文件: state.py 项目: optionalg/oil
 def _InitEnviron(self, environ):
   # This is the way dash and bash work -- at startup, they turn everything in
   # 'environ' variable into shell variables.  Bash has an export_env
   # variable.  Dash has a loop through environ in init.c
   for n, v in environ.iteritems():
     self.SetVar(ast.LhsName(n), runtime.Str(v),
                (var_flags.Exported,), scope.GlobalOnly)
    def testShellFuncExecution(self):
        ex = cmd_exec_test.InitExecutor()
        func_node = ast.FuncDef()

        c1 = ast.CompoundWord()
        t1 = ast.token(Id.Lit_Chars, 'f1')

        c2 = ast.CompoundWord()
        t2 = ast.token(Id.Lit_Chars, 'f2')

        a = ast.ArrayLiteralPart()
        a.words = [c1, c2]
        w = ast.CompoundWord()

        # Set global COMPREPLY=(f1 f2)
        pair = ast.assign_pair(ast.LhsName('COMPREPLY'), assign_op_e.Equal, w)
        pair.spids.append(0)  # dummy
        pairs = [pair]
        body_node = ast.Assignment(Id.Assign_None, [], pairs)

        func_node.name = 'myfunc'
        func_node.body = body_node

        a = completion.ShellFuncAction(ex, func_node)
        matches = list(a.Matches([], 0, 'f'))
        self.assertEqual(['f1 ', 'f2 '], matches)
文件: state.py 项目: optionalg/oil
def SetLocalString(mem, name, s):
  """Set a local string.

  Used for:
  1) for loop iteration variables
  2) temporary environments like FOO=bar BAR=$FOO cmd, 
  3) read builtin
  assert isinstance(s, str)
  mem.SetVar(ast.LhsName(name), runtime.Str(s), (), scope.LocalOnly)
文件: state.py 项目: xydinesh/oil
  def _InitVarsFromEnv(self, environ):
    # This is the way dash and bash work -- at startup, they turn everything in
    # 'environ' variable into shell variables.  Bash has an export_env
    # variable.  Dash has a loop through environ in init.c
    for n, v in environ.iteritems():
      self.SetVar(ast.LhsName(n), runtime.Str(v),
                 (var_flags_e.Exported,), scope_e.GlobalOnly)

    # If it's not in the environment, initialize it.  This makes it easier to
    # update later in ExecOpts.

    # TODO: IFS, PWD, etc. should follow this pattern.  Maybe need a SysCall
    # interface?  self.syscall.getcwd() etc.

    v = self.GetVar('SHELLOPTS')
    if v.tag == value_e.Undef:
      SetGlobalString(self, 'SHELLOPTS', '')
    # Now make it readonly
        ast.LhsName('SHELLOPTS'), None, (var_flags_e.ReadOnly,),
def ToLValue(node):
    """Determine if a node is a valid L-value by whitelisting tags.

    node: ExprNode (could be VarExprNode or BinaryExprNode)
    # foo = bar, foo[1] = bar
    if node.tag == arith_expr_e.ArithVarRef:
        return ast.LhsName(node.name)
    if node.tag == arith_expr_e.ArithBinary:
        # For example, a[0][0] = 1 is NOT valid.
        if (node.op_id == Id.Arith_LBracket
                and node.left.tag == arith_expr_e.ArithVarRef):
            return ast.LhsIndexedName(node.left.name, node.right)

    return None
文件: tdop.py 项目: optionalg/oil
def ToLValue(node):
    """Determine if a node is a valid L-value by whitelisting tags.

    node: ExprNode (could be VarExprNode or BinaryExprNode)
    # foo = bar, foo[1] = bar
    if node.tag == arith_expr_e.ArithVarRef:
        return ast.LhsName(node.name)
    if node.tag == arith_expr_e.ArithBinary:
        # For example, a[0][0] = 1 is NOT valid.
        if (node.op_id == Id.Arith_LBracket
                and node.left.tag == arith_expr_e.ArithVarRef):
            return ast.LhsIndexedName(node.left.name, node.right)

    # TODO: parse error context here.
    raise TdopParseError("Can't assign to %r" % node)
  def _EvalEnv(self, node_env, out_env):
    """Evaluate environment variable bindings.

