    def insert(self, string):
        """Insert the given string into this prefix tree.
        Time: O(kn) n = # of strings (width of tree), k = len(string)
        Space: Θ(1)

        cur_node = self.root

        for char in string:
                ## Try to update cur_node with existing child for char
                cur_node = cur_node.get_child(char)
            except ValueError:
                ## Child for char doesn't exist, so add new child then update
                ## cur_child
                new_node = PrefixTreeNode(char)
                cur_node.add_child(char, new_node)
                cur_node = new_node

            ## Check if terminate character exists
        except ValueError:
            ## Terminate character ($) wasn't found, so this must be a new
            ## string
            cur_node.add_child('$', PrefixTreeNode('$'))  # Terminal node
            self.size += 1  # Increment because a new string has been inserted
 def __init__(self, strings=None):
     """Initialize this prefix tree and insert the given strings, if any."""
     # Create a new root node with the start character
     self.root = PrefixTreeNode(PrefixTree.START_CHARACTER)
     # Count the number of strings inserted into the tree
     self.size = 0
     # Insert each string, if any were given
     if strings is not None:
         for string in strings:
 def _traverse(self, node: PrefixTreeNode, prefix: str,
               visit: Callable) -> None:
     """Traverse this prefix tree with recursive depth-first traversal.
     Start at the given node with the given prefix representing its path in
     this prefix tree and visit each node with the given visit function."""
     # Once the node is filled with characters and contains a terminal node, it'll append
     if node.is_terminal():
     for char in node.children.keys():
         next_node = node.get_child(char)
         self._traverse(next_node, prefix + char, visit)
 def test_init_and_properties(self):
     character = 'A'
     node = PrefixTreeNode(character)
     # Verify node character
     assert isinstance(node.character, str)
     assert node.character is character
     # Verify children nodes structure
     assert isinstance(node.children, PrefixTreeNode.CHILDREN_TYPE)
     assert len(node.children) == 0
     assert node.children == PrefixTreeNode.CHILDREN_TYPE()
     # Verify terminal boolean
     assert isinstance(node.terminal, bool)
     assert node.terminal is False
 def test_init_and_properties(self):
     character = 'a'
     node = PrefixTreeNode(character)
     # Verify node character
     assert isinstance(node.character, str)
     assert node.character == 'a'
     # Verify children nodes structure
     assert isinstance(node.children, PrefixTreeNode.CHILDREN_TYPE)
     assert len(node.children) == 26
     assert node.children == [None] * 26
     assert node.num_children() == 0
     # Verify terminal boolean
     assert node.terminal is False
     assert node.is_terminal() is False
    def insert(self, string):
        """Insert the given string into this prefix tree.
           Runtime Complexity:
           O((nm) + (np)), where n is the size of the trie, m is the length of
           string being searched as we look for a duplicate, and p is the
           length of the string being nserted. This runtime depends on calling
           the contains() method.
           In the average case it will then also insert the new string, an
           operation which the runtime depends on thethe size of the trie
           (i.e. the number of strings already being stored) because will
           increase the time we spend looking amongst the children of the root
           node. Also, this second step depends on the length of the new string
           being added.

        # make sure the string not already in the tree
        if self.contains(string) is False:
            # find the node to start adding new letters from
            current_node, index = self._find_node(string)
            # for each index position in the string greater than index
            for i in range(index, len(string)):
                # returned, add a new child node of the node returned
                next_char = string[i]
                new_node = PrefixTreeNode(next_char)
                current_node.add_child(next_char, new_node)
                # then move the current node to its child
                current_node = new_node
            # mark the last node to be added as terminal
            current_node.terminal = True
            # increment size of the tree
            self.size += 1
 def insert(self, string):
     Insert the given string into this prefix tree.
     # Start with root
     node = self.root
     depth = 0
     # Iterate through letters in string
     for letter in string:
         # Check if node has child matching letter
         if node.has_child(letter):
             # move on to the next node
             node = node.get_child(letter)
             depth += 1
             node.depth = depth
             # create a child node
             child = PrefixTreeNode(letter)
             depth += 1
             # add it as a child to the node
             node.add_child(letter, child)
             # move on to the next node
             node = node.get_child(letter)
             node.depth = depth
     # if node.terminal == True:
     # print(self.root.children)
     if node.terminal == False:
         self.size += 1
         # On the last node make terminal true
         node.terminal = True
    def insert(self, string):
        """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
        # TODO
        current = self.root
        #"h e l l o"
        for i in range(len(string)):

