文件: catalog.py 项目: omps/pulp
 def find(self, type_id, unit_key):
     Find entries in the content catalog using the specified unit type_id
     and unit_key.  The catalog may contain more than one entry matching the
     locator for a given content source.  In this case, only the newest entry
     for each source is included in the result set.
     :param type_id: The unit type ID.
     :type type_id: str
     :param unit_key: The unit key.
     :type unit_key: dict
     :return: A list of matching entries.
     :rtype: list
     collection = ContentCatalog.get_collection()
     locator = ContentCatalog.get_locator(type_id, unit_key)
     query = {
         'locator': locator,
         'expiration': {
             '$gte': ContentCatalog.get_expiration(0)
     newest_by_source = {}
     for entry in collection.find(query, sort=[('_id', ASCENDING)]):
         newest_by_source[entry['source_id']] = entry
     return newest_by_source.values()
文件: catalog.py 项目: omps/pulp
 def purge_expired(self, grace_period=GRACE_PERIOD):
     Purge (delete) expired entries from the content catalog belonging
     to the specified content source by ID.
     :param grace_period: The grace period in seconds.
         The grace_period defines how long an entry is permitted to remain
         in the catalog after it has expired.  The default is 1 hour.
     :type grace_period: int
     collection = ContentCatalog.get_collection()
     now = ContentCatalog.get_expiration(0)
     timestamp = now - grace_period
     query = {'expiration': {'$lt': timestamp}}
     collection.remove(query, safe=True)
 def purge_expired(self, grace_period=GRACE_PERIOD):
     Purge (delete) expired entries from the content catalog belonging
     to the specified content source by ID.
     :param grace_period: The grace period in seconds.
         The grace_period defines how long an entry is permitted to remain
         in the catalog after it has expired.  The default is 1 hour.
     :type grace_period: int
     collection = ContentCatalog.get_collection()
     now = ContentCatalog.get_expiration(0)
     timestamp = now - grace_period
     query = {'expiration': {'$lt': timestamp}}
     collection.remove(query, safe=True)
 def has_entries(self, source_id):
     Get whether the specified content source has entries in the catalog.
     :param source_id: A content source ID.
     :type source_id: str
     :return: True if has entries.
     :rtype: bool
     collection = ContentCatalog.get_collection()
     query = {
         'source_id': source_id,
         'expiration': {'$gte': ContentCatalog.get_expiration(0)}
     cursor = collection.find(query)
     return cursor.count() > 0
 def has_entries(self, source_id):
     Get whether the specified content source has entries in the catalog.
     :param source_id: A content source ID.
     :type source_id: str
     :return: True if has entries.
     :rtype: bool
     collection = ContentCatalog.get_collection()
     query = {
         'source_id': source_id,
         'expiration': {'$gte': ContentCatalog.get_expiration(0)}
     cursor = collection.find(query)
     return cursor.count() > 0
 def find(self, type_id, unit_key):
     Find entries in the content catalog using the specified unit type_id
     and unit_key.  The catalog may contain more than one entry matching the
     locator for a given content source.  In this case, only the newest entry
     for each source is included in the result set.
     :param type_id: The unit type ID.
     :type type_id: str
     :param unit_key: The unit key.
     :type unit_key: dict
     :return: A list of matching entries.
     :rtype: list
     collection = ContentCatalog.get_collection()
     locator = ContentCatalog.get_locator(type_id, unit_key)
     query = {
         'locator': locator,
         'expiration': {'$gte': ContentCatalog.get_expiration(0)}
     newest_by_source = {}
     for entry in collection.find(query, sort=[('_id', ASCENDING)]):
         newest_by_source[entry['source_id']] = entry
     return newest_by_source.values()