 def test_find_clusters_bonds(self):
     net = op.network.Cubic(shape=[10, 10, 10])
     net['pore.seed'] = np.random.rand(net.Np)
     net['throat.seed'] = np.random.rand(net.Nt)
     clusters = topotools.find_clusters(network=net,
                                        mask=net['throat.seed'] < 0.5)
     assert len(clusters[0]) == net.Np
     assert len(clusters[1]) == net.Nt
    def apply_trapping(self, partial=False):
        Apply trapping based on algorithm described by Y. Masson [1].

        partial : boolean
            Indicating whether partially filled network

        It is applied as a post-process and runs the percolation algorithm in
        reverse assessing the occupancy of pore neighbors. 3 situations can
        happen on invasion without trapping:

        * The number of defending clusters stays the same and clusters can shrink
        * A cluster of size one is suppressed
        * A cluster is split into multiple clusters

        In reverse the following situations can happen:

        * The number of defending clusters stays the same and clusters can grow
        * A cluster of size one is created
        * Mutliple clusters merge into one cluster

        With trapping the reversed rules are adjusted so that:

        * Only clusters that do not connect to a sink can grow and merge.
        * At the point that a neighbor connected to a sink is touched, the
        trapped cluster stops growing as this is the point of trapping in
        forward invasion time.

        Logger info displays the invasion Sequence and pore index and a message
        with condition number based on the modified trapping rules and the
        assignment of the pore to a given cluster.

        Initially all invaded pores are given cluster label -1
        Outlets / Sinks are given -2

        New clusters that grow into fully trapped clusters are either
        identified at the point of breakthrough or grow from nothing if the
        full invasion sequence is run, they are assigned numbers from 0 up.

        [1] Masson, Y., 2016. A fast two-step algorithm for invasion
        percolation with trapping. Computers & Geosciences, 90, pp.41-48

        Creates a throat array called 'pore.clusters' in the Algorithm
        dictionary. Any positive number is a trapped cluster. Also creates 2
        boolean arrays Np and Nt long called '<element>.trapped'

        net = self.project.network
        outlets = self["pore.outlets"]
        if np.sum(outlets) == 0:
            raise Exception(
                "Outlets must be set using the set_outlets method" +
                " before applying trapping")
        if partial:
            # Set occupancy
            invaded_ps = self["pore.invasion_sequence"] > -1
            # Put defending phase into clusters
            clusters = find_clusters(network=net, pmask=~invaded_ps)
            # Identify clusters that are connected to an outlet and set to -2
            # -1 is the invaded fluid
            # -2 is the defender fluid able to escape
            # All others now trapped clusters which grow as invasion is
            # reversed
            out_clusters = np.unique(clusters[outlets])
            for c in out_clusters:
                if c >= 0:
                    clusters[clusters == c] = -2
            # Go from end
            clusters = np.ones(net.Np, dtype=int) * -1
            clusters[outlets] = -2

