    def set_model_params(self,
                         dt_model='1 step',

        samples : list of MSM objects
            sampled MSMs
        conf : float, optional, default=0.68
            Confidence interval. By default one-sigma (68.3%) is used. Use 95.4% for two sigma or 99.7% for three sigma.

        # set model parameters of superclass
        SampledModel.set_model_params(self, samples=samples, conf=conf)
    def set_model_params(self,
                         dt_model='1 step',

        P : ndarray(m,m)
            coarse-grained or hidden transition matrix

        pobs : ndarray (m,n)
            observation probability matrix from hidden to observable discrete

        pi : ndarray(m), optional, default=None
            stationary or distribution. Can be optionally given in case if
            it was already computed, e.g. by the estimator.

        reversible : bool, optional, default=None
            whether P is reversible with respect to its stationary distribution.
            If None (default), will be determined from P

        dt_model : str, optional, default='1 step'
            time step of the model

        neig : int or None
            The number of eigenvalues / eigenvectors to be kept. If set to
            None, all eigenvalues will be used.

        # set P and derived quantities if available
        if pobs is not None:
            # check and save copy of output probability
            assert _types.is_float_matrix(
                pobs), 'pobs is not a matrix of floating numbers'
            assert _np.allclose(pobs.sum(axis=1),
                                1), 'pobs is not a stochastic matrix'
            self._nstates_obs = pobs.shape[1]
    def __init__(self, P, pobs, pi=None, dt_model='1 step'):

        Pcoarse : ndarray (m,m)
            coarse-grained or hidden transition matrix

        Pobs : ndarray (m,n)
            observation probability matrix from hidden to observable discrete states

        dt_model : str, optional, default='1 step'
            time step of the model

        # construct superclass and check input
        _MSM.__init__(self, P, dt_model=dt_model)
        self.set_model_params(pobs=pobs, pi=pi, dt_model=dt_model)
 def expectation(self, a):
     a = _types.ensure_float_vector(a, require_order=True)
     # are we on microstates space?
     if len(a) == self.nstates_obs:
         # project to hidden and compute
         a = _np.dot(self.observation_probabilities, a)
     # now we are on macrostate space, or something is wrong
     if len(a) == self.nstates:
         return _MSM.expectation(self, a)
         raise ValueError(
             'observable vector a has size %s which is incompatible with both hidden (%s) '
             'and observed states (%s)' %
             (len(a), self.nstates, self.nstates_obs))
    def __init__(self, samples, ref=None, conf=0.95):
        r""" Constructs a sampled MSM

        samples : list of MSM
            Sampled MSM objects
        ref : obj of type :class:`pyemma.msm.MaximumLikelihoodMSM` or :class:`pyemma.msm.BayesianMSM`
            Single-point estimator, e.g. containing a maximum likelihood or mean MSM
        conf : float, optional, default=0.95
            Confidence interval. By default two-sigma (95.4%) is used. Use 95.4% for two sigma or 99.7% for three sigma.

        # validate input
        assert is_iterable(
            samples), 'samples must be a list of MSM objects, but is not.'
        assert isinstance(
            MSM), 'samples must be a list of MSM objects, but is not.'
        # construct superclass 1
        SampledModel.__init__(self, samples, conf=conf)
        # construct superclass 2
        if ref is None:
            Pref = self.sample_mean('P')
 def fingerprint_relaxation(self, p0, a, k=None, ncv=None):
     # basic checks for a and b
     p0 = _types.ensure_ndarray(p0, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
     a = _types.ensure_ndarray(a, ndim=1, kind='numeric', size=len(p0))
     # are we on microstates space?
     if len(a) == self.nstates_obs:
         p0 = _np.dot(self.observation_probabilities, p0)
         a = _np.dot(self.observation_probabilities, a)
     # now we are on macrostate space, or something is wrong
     if len(a) == self.nstates:
         return _MSM.fingerprint_relaxation(self, p0, a)
         raise ValueError(
             'observable vectors have size %s which is incompatible with both hidden (%s)'
             ' and observed states (%s)' %
             (len(a), self.nstates, self.nstates_obs))
 def correlation(self, a, b=None, maxtime=None, k=None, ncv=None):
     # basic checks for a and b
     a = _types.ensure_ndarray(a, ndim=1, kind='numeric')
     b = _types.ensure_ndarray_or_None(b,
     # are we on microstates space?
     if len(a) == self.nstates_obs:
         a = _np.dot(self.observation_probabilities, a)
         if b is not None:
             b = _np.dot(self.observation_probabilities, b)
     # now we are on macrostate space, or something is wrong
     if len(a) == self.nstates:
         return _MSM.correlation(self, a, b=b, maxtime=maxtime)
         raise ValueError(
             'observable vectors have size %s which is incompatible with both hidden (%s)'
             ' and observed states (%s)' %
             (len(a), self.nstates, self.nstates_obs))
    def set_model_params(self,
                         dt_model='1 step',

        samples : list of MSM objects
            sampled MSMs
        conf : float, optional, default=0.68
            Confidence interval. By default one-sigma (68.3%) is used. Use 95.4% for two sigma or 99.7% for three sigma.

