def play(params):
    length = params.get('length', dsp.stf(2))
    reps   = params.get('repeats', 4)

    out = ''
    stream = []
    for rep in range(reps):
        stream += [ ('/tick/6', 1, dsp.fts(length / 2)) ]
        stream += [ ('/tick/6', 0, dsp.fts(length / 2)) ]
        out += dsp.pad(dsp.amp(dsp.tone(length / 2), 0.1), 0, length/ 2)
    return (out, {'value': {'events': [ stream ]}})
def that(li):
    print 'layer', li

    freqs = tune.fromdegrees([ dsp.randint(1, 20) for f in range(dsp.randint(3, 6)) ], octave = 3)

    length = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(10, 20))

    layers = []

    for fi, freq in enumerate(freqs):
        print '    tone', fi, round(dsp.fts(length), 2)

        waveform = dsp.randchoose(['sine2pi', 'tri', 'hann'])
        waveform = dsp.wavetable(waveform, 512)

        window = dsp.randchoose(['sine', 'tri', 'hann'])
        window = dsp.wavetable(window, 512)

        pulsewidth = dsp.rand(0.1, 1)
        modFreq    = dsp.rand(0.1, 10.0) / dsp.fts(length)

        numgrains = length / 32
        numpoints = dsp.randint(2, 6)

        apoints = [0] + [dsp.rand(0, 1) for p in range(numpoints - 2)] + [0]
        ppoints = [dsp.rand(0, 1) for p in range(numpoints)]

        e = dsp.breakpoint(apoints, numgrains)
        p = dsp.breakpoint(ppoints, numgrains)

        mod = dsp.wavetable('random', 512)
        modRange = dsp.rand(0, 0.001)

        print '    ', round(freq, 2), round(modRange, 3), round(modFreq, 3)
        layer = dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod, modRange, modFreq, 0.1)

        layer = dsp.split(layer, dsp.flen(layer) / numgrains)
        layer = layer[:numgrains]

        layer = [ dsp.pan(dsp.amp(layer[i], e[i]), p[i]) for i in range(numgrains) ]

        layer = ''.join(layer)

        layers += [ layer ]

    out = dsp.mix(layers)

    return out
def play(voice_id):
    """ Every generator script must define a play() function, which 
        accepts a voice_id integer (so you can read and write params 
        for each voice) and returns a sound.
        The shortname and name metadata above are optional, if you 
        don't include them the name will be drawn from the filename 
        and the shortname will be the first two characters of that name.

    # Get the current bpm set in our session
    bpm = C('bpm')

    # Convert it to a length in frames
    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)

    # Read per-instance param, with a default value
    volume = P(voice_id, 'volume', default=1.0)

    # Get a frequency for the beep
    freq = tune.ntf('a', octave=2)

    # Beep for a beat
    out = dsp.tone(length=beat, freq=freq, wavetype='sine2pi', amp=volume)

    # Be silent for a beat after the beep
    out = dsp.pad(out, 0, beat)

    # Log the length of the computed buffer. 
    # I like to tail -f pippi.log during performance.
    dsp.log('voice %s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out))))

    # Pass along the final buffer for playback
    return out
def play(voice_id):
    tel = bot.getTel()

    degrees = [ dsp.randchoose([1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8]) for f in range(dsp.randint(2, 20)) ]
    #degrees = [ dsp.randchoose([1, 5, 6, 7, 8]) for f in range(dsp.randint(2, 10)) ]

    octave = dsp.randint(1, 4)

    freqs = tune.fromdegrees(degrees, root='c', octave=octave, ratios=tune.terry)

    out = ''

    for r in range(dsp.randint(2, 20)):
        freq = dsp.randchoose(freqs)
        waveform = dsp.randchoose(['tri', 'sine2pi'])

        length = dsp.randint(dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(4000))
        #length = dsp.mstf(1500)
        #length = dsp.mstf(2500)

        pulsewidth = dsp.rand(0.01, 1)

        mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand() for b in range(int(round(tel['density'])) + 3) ], 512)
        window = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand() for b in range(int(round(tel['harmonicity'] * 2)) + 3) ] + [0], 512)
        waveform = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for b in range(int(round(tel['roughness'] * dsp.randint(1, 4))) + 3) ] + [0], 512)

        modRange = dsp.rand(0.01, 100.08)

