class TimeSteppingMultibodyPlant():
    def __init__(self, file=None, terrain=FlatTerrain(), dlevel=1):
        Initialize TimeSteppingMultibodyPlant with a model from a file and an arbitrary terrain geometry. Initialization also welds the first frame in the MultibodyPlant to the world frame
        self.builder = DiagramBuilder()
        self.multibody, self.scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(
            self.builder, 0.001)
        # Store the terrain
        self.terrain = terrain
        self._dlevel = dlevel
        # Build the MultibodyPlant from the file, if one exists
        self.model_index = []
        if file is not None:
            # Parse the file
            self.model_index = Parser(self.multibody).AddModelFromFile(
        # Initialize the collision data
        self.collision_frames = []
        self.collision_poses = []
        self.collision_radius = []

    def Finalize(self):
        Cements the topology of the MultibodyPlant and identifies all available collision geometries. 
        # Finalize the underlying plant model
        # Idenify and store collision geometries

    def num_contacts(self):
        """ returns the number of contact points"""
        return len(self.collision_frames)

    def num_friction(self):
        """ returns the number of friction components"""
        return 4 * self.dlevel * self.num_contacts()

    def GetNormalDistances(self, context):
        Returns an array of signed distances between the contact geometries and the terrain, given the current system context

            context: a pyDrake MultibodyPlant context
        Return values:
            distances: a numpy array of signed distance values
        qtype = self.multibody.GetPositions(context).dtype
        nCollisions = len(self.collision_frames)
        distances = np.zeros((nCollisions, ), dtype=qtype)
        for n in range(0, nCollisions):
            # Transform collision frames to world coordinates
            collision_pt = self.multibody.CalcPointsPositions(
                context, self.collision_frames[n],
            # Squeeze collision point (necessary for AutoDiff plants)
            collision_pt = np.squeeze(collision_pt)
            # Calc nearest point on terrain in world coordinates
            terrain_pt = self.terrain.nearest_point(collision_pt)
            # Calc normal distance to terrain
            terrain_frame = self.terrain.local_frame(terrain_pt)
            normal = terrain_frame[0, :]
            distances[n] = normal.dot(collision_pt -
                                      terrain_pt) - self.collision_radius[n]
        # Return the distances as a single array
        return distances

    def GetContactJacobians(self, context):
        Returns a tuple of numpy arrays representing the normal and tangential contact Jacobians evaluated at each contact point

            context: a pyDrake MultibodyPlant context
        Return Values
            (Jn, Jt): the tuple of contact Jacobians. Jn represents the normal components and Jt the tangential components
        qtype = self.multibody.GetPositions(context).dtype
        numN = self.num_contacts()
        numT = int(self.num_friction() / numN)
        D = self.friction_discretization_matrix().transpose()
        Jn = np.zeros((numN, self.multibody.num_velocities()), dtype=qtype)
        Jt = np.zeros((numN * numT, self.multibody.num_velocities()),
        for n in range(0, numN):
            # Transform collision frames to world coordinates
            collision_pt = self.multibody.CalcPointsPositions(
                context, self.collision_frames[n],
            # Calc nearest point on terrain in world coordinates
            terrain_pt = self.terrain.nearest_point(collision_pt)
            # Calc normal distance to terrain
            terrain_frame = self.terrain.local_frame(terrain_pt)
            normal, tangent = np.split(terrain_frame, [1], axis=0)
            # Discretize to the chosen level
            Dtangent = D.dot(tangent)
            # Get the contact point Jacobian
            J = self.multibody.CalcJacobianTranslationalVelocity(
                context, JacobianWrtVariable.kV, self.collision_frames[n],
                self.multibody.world_frame(), self.multibody.world_frame())
            # Calc contact Jacobians
            Jn[n, :] = normal.dot(J)
            Jt[n * numT:(n + 1) * numT, :] = Dtangent.dot(J)
        # Return the Jacobians as a tuple of np arrays
        return (Jn, Jt)

