    def sync_order(self):
        @brief Calculates current level of global synchorization (order parameter) in the network.
        @details This parameter is tend 1.0 when the oscillatory network close to global synchronization and it tend to 0.0 when 
                  desynchronization is observed in the network. Order parameter is calculated using following equation:
                  r_{c}=\frac{1}{Ne^{i\varphi }}\sum_{j=0}^{N}e^{i\theta_{j}};
                  where \f$\varphi\f$ is a average phase coordinate in the network, \f$N\f$ is an amount of oscillators in the network.
            oscillatory_network = sync(16, type_conn = conn_type.ALL_TO_ALL);
            output_dynamic = oscillatory_network.simulate_static(100, 10);
            if (oscillatory_network.sync_order() < 0.9): print("Global synchronization is not reached yet.");
            else: print("Global synchronization is reached.");
        @return (double) Level of global synchronization (order parameter).
        @see sync_local_order()

        if (self._ccore_network_pointer is not None):
            return wrapper.sync_order(self._ccore_network_pointer);

        return order_estimator.calculate_sync_order(self._phases);
    def sync_order(self):
        @brief Calculates level of global synchorization in the network.
        @return (double) Level of global synchronization.
        @see sync_local_order()

        if (self._ccore_network_pointer is not None):
            return wrapper.sync_order(self._ccore_network_pointer)

        exp_amount = 0
        average_phase = 0

        for index in range(0, self._num_osc, 1):
            exp_amount += math.expm1(abs(1j * self._phases[index]))
            average_phase += self._phases[index]

        exp_amount /= self._num_osc
        average_phase = math.expm1(abs(1j * (average_phase / self._num_osc)))

        return abs(average_phase) / abs(exp_amount)
 def sync_order(self):
     @brief Calculates level of global synchorization in the network.
     @return (double) Level of global synchronization.
     @see sync_local_order()
     if (self._ccore_network_pointer is not None):
         return wrapper.sync_order(self._ccore_network_pointer);
     exp_amount = 0;
     average_phase = 0;
     for index in range(0, self._num_osc, 1):
         exp_amount += math.expm1( abs(1j * self._phases[index]) );
         average_phase += self._phases[index];
     exp_amount /= self._num_osc;
     average_phase = math.expm1( abs(1j * (average_phase / self._num_osc)) );
     return abs(average_phase) / abs(exp_amount);