# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 256, "Image 1", 0)
pb.label(c, "Image 1", x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = w1 + 20, 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img2path, x, y, 256, "Image 2", 1)
pb.label(c, "Image 2", x, y)

# Difference Images 1 & 2

h = max(h1, h2)
x, y = 10, h + 20
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

_, filename = os.path.split(img1path)

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
img1, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 380, "Image 1 Base")

pb.label(c, "%s autocontrast: 0" % filename, x, y)

# Image 2

x, y = w1 + 20, 10
c.top.translate(x, y)
pb.label(c, "%s autocontrast: 5" % filename, x, y)

# Image 3
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a gray canvas
c = pb.canvas( WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill( (192, 192, 192) )

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 256, "Image 1")
pb.label(c, "Image 1", x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = w1+20, 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img2path, x, y, 256, "Image 2")
pb.label(c, "Image 2", x, y)

# Screen Images 1 & 2

h = max(h1, h2)
x, y = 10 , h + 20
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 512, "Image 1")
pb.label(c, "Image 1", x, y, 30)

x, y = 10, h1 + 10 + 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 512, "Image 1 colored")

# apply colorize

# c.top.colorize((192, 120, 0), (240, 255, 127))

c.top.colorize(black=(60, 60, 0), white=(250, 200, 96), mid=(220, 190, 16))

pb.label(c, "Image 1 colored", x, y, 30)

# draw the result
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
img1, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 256, "Image 1")
pb.label(c, "Image 1 Opacity: 100", x, y)

# Image 2
c.top.name = "Image 2"

x, y = w1 + 20, 10
c.top.translate(x, y)
pb.label(c, "Image 2 Opacity: 80", x, y)

# Image 3
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 256, "Image 1")
pb.label(c, "Image 1", x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = w1 + 20, 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img2path, x, y, 256, "Image 2")
pb.label(c, "Image 2", x, y)

# Color Images 1 & 2

h = max(h1, h2)
x, y = 10, h + 20
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

_, fname = os.path.split(img1path)

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 522, fname)
pb.label(c, fname, x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = 10, 10 + h1 + 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 522, fname)

pb.label(c, "%s emboss()" % fname, x, y)

# draw the result
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 256, "Image 1")
pb.label(c, "Image 1", x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = w1 + 20, 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img2path, x, y, 256, "Image 2")
pb.label(c, "Image 2", x, y)

yskip = max(h1, h2)

# Add Images 1 & 2

x, y = 10, 1 * (yskip + 20)
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

_, filename = os.path.split(img1path)

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
img1, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 256, "Image 1 Base")

pb.label(c, "%s posterize: None" % filename, x, y)

# Image 2

x, y = w1 + 20, 10
c.top.translate(x, y)
pb.label(c, "%s posterize: 7" % filename, x, y)

# Image 3
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas( WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill( (192, 192, 192) )

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
_, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 192, "Image 1", width=True)
pb.label(c, "Image 1", x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = w1+20, 10
_, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img2path, x, y, 192, "Image 2", width=True)
pb.label(c, "Image 2", x, y)

# Mask Images 1 & 2

h = max(h1, h2)
    pb = ximport("photobot")
    import photobot as pb

# create the canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)

c.fill((210, 210, 10))

# the gradients

grad1idx = c.gradient(pb.SOLID, 180, 180)
c.top.translate(10, 10)
pb.label(c, "SOLID", 10, 10, 26)

grad2idx = c.gradient(pb.LINEAR, 180, 180)
c.top.translate(200, 10)
pb.label(c, "LINEAR", 200, 10, 26)

grad3idx = c.gradient(pb.RADIAL, 180, 180)
c.top.translate(390, 10)
pb.label(c, "RADIAL", 390, 10, 26)

grad4idx = c.gradient(pb.DIAMOND, 180, 180)
c.top.translate(580, 10)
pb.label(c, "DIAMOND", 580, 10, 26)
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

_, filename = os.path.split(img1path)

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
img1, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 380, "Image 1 Base")

pb.label(c, "%s solarize: 256" % filename, x, y)

