  def _flow_mod_add (self, flow_mod, connection, table):
    Process an OFPFC_ADD flow mod sent to the switch.
    match = flow_mod.match
    priority = flow_mod.priority

    if flow_mod.flags & OFPFF_EMERG:
      if flow_mod.idle_timeout != 0 or flow_mod.hard_timeout != 0:
        # Emergency flow mod has non-zero timeouts. Do not add.
        self.log.warn("Rejecting emergency flow with nonzero timeout")
                        ofp=flow_mod, connection=connection)
      if flow_mod.flags & OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM:
        # Emergency flows can't send removal messages, we we might want to
        # reject this early.  Sadly, there's no error code for this, so we just
        # abuse EPERM.  If we eventually support Nicira extended error codes,
        # we should use one here.
        self.log.warn("Rejecting emergency flow with flow removal flag")
                        ofp=flow_mod, connection=connection)
      #NOTE: An error is sent anyways because the current implementation does
      #      not support emergency entries.
      self.log.warn("Rejecting emergency flow (not supported)")
                      ofp=flow_mod, connection=connection)
    new_entry = TableEntry.from_flow_mod(flow_mod)
    log = core.getLogger()
    log.debug("Entrou _FLOW_MOD_ADD")
    if flow_mod.flags & OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP:
      log.debug("Entrou _FLOW_MOD_ADD - 1 if")
      if table.check_for_overlapping_entry(new_entry):
        # Another entry overlaps. Do not add.
        log.debug("Entrou _FLOW_MOD_ADD - 1 if")
        self.send_error(type=OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED, code=OFPFMFC_OVERLAP,
                        ofp=flow_mod, connection=connection)

    if flow_mod.command == OFPFC_ADD:
      # Exactly matching entries have to be removed if OFPFC_ADD
      table.remove_matching_entries(match, priority=priority, strict=True)

    if len(table) >= self.max_entries:
      # Flow table is full. Respond with error message.
                      ofp=flow_mod, connection=connection)

文件: boot.py 项目: dark-knight96/pox
def _do_launch(argv):
    component_order = []
    components = {}

    curargs = {}
    pox_options = curargs

    for arg in argv:
        if not arg.startswith("-"):
            if arg not in components:
                components[arg] = []
            curargs = {}
            arg = arg.lstrip("-").split("=", 1)
            arg[0] = arg[0].replace("-", "_")
            if len(arg) == 1: arg.append(True)
            curargs[arg[0]] = arg[1]

    global core
    if pox.core.core is not None:
        core = pox.core.core
        core.getLogger('boot').debug('Using existing POX core')
        core = pox.core.initialize(_options.threaded_selecthub,

    modules = _do_imports(n.split(':')[0] for n in component_order)
    if modules is False:
        return False

    inst = {}
    for name in component_order:
        cname = name
        inst[name] = inst.get(name, -1) + 1
        params = components[name][inst[name]]
        name = name.split(":", 1)
        launch = name[1] if len(name) == 2 else "launch"
        name = name[0]

        name, module, members = modules[name]

        if launch in members:
            f = members[launch]
            # We explicitly test for a function and not an arbitrary callable
            if type(f) is not types.FunctionType:
                print(launch, "in", name, "isn't a function!")
                return False

            if getattr(f, '_pox_eval_args', False):
                import ast
                for k, v in params.items():
                    if isinstance(v, str):
                            params[k] = ast.literal_eval(v)
                            # Leave it as a string

            multi = False
            if f.__code__.co_argcount > 0:
                #FIXME: This code doesn't look quite right to me and may be broken
                #       in some cases.  We should refactor to use inspect anyway,
                #       which should hopefully just fix it.
                if (f.__code__.co_varnames[f.__code__.co_argcount -
                                           1] == '__INSTANCE__'):
                    # It's a multi-instance-aware component.