    def GetFrictionCoefficients(self, context):
        Return friction coefficients for nearest point on terrain
            context: the current MultibodyPlant context
        Return Values:
            friction_coeff: list of friction coefficients
        friction_coeff = []
        for frame, pose in zip(self.collision_frames, self.collision_poses):
            # Transform collision frames to world coordinates
            collision_pt = self.multibody.CalcPointsPositions(
                context, frame, pose.translation(),
            # Calc nearest point on terrain in world coordiantes
            terrain_pt = self.terrain.nearest_point(collision_pt)
        # Return list of friction coefficients
        return friction_coeff

    def getTerrainPointsAndFrames(self, context):
        Return the nearest points on the terrain and the local coordinate frame

            context: current MultibodyPlant context
        Return Values:
            terrain_pts: a 3xN array of points on the terrain
            terrain_frames: a 3x3xN array, specifying the local frame of the terrain
        terrain_pts = []
        terrain_frames = []
        for frame, pose in zip(self.collision_frames, self.collision_poses):
            # Calc collision point
            collision_pt = self.multibody.CalcPointsPositions(
                context, frame, pose.translation(),
            # Calc nearest point on terrain in world coordinates
            terrain_pt = self.terrain.nearest_point(collision_pt)
            # Calc local coordinate frame

        return (terrain_pts, terrain_frames)

    def toAutoDiffXd(self):
        """Covert the MultibodyPlant to use AutoDiffXd instead of Float"""

        # Create a new TimeSteppingMultibodyPlant model
        copy_ad = TimeSteppingMultibodyPlant(file=None,
        # Instantiate the plant as the Autodiff version
        copy_ad.multibody = self.multibody.ToAutoDiffXd()
        copy_ad.scene_graph = self.scene_graph.ToAutoDiffXd()
        copy_ad.model_index = self.model_index
        # Store the collision frames to finalize the model
        return copy_ad

    def set_discretization_level(self, dlevel=0):
        """Set the friction discretization level. The default is 0"""
        self._dlevel = dlevel

    def __store_collision_geometries(self):
        """Identifies the collision geometries in the model and stores their parent frame and pose in parent frame in lists"""
        # Create a diagram and a scene graph
        inspector = self.scene_graph.model_inspector()
        # Locate collision geometries and contact points
        body_inds = self.multibody.GetBodyIndices(self.model_index)
        # Get the collision frames for each body in the model
        for body_ind in body_inds:
            body = self.multibody.get_body(body_ind)
            collision_ids = self.multibody.GetCollisionGeometriesForBody(body)
            for id in collision_ids:
                # get and store the collision geometry frames
                frame_name = inspector.GetName(
                # Check for a spherical geometry
                geoms = inspector.GetGeometries(inspector.GetFrameId(id),
                shape = inspector.GetShape(geoms[0])
                if type(shape) is Sphere:

    def __discretize_friction(self, normal, tangent):
        Rotates the terrain tangent vectors to discretize the friction cone
            normal:  The terrain normal direction, (1x3) numpy array
            tangent:  The terrain tangent directions, (2x3) numpy array
        Return Values:
            all_tangents: The discretized friction vectors, (2nx3) numpy array

        This method is now deprecated
        # Reflect the current friction basis
        tangent = np.concatenate((tangent, -tangent), axis=0)
        all_tangents = np.zeros((4 * (self._dlevel), tangent.shape[1]))
        all_tangents[0:4, :] = tangent
        # Rotate the tangent basis around the normal vector
        for n in range(1, self._dlevel):
            # Create an angle-axis representation of rotation
            R = RotationMatrix(theta_lambda=AngleAxis(
                angle=n * pi / (2 * (self._dlevel)), axis=normal))
            # Apply the rotation matrix
            all_tangents[n * 4:(n + 1) * 4, :] = R.multiply(
        return all_tangents

    def simulate(self, h, x0, u=None, N=1):

