def run_checking_mode():
    env = Environment()                                          # 1. create env.
    file_name_str, solution_file_name_str = read_input_string(argv, 1) # 2. read filenames
    ast_string, error = file_to_AST_str_no_print(file_name_str)  # 3. parse input-file to string
    if error:
        print error
    root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)                    # 4. parse string to python ast TODO: JSON
    #if solution_file_name_str:                                  # 5. parse solution-file and write to env.
    #    read_solution_file(env, solution_file_name_str)         # The concreate solution values are added at 
                                                                # the bmachine object-init time to the respective mch

                                                                # 6. replace defs and extern-functions inside mch and solution-file (if present)  
    parse_object = remove_defs_and_parse_ast(root, env)         # 7. which kind of ast?
    if not isinstance(parse_object, BMachine):                  # #PREDICATE or #EXPRESSION                   
        result = interpret(parse_object.root, env)              # eval predicate or expression
        print result
        assert isinstance(parse_object, BMachine)               # 8. typecheck
        type_check_root_bmch(root, env, parse_object) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        mch = parse_object                           
        #solution_file_read = not solution_file_name_str==""
        bstates = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read=False)  # also evals properties
        if not bstates==[]: 
            bool = True
            for bstate in bstates:
                #if mch.has_properties_mc:
                #    assert interpret(mch.aPropertiesMachineClause, env)
                init_bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, not solution_file_name_str=="")
                for init_bstate in init_bstates:
                    if mch.has_invariant_mc:
                        w_bool = interpret(mch.aInvariantMachineClause, env)
                        bool = bool and w_bool.bvalue
                if mch.has_assertions_mc:
                    interpret(mch.aAssertionsMachineClause, env)
            return bool
        else: # TODO: dont repeat yourself 
            init_bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, not solution_file_name_str=="")
            for bstate in init_bstates:
                if mch.has_invariant_mc:
                    w_bool = interpret(mch.aInvariantMachineClause, env)  
                    assert w_bool.bvalue      
                if mch.has_assertions_mc:
                    interpret(mch.aAssertionsMachineClause, env)
            if not init_bstates==[]:  
        return eval_Invariant(root, env, mch)   
def startup(argv, offset):
    env = Environment()                                               # 1. create env.
    file_name_str, solution_file_name_str = read_input_string(argv, offset) # 2. read filenames
    ast_string, error = file_to_AST_str_no_print(file_name_str)       # 3. parse input-file to string
    if error:
        print error
    root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)                    # 4. parse string to python ast 
    # uncomment for profiling (e.g. performance tests)
    #import cProfile
    #cProfile.run('mch = interpret(root, env)','pyB_profile_out.txt')
    solution_file_present = not solution_file_name_str==""
    if solution_file_present:                                   # 5. parse solution-file and write to env.
        read_solution_file(env, solution_file_name_str)         # The concreate solution values are added at 
                                                                # the bmachine object-init time to the respective mch

