_song = Song.populate(title=song['title'], copyright=song['copyright'], ccli_number=song['ccli_number']) song_xml = SongXML() verse_order = [] for verse in song['verses']: if ' ' in verse['label']: verse_type, verse_number = verse['label'].split(' ', 1) else: verse_type = verse['label'] verse_number = 1 verse_type = VerseType.from_loose_input(verse_type) verse_number = int(verse_number) song_xml.add_verse_to_lyrics(VerseType.tags[verse_type], verse_number, verse['lyrics']) verse_order.append('{tag}{number}'.format( tag=VerseType.tags[verse_type], number=verse_number)) db_song.verse_order = ' '.join(verse_order) db_song.lyrics = song_xml.extract_xml() clean_song(self.db_manager, db_song) self.db_manager.save_object(db_song) db_song.authors_songs = [] for author_name in song['authors']: author = self.db_manager.get_object_filtered( Author, Author.display_name == author_name) if not author: name_parts = author_name.rsplit(' ', 1) first_name = name_parts[0] if len(name_parts) == 1: last_name = '' else: last_name = name_parts[1] author = Author.populate(first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, display_name=author_name) db_song.add_author(author) for topic_name in song.get('topics', []): topic = self.db_manager.get_object_filtered( Topic, == topic_name) if not topic: topic = Topic.populate(name=topic_name) db_song.topics.append(topic) self.db_manager.save_object(db_song) return db_song
def on_add_author_button_clicked(self): """ Add an author to the list. """ self.author_form.auto_display_name = True if self.author_form.exec_(): author = Author.populate( first_name=self.author_form.first_name, last_name=self.author_form.last_name, display_name=self.author_form.display_name ) if self.check_author_exists(author): if self.manager.save_object(author): self.reset_authors() else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Could not add your author.')) else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'This author already exists.'))
def on_add_author_button_clicked(self): """ Add an author to the list. """ self.author_form.auto_display_name = True if self.author_form.exec(): author = Author.populate( first_name=self.author_form.first_name, last_name=self.author_form.last_name, display_name=self.author_form.display_name ) if self.check_author_exists(author): if self.manager.save_object(author): self.reset_authors() else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Could not add your author.')) else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'This author already exists.'))
def _process_authors(self, foilpresenterfolie, song): """ Adds the authors specified in the XML to the song. :param foilpresenterfolie: The property object (lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement). :param song: The song object. """ authors = [] try: copyright = to_str(foilpresenterfolie.copyright.text_) except AttributeError: copyright = None if copyright: strings = [] if copyright.find('Copyright') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('Copyright') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('copyright') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('copyright') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('©') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('©') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('(c)') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('(c)') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('(C)') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('(C)') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('c)') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('c)') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('C)') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('C)') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('C:') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('C:') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('C,)') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('C,)') copyright = temp[0] copyright = re.compile(r'\\n').sub(' ', copyright) copyright = re.compile(r'\(.*\)').sub('', copyright) if copyright.find('Rechte') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('Rechte') copyright = temp[0] markers = [ r'Text +u\.?n?d? +Melodie[\w\,\. ]*:', r'Text +u\.?n?d? +Musik', 'T & M', 'Melodie und Satz', r'Text[\w\,\. ]*:', 'Melodie', 'Musik', 'Satz', 'Weise', '[dD]eutsch', r'[dD]t[\.\:]', 'Englisch', '[oO]riginal', 'Bearbeitung', '[R|r]efrain' ] for marker in markers: copyright = re.compile(marker).sub('<marker>', copyright, re.U) copyright = re.compile('(?<=<marker>) *:').sub('', copyright) x = 0 while True: if copyright.find('<marker>') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('<marker>') if temp[0].strip() and x > 0: strings.append(temp[0]) copyright = temp[2] x += 1 elif x > 0: strings.append(copyright) break else: break author_temp = [] for author in strings: temp = re.split(r',(?=\D{2})|(?<=\D),|\/(?=\D{3,})|(?