        # Initialize arrays
        nx = x0.shape[0]
        x = np.zeros(shape=(nx, N))
        x[:, 0] = x0
        t = np.zeros(shape=(N, ))
        nf = 1
        if u is None:
            B = self.multibody.MakeAcutatorMatrix()
            u = np.zeros(shape=(B.shape[1], N))
        context = self.multibody.CreateDefaultContext()
        Jn, Jt = self.GetContactJacobians(context)
        f = np.zeros(shape=(Jn.shape[0] + Jt.shape[0], N))
        # Integration loop
        for n in range(0, N - 1):
            f[:, n] = self.contact_impulse(h, x[:, n], u[:, n])
            x[:, n + 1] = self.integrate(h, x[:, n], u[:, n], f[:, n])
            t[n + 1] = t[n] + h
            f[:, n] = f[:, n] / h
        return (t, x, f)

    def integrate(self, h, x, u, f):
        # Get the configuration and the velocity
        q, dq = np.split(x, 2)
        # Estimate the next configuration, assuming constant velocity
        qhat = q + h * dq
        # Set the context
        context = self.multibody.CreateDefaultContext()
        self.multibody.SetPositions(context, qhat)
        v = self.multibody.MapQDotToVelocity(context, dq)
        self.multibody.SetVelocities(context, v)
        # Get the current system properties
        M = self.multibody.CalcMassMatrixViaInverseDynamics(context)
        C = self.multibody.CalcBiasTerm(context)
        G = self.multibody.CalcGravityGeneralizedForces(context)
        B = self.multibody.MakeActuationMatrix()
        Jn, Jt = self.GetContactJacobians(context)
        J = np.vstack((Jn, Jt))
        # Calculate the next state
        b = h * (B.dot(u) - C.dot(dq) + G) + J.transpose().dot(f)
        v = np.linalg.solve(M, b)
        dq += v
        q += h * dq
        # Collect the configuration and velocity into a state vector
        return np.concatenate((q, dq), axis=0)

    def contact_impulse(self, h, x, u):
        # Get the configuration and generalized velocity
        q, dq = np.split(x, 2)
        # Estimate the configuration at the next time step
        qhat = q + h * dq
        # Get the system parameters
        context = self.multibody.CreateDefaultContext()
        self.multibody.SetPositions(context, q)
        v = self.multibody.MapQDotToVelocity(context, dq)
        self.multibody.SetVelocities(context, v)
        M = self.multibody.CalcMassMatrixViaInverseDynamics(context)
        C = self.multibody.CalcBiasTerm(context)
        G = self.multibody.CalcGravityGeneralizedForces(context)
        B = self.multibody.MakeActuationMatrix()
        tau = B.dot(u) - C + G
        Jn, Jt = self.GetContactJacobians(context)
        phi = self.GetNormalDistances(context)
        alpha = Jn.dot(qhat) - phi
        # Calculate the force size from the contact Jacobian
        numT = Jt.shape[0]
        numN = Jn.shape[0]
        S = numT + 2 * numN
        # Initialize LCP parameters
        P = np.zeros(shape=(S, S), dtype=float)
        w = np.zeros(shape=(numN, S))
        numF = int(numT / numN)
        for n in range(0, numN):
            w[n, n * numF + numN:numN + (n + 1) * numF] = 1
        # Construct LCP matrix
        J = np.vstack((Jn, Jt))
        JM = J.dot(np.linalg.inv(M))
        P[0:numN + numT, 0:numN + numT] = JM.dot(J.transpose())
        P[:, numN + numT:] = w.transpose()
        P[numN + numT:, :] = -w
        P[numN + numT:,
          0:numN] = np.diag(self.GetFrictionCoefficients(context))
        #Construct LCP bias vector
        z = np.zeros(shape=(S, ), dtype=float)
        z[0:numN + numT] = h * JM.dot(tau) + J.dot(dq)
        #z[0:numN] += (Jn.dot(q) - alpha)/h
        z[0:numN] += phi / h
        # Solve the LCP for the reaction impluses
        f, status = solve_lcp(P, z)
        if f is None:
            return np.zeros(shape=(numN + numT, ))
            # Strip the slack variables from the LCP solution
            return f[0:numN + numT]

    def get_multibody(self):
        return self.multibody

    def joint_limit_jacobian(self):
        Returns a matrix for mapping the positive-only joint limit torques to 

