        print "opt_max_valid_age = ", opt_max_valid_age
        print "opt_passive = ", opt_passive
        print "opt_register_interval = ", opt_register_interval
        print "opt_sleep_secs = ", opt_sleep_secs
        print "opt_die = ", opt_die
        print "opt_noDot = ", opt_noDot
        print "opt_generate_ldata_info = ", opt_generate_ldata_info
        print "opt_data_type = ", opt_data_type
        print "opt_source_base_url = ", opt_source_base_url
        print "opt_date_str = ", opt_date_str

    # Initialize process mapper registration

    pmu.auto_init(prog_name, opt_instance, opt_register_interval)

    # Wait for new files.  When found, push them to the destination.

    need_sleep = 0

    dot_string = '.'
    if opt_noDot:
        dot_string = ''

    request_string = '*' + dot_string + opt_source_ext

    if opt_debug:
        print "Request_string: %s" % request_string
        print "shell_cmd = ", shell_cmd
        print "opt_dest_dir = ", opt_dest_dir
        print "opt_dest_host = ", opt_dest_host
        print "opt_dest_pwd = ", opt_dest_pwd
        print "opt_dest_user = "******"opt_input_dir = ", opt_input_dir
        print "opt_instance = ", opt_instance
        print "opt_max_valid_age = ", opt_max_valid_age
        print "opt_push_ldata = ", opt_push_ldata
        print "opt_sleep_secs = ", opt_sleep_secs

    # Initialize process mapper registration

    pmu.auto_init(prog_name, opt_instance, 60)

    # Initialize the ldata object

    input_ldata = ldata.Ldata(prog_name, opt_debug)

    # Wait for new files.  When found, push them to the destination.

    while 1:

        # Wait for the next new file
    print opt_ftp_passwd
    print opt_ftp_dir
    print opt_instance
    print opt_output_dir
    print "debug set to ", + opt_debug

  # Initalize signal handler
  signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)

  # Initialize process mapper registration

  pmu.auto_init(prog_name, opt_instance, 60)

  print opt_ftp_server
  print opt_ftp_dir
  print opt_ftp_user
  print opt_ftp_passwd
  print opt_log

  old_subDir = "junk"

  last_timestamp = -1

  while 1:

    sub_directory = getCurrentJulianday()
    print "opt_max_valid_age = ", opt_max_valid_age
    print "opt_passive = ", opt_passive
    print "opt_register_interval = ", opt_register_interval
    print "opt_sleep_secs = ", opt_sleep_secs
    print "opt_die = ", opt_die
    print "opt_noDot = ", opt_noDot
    print "opt_generate_ldata_info = ", opt_generate_ldata_info
    print "opt_data_type = ", opt_data_type
    print "opt_source_base_url = ", opt_source_base_url
    print "opt_date_str = ", opt_date_str

  # Initialize process mapper registration

  pmu.auto_init(prog_name, opt_instance, opt_register_interval)

  # Wait for new files.  When found, push them to the destination.

  need_sleep = 0

  dot_string = '.'
  if opt_noDot:
    dot_string = ''
  request_string = '*' + dot_string + opt_source_ext

  if opt_debug:
    print "Request_string: %s" % request_string