async def add_round(request, persistence):
    """Add a round to the game."""
    game_id = request.match_info['game_id']
    json = await request.json(loads=loads_or_empty)

        round_name = json['round_name']
    except KeyError:
        return json_response({'error': 'Must specify the name.'}, status=400)

    if len(round_name) < 1:
        return json_response({'error': 'The name must not be empty.'}, status=400)

    user_session = await get_session(request)
    if not client_owns_game(game_id, user_session, persistence):
        return json_response({'error': 'The user is not the moderator of this game.'}, status=403)

        persistence.add_round(game_id, round_name)
    except RoundExists:
        return json_response({'error': 'Round with this name already exists.'}, status=409)
    # No point to catch NoSuchGame because we cannot sensibly handle situation when there is a game
    # in a session but not in the storage. Let's better 500.

    return json_response({'game': persistence.serialize_game(game_id)})
async def add_poll(request, persistence):
    """Add a poll to a round."""
    game_id = request.match_info['game_id']
    round_name = request.match_info['round_name']
    user_session = await get_session(request)

    if not client_owns_game(game_id, user_session, persistence):
        return json_response({'error': 'The user is not the moderator of this game.'}, status=403)

        persistence.add_poll(game_id, round_name)
    except NoSuchRound:
        return json_response({'error': 'Round does not exist.'}, status=404)
    except RoundFinalized:
        return json_response({'error': 'This round is finalized.'}, status=409)

    return json_response({'game': persistence.serialize_game(game_id)})
async def finalize_round(request, persistence):
    """Finalize an owned round."""
    game_id = request.match_info['game_id']
    round_name = request.match_info['round_name']
    user_session = await get_session(request)

    if not client_owns_game(game_id, user_session, persistence):
        return json_response({'error': 'The user is not the moderator of this game.'}, status=403)

        persistence.finalize_round(game_id, round_name)
    except NoSuchRound:
        return json_response({'error': 'Round does not exist.'}, status=404)
    except NoActivePoll:
        return json_response({'error': 'There is no active poll in this round.'}, status=404)
    except RoundFinalized:
        return json_response({'error': 'This round has already been finalized.'}, status=409)

    return json_response({'game': persistence.serialize_game(game_id)})