文件: views_group.py 项目: smbz/vns
def group_list(request, on=None):
    """View a list of groups; doesn't show groups which are not visible to the
    user making the request.  Note that both the group name and the organization
    are needed to specify the group uniquely.
    @param request An HttpRequest
    @param on  The name of the organization for which to show groups"""
    # The name of the template to view the list through
    tn = 'vns/groups.html'

    if on is not None:
        # Get the organization from the database
            org = db.Organization.objects.get(name=on)
        except db.Organization.DoesNotExist:
            messages.error(request, "No such organization: %s" % on)
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/organizations/')

        # Get a list of groups
        groups = list(db.Group.objects.filter)

        # on is None - we want all groups
        groups = list(db.Group.objects.all())

    # Filter the list so that we only see groups we're allowed to
    pred = lambda g: permissions.allowed_group_access_use(request.user, g)
    groups = filter(pred, groups)

    # Give the groups to a template to display
    return direct_to_template(request, tn, {'groups':groups})
文件: views_group.py 项目: smbz/vns
def group_access_check(request, callee, action, **kwargs):
    """Checks that the user can access the functions they're trying to, and
    if they can calls callee.
    @param request  An HTTP request
    @param callee  Gives the Callable to call
    @param action  One of "add", "change", "use", "delete", describing the
    permissions needed
    @param gid  The ID of the group in question; not used for
    action = "add"
    @exception ValueError  If an action is unrecognised
    @exception KeyError  If an option is missing
    @return HttpResponse"""

    def denied():
        """Generate an error message and redirect if we try do something to a
        group we're not allowed to"""
        messages.error(request, "Either this group doesn't exist or you don't "
                                "have permission to %s it." % action)
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/')

    def denied_add():
        """Generate an error message and redirect if we try to create a group
        and are not allowed to"""
        messages.error(request, "You don't have permission to create groups.")
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/login/')

    # If we're trying to add a group, don't need to get the group itself
    if action == "add":
        if permissions.allowed_group_access_create(request.user):
            return callee(request)
            return denied_add()


        # Try getting the group - if it doesn't exist, show the same message
        # as for permission denied.  If we don't have org / group name
        # arguments, django will show an internal error, which is what we want.
        gn = kwargs['gn']
        on = kwargs['on']
        try :
            group = db.Group.objects.get(org__name=on, name=gn)
        except db.Group.DoesNotExist:
            return denied()

        if action == "use":
            if permissions.allowed_group_access_use(request.user, group):
                 return callee(request, group=group, **kwargs)
                return denied()
        elif action == "change":
            if permissions.allowed_group_access_change(request.user, group):
                return callee(request, group=group, **kwargs)
                return denied()
        elif action == "delete":
            if permissions.allowed_group_access_delete(request.user, group):
                return callee(request, group=group, **kwargs)
                return denied()
            raise ValueError("Unknown action: %s" % options["action"])