                                                                # 6. replace defs and extern-functions inside mch and solution-file (if present)      
    parse_object = remove_defs_and_parse_ast(root, env)         # 7. which kind of ast?
    return root, env, parse_object, solution_file_present
    def test_bool_law(self):
        path = "examples/BoolLaws.mch"
        if os.name=='nt':
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(path)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        mch = remove_defs_and_parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        env._max_int = 2**31
        solution_file_read = False
        bstates = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==1 # only one possibility 
        assert isinstance(bstates[0], BState)
        bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==1 # only one possibility 
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==1        
        assert isinstance(bstates[0], BState)
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==2               
        invatiant = root.children[5]
        assert isinstance(invatiant, AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(invatiant, env)
        assert len(env.state_space.stack)==3 # init and setup and ref state 
        next_states = calc_next_states(env, mch)
        assert len(next_states)==3   
        while not env.state_space.empty():
            assert interpret(invatiant, env) 
            next_states = calc_next_states(env, mch)
            for n_state in next_states:
                bstate = n_state.bstate
                if not env.state_space.is_seen_state(bstate):
            if env.state_space.get_state().opName=="set up":
                assert len(env.state_space.stack)==2 # setup and ref state NOT init
        #negative exponent bug: (x>0 => y**x=C) crashes  
        # inconsistence between variables and constants        
        MACHINE Test
        VARIABLES x
        INVARIANT  x>0 => 10**x = 10 & -3>0 => 10**(-3) = 10 
        INITIALISATION x:=-3
    def test_arith_law(self):
        path = "examples/ArithmeticLaws.mch"
        if os.name=='nt':
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(path)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        mch = remove_defs_and_parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        env._max_int = 2**31
        solution_file_read = False
        bstates = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==0 # no setup possible
        bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==1 # only one possibility 
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==0        
        assert isinstance(bstates[0], BState)
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==1
        invatiant = root.children[3]
        assert isinstance(invatiant, AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(invatiant, env)
        assert len(env.state_space.stack)==2 
        next_states = calc_next_states(env, mch)
def run_animation_mode(argv):
    env = Environment()                                                # 1. create env.
    file_name_str, solution_file_name_str = read_input_string(argv, 1) # 2. read filenames
    ast_string, error = file_to_AST_str_no_print(file_name_str)        # 3. parse input-file to string
    if error:
        print error
    root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)                    # 4. parse string to python ast TODO: JSON
    # uncomment for profiling (e.g. performance tests)
    #import cProfile
    #cProfile.run('mch = interpret(root, env)','pyB_profile_out.txt')
    solution_file_present = not solution_file_name_str==""
    #if solution_file_present:                                   # 5. parse solution-file and write to env.
    #    read_solution_file(env, solution_file_name_str)         # The concreate solution values are added at 
                                                                # the bmachine object-init time to the respective mch

                                                                # 6. replace defs and extern-functions inside mch and solution-file (if present)      
    parse_object = remove_defs_and_parse_ast(root, env)         # 7. which kind of ast?
    if not isinstance(parse_object, BMachine):                 
        is_ppu = isinstance(parse_object, PredicateParseUnit) 
        is_epu = isinstance(parse_object, ExpressionParseUnit) 
        assert is_ppu or is_epu              
        result = interpret(parse_object.root, env)              # eval predicate or expression
        print result
        # TODO: print_values_b_style needs symbolic set impl
        #print print_values_b_style(result)
        return 0

    assert isinstance(parse_object, BMachine)               # 8. typecheck
    mch = parse_object
    type_check_root_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend  
    # TODO: Check with B spec
                                                       # 9. animate if ops are present 
    # DO-WHILE Loop
    while True:
        next_states = __calc_states_and_print_ui(root, env, mch, solution_file_present)
        if next_states==[]: # BUG: no enabled ops doesnt mean there are none (deadlock-state)
        undo_possible = not env.state_space.empty()
        number_of_options = len(next_states)
        if undo_possible: 
            number_of_options = number_of_options + 1 
        input_str = "Input (0-"+str(number_of_options)+"):"
        #number = raw_input(input_str)
        # XXXX
        number = number_of_options
        number = int(number)

        # quit
        if number == number_of_options:
            print "goodbye"
        elif undo_possible and number == number_of_options-1:
            x = env.state_space.get_stack_size()
            x = x-1 # BUGFIX: empty state on stack
            if 2==x and env.init_state_on_stack and env.set_up_state_on_stack:
                env.init_done = False
            elif 1==x and env.init_state_on_stack and env.set_up_state_on_stack==False:
                env.init_done = False
            elif 1==x and env.set_up_state_on_stack:
                env.set_up_done = False
                env.set_up_state_on_stack = False
                env.set_up_bmachines_names   = []
        elif not env.set_up_done:
            env.set_up_done = True
            env.set_up_state_on_stack = True
            bstate = next_states[number]
        elif not env.init_done:
            env.init_done = True
            env.init_state_on_stack = True
            bstate = next_states[number]
        # init and set_up done. Exec operation:
        elif len(next_states)>number and number >= 0:
            # switch state (
            bstate = next_states[number]
            print "Error! Wrong input:", number

    return 0