          #if current does not have children:
            #insert new node with current #char in string
            #create a new node
            #add it as a child of current node
          #if there is a child the child is the letter of the string
          #current = that child
        #when I'm at the end of the string I want to make the last character terminal
          if not current.has_child(string[i]):
            new_node = PrefixTreeNode(string[i])
            print("Current", current)
          current = current.get_child(string[i])
          print("Change to next")
        print("End", current)
        if current.terminal == False:
            self.size += 1
            current.terminal = True
    def insert(self, string):
        """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
        # check if tree has current string
        if not self.contains(string):
            # print(f"inserting: {string}")
            node = self.root
            for char in string:
                # check if the current char is already exists, if so skip the char
                if char.isalpha():
                    char = char.upper()
                # check if node has child for char
                if not node.has_child(char):
                    # create a child node to be added
                    child_node = PrefixTreeNode(char)
                    # add the child node as a child to the current node
                    node.add_child(char, child_node)
                    # print(f"node: {node}: new child node: {child_node}")
                # child already exists, so we just continue traversing down
                    child_node = node.get_child(char)
                    # print(f'child node is there: {child_node}')
                # update the current node always
                node = child_node
            # set the last char in the string as a terminal node
            node.terminal = True

            # print(f"inserted: {string}")
            # increment the size by 1 once we inserted the whole string
            self.size += 1
            print(f'String: {string} is already in the tree!')
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     if self.contains(string) == False:
         current = self.root
         last_letter = len(string) - 1
         self.size += 1
         for char in string:
             if current.has_child(char) == True:
                 current = current.get_child(char)
                 if char == string[last_letter]:
                     current.add_child(char, PrefixTreeNode(char))
                     current = current.get_child(char)
                     current.terminal = True
                     current.add_child(char, PrefixTreeNode(char))
                     current = current.get_child(char)
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     # if self.contains(string):
     #     return
     node = self.root
     for ch in string:
         if not node.has_child(ch):
             node.add_child(ch, PrefixTreeNode(ch))
         node = node.children[ch]
     if not node.is_terminal():
         self.size += 1
         node.terminal = True
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     node = self.root
     for char in string:
         if node.has_child(char):
             node = node.get_child(char)
             node.add_child(char, PrefixTreeNode(char))
             node = node.get_child(char)
     if not node.is_terminal():
         self.size += 1
         node.terminal = True
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     current = self.root
     #"h e l l o"
     for i in range(len(string)):
         if not current.has_child(string[i]):
             new_node = PrefixTreeNode(string[i])
             current.add_child(string[i], new_node)
         current = current.get_child(string[i])
     if current.terminal == False:
         self.size += 1
         current.terminal = True
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     working_node = self.root
     for character in string:
         if working_node.has_child(character):
             working_node = working_node.get_child(character)
             new_node = PrefixTreeNode(character)
             working_node.add_child(character, new_node)
             working_node = new_node
     if not working_node.is_terminal():
         working_node.terminal = True
         self.size += 1  # don't add to length if duplicate
 def insert(self, string: str) -> None:
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     node = self.root
     for char in string:
         if node.has_child(
                 char):  # checks to see if the char exists already
             node = node.get_child(char)  # next node
             node.add_child(char, PrefixTreeNode(char))  # new node
             node = node.get_child(char)  # next node
     if not node.is_terminal():
         self.size += 1
         node.terminal = True  # last node is terminal
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     current_node = self.root
     for letter in string:
         if current_node.has_child(letter):
             current_node = current_node.get_child(letter)
             # continue  # Move on to next letter
             current_node.add_child(letter, PrefixTreeNode(letter))
             current_node = current_node.get_child(letter)
     # Check to make sure string has not already been added
     if current_node.terminal is False:
         self.size += 1
         current_node.terminal = True
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     current = self.root
     up_string = string.upper()
     for letter in up_string:
         index = ord(letter) - 65
         if current.children[index] is not None:
             current = current.children[index]
         current.add_child(letter, PrefixTreeNode(letter))
         current = current.children[index]
     if not current.terminal:
         current.terminal = True
         self.size += 1
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     node = self.root
     added = False
     for c in string:
         if not node.has_child(c):
             node.add_child(c, PrefixTreeNode(c))
             node = node.get_child(c)
             added = True
             node = node.get_child(c)
     node.terminal = True
     if added:
         self.size += 1
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     node = self.root
     for char in string:
         if node.has_child(char): # Search for child, and character is found
             node = node.get_child(char) # Node is there, move to the next node
             # Create a new node
             new_node = PrefixTreeNode(char)
             node.add_child(char, new_node) # Append new node
             node = new_node # point "head" to new new node and continue
     # if node is not terminal, increase word count, then set terminal to equal True
     if not node.is_terminal():
         self.size += 1
         node.terminal = True
    def insert(self, string):
        """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
        # TODO
        if not self.contains(string):
            self.size += 1