      node_env: list of ast.env_pair
      out_env: mutated.
    # NOTE: Env evaluation is done in new scope so it doesn't persist.  It also
    # pushes argv.  Don't need that?
    for env_pair in node_env:
      name = env_pair.name
      rhs = env_pair.val

      # Could pass extra bindings like out_env here?  But PushTemp should work?
      val = self.ev.EvalWordToString(rhs)

      # Set each var so the next one can reference it.  Example:
      # FOO=1 BAR=$FOO ls /
      self.mem.SetVar(ast.LhsName(name), val, (), scope.LocalOnly)

      out_env[name] = val.s
  def ParseSimpleCommand(self):
    Fixed transcription of the POSIX grammar (TODO: port to grammar/Shell.g)

    io_file        : '<'       filename
                   | LESSAND   filename

    io_here        : DLESS     here_end
                   | DLESSDASH here_end

    redirect       : IO_NUMBER (io_redirect | io_here)

    prefix_part    : ASSIGNMENT_WORD | redirect
    cmd_part       : WORD | redirect

    assign_kw      : Declare | Export | Local | Readonly

    # Without any words it is parsed as a command, not an assigment
    assign_listing : assign_kw

    # Now we have something to do (might be changing assignment flags too)
    # NOTE: any prefixes should be a warning, but they are allowed in shell.
    assignment     : prefix_part* assign_kw (WORD | ASSIGNMENT_WORD)+

    # an external command, a function call, or a builtin -- a "word_command"
    word_command   : prefix_part* cmd_part+

    simple_command : assign_listing
                   | assignment
                   | proc_command

    Simple imperative algorithm:

    1) Read a list of words and redirects.  Append them to separate lists.
    2) Look for the first non-assignment word.  If it's declare, etc., then
    keep parsing words AND assign words.  Otherwise, just parse words.
    3) If there are no non-assignment words, then it's a global assignment.

    { redirects, global assignments } OR
    { redirects, prefix_bindings, words } OR
    { redirects, ERROR_prefix_bindings, keyword, assignments, words }

    THEN CHECK that prefix bindings don't have any array literal parts!
    global assignment and keyword assignments can have the of course.
    well actually EXPORT shouldn't have them either -- WARNING

    3 cases we want to warn: prefix_bindings for assignment, and array literal
    in prefix bindings, or export

    A command can be an assignment word, word, or redirect on its own.


        >out.txt FOO=bar   # this touches the file, and hten

    Or any sequence:
        ls foo bar
        <in.txt ls foo bar >out.txt
        <in.txt ls >out.txt foo bar

    Or add one or more environment bindings:
        VAR=val env
        >out.txt VAR=val env

    here_end vs filename is a matter of whether we test that it's quoted.  e.g.
    <<EOF vs <<'EOF'.
    result = self._ScanSimpleCommand()
    if not result: return None
    redirects, words = result

    if not words:  # e.g.  >out.txt  # redirect without words
      node = ast.SimpleCommand()
      node.redirects = redirects
      return node

    prefix_bindings, suffix_words = self._SplitSimpleCommandPrefix(words)

    if not suffix_words:  # ONE=1 TWO=2  (with no other words)
      if redirects:
        binding1 = prefix_bindings[0]
        _, _, _, spid = binding1
        self.AddErrorContext('Got redirects in global assignment',
        return None

      pairs = []
      for lhs, op, rhs, spid in prefix_bindings:
        p = ast.assign_pair(ast.LhsName(lhs), op, rhs)

      node = ast.Assignment(Id.Assign_None, [], pairs)
      left_spid = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(words[0])
      node.spids.append(left_spid)  # no keyword spid to skip past
      return node

    kind, kw_token = word.KeywordToken(suffix_words[0])

    if kind == Kind.Assign:
      # Here we StaticEval suffix_words[1] to see if it's a command like
      # 'typeset -p'.  Then it becomes a SimpleCommand node instead of an
      # Assignment.  Note we're not handling duplicate flags like 'typeset
      # -pf'.  I see this in bashdb (bash debugger) but it can just be changed
      # to 'typeset -p -f'.
      is_command = False
      if len(suffix_words) > 1:
        ok, val, _ = word.StaticEval(suffix_words[1])
        if ok and (kw_token.id, val) in self._ASSIGN_COMMANDS:
          is_command = True

