文件: diffMG.py 项目: nclv/Python-3.5
def evolve(nx, C, tmax, xmax=None):

    xmin = 0.0
    if xmax == None:
        xmax = 1.0

    # create a dummy patch to store some info in the same way the MG
    # solver will
    myGrid = patch1d.grid1d(nx, ng=1, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)

    # initialize the data
    phi = myGrid.scratchArray()

    # initial solution -- this fills the GC too
    phi[:] = phi_a(myGrid, 0.0)

    # time info
    dt = C * 0.5 * myGrid.dx**2 / k
    t = 0.0

    # evolve
    while (t < tmax):

        if (t + dt > tmax):
            dt = tmax - t

        # create the multigrid object
        a = multigrid.ccMG1d(nx,
                             beta=0.5 * dt * k,

        # initialize the RHS
        a.initRHS(phi + 0.5 * dt * k * lap(a.solnGrid, phi))

        # initialize the solution to 0

        # solve to a relative tolerance of 1.e-11

        # get the solution
        v = a.getSolution()

        # store the new solution
        phi[:] = v[:]

        t += dt

    return a.solnGrid, phi
def evolve(nx, C, tmax, xmax=None):

    xmin = 0.0
    if xmax == None: xmax = 1.0

    # create a dummy patch to store some info in the same way the MG
    # solver will
    myGrid = patch1d.grid1d(nx, ng=1,
                            xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)

    # initialize the data
    phi = myGrid.scratchArray()

    # initial solution -- this fills the GC too
    phi[:] = phi_a(myGrid, 0.0)
    # time info
    dt = C*0.5*myGrid.dx**2/k            
    t = 0.0

    # evolve
    while (t < tmax):

        if (t + dt > tmax):
            dt = tmax - t

        # create the multigrid object
        a = multigrid.ccMG1d(nx, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, 
                             alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.5*dt*k,
                             xlBCtype="neumann", xrBCtype="neumann",
        # initialize the RHS
        a.initRHS(phi + 0.5*dt*k*lap(a.solnGrid, phi))
        # initialize the solution to 0

        # solve to a relative tolerance of 1.e-11

        # get the solution 
        v = a.getSolution()

        # store the new solution
        phi[:] = v[:]

        t += dt

    return a.solnGrid, phi
    def __init__(self,

        self.nx = nx
        self.ng = 1

        self.xmin = xmin
        self.xmax = xmax

        self.alpha = alpha
        self.beta = beta

        self.nsmooth = 10
        self.nbottomSmooth = 50

        self.maxCycles = 100

        self.verbose = verbose

        # a small number used in computing the error, so we don't divide by 0
        self.small = 1.e-16

        # keep track of whether we've initialized the solution
        self.initializedSolution = 0
        self.initializedRHS = 0

        # assume that self.nx = 2^(nlevels-1)
        # this defines nlevels such that we end exactly on a 2 zone grid
        self.nlevels = int(math.log(self.nx) / math.log(2.0))

        # a multigrid object will be a list of grids
        self.grids = []

        # create the grids.  Here, self.grids[0] will be the coarsest
        # grid and self.grids[nlevel-1] will be the finest grid
        # we store the solution, v, the rhs, f.
        i = 0
        nx_t = 2

        if (self.verbose):
            print "alpha = ", self.alpha
            print "beta  = ", self.beta

        while (i < self.nlevels):

            # create the grid
            myGrid = patch1d.grid1d(nx_t, ng=self.ng, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)

            # add a ccData2d object for this level to our list
            self.grids.append(patch1d.ccData1d(myGrid, dtype=numpy.float64))

            # create the boundary condition object
            bcObj = patch1d.bcObject(xlb=xlBCtype, xrb=xrBCtype)

            self.grids[i].registerVar("v", bcObj)
            self.grids[i].registerVar("f", bcObj)
            self.grids[i].registerVar("r", bcObj)


            if self.verbose:
                print self.grids[i]

            nx_t = nx_t * 2

            i += 1

        # provide coordinate and indexing information for the solution mesh
        solnGrid = self.grids[self.nlevels - 1].grid

        self.ilo = solnGrid.ilo
        self.ihi = solnGrid.ihi

        self.x = solnGrid.x
        self.dx = solnGrid.dx

        self.solnGrid = solnGrid

        # store the source norm
        self.sourceNorm = 0.0

        # after solving, keep track of the number of cycles taken, the
        # relative error from the previous cycle, and the residual error
        # (normalized to the source norm)
        self.numCycles = 0
        self.residualError = 1.e33
        self.relativeError = 1.e33