    def flatten (self, node):
        """Takes an AST as input, and then "flattens" the tree into a list of statements."""

        if isinstance(node, Function):
            # This is not a Function returned from the parse stage, but a top-level function
            # that is created in the closure-conversion pass.
            # We just need to flatten the "code" attribute, which is a Stmt.
            # Function(decorators, name, argnames, defaults, flags, doc, code, lineno=None)
            self.log.debug('in visit_Function, node.code = %s',node.code)
            code = self.flatten(node.code)
            for x in node.argnames:
            return Function(node.decorators, node.name, node.argnames, node.defaults, node.flags, node.doc, code, node.lineno)
        elif isinstance(node, Return):
            x = self.flatten(node.value)
            retvar, retstmtlist = self.flatten(node.value)
            return retstmtlist + [Return(retvar)]
        elif isinstance(node, CallFuncIndirect):
            self.log.debug('CallFuncIndirect: args: %s', node.args)
            nodevar, nodestmtlist = self.flatten(node.node)
            tuplelist = [self.flatten(x) for x in node.args]
            varargs = [x[0] for x in tuplelist]
            varstmts = [x[1] for x in tuplelist]
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            stmts = nodestmtlist + reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, varstmts, []) + [Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')], CallFuncIndirect(nodevar, varargs))]
            return (Name(varname), stmts)
            return P1Flattener.flatten(self, node)
    def flatten(self, node):
        """Takes an AST as input, and then "flattens" the tree into a list of statements."""

        if isinstance(node, Function):
            # This is not a Function returned from the parse stage, but a top-level function
            # that is created in the closure-conversion pass.
            # We just need to flatten the "code" attribute, which is a Stmt.
            # Function(decorators, name, argnames, defaults, flags, doc, code, lineno=None)
            self.log.debug('in visit_Function, node.code = %s', node.code)
            code = self.flatten(node.code)
            for x in node.argnames:
            return Function(node.decorators, node.name, node.argnames,
                            node.defaults, node.flags, node.doc, code,
        elif isinstance(node, Return):
            x = self.flatten(node.value)
            retvar, retstmtlist = self.flatten(node.value)
            return retstmtlist + [Return(retvar)]
        elif isinstance(node, CallFuncIndirect):
            self.log.debug('CallFuncIndirect: args: %s', node.args)
            nodevar, nodestmtlist = self.flatten(node.node)
            tuplelist = [self.flatten(x) for x in node.args]
            varargs = [x[0] for x in tuplelist]
            varstmts = [x[1] for x in tuplelist]
            varname = self.varalloc.get_next_var()
            stmts = nodestmtlist + reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, varstmts, []) + [
                Assign([AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN')],
                       CallFuncIndirect(nodevar, varargs))
            return (Name(varname), stmts)
            return P1Flattener.flatten(self, node)
        return node

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys, compiler
    import logging, logging.config
    from comp_util import *
    from p0parser import P0Parser
    from p1flattener import P1Flattener
    from p1insselector import P1InstructionSelector
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    # configure logging 
    testcases = sys.argv[1:]
    for testcase in testcases:
        #parser = P0Parser()
        ast = compiler.parseFile(testcase)
        #ast = parser.parseFile(testcase)
        varalloc = VariableAllocator()
        explicator = P1Explicate(varalloc)
        flattener = P1Flattener(varalloc)
        instruction_selector = P1InstructionSelector(varalloc)
        ast = explicator.explicate(ast)
        ast = flattener.flatten(ast)
        ast = instruction_selector.visit(ast)
        stackallocator = P1StackAllocator(ast)
        ast = stackallocator.substitute()
        print prettyAST(ast)
 def __init__ (self, varalloc, validate=False):
     P1Flattener.__init__(self, varalloc)
     self.validate = validate
 def __init__(self, varalloc, validate=False):
     P1Flattener.__init__(self, varalloc)
     self.validate = validate