def test_generate_3d_hermitian():
    Nmesh = 4
    value = numpy.zeros((Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh // 2 + 1), dtype='complex128')
    generate(value, 0, (Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh), 5463, unitary=False)

    # workaround https://github.com/IntelPython/mkl_fft/issues/4
    h = numpy.fft.rfftn(numpy.fft.irfftn(value.copy()))

    for ind in numpy.ndindex(*value.shape):
        c = (Nmesh - numpy.array(ind)) % Nmesh
        if any(c >= value.shape): continue
        c = tuple(c)
        diff = (value[c] - value[ind].conjugate())
        if abs(diff) > 1e-8:
            print(ind, c, diff, 'hermitian', value[c], 'local', value[ind])

        diff = (h[ind] - value[ind])
        if abs(diff) > 1e-4:
            print(ind, abs(diff), 'good', h[ind], 'local', value[ind])

    assert_array_equal(value[1, 1, 0], (value[Nmesh - 1, Nmesh - 1,
    assert_array_equal(value[1, 1, Nmesh // 2],
                       (value[Nmesh - 1, Nmesh - 1, Nmesh // 2]).conjugate())
    assert_allclose(h, value, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-9)
def test_3d_genic():
    Nmesh = 4
    value = numpy.zeros((Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh//2 + 1), dtype='complex128')

    # Illustris seeds
    generate(value, 0, (Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh), 5463, unitary=False)

    # values from N-GenIC.
    assert_allclose(value[0, 1, 0], (-0.040000000000000001-0.029999999999999999j), atol=0.02)
    assert_allclose(value[1, 0, 0], (0.35999999999999999-0.78000000000000003j), atol=0.02)
    assert_allclose(value[1, 1, 0], (-0.42999999999999999+0.33000000000000002j), atol=0.02)
    assert_allclose(value[1, 1, 1], (-1.6499999999999999-0.64000000000000001j), atol=0.02)
def test_3d_genic():
    Nmesh = 4
    value = numpy.zeros((Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh//2 + 1), dtype='complex128')

    # Illustris seeds
    generate(value, 0, (Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh), 5463, unitary=False)

    # values from N-GenIC.
    assert_allclose(value[0, 1, 0], (-0.040000000000000001-0.029999999999999999j), atol=0.02)
    assert_allclose(value[1, 0, 0], (0.35999999999999999-0.78000000000000003j), atol=0.02)
    assert_allclose(value[1, 1, 0], (-0.42999999999999999+0.33000000000000002j), atol=0.02)
    assert_allclose(value[1, 1, 1], (-1.6499999999999999-0.64000000000000001j), atol=0.02)
def test_generate_1d():
    Nmesh = 4096 * 32
    value = numpy.zeros((Nmesh // 2 + 1), dtype='complex128')

    generate(value, 0, (Nmesh, ), 1, unitary=False)
    assert_allclose(value.real.std(), 0.5**0.5, rtol=1e-1)
    assert_allclose(value.imag.std(), 0.5**0.5, rtol=1e-1)

    piece = numpy.zeros((8), dtype='complex128')
    offset = [2]
    offset = [2]
    generate(piece, offset, (Nmesh, ), 1, unitary=False)
    truth = value[offset[0]:offset[0] + piece.shape[0]]

    assert_array_equal(piece, truth)
def test_generate():
    value = numpy.zeros((64, 64, 64), dtype='complex128')

    generate(value, 0, value.shape, 1)

    piece = numpy.zeros((32, 4, 4),dtype='complex128')
    offset = [2, 2, 2]
    offset = [2, 2, 2]
    generate(piece, offset, value.shape, 1)
    truth = value[
        offset[0]:offset[0] + piece.shape[0],
        offset[1]:offset[1] + piece.shape[1],
        offset[2]:offset[2] + piece.shape[2]]

    assert_array_equal(piece, truth)
def test_generate_1d():
    Nmesh = 4096 * 32
    value = numpy.zeros((Nmesh//2 + 1), dtype='complex128')

    generate(value, 0, (Nmesh,), 1, unitary=False)
    assert_allclose(value.real.std(), 0.5 ** 0.5, rtol=1e-1)
    assert_allclose(value.imag.std(), 0.5 ** 0.5, rtol=1e-1)

    piece = numpy.zeros((8),dtype='complex128')
    offset = [2]
    offset = [2]
    generate(piece, offset, (Nmesh,), 1, unitary=False)
    truth = value[
        offset[0]:offset[0] + piece.shape[0]]