        modFreq = dsp.rand(0.0001, 5)

        volume = dsp.rand(0.2, 0.3) * (tel['density'] / 10.0)
        #volume = dsp.rand(0.2, 0.8)

        t = dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod, modRange, modFreq, volume)
        #t = dsp.tone(length, freq, waveform)

        t = dsp.pan(t, dsp.rand())

        t = dsp.alias(t)

        t = dsp.amp(t, dsp.rand(0.5, 15.0))

        t = dsp.pad(t, 0, dsp.randint(dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(10)))

        t = dsp.amp(t, dsp.rand(0.5, 0.95))

        t = dsp.env(t, 'sine')
        #t = dsp.env(t, 'phasor')

        #t = dsp.pine(t, dsp.flen(t) * 4, freq)

        out += t

    dsp.log('%s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out))))

    return out
def play(voice_id):
    tel = bot.getTel()

    b = dsp.read('sounds/birds.wav').data

    b = dsp.split(b, dsp.randint(100, 1000))

    b = b[:dsp.randint(len(b) / 10, len(b))]

    blen = len(b)

    pans = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand() for i in range(dsp.randint(10, 100)) ], blen)
    speeds = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0.25, 1.5) for i in range(dsp.randint(10, 100)) ], blen)
    amps = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0.05, 1.5) for i in range(dsp.randint(10, 100)) ], blen)

    b = [ dsp.pan(b[i], pans[i]) for i in range(blen) ]
    b = [ dsp.transpose(b[i], speeds[i]) for i in range(blen) ]
    b = [ dsp.amp(b[i], amps[i]) for i in range(blen) ]

    b = dsp.packet_shuffle(b, dsp.randint(4, 30))

    for i, bb in enumerate(b):
        if dsp.rand(0, 100) > 60:
            b[i] = bb * dsp.randint(2, 10)

    out = ''.join(b)

    dsp.log('%s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out))))

    return out
def index():
    tracks = []
    data = g.db.execute('select * from `blocks`')
    data = data.fetchall()
    tracks = [ [] for i in range(10) ]
    for i, row in enumerate(data):
        tracks[row[3]].append((row[0], row[7], dsp.fts(row[4]), ftpx(row[4]), ftpx(row[6])))

    return render_template('index.html', tracks=tracks, data=data)
def make_tracks(numtracks):
    tracks = range(numtracks)

    g.db.execute('delete from `blocks`;')

    # Testing out display of rendered blocks
    for i, track in enumerate(tracks):
        blocks = range(dsp.randint(1, 5))

        # for each sound:
        for j, snd in enumerate(blocks):
            # render it.
            snd = dsp.tone(dsp.stf(dsp.rand(0.5, 5)))

            # filename is track_id-block_id.wav for now
            filename = "%i-%i-%i" % (i, j, 0)

            # write it to disk
            dsp.write(snd, 'static/sounds/%s' % filename)

            # Calc length in pixels from frames
            length = dsp.flen(snd)
            pxlength = "%ipx" % (length / 441,)
            slength = "%02fs" % dsp.fts(length)
            offset = dsp.stf(dsp.rand(0, 60))

            # save in the db
            block = ( 
            g.db.execute('insert into `blocks` (version, generator_id, track_id, length, range, offset, filename) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', 

            c = g.db.cursor()
            block_id = c.lastrowid()

            # block is a tuple:
            #   (block index, filename, length in pixels, offset in pixels)
            blocks[j] = (block_id, filename, slength, ftpx(length), ftpx(offset))

        tracks[i] = blocks


    return tracks
def play(voice_id):
    tel = bot.getTel()

    freqs = tune.fromdegrees([ dsp.randchoose([1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8]) for f in range(dsp.randint(2, 5)) ], root='c', octave=dsp.randint(1, 3), ratios=tune.just)

    out = ''

    for freq in freqs:
        waveform = dsp.randchoose(['tri', 'sine2pi'])
        length = dsp.randint(dsp.mstf(10), dsp.mstf(300))
        #length = dsp.mstf(150)
        pulsewidth = dsp.rand()

        mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand() for b in range(int(round(tel['density'])) + 3) ], 512)
        window = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand() for b in range(int(round(tel['harmonicity'] * 2)) + 3) ] + [0], 512)
        waveform = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for b in range(int(round(tel['roughness'] * 3)) + 3) ] + [0], 512)

        modRange = 0.005
        modFreq = dsp.rand(0.0001, 5)

        volume = dsp.rand(0.2, 0.3)

        if dsp.rand(0, 100) > 50:
            t = dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod, modRange, modFreq, volume)
            t = dsp.tone(length, freq, waveform)