        # Create the Jacobian as if all joints were limited
        nV = self.multibody.num_velocities()
        I = np.eye(nV)
        # Check for infinite limits
        qhigh = self.multibody.GetPositionUpperLimits()
        qlow = self.multibody.GetPositionLowerLimits()
        # Assert two sided limits
        low_inf = np.isinf(qlow)
        assert all(low_inf == np.isinf(qhigh))
        # Make the joint limit Jacobian
        if not all(low_inf):
            # Remove floating base limits
            floating = self.multibody.GetFloatingBaseBodies()
            floating_pos = []
            while len(floating) > 0:
                body = self.multibody.get_body(floating.pop())
                if body.has_quaternion_dofs():
            # Remove entries corresponding to the extra dof from quaternions
            low_inf = np.delete(low_inf, floating_pos)
            low_inf = np.squeeze(low_inf)
            # Zero-out the entries that don't correspond to joint limits
            I[low_inf, low_inf] = 0
            # Remove the columns that don't correspond to joint limits
            I = np.delete(I, low_inf, axis=1)
            return np.concatenate([I, -I], axis=1)
            return None

    def get_contact_points(self, context):
            Returns a list of positions of contact points expressed in world coordinates given the system context.
        contact_pts = []
        for frame, pose in zip(self.collision_frames, self.collision_poses):
                    context, frame, pose.translation(),
        return contact_pts

    def resolve_contact_forces_in_world(self, context, forces):
            Transform non-negative discretized force components used in complementarity constraints into 3-vectors in world coordinates

            Returns a list of (3,) numpy arrays
        # First remove the discretization
        forces = self.resolve_forces(forces)
        # Reorganize forces from (Normal, Tangential) to a list
        force_list = []
        for n in range(0, self.num_contacts()):
                self.num_contacts() + 2 * n,
                self.num_contacts() + 2 * n + 1
        # Transform the forces into world coordinates using the terrain frames
        _, frames = self.getTerrainPointsAndFrames(context)
        world_forces = []
        for force, frame in zip(force_list, frames):
        # Return a list of forces in world coordinates
        return world_forces

    def resolve_limit_forces(self, jl_forces):
        Combine positive and negative components of joint limit torques
            jl_forces: (2n, m) numpy array

        Return values:
            (n, m) numpy array
        JL = self.joint_limit_jacobian()
        has_limits = np.sum(abs(JL), axis=1) > 0
        f_jl = JL.dot(jl_forces)
        if f_jl.ndim > 1:
            return f_jl[has_limits, :]
            return f_jl[has_limits]

    def duplicator_matrix(self):
        """Returns a matrix of 1s and 0s for combining friction forces or duplicating sliding velocities"""
        numN = self.num_contacts()
        numT = self.num_friction()
        w = np.zeros((numN, numT))
        nD = int(numT / numN)
        for n in range(numN):
            w[n, n * nD:(n + 1) * nD] = 1
        return w

    def friction_discretization_matrix(self):
        """ Make a matrix for converting discretized friction into a single vector"""
        n = 4 * self.dlevel
        theta = np.linspace(0, n - 1, n) * 2 * np.pi / n
        D = np.vstack((np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)))
        # Threshold out small values
        D[np.abs(D) < 1e-10] = 0
        return D

    def resolve_forces(self, forces):
        """ Convert discretized friction & normal forces into a non-discretized 3-vector"""
        numN = self.num_contacts()
        n = 4 * self.dlevel
        fN = forces[0:numN, :]
        fT = forces[numN:numN * (n + 1), :]
        D_ = self.friction_discretization_matrix()
        D = np.zeros((2 * numN, n * numN))
        for k in range(numN):
            D[2 * k:2 * k + 2, k * n:(k + 1) * n] = D_
        ff = D.dot(fT)
        return np.concatenate((fN, ff), axis=0)

    def static_controller(self, qref, verbose=False):
        Generates a controller to maintain a static pose
            qref: (N,) numpy array, the static pose to be maintained

        Return Values:
            u: (M,) numpy array, actuations to best achieve static pose
            f: (C,) numpy array, associated normal reaction forces

        static_controller generates the actuations and reaction forces assuming the velocity and accelerations are zero. Thus, the equation to solve is:
            N(q) = B*u + J*f
        where N is a vector of gravitational and conservative generalized forces, B is the actuation selection matrix, and J is the contact-Jacobian transpose.