        node = self.root

        for i in range(len(string)):
            if not node.has_child(string[i]):
                new_node = PrefixTreeNode(string[i])
                node.add_child(string[i], new_node)
            node = node.get_child(string[i])
            if i == len(string) - 1:
                node.terminal = True
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree.
     Running-Time: O(n) where n is the length of string.
     Space-Complexity: 3*O(1) we instantiate a variable to traverse through prefixtree.
     cur_node = self.root
     unique = False
     for s in string:
         if s not in cur_node.children:
             unique = True
             cur_node.children[s] = PrefixTreeNode(s)
         cur_node = cur_node.children[s]
     cur_node.terminal = True
     if unique:
         self.size += 1
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     last_added = self.root
     node_created = False
     for character in string:
         if last_added.has_child(character):
             last_added = last_added.get_child(character)
             new_node = PrefixTreeNode(character)
             last_added.add_child(character, new_node)
             last_added = new_node
             node_created = True
     last_added.terminal = True
     if node_created:
         self.size += 1
    def insert(self, string):
        """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
        current_node = self.root

        for char in string:
            # we add a node if not found in current node's children
            if not current_node.has_child(char):
                new_node = PrefixTreeNode(char)
            current_node = current_node.get_child(char)

        # only want to increment size if terminal is not False
        if not current_node.is_terminal():
            self.size += 1
            current_node.terminal = True
    def insert(self, string):
        """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""

        current_node = self.root

        # needs a list indice
        for indice in range(len(string)):
            # check if char exists in the list of the current node's children
            if string[indice] not in current_node.children:
                char = string[indice]
                # string[indice] is char
                # if not, create the node with the char
                current_node.children[indice] = PrefixTreeNode(char)
            current_node = current_node.children(char)

        current_node.terminal = True
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     # check if string is in tree
     if not self.contains(string):
         node = self.root
         for char in string:
             if not node.has_child(char):
                 # add char if not in tree
                 node.add_child(char, PrefixTreeNode(char))
                 self.size += 1
             # get child node if/when in tree
             node = node.get_child(char)
         self.string_count += 1
         node.terminal = True # last char in loop
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     current_node = self.root  # Current node
     for i in string:
         if current_node.has_child(i):
             # Found
             current_node = current_node.get_child(i)
             # CREATE new node
             new_node = PrefixTreeNode(i)
             current_node.add_child(i, new_node)
             current_node = new_node
     # Set terminal
     if not current_node.is_terminal():
         self.size += 1
         current_node.terminal = True
    def insert(self, string):
        """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
        current = self.root
        new_string = False
        for character in string:
            if not current.has_child(character):
                node = PrefixTreeNode(character)
                current.add_child(character, node)
                new_string = True

            current = current.get_child(character)
        if new_string:  # In case they try to add the same string
            self.size += 1

        current.terminal = True
    def insert(self, string):
        """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
        node = self.root

        for character in range(len(string)):

            if node.has_child(character):
                node = node.get_child(character)
                newNode = PrefixTreeNode(character)
                node.add_child(character, newNode)
                node = newNode

        if not node.is_terminal():
            node.terminal = True
            self.size += 1
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     # Runs in roughly O(log n) time
     node, depth = self._find_node(string)
     if node is not None and node.terminal is True:
     if depth == len(string):
         node.terminal = True
         self.size += 1
     terminus, _ = self._find_node(string[:depth])
     for index in range(depth, len(string)):
         leaf = PrefixTreeNode(string[index])
         terminus.add_child(string[index], leaf)
         terminus = leaf
     terminus.terminal = True
     self.size += 1
 def insert(self, string):
     """Insert the given string into this prefix tree."""
     node = self.root
     for char in string:
         # Search for the child
         if node.has_child(char):
             # found it so just traverse to next node
             node = node.get_child(char)
             # create new node and add it
             new_node = PrefixTreeNode(char)
             node.add_child(char, new_node)
             # traverse to next node
             node = new_node
     # set node to terminal and increment word count if the node is not already terminal
     if not node.is_terminal():
         self.size += 1
         node.terminal = True