                    multi = True

                    # Special __INSTANCE__ paramter gets passed a tuple with:
                    # 1. The number of this instance (0...n-1)
                    # 2. The total number of instances for this module
                    # 3. True if this is the last instance, False otherwise
                    # The last is just a comparison between #1 and #2, but it's
                    # convenient.
                    params['__INSTANCE__'] = (inst[cname],
                                              inst[cname] + 1 == len(

            if multi == False and len(components[cname]) != 1:
                print(name, "does not accept multiple instances")
                return False

                if f(**params) is False:
                    # Abort startup
                    return False
            except TypeError as exc:
                instText = ''
                if inst[cname] > 0:
                    instText = "instance {0} of ".format(inst[cname] + 1)
                print("Error executing {2}{0}.{1}:".format(
                    name, launch, instText))
                if inspect.currentframe() is sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame:
                    # Error is with calling the function
                    # Try to give some useful feedback
                    if _options.verbose:
                        exc = sys.exc_info()[0:2]
                    EMPTY = "<Unspecified>"
                    code = f.__code__
                    argcount = code.co_argcount
                    argnames = code.co_varnames[:argcount]
                    defaults = list((f.func_defaults) or [])
                    defaults = [EMPTY] * (argcount - len(defaults)) + defaults
                    args = {}
                    for n, a in enumerate(argnames):
                        args[a] = [EMPTY, EMPTY]
                        if n < len(defaults):
                            args[a][0] = defaults[n]
                        if a in params:
                            args[a][1] = params[a]
                            del params[a]
                    if '__INSTANCE__' in args:
                        del args['__INSTANCE__']

                    if f.__doc__ is not None:
                        print("Documentation for {0}:".format(name))
                        doc = f.__doc__.split("\n")
                        #TODO: only strip the same leading space as was on the first
                        #      line
                        doc = map(str.strip, doc)
                        print('', ("\n ".join(doc)).strip())


                    print("Parameters for {0}:".format(name))
                    if len(args) == 0:
                        print(" None.")
                        print(" {0:25} {1:25} {2:25}".format(
                            "Name", "Default", "Active"))
                        print(" {0:25} {0:25} {0:25}".format("-" * 15))

                        for k, v in args.iteritems():
                            print(" {0:25} {1:25} {2:25}".format(
                                k, str(v[0]),
                                str(v[1] if v[1] is not EMPTY else v[0])))

                    if len(params):
                            "This component does not have a parameter named " +
                        return False
                    missing = [
                        k for k, x in args.iteritems()
                        if x[1] is EMPTY and x[0] is EMPTY
                    if len(missing):
                        print("You must specify a value for the '{0}' "
                        return False

                    return False
                    # Error is inside the function
        elif len(params) > 0 or launch is not "launch":
            print("Module %s has no %s(), but it was specified or passed " \
                  "arguments" % (name, launch))
            return False

    return True
from pox import core
from pox.lib.addresses import * 
from pox.lib.packet import *
from pox.lib.recoco.recoco import *
import re

# Get a logger
log = core.getLogger("fw")

class Firewall (object):
  Firewall class.
  Extend this to implement some firewall functionality.
  Don't change the name or anything -- the eecore component
  expects it to be firewall.Firewall.
  TIMEOUT = 10
  BASIC_PORTS = 1024
  FTP_PORTS = 65536
  def __init__(self):
    Put your initialization code here.
    #dictionary to hold all the monitoring data for the connections
    #K: Port number
    #V: Timer
    self.timers = {}
def _do_launch (argv):
  component_order = []
  components = {}

  curargs = {}
  pox_options = curargs

  for arg in argv:
    if not arg.startswith("-"):
      if arg not in components:
        components[arg] = []
      curargs = {}
      arg = arg.lstrip("-").split("=", 1)
      arg[0] = arg[0].replace("-", "_")
      if len(arg) == 1: arg.append(True)
      curargs[arg[0]] = arg[1]

  global core
  if pox.core.core is not None:
    core = pox.core.core
    core.getLogger('boot').debug('Using existing POX core')
    core = pox.core.initialize(_options.threaded_selecthub)

  modules = _do_imports(n.split(':')[0] for n in component_order)
  if modules is False:
    return False

  inst = {}
  for name in component_order:
    cname = name
    inst[name] = inst.get(name, -1) + 1
    params = components[name][inst[name]]
    name = name.split(":", 1)
    launch = name[1] if len(name) == 2 else "launch"
    name = name[0]

    name,module,members = modules[name]

    if launch in members:
      f = members[launch]
      # We explicitly test for a function and not an arbitrary callable
      if type(f) is not types.FunctionType:
        print(launch, "in", name, "isn't a function!")
        return False

      if getattr(f, '_pox_eval_args', False):
        import ast
        for k,v in params.items():
          if isinstance(v, str):
              params[k] = ast.literal_eval(v)
              # Leave it as a string

      multi = False
      if f.func_code.co_argcount > 0:
        #FIXME: This code doesn't look quite right to me and may be broken
        #       in some cases.  We should refactor to use inspect anyway,
        #       which should hopefully just fix it.
        if (f.func_code.co_varnames[f.func_code.co_argcount-1]
            == '__INSTANCE__'):
          # It's a multi-instance-aware component.