        #t = dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod, modRange, modFreq, volume)
        #t = dsp.tone(length, freq, waveform)

        t = dsp.pan(t, dsp.rand())
        t = dsp.alias(t)

        t = dsp.amp(t, dsp.rand(0.5, 5.0))

        t = dsp.pad(t, 0, dsp.randint(dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(500)))
        #t = dsp.pad(t, 0, dsp.mstf(100))
        t = dsp.amp(t, dsp.rand(0.5, 0.75))

        #out += dsp.env(t, 'sine')
        out += t

    #out = dsp.env(t, 'sine')

    dsp.log('%s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out))))

    return out
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = C('bpm')
    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
    volume = P(voice_id, 'volume', default=1.0)

    crinkle = dsp.read('sounds/s/crinkle.wav').data
    glass1 = dsp.read('sounds/s/glass1.wav').data
    glass2 = dsp.read('sounds/s/glass2.wav').data
    toys = dsp.read('sounds/s/rolling.wav').data

    c = dsp.vsplit(crinkle, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.stf(3))
    c = dsp.randshuffle(c)
    c = c[:40]
    c = [dsp.pan(cc, dsp.rand()) for cc in c]
    c = [dsp.env(cc, 'sine') for cc in c]
    c = [dsp.transpose(cc, dsp.rand(0.25, 0.5)) for cc in c]

    t = dsp.vsplit(toys, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.stf(1))
    t = dsp.randshuffle(t)
    t = t[:40]
    t = [dsp.amp(tt, dsp.rand(0.1, 0.8)) for tt in t]
    t = [dsp.pan(tt, dsp.rand(0, 1)) for tt in t]
    t = [dsp.env(tt, 'sine') for tt in t]
    t = [dsp.transpose(tt, 0.5) for tt in t]

    g = dsp.vsplit(glass2, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(100))
    g = dsp.randshuffle(g)
    g = g[:40]
    g = [dsp.amp(gg, dsp.rand(0.35, 0.95)) for gg in g]
    g = [dsp.transpose(gg, dsp.rand(0.5, 1.75)) for gg in g]
    g = [gg * dsp.randint(1, 8) for gg in g]

    things = [c, t, g]

    out = [
            for l in range(dsp.randint(2, 4))
        ]) for i in range(4)
    out = ''.join(out)

    dsp.log('voice %s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out))))

    return out
def play(voice_id):
    tel = bot.getTel()

    degrees = [ dsp.randchoose([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) for f in range(dsp.randint(2, 6)) ]

    octave = dsp.randint(1, 4)

    freqs = tune.fromdegrees(degrees, root='c', octave=octave, ratios=tune.just)

    out = ''

    freq = dsp.randchoose(freqs)
    volume = dsp.rand(0.5, 0.8)
    length = dsp.randint(dsp.mstf(20), dsp.mstf(30))

    for p in range(dsp.randint(20, 100)):

        pulsewidth = dsp.rand(0.5, 1)

        mod = dsp.breakpoint([ dsp.rand(0, 1) for b in range(4) ], 512)
        window = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(0, 1) for b in range(10) ] + [0], 512)
        waveform = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1, 1) for b in range(20) ] + [0], 512)

        modRange = 0.01
        modFreq = dsp.rand(0.0001, 5)

        t = dsp.pulsar(freq, length, pulsewidth, waveform, window, mod, modRange, modFreq, volume)

        t = dsp.pad(t, 0, length * 3)

        t = dsp.env(t, 'sine')

        out += t

    out = dsp.env(out, 'sine')
    out = dsp.pan(out, dsp.rand(0, 1))

    dsp.log('%s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out))))

    return out
文件: drums.py 项目: hecanjog/hcj.py
def clap(length=22050, i=0, amp=0.5, root=3000.0, pw=None):
    wav = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1,1) for w in range(50) ] + [0], 512)
    win = dsp.wavetable('sine', 512)
    mod = dsp.wavetable('phasor', 512)