        # Turn into a list for indexing
        inv_seq = np.vstack((
            np.arange(0, net.Np, dtype=int),
        # Reverse sort list
        inv_seq = inv_seq[inv_seq[:, 0].argsort()][::-1]
        next_cluster_num = np.max(clusters) + 1
        # For all the steps after the inlets are set up to break-through
        # Reverse the sequence and assess the neighbors cluster state
        stopped_clusters = np.zeros(net.Np, dtype=bool)
        all_neighbors = net.find_neighbor_pores(net.pores(),
        for un_seq, pore in inv_seq:
            if ~outlets[pore] and un_seq > -1:  # Don't include outlets
                nc = clusters[all_neighbors[pore]]  # Neighboring clusters
                unique_ns = np.unique(nc[nc != -1])  # Unique Neighbors
                seq_pore = "S:" + str(un_seq) + " P:" + str(pore)
                if np.all(nc == -1):
                    # This is the start of a new trapped cluster
                    clusters[pore] = next_cluster_num
                    next_cluster_num += 1
                    msg = seq_pore + " C:1 new cluster number: " + str(
                elif len(unique_ns) == 1:
                    # Grow the only connected neighboring cluster
                    if not stopped_clusters[unique_ns[0]]:
                        clusters[pore] = unique_ns[0]
                        msg = (seq_pore + " C:2 joins cluster number: " +
                        clusters[pore] = -2
                elif -2 in unique_ns:
                    # We have reached a sink neighbor, stop growing cluster
                    msg = seq_pore + " C:3 joins sink cluster"
                    clusters[pore] = -2
                    # Stop growth and merging
                    stopped_clusters[unique_ns[unique_ns > -1]] = True
                    # We might be able to do some merging
                    # Check if any stopped clusters are neighbors
                    if np.any(stopped_clusters[unique_ns]):
                        msg = seq_pore + " C:4 joins sink cluster"
                        clusters[pore] = -2
                        # Stop growing all neighboring clusters
                        stopped_clusters[unique_ns] = True
                        # Merge multiple un-stopped trapped clusters
                        new_num = unique_ns[0]
                        clusters[pore] = new_num
                        for c in unique_ns:
                            clusters[clusters == c] = new_num
                            msg = (seq_pore + " C:5 merge clusters: " +
                                   str(c) + " into " + str(new_num))

        # And now return clusters
        clusters[outlets] = -2
        num_trap = np.sum(np.unique(clusters) >= 0)
        if num_trap > 0:
            logger.info("Number of trapped clusters " + str(num_trap))
            self["pore.trapped"] = clusters > -1
            num_tPs = np.sum(self["pore.trapped"])
            logger.info("Number of trapped pores: " + str(num_tPs))
            self["pore.invasion_sequence"][self["pore.trapped"]] = -1
            self["throat.trapped"] = np.zeros([net.Nt], dtype=bool)
            for c in np.unique(clusters[clusters >= 0]):
                c_ts = net.find_neighbor_throats(clusters == c, mode="xnor")
                self["throat.trapped"][c_ts] = True
            num_tTs = np.sum(self["throat.trapped"])
            logger.info("Number of trapped throats: " + str(num_tTs))
            self["throat.invasion_sequence"][self["throat.trapped"]] = -1
            # Assumes invasion has run to the end
            phase = self.project.find_phase(self)
            phase["pore.occupancy"] = ~self["pore.trapped"]
            phase["throat.occupancy"] = ~self["throat.trapped"]
            logger.info("No trapped clusters found")
    def apply_trapping(self, outlets):
        Apply trapping based on algorithm described by Y. Masson [1].
        It is applied as a post-process and runs the percolation algorithm in
        reverse assessing the occupancy of pore neighbors. Consider the
        following scenario when running standard IP without trapping,
        3 situations can happen after each invasion step:

            * The number of defending clusters stays the same and clusters can
            * A cluster of size one is suppressed
            * A cluster is split into multiple clusters

        In reverse the following opposite situations can happen:

            * The number of defending clusters stays the same and clusters can
            * A cluster of size one is created
            * Mutliple clusters merge into one cluster

        With trapping the reversed rules are adjusted so that only clusters
        that do not connect to a sink can grow and merge. At the point that a
        neighbor connected to a sink is touched the trapped cluster stops
        growing as this is the point of trapping in forward invasion time.

        Logger info displays the invasion sequence and pore index and a message
        with condition number based on the modified trapping rules and the
        assignment of the pore to a given cluster.

        Initially all invaded pores are given cluster label -1
        Outlets / Sinks are given -2
        New clusters that grow into fully trapped clusters are either
        identified at the point of breakthrough or grow from nothing if the
        full invasion sequence is run, they are assigned numbers from 0 up.