<=\D);', author) for tempx in temp: author_temp.append(tempx) for author in author_temp: regex = r'^[\/,;\-\s\.]+|[\/,;\-\s\.]+$|\s*[0-9]{4}\s*[\-\/]?\s*([0-9]{4})?[\/,;\-\s\.]*$' author = re.compile(regex).sub('', author) author = re.compile( r'[0-9]{1,2}\.\s?J(ahr)?h\.|um\s*$|vor\s*$').sub( '', author) author = re.compile(r'[N|n]ach.*$').sub('', author) author = author.strip() if r'\w+\.?\s+\w{3,}\s+[a|u]nd\s|\w+\.?\s+\w{3,}\s+&\s', author, re.U): temp = re.split(r'\s[a|u]nd\s|\s&\s', author) for tempx in temp: tempx = tempx.strip() authors.append(tempx) elif len(author) > 2: authors.append(author) for display_name in authors: author = self.manager.get_object_filtered( Author, Author.display_name == display_name) if author is None: # We need to create a new author, as the author does not exist. author = Author.populate(display_name=display_name, last_name=display_name.split(' ')[-1], first_name=' '.join( display_name.split(' ')[:-1])) self.manager.save_object(author) song.add_author(author)
def do_import(self, progress_dialog=None): """ Run the import for an OpenLP version 2 song database. :param progress_dialog: The QProgressDialog used when importing songs from the FRW. """ class OldAuthor(BaseModel): """ Author model """ pass class OldBook(BaseModel): """ Book model """ pass class OldMediaFile(BaseModel): """ MediaFile model """ pass class OldSong(BaseModel): """ Song model """ pass class OldTopic(BaseModel): """ Topic model """ pass # Check the file type if not self.import_source.endswith('.sqlite'): self.log_error(self.import_source, translate('SongsPlugin.OpenLPSongImport', 'Not a valid OpenLP 2.0 song database.')) return self.import_source = 'sqlite:///%s' % self.import_source # Load the db file engine = create_engine(self.import_source) source_meta = MetaData() source_meta.reflect(engine) self.source_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine)) if 'media_files' in list(source_meta.tables.keys()): has_media_files = True else: has_media_files = False source_authors_table = source_meta.tables['authors'] source_song_books_table = source_meta.tables['song_books'] source_songs_table = source_meta.tables['songs'] source_topics_table = source_meta.tables['topics'] source_authors_songs_table = source_meta.tables['authors_songs'] source_songs_topics_table = source_meta.tables['songs_topics'] source_media_files_songs_table = None if has_media_files: source_media_files_table = source_meta.tables['media_files'] source_media_files_songs_table = source_meta.tables.get('media_files_songs') try: class_mapper(OldMediaFile) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldMediaFile, source_media_files_table) song_props = { 'authors': relation(OldAuthor, backref='songs', secondary=source_authors_songs_table), 'book': relation(OldBook, backref='songs'), 'topics': relation(OldTopic, backref='songs', secondary=source_songs_topics_table) } if has_media_files: if isinstance(source_media_files_songs_table, Table): song_props['media_files'] = relation(OldMediaFile, backref='songs', secondary=source_media_files_songs_table) else: song_props['media_files'] = \ relation(OldMediaFile, backref='songs', foreign_keys=[source_media_files_table.c.song_id], == source_media_files_table.c.song_id) try: class_mapper(OldAuthor) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldAuthor, source_authors_table) try: class_mapper(OldBook) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldBook, source_song_books_table) try: class_mapper(OldSong) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldSong, source_songs_table, properties=song_props) try: class_mapper(OldTopic) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldTopic, source_topics_table) source_songs = self.source_session.query(OldSong).all() if self.import_wizard: self.import_wizard.progress_bar.setMaximum(len(source_songs)) for song in source_songs: new_song = Song() new_song.title = song.title if has_media_files and hasattr(song, 'alternate_title'): new_song.alternate_title = song.alternate_title else: old_titles = song.search_title.split('@') if len(old_titles) > 1: new_song.alternate_title = old_titles[1] # Values will be set when cleaning the song. if hasattr(song, 'song_key'): new_song.song_key = song.song_key if hasattr(song, 'transpose_by'): new_song.transpose_by = song.transpose_by new_song.search_title = '' new_song.search_lyrics = '' new_song.song_number = song.song_number new_song.lyrics = song.lyrics new_song.verse_order = song.verse_order new_song.copyright = song.copyright new_song.comments = song.comments new_song.theme_name = song.theme_name new_song.ccli_number = song.ccli_number for author in song.authors: existing_author = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Author, Author.display_name == author.display_name) if existing_author is None: existing_author = Author.populate( first_name=author.first_name, last_name=author.last_name, display_name=author.display_name) new_song.add_author(existing_author) if