    klen = length / dsp.randint(2, 5) 
    if pw is None:
        pw = dsp.rand(0.1, 1)

    amp = dsp.rand(0.75, 1.0)

    mFreq = 1.0 / dsp.fts(klen)

    k = dsp.pulsar(root, klen, pw, wav, win, mod, 1.0, mFreq, amp) 
    #k = orc.kick(dsp.rand(0.4, 0.7), klen)

    k = dsp.env(k, 'phasor')

    k = dsp.pad(k, 0, length - klen)

    return k
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = C('bpm')
    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
    volume = P(voice_id, 'volume', default=1.0)

    chord = dsp.read('sounds/sag1.wav').data
    bass = dsp.read('sounds/sag2.wav').data    

    out = ''

    for i in range(32):

        b = dsp.amp(bass, 0.5)
        b = dsp.transpose(b, 2)
        b *= 2

        bar = dsp.flen(b) / 2

        blayers = []
        for blayer in range(3):
            blayer = dsp.split(b, bar / dsp.randchoose([6, 12]))
            blayer = dsp.randshuffle(blayer)
            blayer = blayer[:2]
            blayer = ''.join(blayer)
            blayer = dsp.pan(blayer, dsp.rand())
#            blayer *= dsp.randint(2, 8)

            blayers += [ blayer ]

        b = dsp.mix(blayers)

        c = dsp.amp(chord, 0.5)
        c = dsp.fill(c, bar / dsp.randchoose([8, 16, 12, 24]))
        c = dsp.fill(c, dsp.flen(b))

        out += dsp.mix([ b, c ])

    dsp.log('voice %s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out))))

    return out
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = C('bpm')
    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)
    volume = P(voice_id, 'volume', default=1.0)

    crinkle = dsp.read('sounds/s/crinkle.wav').data
    glass1 = dsp.read('sounds/s/glass1.wav').data
    glass2 = dsp.read('sounds/s/glass2.wav').data
    toys = dsp.read('sounds/s/rolling.wav').data

    c = dsp.vsplit(crinkle, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.stf(3))
    c = dsp.randshuffle(c)
    c = c[:40]
    c = [ dsp.pan(cc, dsp.rand()) for cc in c ]
    c = [ dsp.env(cc, 'sine') for cc in c ]
    c = [ dsp.transpose(cc, dsp.rand(0.25, 0.5)) for cc in c ]

    t = dsp.vsplit(toys, dsp.mstf(10), dsp.stf(1))
    t = dsp.randshuffle(t)
    t = t[:40]
    t = [ dsp.amp(tt, dsp.rand(0.1, 0.8)) for tt in t ]
    t = [ dsp.pan(tt, dsp.rand(0, 1)) for tt in t ]
    t = [ dsp.env(tt, 'sine') for tt in t ]
    t = [ dsp.transpose(tt, 0.5) for tt in t ]

    g = dsp.vsplit(glass2, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(100))
    g = dsp.randshuffle(g)
    g = g[:40]
    g = [ dsp.amp(gg, dsp.rand(0.35, 0.95)) for gg in g ]
    g = [ dsp.transpose(gg, dsp.rand(0.5, 1.75)) for gg in g ]
    g = [ gg * dsp.randint(1, 8) for gg in g ]

    things = [c,t,g]

    out = [ dsp.mix([ dsp.randchoose(dsp.randchoose(things)) for l in range(dsp.randint(2, 4)) ]) for i in range(4) ]
    out = ''.join(out)

    dsp.log('voice %s length: %.2f' % (voice_id, dsp.fts(dsp.flen(out))))

    return out
文件: drums.py 项目: hecanjog/hcj.py
def kick(length=22050, i=0, amp=0.5):
    wav = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1,1) for w in range(20) ] + [0], 512)
    win = dsp.wavetable('sine', 512)
    mod = dsp.wavetable('phasor', 512)

    root = 30.0
    klen = length / 4
    pw = dsp.rand(0.1, 1)

    amp = dsp.rand(0.5, 1.0)

    mFreq = 1.0 / dsp.fts(klen)

    k = dsp.pulsar(root, klen, pw, wav, win, mod, 2.0, mFreq, amp)

    k = dsp.mix([ sinekick(amp=dsp.rand(0.4, 0.7), length=klen), k ])

    k = dsp.env(k, 'phasor')

    k = dsp.pad(k, 0, length - klen)

    return k
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = config('bpm')

    root = config('key')
    quality = getattr(tune, config('quality'))
    ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune'))

