def populatemytables(paralel=True, cores=9):
    IDs = {
        k: v
        for k, v in zip(*lab.WaterRestriction().fetch(
            'water_restriction_number', 'subject_id'))
    if paralel:
        schema = dj.schema(pipeline_tools.get_schema_name('behavior_foraging'),
        for runround in [1]:
            arguments = {
                'display_progress': False,
                'reserve_jobs': True,
                'order': 'random'
            print('round ' + str(runround) + ' of populate')
            result_ids = []
            for coreidx in range(cores):
                    populatemytables_core_paralel.remote(arguments, runround))
            arguments = {'display_progress': True, 'reserve_jobs': False}
            populatemytables_core(arguments, runround)
        for runround in [1]:
            arguments = {
                'display_progress': True,
                'reserve_jobs': False,
                'order': 'random'
            populatemytables_core(arguments, runround)
import datajoint as dj
import pipeline.lab as lab  #, ccf
from pipeline.pipeline_tools import get_schema_name
import pipeline.experiment as experiment
import numpy as np

schema = dj.schema(get_schema_name('tracking'))

#[experiment]  # NOQA flake8
class VideoTrialNum(dj.Manual):
    definition = """
    video_trial_num:                 smallint 		# how many trials for recorded because usually the last couple trials are not recorded

class TrackingDevice(dj.Lookup):
    definition = """
    tracking_device:                    varchar(20)     # device type/function
    tracking_position:                  varchar(20)     # device position
    sampling_rate:                      decimal(8, 4)   # sampling rate (Hz)
    tracking_device_description:        varchar(100)    # device description
    contents = [('Camera 0', 'side_face', 1 / 0.0034,
                 'Chameleon3 CM3-U3-13Y3M-CS (FLIR)'),
                ('Camera 1', 'front_face', 1 / 0.0034,
import datajoint as dj
from pipeline.pipeline_tools import get_schema_name

schema = dj.schema(get_schema_name('lab'),locals())

#schema = dj.schema('rozmar_foraging_lab', locals())
class Person(dj.Manual):
    definition = """
    username : varchar(24) 
    fullname : varchar(255)

class Rig(dj.Manual):
    definition = """
    rig             : varchar(24)
    room            : varchar(20) # example 2w.342
    rig_description : varchar(1024) 

class AnimalSource(dj.Lookup):
    definition = """
    animal_source       : varchar(30)
    contents = zip(['Jackson Labs', 'Allen Institute', 'Charles River', 'MMRRC', 'Taconic', 'Other'])
import datajoint as dj

# =============================================================================
# import numpy as np
import pipeline.lab as lab  #, ccf
from pipeline.pipeline_tools import get_schema_name
#from . import get_schema_name
schema = dj.schema(get_schema_name('experiment'), locals())
#schema = dj.schema('rozmar_foraging_experiment',locals())
# =============================================================================
#schema = dj.schema('rozmar_tutorial', locals())

class BrainLocation(dj.Manual):
    definition = """
    brain_location_name: varchar(32)  # unique name of this brain location (could be hash of the non-primary attr)
    -> lab.BrainArea
    -> lab.Hemisphere
    -> lab.SkullReference

class Session(dj.Manual):
    definition = """
    -> lab.Subject
    session : smallint 		# session number
import datajoint as dj

# =============================================================================
# import numpy as np
import pipeline.lab as lab#, ccf
import pipeline.experiment as experiment#, ccf
from pipeline.pipeline_tools import get_schema_name
#from . import get_schema_name
schema = dj.schema(get_schema_name('ephys_patch'),locals())
#schema = dj.schema('rozmar_foraging_experiment',locals())
# =============================================================================
#schema = dj.schema('rozmar_tutorial', locals())

class CellType(dj.Lookup):
    definition = """
    cell_type  :  varchar(100)
    cell_type_description :  varchar(4000)
    contents = [
        ('pyr', 'putative pyramidal'),
        ('int', 'putative interneuron'),
        ('glia', 'astrocyte or oligodendrocyte precursor like cell'),
        ('unidentified', 'can''t tell based on electrophysiological recording')
dj.config["enable_python_native_blobs"] = True
import pipeline.lab as lab  #, ccf
from pipeline.pipeline_tools import get_schema_name
import pipeline.experiment as experiment
import pipeline.tracking as tracking
import numpy as np
import math
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statistics as st
import math
import scipy.signal
import pandas as pd

schema = dj.schema(get_schema_name('bottom_tongue'))

#[experiment]  # NOQA flake8

def movmean(
    interval, window_size
):  # calculate the moving average; the beginning and the end has some issues
    window = np.ones(int(window_size)) / float(window_size)
    return np.convolve(interval, window, 'same')

def cart2pol(x, y):
    theta = np.nan
    rho = []
    for i in enumerate(x):
import datajoint as dj
import pipeline.lab as lab  #, ccf
import pipeline.experiment as experiment
import pipeline.ephys_patch as ephys_patch
import pipeline.ephysanal as ephysanal
import pipeline.imaging as imaging
from pipeline.pipeline_tools import get_schema_name
schema = dj.schema(get_schema_name('imaging_gt'),
                   locals())  # TODO ez el van baszva

import numpy as np
import scipy

class CellMovieCorrespondance(dj.Computed):
    definition = """
    -> ephys_patch.Cell
    -> imaging.Movie
    sweep_numbers = null                   : longblob # sweep numbers that 

    def make(self, key):
        # key = { 'subject_id': 462149, 'session':1,'cell_number':1,'movie_number':11}
        session_time = (experiment.Session() & key).fetch('session_time')[0]
        cell_time = (ephys_patch.Cell() & key).fetch('cell_recording_start')[0]
        cell_sweep_start_times = (ephys_patch.Sweep()
                                  & key).fetch('sweep_start_time')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datajoint as dj
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal as signal
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from pipeline import pipeline_tools, lab, experiment, behavioranal, ephys_patch
schema = dj.schema(pipeline_tools.get_schema_name('ephys-anal'),locals())


class ActionPotential(dj.Computed):
    definition = """
    -> ephys_patch.Sweep
    ap_num : smallint unsigned # action potential number in sweep
    ap_max_index=null : int unsigned # index of AP max on sweep
    ap_max_time=null : decimal(8,4) # time of the AP max relative to recording start
    def make(self, key):
        #key = {'subject_id': 454263, 'session': 1, 'cell_number': 1, 'sweep_number': 62}
        keynow = key.copy()
        if len(ActionPotential()&keynow) == 0:
            pd_sweep = pd.DataFrame((ephys_patch.Sweep()&key)*(ephys_patch.SweepResponse()&key)*(ephys_patch.SweepStimulus()&key)*(ephys_patch.SweepMetadata()&key))
            if len(pd_sweep)>0:
import datajoint as dj
import pipeline.lab as lab  #, ccf
#import pipeline.experiment as experiment
#import pipeline.ephys_patch as ephys_patch
#import pipeline.ephysanal as ephysanal
from pipeline.pipeline_tools import get_schema_name
schema = dj.schema(get_schema_name('imaging'), locals())
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import os

class Movie(dj.Imported):
    definition = """
    -> experiment.Session
    movie_number                : smallint
    movie_name                  : varchar(200)          # movie name
    movie_x_size                : double                # (pixels)
    movie_y_size                : double                # (pixels)
    movie_frame_rate            : double                # (Hz)             
    movie_frame_num             : int                   # number of frames        
    movie_start_time            : decimal(12, 6)        # (s) from session start # maybe end_time would also be useful
    movie_pixel_size            : decimal(5,2)          # in microns

class MovieFrameTimes(dj.Imported):