existing_song_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Book, == if existing_song_book is None: existing_song_book = Book.populate(, = existing_song_book if song.topics: for topic in song.topics: existing_topic = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Topic, == if existing_topic is None: existing_topic = Topic.populate( new_song.topics.append(existing_topic) if has_media_files: if song.media_files: for media_file in song.media_files: existing_media_file = self.manager.get_object_filtered( MediaFile, MediaFile.file_name == media_file.file_name) if existing_media_file: new_song.media_files.append(existing_media_file) else: new_song.media_files.append(MediaFile.populate(file_name=media_file.file_name)) clean_song(self.manager, new_song) self.manager.save_object(new_song) if progress_dialog: progress_dialog.setValue(progress_dialog.value() + 1) progress_dialog.setLabelText(WizardStrings.ImportingType % new_song.title) else: self.import_wizard.increment_progress_bar(WizardStrings.ImportingType % new_song.title) if self.stop_import_flag: break self.source_session.close() engine.dispose()
def _process_authors(self, foilpresenterfolie, song): """ Adds the authors specified in the XML to the song. :param foilpresenterfolie: The property object (lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement). :param song: The song object. """ authors = [] try: copyright = self._child(foilpresenterfolie.copyright.text_) except AttributeError: copyright = None if copyright: strings = [] if copyright.find('Copyright') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('Copyright') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('copyright') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('copyright') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('©') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('©') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('(c)') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('(c)') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('(C)') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('(C)') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('c)') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('c)') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('C)') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('C)') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('C:') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('C:') copyright = temp[0] elif copyright.find('C,)') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('C,)') copyright = temp[0] copyright = re.compile('\\n').sub(' ', copyright) copyright = re.compile('\(.*\)').sub('', copyright) if copyright.find('Rechte') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('Rechte') copyright = temp[0] markers = ['Text +u\.?n?d? +Melodie[\w\,\. ]*:', 'Text +u\.?n?d? +Musik', 'T & M', 'Melodie und Satz', 'Text[\w\,\. ]*:', 'Melodie', 'Musik', 'Satz', 'Weise', '[dD]eutsch', '[dD]t[\.\:]', 'Englisch', '[oO]riginal', 'Bearbeitung', '[R|r]efrain'] for marker in markers: copyright = re.compile(marker).sub('<marker>', copyright, re.U) copyright = re.compile('(?<=<marker>) *:').sub('', copyright) x = 0 while True: if copyright.find('<marker>') != -1: temp = copyright.partition('<marker>') if temp[0].strip() and x > 0: strings.append(temp[0]) copyright = temp[2] x += 1 elif x > 0: strings.append(copyright) break else: break author_temp = [] for author in strings: temp = re.split(',(?=\D{2})|(?<=\D),|\/(?=\D{3,})|(?<=\D);', author) for tempx in temp: author_temp.append(tempx) for author in author_temp: regex = '^[\/,;\-\s\.]+|[\/,;\-\s\.]+$|\s*[0-9]{4}\s*[\-\/]?\s*([0-9]{4})?[\/,;\-\s\.]*$' author = re.compile(regex).sub('', author) author = re.compile('[0-9]{1,2}\.\s?J(ahr)?h\.|um\s*$|vor\s*$').sub('', author) author = re.compile('[N|n]ach.*$').sub('', author) author = author.strip() if'\w+\.?\s+\w{3,}\s+[a|u]nd\s|\w+\.?\s+\w{3,}\s+&\s', author, re.U): temp = re.split('\s[a|u]nd\s|\s&\s', author) for tempx in temp: tempx = tempx.strip() authors.append(tempx) elif len(author) > 2: authors.append(author) for display_name in authors: author = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Author, Author.display_name == display_name) if author is None: # We need to create a new author, as the author does not exist. author = Author.populate(display_name=display_name, last_name=display_name.split(' ')[-1], first_name=' '.join(display_name.split(' ')[:-1])) self.manager.save_object(author) song.add_author(author)