    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)

    length = dsp.randint(dsp.stf(1), dsp.stf(3))

    wav = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [dsp.rand(-1, 1) for w in range(10)] + [0], 512)
    win = dsp.wavetable('sine', 512)
    mod = dsp.wavetable('vary', 512)

    root = dsp.randchoose(tune.fromdegrees([1, 3, 5, 8], octave=0, root='a'))

    pw = dsp.rand(0.1, 1)

    amp = dsp.rand(0.5, 1.2)

    mFreq = 0.01 / dsp.fts(length)

    out = dsp.pulsar(root, length, pw, wav, win, mod, 0.05, mFreq, amp)

    #    out = dsp.env(out, 'vary')

    out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(500))
    out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
    out = [dsp.pad(o, 0, dsp.randint(0, 4410)) for o in out]
    out = [dsp.pan(o, dsp.rand()) for o in out]
    out = [dsp.alias(o) for o in out]
    out = [o * dsp.randint(1, 30) for o in out]
    out = [dsp.env(o, 'random') for o in out]
    out = [dsp.amp(o, dsp.rand(0.9, 1.5)) for o in out]

    out = ''.join(out)

    return out
文件: fx.py 项目: hecanjog/hcj.py
def rb(snd, length=None, speed=None, hz=None, interval=None, ratios=None, crisp=0, formant=False):
    pid = os.getpid()
    cmd = ['rubberband']

    # Time stretching
    if length is not None and dsp.flen(snd) != length and length > 0:
        cmd += [ '--duration %s' % dsp.fts(length) ] 

    # crisp setting
    cmd += [ '--crisp %s' % dsp.cap(crisp, 6, 0) ]

    # preserve formants
    if formant:
        cmd += [ '--formant' ]

    # pitch shift by speed
    if speed is not None:
        cmd += [ '--frequency %s' % speed ]

    # pitch shift by semitones
    if interval is not None:
        # TODO use pippi.tune ratios and calc frequency args
        cmd += [ '--pitch %s' % interval ]

    vpid = pid + random.randint(1, 10000)

    cmd = ' '.join(cmd) + ' /tmp/infile%s.wav /tmp/outfile%s.wav' % (vpid, vpid)

    dsp.write(snd, '/tmp/infile%s' % vpid, cwd=False)

    with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=True)

    out = dsp.read('/tmp/outfile%s.wav' % vpid).data
    os.remove('/tmp/outfile%s.wav' % vpid)
    os.remove('/tmp/infile%s.wav' % vpid)

    return out
def play(voice_id):
    bpm = config('bpm')

    root = config('key')
    quality = getattr(tune, config('quality')) 
    ratios = getattr(tune, config('tune')) 

    beat = dsp.bpm2frames(bpm)

    length = dsp.randint(dsp.stf(1), dsp.stf(3))

    wav = dsp.breakpoint([0] + [ dsp.rand(-1,1) for w in range(10) ] + [0], 512)
    win = dsp.wavetable('sine', 512)
    mod = dsp.wavetable('vary', 512)

    root = dsp.randchoose(tune.fromdegrees([1,3,5,8], octave=0, root='a'))

    pw = dsp.rand(0.1, 1)

    amp = dsp.rand(0.5, 1.2)

    mFreq = 0.01 / dsp.fts(length)

    out = dsp.pulsar(root, length, pw, wav, win, mod, 0.05, mFreq, amp)

#    out = dsp.env(out, 'vary')

    out = dsp.vsplit(out, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(500))
    out = dsp.randshuffle(out)
    out = [ dsp.pad(o, 0, dsp.randint(0, 4410)) for o in out ]
    out = [ dsp.pan(o, dsp.rand()) for o in out ]
    out = [ dsp.alias(o) for o in out ]
    out = [ o * dsp.randint(1, 30) for o in out ]
    out = [ dsp.env(o, 'random') for o in out ]
    out = [ dsp.amp(o, dsp.rand(0.9, 1.5)) for o in out ]

    out = ''.join(out)