# Image 2

x, y = w1 + 20, 10
c.top.translate(x, y)
pb.label(c, "%s solarize: 224" % filename, x, y)

# Image 3
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 256, "Image 1")
pb.label(c, "Image 1", x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = w1 + 20, 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img2path, x, y, 256, "Image 2")
pb.label(c, "Image 2", x, y)

# Hue Images 1 & 2

h = max(h1, h2)
x, y = 10, h + 20
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

_, fname = os.path.split(img1path)

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 522, fname)
pb.label(c, fname, x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = 10, 10 + h1 + 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 522, fname)

pb.label(c, "%s contour()" % fname, x, y)

# draw the result
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
img1, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 256, "Image 1")
pb.label(c, "Image 1 Contrast: 100", x, y)

# Image 2
c.top.name = "Image 2"

x, y = w1 + 20, 10
c.top.translate(x, y)
pb.label(c, "Image 2 Contrast: 80", x, y)

# Image 3
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a gray canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 256, "Image 1")
pb.label(c, "Image 1", x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = w1 + 20, 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img2path, x, y, 256, "Image 2")
pb.label(c, "Image 2", x, y)

# Subtract Images 1 & 2

h = max(h1, h2)
x, y = 10, h + 20
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a gray canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, tilewidth, "Image 1")
pb.label(c, "Image 1", x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = w1 + 20, 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img2path, x, y, tilewidth, "Image 2")
pb.label(c, "Image 2", x, y)

# Overlay Images 1 & 2

h = max(h1, h2)
x, y = 10, h + 20
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

_, fname = os.path.split(img1path)

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 522, fname)
pb.label(c, fname, x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = 10, 10 + h1 + 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 522, fname)

pb.label(c, "%s edge_enhance_more()" % fname, x, y)

# draw the result
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

_, fname = os.path.split(img1path)

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 522, fname)
pb.label(c, fname, x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = 10, 10 + h1 + 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 522, fname)

pb.label(c, "%s boxblur(4)" % fname, x, y)

# draw the result
# create a gray canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

_, filename = os.path.split(img1path)

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
img1, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, WIDTH - 20, "Image 1 Base")

pb.label(c, filename, x, y)

# Image 2

path = ((w1 / 2, 0), (w1, int(h1 * 0.667)), (w1 / 2.0, h1), (0, h1 * 0.75),
        (0, h1 / 2))

x, y = 10, h1 + 20 + 10
c.top.translate(x, y)

# draw the result
# pick 2 images
img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill((192, 192, 192))

# Image 1

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 256, "Image 1")
pb.label(c, "Image 1", x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = w1 + 20, 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img2path, x, y, 256, "Image 2")
pb.label(c, "Image 2", x, y)

# Multiply Images 1 & 2

h = max(h1, h2)
x, y = 10, h + 20
imagewell = pb.loadImageWell(resultfile="imagewell-files")
tiles = imagewell['landscape']

img1path = tiles.pop()
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create the canvas
c = pb.canvas(int(WIDTH), int(HEIGHT))
c.fill((255, 255, 255))

imsize = int((WIDTH - 30) / 2)
x, y = 10, 10
img1, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, imsize, "image1")
pb.label(c, "Original Image", x, y)

# flip horizontal
c.top.name = "flip1"

x, y = w1 + 20, 10
c.top.translate(x, y)
pb.label(c, "Horizontal Flip", x, y)

# flip vertical
img2path = tiles.pop()

# create a white canvas
c = pb.canvas( WIDTH, HEIGHT)
c.fill( (192, 192, 192) )

# Image 1

_, fname = os.path.split( img1path )

#  create, scale and place the image
x, y = 10, 10
top, w1, h1 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 522, fname)
pb.label(c, fname, x, y)

# Image 2
x, y = 10, 10 + h1 + 10
top, w2, h2 = pb.placeImage(c, img1path, x, y, 522, fname)

pb.label(c, "%s find_edges()" % fname, x, y)

# draw the result