def finish(self): """ All fields have been set to this song. Write the song to disk. """ if not self.check_complete(): self.set_defaults() return False 'committing song {title} to database'.format(title=self.title)) song = Song() song.title = self.title if self.import_wizard is not None: # TODO: Verify format() with template variables self.import_wizard.increment_progress_bar( WizardStrings.ImportingType % song.title) song.alternate_title = self.alternate_title # Values will be set when cleaning the song. song.search_title = '' song.search_lyrics = '' song.verse_order = '' song.song_number = self.song_number verses_changed_to_other = {} sxml = SongXML() other_count = 1 for (verse_def, verse_text, lang) in self.verses: if verse_def[0].lower() in VerseType.tags: verse_tag = verse_def[0].lower() else: new_verse_def = '{tag}{count:d}'.format( tag=VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other], count=other_count) verses_changed_to_other[verse_def] = new_verse_def other_count += 1 verse_tag = VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other]'Versetype {old} changing to {new}'.format( old=verse_def, new=new_verse_def)) verse_def = new_verse_def sxml.add_verse_to_lyrics(verse_tag, verse_def[1:], verse_text, lang) song.lyrics = str(sxml.extract_xml(), 'utf-8') if not self.verse_order_list and self.verse_order_list_generated_useful: self.verse_order_list = self.verse_order_list_generated self.verse_order_list = [ verses_changed_to_other.get(v, v) for v in self.verse_order_list ] song.verse_order = ' '.join(self.verse_order_list) song.copyright = self.copyright song.comments = self.comments song.theme_name = self.theme_name song.ccli_number = self.ccli_number for author_text, author_type in self.authors: author = self.manager.get_object_filtered( Author, Author.display_name == author_text) if not author: author = Author.populate(display_name=author_text, last_name=author_text.split(' ')[-1], first_name=' '.join( author_text.split(' ')[:-1])) song.add_author(author, author_type) if self.song_book_name: song_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered( Book, == self.song_book_name) if song_book is None: song_book = Book.populate(name=self.song_book_name, publisher=self.song_book_pub) song.add_songbook_entry(song_book, song.song_number) for topic_text in self.topics: if not topic_text: continue topic = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Topic, == topic_text) if topic is None: topic = Topic.populate(name=topic_text) song.topics.append(topic) # We need to save the song now, before adding the media files, so that # we know where to save the media files to. clean_song(self.manager, song) self.manager.save_object(song) # Now loop through the media files, copy them to the correct location, # and save the song again. for filename, weight in self.media_files: media_file = self.manager.get_object_filtered( MediaFile, MediaFile.file_name == filename) if not media_file: if os.path.dirname(filename): filename = self.copy_media_file(, filename) song.media_files.append( MediaFile.populate(file_name=filename, weight=weight)) self.manager.save_object(song) self.set_defaults() return True
def do_import(self, progress_dialog=None): """ Run the import for an OpenLP version 2 song database. :param progress_dialog: The QProgressDialog used when importing songs from the FRW. """ class OldAuthor(BaseModel): """ Maps to the authors table """ pass class OldBook(BaseModel): """ Maps to the songbooks table """ pass class OldMediaFile(BaseModel): """ Maps to the media_files table """ pass class OldSong(BaseModel): """ Maps to the songs table """ pass class OldTopic(BaseModel): """ Maps to the topics table """ pass class OldSongBookEntry(BaseModel): """ Maps to the songs_songbooks table """ pass # Check the file type if not isinstance(self.import_source, str) or not self.import_source.endswith('.sqlite'): self.log_error(self.import_source, translate('SongsPlugin.OpenLPSongImport', 'Not a valid OpenLP 2 song database.')) return self.import_source = 'sqlite:///{url}'.format(url=self.import_source) # Load the db file and reflect it engine = create_engine(self.import_source) source_meta = MetaData() source_meta.reflect(engine) self.source_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine)) # Run some checks to see which version of the database we have if 'media_files' in list(source_meta.tables.keys()): has_media_files = True else: has_media_files = False if 'songs_songbooks' in list(source_meta.tables.keys()): has_songs_books = True else: has_songs_books = False # Load up the tabls and map them out source_authors_table = source_meta.tables['authors'] source_song_books_table = source_meta.tables['song_books'] source_songs_table = source_meta.tables['songs'] source_topics_table = source_meta.tables['topics'] source_authors_songs_table = source_meta.tables['authors_songs'] source_songs_topics_table = source_meta.tables['songs_topics'] source_media_files_songs_table = None # Set up media_files relations if has_media_files: source_media_files_table = source_meta.tables['media_files'] source_media_files_songs_table = source_meta.tables.get('media_files_songs') try: class_mapper(OldMediaFile) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldMediaFile, source_media_files_table) if has_songs_books: source_songs_songbooks_table = source_meta.tables['songs_songbooks'] try: class_mapper(OldSongBookEntry) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldSongBookEntry, source_songs_songbooks_table, properties={'songbook': relation(OldBook)}) # Set up the songs relationships song_props = { 'authors': relation(OldAuthor, backref='songs', secondary=source_authors_songs_table), 'topics': relation(OldTopic, backref='songs', secondary=source_songs_topics_table) } if has_media_files: if isinstance(source_media_files_songs_table, Table): song_props['media_files'] = relation(OldMediaFile, backref='songs', secondary=source_media_files_songs_table) else: song_props['media_files'] = \ relation(OldMediaFile, backref='songs', foreign_keys=[source_media_files_table.c.song_id], == source_media_files_table.c.song_id) if has_songs_books: song_props['songbook_entries'] = relation(OldSongBookEntry, backref='song', cascade='all, delete-orphan') else: song_props['book'] = relation(OldBook, backref='songs') # Map the rest of the tables try: class_mapper(OldAuthor) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldAuthor, source_authors_table) try: class_mapper(OldBook) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldBook, source_song_books_table) try: class_mapper(OldSong) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldSong, source_songs_table, properties=song_props) try: class_mapper(OldTopic) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldTopic, source_topics_table) source_songs = self.source_session.query(OldSong).all() if self.import_wizard: self.import_wizard.progress_bar.setMaximum(len(source_songs)) for song in source_songs: new_song = Song() new_song.title = song.title if has_media_files and hasattr(song, 'alternate_title'): new_song.alternate_title = song.alternate_title else: old_titles = song.search_title.split('@') if len(old_titles) > 1: new_song.alternate_title = old_titles[1] # Transfer the values to the new song object new_song.search_title = '' new_song.search_lyrics = '' new_song.lyrics = song.lyrics new_song.verse_order = song.verse_order new_song.copyright = song.copyright new_song.comments = song.comments new_song.theme_name = song.theme_name new_song.ccli_number = song.ccli_number if hasattr(song, 'song_number') and song.song_number: new_song.song_number = song.song_number # Find or create all the authors and add them to the new song object for author in song.authors: existing_author = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Author, Author.display_name == author.display_name) if not existing_author: existing_author = Author.populate( first_name=author.first_name, last_name=author.last_name, display_name=author.display_name) new_song.add_author(existing_author) # Find or create all the topics and add them to the new song object if song.topics: for topic in song.topics: existing_topic = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Topic, == if not existing_topic: existing_topic = Topic.populate( new_song.topics.append(existing_topic) # Find or create all the songbooks and add them to the new song object if has_songs_books and song.songbook_entries: for entry in song.songbook_entries: existing_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Book, == if not existing_book: existing_book = Book.populate(, publisher=entry.songbook.publisher) new_song.add_songbook_entry(existing_book, entry.entry) elif existing_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Book, == if not existing_book: existing_book = Book.populate(, new_song.add_songbook_entry(existing_book, '') # Find or create all the media files and add them to the new song object if has_media_files and song.media_files: for media_file in song.media_files: existing_media_file = self.manager.get_object_filtered( MediaFile, MediaFile.file_name == media_file.file_name) if existing_media_file: new_song.media_files.append(existing_media_file) else: new_song.media_files.append(MediaFile.populate(file_name=media_file.file_name)) clean_song(self.manager, new_song) self.manager.save_object(new_song) if progress_dialog: progress_dialog.setValue(progress_dialog.value() + 1) # TODO: Verify format() with template strings progress_dialog.setLabelText(WizardStrings.ImportingType % new_song.title) else: # TODO: Verify format() with template strings self.import_wizard.increment_progress_bar(WizardStrings.ImportingType % new_song.title) if self.stop_import_flag: break self.source_session.close() engine.dispose()