    return out
文件: keys.py 项目: hecanjog/hcj.py
def yourlove(length=22050, i=0, bar=5, amp=0.5, chords=None, root='a', octave=3, maxdiv=4, mindiv=1):
    """ Inspired by Terre """
    wav = dsp.wavetable('sine2pi', 512)
    win = dsp.wavetable('sine', 512)
    mod = dsp.wavetable('phasor', 512)

    if chords is None:
        chords = [
            [5, 7, 1],
            [5, 4, 1],
            [3, 2, 1, 6],

    pw = dsp.rand(0.1, 1)

    notes = chords[i % len(chords)]
    notes = tune.fromdegrees(notes, root=root, octave=octave)

    klen = length / dsp.randint(mindiv, maxdiv)

    amp = dsp.rand(0.3, 0.5)

    mFreq = dsp.rand(0.5, 1.0) / dsp.fts(klen)

    layers = []

    for note in notes:
        k = dsp.pulsar(note, klen, pw, wav, win, mod, 0.005, mFreq, amp) 
        k = dsp.env(k, 'sine')
        k = dsp.pan(k, dsp.rand())
        k = dsp.pad(k, 0, length - klen)

        layers += [ k ]

    out = dsp.mix(layers)

    return out
def play(params):

    length = params.get('length', dsp.stf(2))
    volume = params.get('volume', 100.0)
    volume = volume / 100.0 # TODO: move into param filter
    width = params.get('width', 50)
    measures = params.get('multiple', 1)
    beats = params.get('repeats', 8)
    bpm = params.get('bpm', 75.0)
    glitch = params.get('glitch', False)
    alias = params.get('alias', False)
    skitter = params.get('skitter', False)
    bend = params.get('bend', False)
    tweet = params.get('tweet', False)
    pattern = params.get('pattern', True)
    playdrums = params.get('drum', ['k', 'h', 'c'])
    pinecone = params.get('pinecone', False)
    insamp = params.get('rec', False)
    roll = params.get('roll', False)
    pi = params.get('pi', False)

    def bln(length, low=3000.0, high=7100.0, wform='sine2pi'):
        """ Time-domain band-limited noise generator
        outlen = 0
        cycles = ''
        while outlen < length:
            cycle = dsp.cycle(dsp.rand(low, high), wform)
            outlen += len(cycle)
            cycles += cycle

        return cycles

    def eu(length, numpulses):
        pulses = [ 1 for pulse in range(numpulses) ]
        pauses = [ 0 for pause in range(length - numpulses) ]

        position = 0
        while len(pauses) > 0:
                index = pulses.index(1, position)
                pulses.insert(index + 1, pauses.pop(0))
                position = index + 1
            except ValueError:
                position = 0

        return pulses

    def getevents(lenbeat, pattern):
        """ Takes pattern: [0, 1]
            Returns event list: [[0, 44100], [1, 44100]]

        events = []
        count = 0
        value = None
        event = []

        for p in pattern:

            prev = value
            value = p

            # Null to zero always starts new zero
            if prev is None and value is 0:
                # Start zero, add to length
                event = [0, lenbeat]

            # Any transition to one always starts new one
            elif value is 1:
                # Add last event if not empty to events and start a new one
                if len(event) == 2:
                    events += [ event ]

                # Start one, add to length
                event = [1, lenbeat]

            # One to zero always adds to one
            # Zero to zero always adds to zero
            elif prev is 0 or prev is 1 and value is 0:
                # Add to length
                event[1] += lenbeat

        return events

    def clap(amp, length):
        # Two layers of noise: lowmid and high
        out = dsp.mix([ bln(int(length * 0.2), 600, 1200), bln(int(length * 0.2), 7000, 9000) ])
        out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor')
        out = dsp.pad(out, 0, length - dsp.flen(out))

        return out

    def hihat(amp, length):
        def hat(length):
            if dsp.randint(0, 6) == 0:
                out = bln(length, 9000, 14000)
                out = dsp.env(out, 'line')
                out = bln(int(length * 0.05), 9000, 14000)
                out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor')
                out = dsp.pad(out, 0, length - dsp.flen(out))

            return out

        if dsp.randint() == 0:
            out = ''.join([ hat(length / 2), hat(length / 2) ])
            out = hat(length)

        return out

    def snare(amp, length):
        # Two layers of noise: lowmid and high
        out = dsp.mix([ bln(int(length * 0.2), 700, 3200, 'impulse'), bln(int(length * 0.01), 7000, 9000) ])
        out = dsp.env(out, 'phasor')
        out = dsp.pad(out, 0, length - dsp.flen(out))