        Currently, static_controller only considers the effects of the normal forces. Frictional forces are not yet supported
        #TODO: Solve for friction forces as well

        # Check inputs
        if qref.ndim > 1 or qref.shape[0] != self.multibody.num_positions():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Reference position mut be ({self.multibody.num_positions(),},) array"
        # Set the context
        context = self.multibody.CreateDefaultContext()
        self.multibody.SetPositions(context, qref)
        # Get the necessary properties
        G = self.multibody.CalcGravityGeneralizedForces(context)
        Jn, _ = self.GetContactJacobians(context)
        phi = self.GetNormalDistances(context)
        B = self.multibody.MakeActuationMatrix()
        #Collect terms
        A = np.concatenate([B, Jn.transpose()], axis=1)
        # Create the mathematical program
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        l_var = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.num_contacts(), name="forces")
        u_var = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.multibody.num_actuators(),
        # Ensure dynamics approximately satisfied
                           vars=np.concatenate([u_var, l_var], axis=0))
        # Enforce normal complementarity
                                      np.full(l_var.shape, np.inf), l_var)
        prog.AddConstraint(phi.dot(l_var) == 0)
        # Solve
        result = Solve(prog)
        # Check for a solution
        if result.is_success():
            u = result.GetSolution(u_var)
            f = result.GetSolution(l_var)
            if verbose:
                printProgramReport(result, prog)
            return (u, f)
            print(f"Optimization failed. Returning zeros")
            if verbose:
                printProgramReport(result, prog)
            return (np.zeros(u_var.shape), np.zeros(l_var.shape))

    def dlevel(self):
        return self._dlevel

    def dlevel(self, val):
        """Check that the value of dlevel is a positive integer"""
        if type(val) is int and val > 0:
            self._dlevel = val
            raise ValueError("dlevel must be a positive integer")
    body = plant.get_body(ind)

# Flatten the list
collisionIds = [id for id_list in collisionIds for id in id_list if id_list]
# Move the box vertically upward to make the example slightly more interesting
plant.SetPositions(context, [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0])
# Loop over the collision identifiers
for id in collisionIds:
    # Get the frame in which the collision geometry resides
    frameId = inspector.GetFrameId(id)
    frame_name = inspector.GetName(frameId)
    # Get the pose of the collision geometry in the frame
    R = inspector.GetPoseInFrame(id)
    # Print the pose in homogeneous coordinates
        f"Collision geometry in frame {frame_name} with pose \n{R.GetAsMatrix4()}"
    # Note that the frameId is NOT the same as the FrameIndex, and cannot be used to the get the frame from MultibodyPlant. We can strip the frame name from the ID and use that instead
    name = frame_name.split("::")
    body_frame = plant.GetFrameByName(name[-1])
    # Then we can calculate the position in world coordinates
    world_pt = plant.CalcPointsPositions(context, body_frame, R.translation(),
    print(f"In world coordinates, the collision point is\n {world_pt}")
    # Finally, we can calculate the Jacobian for the contact point
    Jc = plant.CalcJacobianTranslationalVelocity(context,
                                                 body_frame, R.translation(),
                                                 world_frame, world_frame)
    print(f"The Jacobian for the contact point in world coordinates is \n{Jc}")
class iiwa_sys():
    def __init__(self,
        self.plant_derivs = MultibodyPlant(time_step=dt)
        parser = Parser(self.plant_derivs)
        self.derivs_iiwa, _, _ = self.add_models(self.plant_derivs,
        self.plant_derivs_context = self.plant_derivs.CreateDefaultContext()
            self.plant_derivs_context, [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
        null_force = BasicVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
            self.plant_derivs_context, null_force)

        self.plant, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(builder,
        parser = Parser(self.plant, scene_graph)
        self.iiwa, self.hinge, self.bushing = self.add_models(self.plant,
        )  # Finalize will assign ports for compatibility w/ the scene_graph; could be cause of the issue w/ first order taylor.