        [1] Masson, Y., 2016. A fast two-step algorithm for invasion
        percolation with trapping. Computers & Geosciences, 90, pp.41-48

        outlets : list or array of pore indices for defending fluid to escape

        Creates a throat array called 'pore.clusters' in the Algorithm
        dictionary. Any positive number is a trapped cluster

        Also creates 2 boolean arrays Np and Nt long called '<element>.trapped'
        # First see if network is fully invaded
        net = self.project.network
        invaded_ps = self['pore.invasion_sequence'] > -1
        if ~np.all(invaded_ps):
            # Put defending phase into clusters
            clusters = find_clusters(network=net, mask=~invaded_ps)
            # Identify clusters that are connected to an outlet and set to -2
            # -1 is the invaded fluid
            # -2 is the defender fluid able to escape
            # All others now trapped clusters which grow as invasion is reversed
            out_clusters = sp.unique(clusters[outlets])
            for c in out_clusters:
                if c >= 0:
                    clusters[clusters == c] = -2
            # Go from end
            clusters = np.ones(net.Np, dtype=int) * -1
            clusters[outlets] = -2

        # Turn into a list for indexing
        inv_seq = np.vstack((self['pore.invasion_sequence'].astype(int),
                             np.arange(0, net.Np, dtype=int))).T
        # Reverse sort list
        inv_seq = inv_seq[inv_seq[:, 0].argsort()][::-1]
        next_cluster_num = np.max(clusters) + 1
        # For all the steps after the inlets are set up to break-through
        # Reverse the sequence and assess the neighbors cluster state
        stopped_clusters = np.zeros(net.Np, dtype=bool)
        all_neighbors = net.find_neighbor_pores(net.pores(),
        for un_seq, pore in inv_seq:
            if pore not in outlets and un_seq > 0:  # Skip inlets and outlets
                nc = clusters[all_neighbors[pore]]  # Neighboring clusters
                unique_ns = np.unique(nc[nc != -1])  # Unique Neighbors
                seq_pore = "S:" + str(un_seq) + " P:" + str(pore)
                if np.all(nc == -1):
                    # This is the start of a new trapped cluster
                    clusters[pore] = next_cluster_num
                    next_cluster_num += 1
                    msg = (seq_pore + " C:1 new cluster number: " +
                elif len(unique_ns) == 1:
                    # Grow the only connected neighboring cluster
                    if not stopped_clusters[unique_ns[0]]:
                        clusters[pore] = unique_ns[0]
                        msg = (seq_pore + " C:2 joins cluster number: " +
                        clusters[pore] = -2
                elif -2 in unique_ns:
                    # We have reached a sink neighbor, stop growing cluster
                    msg = (seq_pore + " C:3 joins sink cluster")
                    clusters[pore] = -2
                    # Stop growth and merging
                    stopped_clusters[unique_ns[unique_ns > -1]] = True
                    # We might be able to do some merging
                    # Check if any stopped clusters are neighbors
                    if np.any(stopped_clusters[unique_ns]):
                        msg = (seq_pore + " C:4 joins sink cluster")
                        clusters[pore] = -2
                        # Stop growing all neighboring clusters
                        stopped_clusters[unique_ns] = True
                        # Merge multiple un-stopped trapped clusters
                        new_num = unique_ns[0]
                        clusters[pore] = new_num
                        for c in unique_ns:
                            clusters[clusters == c] = new_num
                            msg = (seq_pore + " C:5 merge clusters: " +
                                   str(c) + " into " + str(new_num))

        # And now return clusters
        self['pore.clusters'] = clusters
        logger.info("Number of trapped clusters" +
                    str(np.sum(np.unique(clusters) >= 0)))
        self['pore.trapped'] = self['pore.clusters'] > -1
        trapped_ts = net.find_neighbor_throats(self['pore.trapped'])
        self['throat.trapped'] = np.zeros([net.Nt], dtype=bool)
        self['throat.trapped'][trapped_ts] = True
        self['pore.invasion_sequence'][self['pore.trapped']] = -1
        self['throat.invasion_sequence'][self['throat.trapped']] = -1