def finish(self): """ All fields have been set to this song. Write the song to disk. """ if not self.checkComplete(): self.setDefaults() return False'committing song %s to database', self.title) song = Song() song.title = self.title if self.import_wizard is not None: self.import_wizard.increment_progress_bar(WizardStrings.ImportingType % song.title) song.alternate_title = self.alternate_title # Values will be set when cleaning the song. song.search_title = '' song.search_lyrics = '' song.verse_order = '' song.song_number = self.songNumber verses_changed_to_other = {} sxml = SongXML() other_count = 1 for (verse_def, verse_text, lang) in self.verses: if verse_def[0].lower() in VerseType.tags: verse_tag = verse_def[0].lower() else: new_verse_def = '%s%d' % (VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other], other_count) verses_changed_to_other[verse_def] = new_verse_def other_count += 1 verse_tag = VerseType.tags[VerseType.Other]'Versetype %s changing to %s', verse_def, new_verse_def) verse_def = new_verse_def sxml.add_verse_to_lyrics(verse_tag, verse_def[1:], verse_text, lang) song.lyrics = str(sxml.extract_xml(), 'utf-8') if not self.verseOrderList and self.verseOrderListGeneratedUseful: self.verseOrderList = self.verseOrderListGenerated self.verseOrderList = [verses_changed_to_other.get(v, v) for v in self.verseOrderList] song.verse_order = ' '.join(self.verseOrderList) song.copyright = self.copyright song.comments = self.comments song.theme_name = self.themeName song.ccli_number = self.ccliNumber for authortext in self.authors: author = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Author, Author.display_name == authortext) if not author: author = Author.populate(display_name=authortext, last_name=authortext.split(' ')[-1], first_name=' '.join(authortext.split(' ')[:-1])) song.authors.append(author) if self.songBookName: song_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Book, == self.songBookName) if song_book is None: song_book = Book.populate(name=self.songBookName, publisher=self.songBookPub) = song_book for topictext in self.topics: if not topictext: continue topic = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Topic, == topictext) if topic is None: topic = Topic.populate(name=topictext) song.topics.append(topic) # We need to save the song now, before adding the media files, so that # we know where to save the media files to. clean_song(self.manager, song) self.manager.save_object(song) # Now loop through the media files, copy them to the correct location, # and save the song again. for filename, weight in self.mediaFiles: media_file = self.manager.get_object_filtered(MediaFile, MediaFile.file_name == filename) if not media_file: if os.path.dirname(filename): filename = self.copyMediaFile(, filename) song.media_files.append(MediaFile.populate(file_name=filename, weight=weight)) self.manager.save_object(song) self.setDefaults() return True
def do_import(self, progress_dialog=None): """ Run the import for an OpenLP version 2 song database. :param progress_dialog: The QProgressDialog used when importing songs from the FRW. """ class OldAuthorSong(BaseModel): """ Maps to the authors_songs table """ pass class OldAuthor(BaseModel): """ Maps to the authors table """ pass class OldBook(BaseModel): """ Maps to the songbooks table """ pass class OldMediaFile(BaseModel): """ Maps to the media_files table """ pass class OldSong(BaseModel): """ Maps to the songs table """ pass class OldTopic(BaseModel): """ Maps to the topics table """ pass class OldSongBookEntry(BaseModel): """ Maps to the songs_songbooks table """ pass # Check the file type if self.import_source.suffix != '.sqlite': self.log_error( self.import_source, translate('SongsPlugin.OpenLPSongImport', 'Not a valid OpenLP 2 song database.')) return self.import_source = 'sqlite:///{url}'.format(url=self.import_source) # Load the db file and reflect it engine = create_engine(self.import_source) source_meta = MetaData() source_meta.reflect(engine) self.source_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine)) # Run some checks to see which version of the database we have table_list = list(source_meta.tables.keys()) if 'media_files' in table_list: has_media_files = True else: has_media_files = False if 'songs_songbooks' in table_list: has_songs_books = True else: has_songs_books = False if 'authors_songs' in table_list: has_authors_songs = True else: has_authors_songs = False # Load up the tabls and map them out try: source_authors_table = source_meta.tables['authors'] source_song_books_table = source_meta.tables['song_books'] source_songs_table = source_meta.tables['songs'] source_topics_table = source_meta.tables['topics'] source_authors_songs_table = source_meta.tables['authors_songs'] source_songs_topics_table = source_meta.tables['songs_topics'] source_media_files_songs_table = None except KeyError: self.log_error( self.import_source, translate('SongsPlugin.OpenLPSongImport', 'Not a valid OpenLP 2 song database.')) return # Set up media_files relations if has_media_files: source_media_files_table = source_meta.tables['media_files'] source_media_files_songs_table = source_meta.tables.get( 'media_files_songs') try: class_mapper(OldMediaFile) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldMediaFile, source_media_files_table) if has_songs_books: source_songs_songbooks_table = source_meta.tables[ 'songs_songbooks'] try: class_mapper(OldSongBookEntry) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldSongBookEntry, source_songs_songbooks_table, properties={'songbook': relation(OldBook)}) if has_authors_songs: try: class_mapper(OldAuthorSong) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldAuthorSong, source_authors_songs_table) if has_authors_songs and 'author_type' in source_authors_songs_table.c.keys( ): has_author_type = True else: has_author_type = False # Set up the songs relationships song_props = { 'authors': relation(OldAuthor, backref='songs', secondary=source_authors_songs_table), 'topics': relation(OldTopic, backref='songs', secondary=source_songs_topics_table) } if has_media_files: if isinstance(source_media_files_songs_table, Table): song_props['media_files'] = relation( OldMediaFile, backref='songs', secondary=source_media_files_songs_table) else: song_props['media_files'] = \ relation(OldMediaFile, backref='songs', foreign_keys=[source_media_files_table.c.song_id], == source_media_files_table.c.song_id) if has_songs_books: song_props['songbook_entries'] = relation( OldSongBookEntry, backref='song', cascade='all, delete-orphan') else: song_props['book'] = relation(OldBook, backref='songs') if has_authors_songs: song_props['authors_songs'] = relation(OldAuthorSong) # Map the rest of the tables try: class_mapper(OldAuthor) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldAuthor, source_authors_table) try: class_mapper(OldBook) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldBook, source_song_books_table) try: class_mapper(OldSong) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldSong, source_songs_table, properties=song_props) try: class_mapper(OldTopic) except UnmappedClassError: mapper(OldTopic, source_topics_table) source_songs = self.source_session.query(OldSong).all() if self.import_wizard: self.import_wizard.progress_bar.setMaximum(len(source_songs)) for song in source_songs: new_song = Song() new_song.title = song.title if has_media_files and hasattr(song, 'alternate_title'): new_song.alternate_title = song.alternate_title else: old_titles = song.search_title.split('@') if len(old_titles) > 1: new_song.alternate_title = old_titles[1] # Transfer the values to the new song object new_song.search_title = '' new_song.search_lyrics = '' new_song.lyrics = song.lyrics new_song.verse_order = song.verse_order new_song.copyright = song.copyright new_song.comments = song.comments new_song.theme_name = song.theme_name new_song.ccli_number = song.ccli_number if hasattr(song, 'song_number') and song.song_number: new_song.song_number = song.song_number # Find or create all the authors and add them to the new song object for author in song.authors: existing_author = self.manager.get_object_filtered( Author, Author.display_name == author.display_name) if not existing_author: existing_author = Author.populate( first_name=author.first_name, last_name=author.last_name, display_name=author.display_name) # If this is a new database, we need to import the author_type too author_type = None if has_author_type: for author_song in song.authors_songs: if author_song.author_id == author_type = author_song.author_type break new_song.add_author(existing_author, author_type) # Find or create all the topics and add them to the new song object if song.topics: for topic in song.topics: existing_topic = self.manager.get_object_filtered( Topic, == if not existing_topic: existing_topic = Topic.populate( new_song.topics.append(existing_topic) # Find or create all the songbooks and add them to the new song object if has_songs_books and song.songbook_entries: for entry in song.songbook_entries: existing_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered( Book, == if not existing_book: existing_book = Book.populate(, publisher=entry.songbook.publisher) new_song.add_songbook_entry(existing_book, entry.entry) elif hasattr(song, 'book') and existing_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered( Book, == if not existing_book: existing_book = Book.populate(, # Get the song_number from "songs" table "song_number" field. (This is db structure from 2.2.1) # If there's a number, add it to the song, otherwise it will be "". existing_number = song.song_number if hasattr( song, 'song_number') else '' if existing_number: new_song.add_songbook_entry(existing_book, existing_number) else: new_song.add_songbook_entry(existing_book, '') # Find or create all the media files and add them to the new song object if has_media_files and song.media_files: for media_file in song.media_files: existing_media_file = self.manager.get_object_filtered( MediaFile, MediaFile.file_path == media_file.file_path) if existing_media_file: new_song.media_files.append(existing_media_file) else: new_song.media_files.append( MediaFile.populate(file_name=media_file.file_name)) clean_song(self.manager, new_song) self.manager.save_object(new_song) if progress_dialog: progress_dialog.setValue(progress_dialog.value() + 1) progress_dialog.setLabelText( WizardStrings.ImportingType.format(source=new_song.title)) else: self.import_wizard.increment_progress_bar( WizardStrings.ImportingType.format(source=new_song.title)) if self.stop_import_flag: break self.source_session.close() engine.dispose()