          multi = True

          # Special __INSTANCE__ paramter gets passed a tuple with:
          # 1. The number of this instance (0...n-1)
          # 2. The total number of instances for this module
          # 3. True if this is the last instance, False otherwise
          # The last is just a comparison between #1 and #2, but it's
          # convenient.
          params['__INSTANCE__'] = (inst[cname], len(components[cname]),
           inst[cname] + 1 == len(components[cname]))

      if multi == False and len(components[cname]) != 1:
        print(name, "does not accept multiple instances")
        return False

        if f(**params) is False:
          # Abort startup
          return False
      except TypeError as exc:
        instText = ''
        if inst[cname] > 0:
          instText = "instance {0} of ".format(inst[cname] + 1)
        print("Error executing {2}{0}.{1}:".format(name,launch,instText))
        if inspect.currentframe() is sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame:
          # Error is with calling the function
          # Try to give some useful feedback
          if _options.verbose:
            exc = sys.exc_info()[0:2]
            print(''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(*exc)), end='')
          EMPTY = "<Unspecified>"
          code = f.__code__
          argcount = code.co_argcount
          argnames = code.co_varnames[:argcount]
          defaults = list((f.func_defaults) or [])
          defaults = [EMPTY] * (argcount - len(defaults)) + defaults
          args = {}
          for n, a in enumerate(argnames):
            args[a] = [EMPTY,EMPTY]
            if n < len(defaults):
              args[a][0] = defaults[n]
            if a in params:
              args[a][1] = params[a]
              del params[a]
          if '__INSTANCE__' in args:
            del args['__INSTANCE__']

          if f.__doc__ is not None:
            print("Documentation for {0}:".format(name))
            doc = f.__doc__.split("\n")
            #TODO: only strip the same leading space as was on the first
            #      line
            doc = map(str.strip, doc)
            print('',("\n ".join(doc)).strip())


          print("Parameters for {0}:".format(name))
          if len(args) == 0:
            print(" None.")
            print(" {0:25} {1:25} {2:25}".format("Name", "Default",
            print(" {0:25} {0:25} {0:25}".format("-" * 15))

            for k,v in args.iteritems():
              print(" {0:25} {1:25} {2:25}".format(k,str(v[0]),
                    str(v[1] if v[1] is not EMPTY else v[0])))

          if len(params):
            print("This component does not have a parameter named "
                  + "'{0}'.".format(params.keys()[0]))
            return False
          missing = [k for k,x in args.iteritems()
                     if x[1] is EMPTY and x[0] is EMPTY]
          if len(missing):
            print("You must specify a value for the '{0}' "
            return False

          return False
          # Error is inside the function
    elif len(params) > 0 or launch is not "launch":
      print("Module %s has no %s(), but it was specified or passed " \
            "arguments" % (name, launch))
      return False

  return True
from pox.lib.packet.ipv4 import ipv4
from pox.lib.packet.arp import arp
from pox.lib.addresses import IPAddr, EthAddr
from pox.lib.util import str_to_bool, dpid_to_str
from pox.lib.recoco import Timer
from pox.lib.revent import *

import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of
import time
import numpy as np
import pickle

from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model

log = getLogger()

packets_arr = []

# Timeout for flows

# Timeout for ARP entries
ARP_TIMEOUT = 60 * 2

# Maximum number of packet to buffer on a switch for an unknown IP

# Maximum time to hang on to a buffer for an unknown IP in seconds
import subprocess
import re
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.dummy
import xmlrpclib
import json
import inspect
import socket
from ssl import SSLError

import pox.core
from pox.core import core
from pox.lib.addresses import *
from pox.lib.revent import *

log = core.getLogger()
config = {}
lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
rpc_lock = multiprocessing.Lock()

# from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/372365/set-timeout-for-xmlrpclib-serverproxy
import httplib

class TimeoutHTTPSConnection (httplib.HTTPSConnection):
  def connect (self):
  def set_timeout (self, timeout):
    self.timeout = timeout
import subprocess
import re
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.dummy
import xmlrpclib
import json
import inspect
import socket
from ssl import SSLError

import pox.core
from pox.core import core
from pox.lib.addresses import *
from pox.lib.revent import *

log = core.getLogger()
config = {}
lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
rpc_lock = multiprocessing.Lock()