        self.meshcat = ConnectMeshcatVisualizer(builder,

        self.sym_derivs = False  # If system should use symbolic derivatives; if false, autodiff
        self.custom_sim = False  # If rollouts should be gathered with sys.dyn() calls

        nq = self.plant.num_positions()
        nv = self.plant.num_velocities()
        self.n_x = nq + nv
        self.n_u = self.plant.num_actuators()
        self.n_y = self.plant.get_state_output_port(self.iiwa).size()

        self.N = N
        self.dt = dt
        self.decay = trj_decay
        self.V = 1e-2 * np.ones(self.n_y)
        self.W = np.concatenate((1e-7 * np.ones(nq), 1e-4 * np.ones(nv)))
        self.W0 = np.concatenate((1e-9 * np.ones(nq), 1e-6 * np.ones(nv)))
        self.x_w_cov = x_w_cov
        self.door_angle_ref = door_angle_ref

        self.q0 = np.array(
            [-3.12, -0.17, 0.52, -3.11, 1.22, -0.75, -1.56, 0.55])
        #self.q0 = np.array([-3.12, -0.27, 0.52, -3.11, 1.22, -0.75, -1.56, 0.55])
        self.x0 = np.concatenate((self.q0, np.zeros(nv)))
        self.door_index = None

        self.phi = {}

    def ports_init(self, context):
        self.plant_context = self.plant.GetMyMutableContextFromRoot(context)
        self.plant.SetPositionsAndVelocities(self.plant_context, self.x0)

        #door_angle = self.plant.GetPositionsFromArray(self.hinge, self.x0[:8])
        self.door_index = self.plant.GetJointByName(

        null_force = BasicVector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
            self.plant_context, null_force)
            self.plant_context, [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
        self.W0[self.door_index] = self.x_w_cov

    def add_models(self, plant, parser, params=None):
        iiwa = parser.AddModelFromFile(

        #box = Box(10., 10., 10.)
        #X_WBox = RigidTransform([0, 0, -5])
        #mu = 0.6
        #plant.RegisterCollisionGeometry(plant.world_body(), X_WBox, box, "ground", CoulombFriction(mu, mu))
        #plant.RegisterVisualGeometry(plant.world_body(), X_WBox, box, "ground", [.9, .9, .9, 1.0])
        #planar_joint_frame = plant.AddFrame(FixedOffsetFrame("planar_joint_frame", plant.world_frame(), RigidTransform(RotationMatrix.MakeXRotation(np.pi/2))))

        X_WCylinder = RigidTransform([-0.75, 0, 0.5])
        hinge = parser.AddModelFromFile(
        plant.WeldFrames(plant.world_frame(), plant.GetFrameByName("base"),
        #cupboard_door_spring = plant.AddForceElement(RevoluteSpring_[float](plant.GetJointByName("right_door_hinge"), nominal_angle = -0.4, stiffness = 10))
        if params is None:
            bushing = LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[float](
                [50, 50, 50],  # Torque stiffness
                [2., 2., 2.],  # Torque damping
                [5e4, 5e4, 5e4],  # Linear stiffness
                [80, 80, 80],  # Linear damping
            print('setting custom stiffnesses')
            bushing = LinearBushingRollPitchYaw_[float](
                [params['k4'], params['k5'], params['k6']],  # Torque stiffness
                [2, 2, 2],  # Torque damping
                [params['k1'], params['k2'], params['k3']],  # Linear stiffness
                [100, 100, 100],  # Linear damping
        bushing_element = plant.AddForceElement(bushing)

        return iiwa, hinge, bushing

    def cost_stage(self, x, u):
        ctrl = 1e-5 * np.sum(u**2)
        pos = 15.0 * (x[self.door_index] - self.door_angle_ref)**2
        vel = 1e-5 * np.sum(x[8:]**2)
        return pos + ctrl + vel

    def cost_final(self, x):
        return 50 * (1.0 * (x[self.door_index] - self.door_angle_ref)**2 +
                     np.sum(2.5e-4 * x[8:]**2))

    def get_deriv(self, x, u):
        lin = FirstOrderTaylorApproximation(
            self.plant_derivs, self.plant_derivs_context,
        return lin.A(), lin.B(), lin.C()