      if is_command:  # declare -f, declare -p, typeset -p, etc.
        node = self._MakeSimpleCommand(prefix_bindings, suffix_words,
        return node

      else:  # declare str='', declare -a array=()
        if redirects:
          # Attach the error location to the keyword.  It would be more precise
          # to attach it to the
          self.AddErrorContext('Got redirects in assignment', token=kw_token)
          return None

        if prefix_bindings:  # FOO=bar local spam=eggs not allowed
          # Use the location of the first value.  TODO: Use the whole word before
          # splitting.
          _, _, v0, _ = prefix_bindings[0]
              'Invalid prefix bindings in assignment: %s', prefix_bindings,
          return None

        node = self._MakeAssignment(kw_token.id, suffix_words)
        if not node: return None
        return node

    elif kind == Kind.ControlFlow:
      if redirects:
        self.AddErrorContext('Got redirects in control flow: %s', redirects)
        return None

      if prefix_bindings:  # FOO=bar local spam=eggs not allowed
        # Use the location of the first value.  TODO: Use the whole word before
        # splitting.
        _, _, v0, _ = prefix_bindings[0]
            'Invalid prefix bindings in control flow: %s', prefix_bindings,
        return None

      # Attach the token for errors.  (Assignment may not need it.)
      if len(suffix_words) == 1:
        arg_word = None
      elif len(suffix_words) == 2:
        arg_word = suffix_words[1]
        self.AddErrorContext('Too many arguments')
        return None

      return ast.ControlFlow(kw_token, arg_word)

      node = self._MakeSimpleCommand(prefix_bindings, suffix_words, redirects)
      return node
  def _MakeAssignment(self, assign_kw, suffix_words):
    # First parse flags, e.g. -r -x -a -A.  None of the flags have arguments.
    flags = []
    n = len(suffix_words)
    i = 1
    while i < n:
      w = suffix_words[i]
      ok, static_val, quoted = word.StaticEval(w)
      if not ok or quoted:
        break  # can't statically evaluate

      if static_val.startswith('-'):
        break  # not a flag, rest are args
      i += 1

    # Now parse bindings or variable names
    assignments = []
    while i < n:
      w = suffix_words[i]
      left_spid = word.LeftMostSpanForWord(w)
      kov = word.LooksLikeAssignment(w)
      if kov:
        k, op, v = kov
        t = word.TildeDetect(v)
        if t:
          # t is an unevaluated word with TildeSubPart
          a = (k, op, t, left_spid)
          a = (k, op, v, left_spid)  # v is unevaluated word
        # In aboriginal in variables/sources: export_if_blank does export "$1".
        # We should allow that.

        # Parse this differently then?
        # dynamic-export?
        # It sets global variables.
        ok, static_val, quoted = word.StaticEval(w)
        if not ok or quoted:
               'Variable names must be constant strings, got %s', w, word=w)
           return None

        # No value is equivalent to ''
        m = VAR_NAME_RE.match(static_val)
        if not m:
          self.AddErrorContext('Invalid variable name %r', static_val, word=w)
          return None
        a = (static_val, assign_op_e.Equal, None, left_spid)

      i += 1

    # TODO: Also make with LhsIndexedName
    pairs = []
    for lhs, op, rhs, spid in assignments:
      p = ast.assign_pair(ast.LhsName(lhs), op, rhs)

    node = ast.Assignment(assign_kw, flags, pairs)

    return node
文件: state.py 项目: optionalg/oil
def SetGlobalArray(mem, name, a):
  """Helper for completion."""
  assert isinstance(a, list)
  mem.SetVar(ast.LhsName(name), runtime.StrArray(a), (), scope.GlobalOnly)
文件: state.py 项目: optionalg/oil
def SetGlobalString(mem, name, s):
  """Helper for completion, $PWD, etc."""
  assert isinstance(s, str)
  val = runtime.Str(s)
  mem.SetVar(ast.LhsName(name), val, (), scope.GlobalOnly)