# from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/372365/set-timeout-for-xmlrpclib-serverproxy
import httplib

class TimeoutHTTPSConnection (httplib.HTTPSConnection):
  def connect (self):
  def set_timeout (self, timeout):
    self.timeout = timeout
def _do_launch(argv):
    component_order = []
    # Ordem dos componentes
    # Lista vazia

    components = {}
    # Componentes
    # Dicionario vazio

    curargs = {}
    # Argumentos atuais
    # Dicionario vazio

    pox_options = curargs
    # Opções do POX
    # Copia a referência do objeto curargs para pox_options

    for arg in argv:
        # arg(argumento)
        if not arg.startswith("-"):  # Se arg não inicia com "-"
            if arg not in components:  # Se arg não estiver em componentes
                components[arg] = [
                ]  # Adiciona uma lista vazia para a chave arg
            curargs = {}  # Reatribui um dicionario vazio a curargs
            )  # Adiciona curargs a lista de componentes na posicao arg
                arg)  # Adiciona arg a lista de ordem dos componentes
    else:  # Se arg inicia com "-"
        arg = arg.lstrip("-").split("=", 1)
        # Retira "-" arg e atribui uma lista de string com uma ou duas substrings
        # da arg, separadas por "=".
        arg[0] = arg[0].replace(
            "-", "_")  # Substitui todos os "-" por "_" de agr[0]
        if len(arg) == 1:  # Se arg[0] for uma lista de uma só posicao
            arg.append(True)  # Adiciona True no final
        curargs[arg[0]] = arg[1]
        # atribui o valor de arg[1] em curargs na posicao corespondente à string arg[0]

    # Se a opção for desconhecida encerra o processo.

    global core
    # Chama o objeto core como global
    if pox.core.core is not None:  # Verififar arquivo core
        core = pox.core.core
        core.getLogger('boot').debug('Using existing POX core')
        core = pox.core.initialize(_options.threaded_selecthub,
    # Só quando olhar a core.py
    # Todas as opções do POX foram lidas.
    modules = _do_imports(n.split(':')[0] for n in component_order)
    # Modulos recebe uma lista com:
    #     -> Dicionario, contendo informações sobre os modulos importados.
    #     -> False, se não for possível importar o módulo
    if modules is False:
        return False

    inst = {}
    # Dicionário vazio

    for name in component_order:
        # Passapor todos os componentes da lista component_order
        # atribui esse valos a name.
        cname = name
        # pra que serve "cname"?

        inst[name] = inst.get(name, -1) + 1
        # Atribui ao dicionario na chave "name", oq ele contiver com essa chave + 1
        # ou -1 + 1 se ele não tiver uma chave "name".
        params = components[name][inst[name]]
        # params recebe o valor dos componentes na chave name na posição
        # correspondente ao valor de inst[name].
        name = name.split(":", 1)
        # Atribui a name uma lista de strings com a string name quebrada
        # em no máximo duas posições, quebra essa feita no primeiro
        # caracter ":" que aparecer.

        launch = name[1] if len(name) == 2 else "launch"
        # launch recebe a segunda posicao da linta name, se ela contiver
        # duas posicoes, se não, ele recebe a string "launch".

        name = name[0]
        # name recebe a string da primeira posicao da lista name.

        name, module, members = modules[name]
        # Pega os elementos de modules na chave name e atribui às variáveis
        # simultaneamente. (Atribuição multipla)

        if launch in members:  # Se launch estiver em members
            f = members[launch]
            # atribui o mendo com a chave saunch à f

            # We explicitly test for a function and not an arbitrary callable.
            # Testamos explicitamente para uma função e não um arbitrário callable.
            if type(f) is not types.FunctionType:  # Se f não for uma função
                print(launch, "in", name,
                      "isn't a function!")  # Diz não é uma função
                return False  # Retorna falso

            if getattr(f, '_pox_eval_args', False):
                # Verifica se o metodo '_pox_eval_args' existe em f.
                import ast
        O módulo ast ajuda aplicações Python para processar árvores do Python
        sintaxe abstrata gramática. A própria sintaxe abstrata pode mudar com
        cada versão Python; Este módulo ajuda a descobrir programaticamente
        o que a gramática atual se parece.