        return out

    def kick(amp, length):
        fhigh = 160.0
        flow = 60.0
        fdelta = fhigh - flow

        target = length
        pos = 0
        fpos = fhigh

        out = ''
        while pos < target:
            # Add single cycle
            # Decrease pitch by amount relative to cycle len
            cycle = dsp.cycle(fpos)
            #cycle = ''.join([ str(v) for v in dsp.curve(0, dsp.htf(fpos), math.pi * 2) ])
            pos += dsp.flen(cycle)
            #fpos = fpos - (fhigh * (length / dsp.htf(fpos)))
            fpos = fpos - 30.0
            out += cycle

        return dsp.env(out, 'phasor')

    beats = beats * measures

    drums = [{
        'name': 'clap',
        'shortname': 'c',
        'trigger_id': 5,
        'gen': clap,
        'pat': eu(beats, dsp.randint(1, beats / 3)),
        }, {
        'name': 'hihat',
        'shortname': 'h',
        'trigger_id': 3,
        'gen': hihat,
        'pat': eu(beats, dsp.randint(1, beats / 3)),
        }, {
        'name': 'snare',
        'shortname': 's',
        'trigger_id': 4,
        'gen': snare,
        'pat': eu(beats, dsp.randint(1, beats / 2)),
        }, {
        'name': 'kick',
        'shortname': 'k',
        'trigger_id': 2,
        'gen': kick,
        'pat': eu(beats, dsp.randint(1, beats / 3)),

    out = ''
    lenbeat = dsp.mstf(60000.0 / bpm) / 4
    layers = []
    streams = []

    for drum in drums:
        if drum['shortname'] in playdrums:
            events = getevents(lenbeat, drum['pat'])
            layers += [ ''.join([ drum['gen'](event[0], event[1]) for event in events ]) ]

            if drum['shortname'] == 's':
                osc_messages = [ ['/tick', dsp.fts(lenbeat), drum['trigger_id'], int(h)] for h in drum['pat'] ]
            #stream = []
            #for h in drum['pat']:
                #stream += [ ('/tick/' + str(drum['trigger_id']), int(h), dsp.fts(lenbeat)) ]

            #streams += [ stream ]

    out = dsp.mix(layers)

    if bend is True:
        out = dsp.drift(out, dsp.rand(0.1, 2))

    if alias is True:
        out = dsp.alias(out)

    if glitch == True:
        out = dsp.split(out, int(lenbeat * 0.5))
        out = ''.join(dsp.randshuffle(out))

    return dsp.amp(out, volume)
                grains = dsp.amp(grains, dsp.rand(0.25, 0.55))
                grains = mixdrift(grains)

                layers += [grains]

        sounds = dsp.fill(dsp.mix(layers), tlen)

        if canPlay('ending', bigoldsection):
            sounds = dsp.vsplit(sounds, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(200))
            sounds = [
                dsp.pad(s, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(50, 250))) for s in sounds
            sounds = ''.join(sounds)

        subsection_length = dsp.flen(sounds)
        print 'subsection length:', dsp.fts(subsection_length), seg_index

        section += sounds

    section_length = dsp.flen(section)
    print 'section length:', dsp.fts(section_length)

    sections += [section]


out = ''.join(sections)

dsp.write(out, 'amber', timestamp=True)
                grains = dsp.mix(grains)
                grains = dsp.amp(grains, dsp.rand(0.25, 0.55))
                grains = mixdrift(grains)

                layers += [ grains ]

        sounds = dsp.fill(dsp.mix(layers), tlen)

        if canPlay('ending', bigoldsection):
            sounds = dsp.vsplit(sounds, dsp.mstf(1), dsp.mstf(200))
            sounds = [ dsp.pad(s, 0, dsp.mstf(dsp.rand(50, 250))) for s in sounds ]
            sounds = ''.join(sounds)

        subsection_length = dsp.flen(sounds)
        print 'subsection length:', dsp.fts(subsection_length), seg_index
        section += sounds

    section_length = dsp.flen(section)
    print 'section length:', dsp.fts(section_length)

    sections += [ section ]


out = ''.join(sections)

dsp.write(out, 'amber', timestamp=True)