    def get_param_deriv(self, x, u):
        # Using a closed-form solution; as currently DRAKE doesn't do support autodiff on parameters for LinearBusing.
        # Note dC is 0 - stiffness does not affect measurements of q, v
        W = self.plant.world_frame()
        I = self.plant.GetFrameByName("iiwa_link_7")
        H = self.plant.GetFrameByName("handle")
        self.plant.SetPositionsAndVelocities(self.plant_context, x)
        M = self.plant.CalcMassMatrixViaInverseDynamics(self.plant_context)
        Jac_I = self.plant.CalcJacobianSpatialVelocity(
            self.plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kQDot, I, [0, 0, 0], W, W)
        Jac_H = self.plant.CalcJacobianSpatialVelocity(
            self.plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kQDot, H, [0, 0, 0], W, W)
        dA = np.zeros((self.n_x**2, 3))
        dA_sq = np.zeros((self.n_x, self.n_x))
        for param_ind in range(3):
            JH = np.outer(Jac_H[param_ind, :], Jac_H[param_ind, :])
            JI = np.outer(Jac_I[param_ind, :], Jac_I[param_ind, :])
            dA_sq[8:, :8] = self.dt * np.linalg.inv(M).dot(JH + JI)
            dA[:, param_ind] = deepcopy(dA_sq.ravel())

    #print(np.sum(np.abs(dA), axis=0))
        return dA

    def reset(self):
        x_traj_new = np.zeros((self.N + 1, self.n_x))
        x_traj_new[0, :] = self.x0 + np.multiply(np.sqrt(self.W0),
        u_traj_new = np.zeros((self.N, self.n_u))
                                             x_traj_new[0, :])
        return x_traj_new, u_traj_new

    def rollout(self):
        self.u_trj = np.random.randn(self.N, self.n_u) * 0.001
        self.x_trj, _ = self.reset()
        for i in range(self.N):
            self.x_trj[i + 1, :] = self.dyn(self.x_trj[i, :],

    def dyn(self, x, u, phi=None, noise=False):
        x_next = self.plant.AllocateDiscreteVariables()
        self.plant.SetPositionsAndVelocities(self.plant_context, x)
            self.plant_context, u)
        self.plant.CalcDiscreteVariableUpdates(self.plant_context, x_next)
        x_new = x_next.get_mutable_vector().get_value()
        if noise:
            noise = np.multiply(np.sqrt(self.W), np.random.randn(self.n_x))
            x_new += noise
        return x_new

    def obs(self, x, mode=None, noise=False, phi=None):
        y = self.plant.get_state_output_port(self.iiwa).Eval(
        if noise:
            y += np.multiply(np.sqrt(self.V), np.random.randn(self.n_y))
        return y

    def cost(self, x_trj=None, u_trj=None):
        cost_trj = 0.0
        if x_trj is None:
            for i in range(self.N):
                cost_trj += self.cost_stage(self.x_trj[i, :], self.u_trj[i, :])
            cost_trj += self.cost_final(self.sys.plant, self.x_trj[-1, :])
            for i in range(self.N):
                cost_trj += self.cost_stage(x_trj[i, :], u_trj[i, :])
            cost_trj += self.cost_final(x_trj[-1, :])
        return cost_trj
# plant.get_actuation_input_port().FixValue(context, np.zeros(7))

# simulator = Simulator(plant, context)
# simulator.AdvanceTo(5.0)

builder = DiagramBuilder()
# Adds both MultibodyPlant and SceneGraph and wires them together
plant, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(builder, time_step=1e-4)

# Note that we parse into both the plant and the scene_graph here
Parser(plant, scene_graph).AddModelFromFile(

plant.WeldFrames(plant.world_frame(), plant.GetFrameByName("iiwa_link_0"))

# Adds the MeshcatVisualizer and wires it to the Scene Graph
meshcat = ConnectMeshcatVisualizer(builder, scene_graph, open_browser=True)

diagram = builder.Build()

context = diagram.CreateDefaultContext()

plant_context = plant.GetMyMutableContextFromRoot(context)
plant.SetPositions(plant_context, [-1.57, 0.1, 0, -1.2, 0, 1.6, 0])
plant.get_actuation_input_port().FixValue(plant_context, np.zeros(7))