                for k, v in params.items():  # Declarado na linha 267
                    #  Copia a chave -> k e o valor -> v das posições do dicionario params.
                    if isinstance(v, str):
                        # Se o objeto v é da classe string.
                            params[k] = ast.literal_eval(v)
                            # Verifica se o valor de v é código python
                            # Leave it as a string

            multi = False
            if f.__code__.co_argcount > 0:  # Se a função f receber algum argumento.
                # FIXME: This code doesn't look quite right to me and may be broken
                #       in some cases.  We should refactor to use inspect anyway,
                #       which should hopefully just fix it.
        FIXME: Esse código não parece muito bem para mim e pode ser quebrado em alguns
        casos. Nós devemos refatorar para uso de qualquer forma, inspecionar
        que esperemos que deve apenas corrigi-lo.
                if (f.__code__.co_varnames[f.__code__.co_argcount -
                                           1] == '__INSTANCE__'):
                    # It's a multi-instance-aware component.
                    # É um componente de reconhecimento de instância de multipla.

                    multi = True

                    # Special __INSTANCE__ paramter gets passed a tuple with:
                    # 1. The number of this instance (0...n-1)
                    # 2. The total number of instances for this module
                    # 3. True if this is the last instance, False otherwise
                    # The last is just a comparison between #1 and #2, but it's
                    # convenient.

                    # Parâmetro especial __INSTANCE__ é passado uma tupla com:
                    # 1. O numero da instancia(0...n-1)
                    # O total de instancias deste módulo.
                    # 3. True se esta for a ultima instancia, False so não.
                    # O último é apenas uma comparação entre o #1 e #2, mas é conveniente.

                    params['__INSTANCE__'] = (inst[cname],
                                              inst[cname] + 1 == len(

            if multi == False and len(components[cname]) != 1:
                # Verifica se existe mais de um objeto de multi.
                print(name, "does not accept multiple instances")
                return False
                # Cansei... Vou pular isso... Fllw
                if f(**params) is False:
                    # Abort startup
                    return False
            except TypeError as exc:
                instText = ''
                if inst[cname] > 0:
                    instText = "instance {0} of ".format(inst[cname] + 1)
                print("Error executing {2}{0}.{1}:".format(
                    name, launch, instText))
                if inspect.currentframe() is sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame:
                    # Error is with calling the function
                    # Try to give some useful feedback
                    if _options.verbose:
                        exc = sys.exc_info()[0:2]
                    EMPTY = "<Unspecified>"
                    code = f.__code__
                    argcount = code.co_argcount
                    argnames = code.co_varnames[:argcount]
                    defaults = list((f.func_defaults) or [])
                    defaults = [EMPTY] * (argcount - len(defaults)) + defaults
                    args = {}
                    for n, a in enumerate(argnames):
                        args[a] = [EMPTY, EMPTY]
                        if n < len(defaults):
                            args[a][0] = defaults[n]
                        if a in params:
                            args[a][1] = params[a]
                            del params[a]
                    if '__INSTANCE__' in args:
                        del args['__INSTANCE__']

                    if f.__doc__ is not None:
                        print("Documentation for {0}:".format(name))
                        doc = f.__doc__.split("\n")
                        # TODO: only strip the same leading space as was on the first
                        #      line
                        doc = map(str.strip, doc)
                        print('', ("\n ".join(doc)).strip())

                    # print(params)
                    # print(args)

                    print("Parameters for {0}:".format(name))
                    if len(args) == 0:
                        print(" None.")
                        print(" {0:25} {1:25} {2:25}".format(
                            "Name", "Default", "Active"))
                        print(" {0:25} {0:25} {0:25}".format("-" * 15))

                        for k, v in args.iteritems():
                            print(" {0:25} {1:25} {2:25}".format(
                                k, str(v[0]),
                                str(v[1] if v[1] is not EMPTY else v[0])))

                    if len(params):
                            "This component does not have a parameter named " +
                        return False
                    missing = [
                        k for k, x in args.iteritems()
                        if x[1] is EMPTY and x[0] is EMPTY
                    if len(missing):
                        print("You must specify a value for the '{0}' "
                        return False

                    return False
                    # Error is inside the function
        elif len(params) > 0 or launch is not "launch":
            print("Module %s has no %s(), but it was specified or passed " \
                  "arguments" % (name, launch))
            return False

    return True