    assert_array_equal(piece, truth)
def test_generate_3d():
    Nmesh = 128
    value = numpy.zeros((Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh // 2 + 1), dtype='complex128')

    generate(value, 0, (Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh), 1, unitary=False)
    assert_allclose(value.real.std(), 0.5**0.5, rtol=1e-2)
    assert_allclose(value.imag.std(), 0.5**0.5, rtol=1e-2)
    print(value[3, 2, 1])
    piece = numpy.zeros((32, 4, 4), dtype='complex128')
    offset = [2, 2, 2]
    offset = [2, 2, 2]
    generate(piece, offset, (Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh), 1, unitary=False)
    truth = value[offset[0]:offset[0] + piece.shape[0],
                  offset[1]:offset[1] + piece.shape[1],
                  offset[2]:offset[2] + piece.shape[2]]

    assert_array_equal(piece, truth)
def test_generate_2d_hermitian_full():
    Nmesh = 8
    value = numpy.zeros((Nmesh, Nmesh), dtype='complex128')
    generate(value, 0, (Nmesh, Nmesh), 1, unitary=False)

    value2 = numpy.zeros((Nmesh, Nmesh // 2 + 1), dtype='complex128')
    generate(value2, 0, (Nmesh, Nmesh), 1, unitary=False)

    for i in range(Nmesh):
        for j in range(Nmesh):
            assert_allclose(value[i, j].conj(), value[-i, -j])

    # assert both the half fill and full fill give identical results.
    c1 = numpy.fft.ifftn(value)
    c2 = numpy.fft.irfftn(value2)

    assert_allclose(c1.imag, 0, atol=1e-9)
    assert_allclose(c1, c2)
def test_generate_2d_hermitian_full():
    Nmesh = 8
    value = numpy.zeros((Nmesh, Nmesh), dtype='complex128')
    generate(value, 0, (Nmesh, Nmesh), 1, unitary=False)

    value2 = numpy.zeros((Nmesh, Nmesh//2 + 1), dtype='complex128')
    generate(value2, 0, (Nmesh, Nmesh), 1, unitary=False)

    for i in range(Nmesh):
       for j in range(Nmesh):
           assert_allclose(value[i, j].conj(), value[-i, -j])

    # assert both the half fill and full fill give identical results.
    c1 = numpy.fft.ifftn(value)
    c2 = numpy.fft.irfftn(value2)

    assert_allclose(c1.imag, 0, atol=1e-9)
    assert_allclose(c1, c2)
def test_generate_3d():
    Nmesh = 128
    value = numpy.zeros((Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh//2 + 1), dtype='complex128')

    generate(value, 0, (Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh), 1, unitary=False)
    assert_allclose(value.real.std(), 0.5 ** 0.5, rtol=1e-2)
    assert_allclose(value.imag.std(), 0.5 ** 0.5, rtol=1e-2)
    print(value[3, 2, 1])
    piece = numpy.zeros((32, 4, 4),dtype='complex128')
    offset = [2, 2, 2]
    offset = [2, 2, 2]
    generate(piece, offset, (Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh), 1, unitary=False)
    truth = value[
        offset[0]:offset[0] + piece.shape[0],
        offset[1]:offset[1] + piece.shape[1],
        offset[2]:offset[2] + piece.shape[2]]

    assert_array_equal(piece, truth)
def test_generate_3d_hermitian():
    Nmesh = 4
    value = numpy.zeros((Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh//2 + 1), dtype='complex128')
    generate(value, 0, (Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh), 5463, unitary=False)

    # workaround https://github.com/IntelPython/mkl_fft/issues/4
    h = numpy.fft.rfftn(numpy.fft.irfftn(value.copy()))

    for ind in numpy.ndindex(*value.shape):
        c = (Nmesh - numpy.array(ind)) % Nmesh
        if any(c >= value.shape): continue
        c = tuple(c)
        diff = (value[c] - value[ind].conjugate())
        if abs(diff) > 1e-8:
            print(ind, c, diff, 'hermitian', value[c], 'local', value[ind])

        diff = (h[ind] - value[ind])
        if abs(diff) > 1e-4:
            print(ind, abs(diff), 'good', h[ind], 'local', value[ind])

    assert_array_equal(value[1, 1, 0], (value[Nmesh - 1, Nmesh- 1, 0]).conjugate())
    assert_array_equal(value[1, 1, Nmesh // 2], (value[Nmesh - 1, Nmesh- 1, Nmesh // 2]).conjugate())
    assert_allclose(h, value, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-9)