        # set model parameters of superclass
        SampledModel.set_model_params(self, samples=samples, conf=conf)

# class SampledEstimatedMSM(EstimatedMSM, SampledModel):
#     def __init__(self, samples, ref, Pref='mle', conf=0.95):
#         r""" Constructs a sampled MSM
#         Parameters
#         ----------
#         samples : list of MSM
#             Sampled MSM objects
#         ref : EstimatedMSM
#             Single-point estimator, e.g. containing a maximum likelihood or mean MSM
#         conf : float, optional, default=0.68
#             Confidence interval. By default one-sigma (68.3%) is used. Use 95.4% for two sigma or 99.7% for three sigma.
#         """
#         # construct superclass 1
#         SampledModel.__init__(self, samples, conf=conf)
#         # use reference or mean MSM.
#         if ref is None:
#             Pref = self.sample_mean('P')
#         else:
#             Pref = ref.P
#         # construct superclass 2
#         EstimatedMSM.__init__(self, ref.discrete_trajectories_full, ref.timestep, ref.lagtime, ref.connectivity,
#                               ref.active_set, ref.connected_sets, ref.count_matrix_full, ref.count_matrix_active, Pref)

#     def _do_sample_eigendecomposition(self, k, ncv=None):
#         """Conducts the eigenvalue decompositions for all sampled matrices.
#         Stores k eigenvalues, left and right eigenvectors for all sampled matrices
#         Parameters
#         ----------
#         k : int
#             The number of eigenvalues / eigenvectors to be kept
#         ncv : int (optional)
#             Relevant for eigenvalue decomposition of reversible transition matrices.
#             ncv is the number of Lanczos vectors generated, `ncv` must be greater than k;
#             it is recommended that ncv > 2*k
#         """
#         from msmtools.analysis import rdl_decomposition
#         from pyemma.util import linalg
#         # left eigenvectors
#         self.sample_Ls = np.empty((self._nsample), dtype=object)
#         # eigenvalues
#         self.sample_eigenvalues = np.empty((self._nsample), dtype=object)
#         # right eigenvectors
#         self.sample_Rs = np.empty((self._nsample), dtype=object)
#         # eigenvector assignments
#         self.sample_eig_assignments = np.empty((self._nsample), dtype=object)
#         for i in range(self._nsample):
#             if self._reversible:
#                 R, D, L = rdl_decomposition(self.sample_Ps[i], k=k, norm='reversible', ncv=ncv)
#                 # everything must be real-valued
#                 R = R.real
#                 D = D.real
#                 L = L.real
#             else:
#                 R, D, L = rdl_decomposition(self.sample_Ps[i], k=k, norm='standard', ncv=ncv)
#             # assign ordered
#             I = linalg.match_eigenvectors(self.eigenvectors_right(), R,
#                                           w_ref=self.stationary_distribution, w=self.sample_mus[i])
#             self.sample_Ls[i] = L[I,:]
#             self.sample_eigenvalues[i] = np.diag(D)[I]
#             self.sample_Rs[i] = R[:,I]
#     def _ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(self, k=None, ncv=None):
#         """Ensures that eigendecomposition has been performed with at least k eigenpairs
#         k : int
#             number of eigenpairs needed. This setting is mandatory for sparse transition matrices
#             (if you set sparse=True in the initialization). For dense matrices, k will be ignored
#             as all eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be computed and stored.
#         ncv : int (optional)
#             Relevant for eigenvalue decomposition of reversible transition matrices.
#             ncv is the number of Lanczos vectors generated, `ncv` must be greater than k;
#             it is recommended that ncv > 2*k
#         """
#         # check input?
#         if self._sparse:
#             if k is None:
#                 raise ValueError(
#                     'You have requested sparse=True, then the number of eigenvalues neig must also be set.')
#         else:
#             # override setting - we anyway have to compute all eigenvalues, so we'll also store them.
#             k = self._nstates
#         # ensure that eigenvalue decomposition with k components is done.
#         try:
#             m = len(self.sample_eigenvalues[0])  # this will raise and exception if self._eigenvalues doesn't exist yet.
#             if m < k:
#                 # not enough eigenpairs present - recompute:
#                 self._do_sample_eigendecomposition(k, ncv=ncv)
#         except:
#             # no eigendecomposition yet - compute:
#             self._do_sample_eigendecomposition(k, ncv=ncv)
#     @property
#     def stationary_distribution_mean(self):
#         """Sample mean for the stationary distribution on the active set.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.stationary_distribution
#         """
#         return np.mean(self.sample_mus, axis=0)
#     @property
#     def stationary_distribution_std(self):
#         """Sample standard deviation for the stationary distribution on the active set.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.stationary_distribution
#         """
#         return np.std(self.sample_mus, axis=0)
#     @property
#     def stationary_distribution_conf(self):
#         """Sample confidence interval for the stationary distribution on the active set.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.stationary_distribution
#         """
#         return stat.confidence_interval(self.sample_mus, alpha=self._confidence)
#     def eigenvalues_mean(self, k=None, ncv=None):
#         """Sample mean for the eigenvalues.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.eigenvalues
#         """
#         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
#         return np.mean(self.sample_eigenvalues, axis=0)
#     def eigenvalues_std(self, k=None, ncv=None):
#         """Sample standard deviation for the eigenvalues.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.eigenvalues
#         """
#         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
#         return np.std(self.sample_eigenvalues, axis=0)
#     def eigenvalues_conf(self, k=None, ncv=None):
#         """Sample confidence interval for the eigenvalues.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.eigenvalues
#         """
#         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
#         return stat.confidence_interval(self.sample_eigenvalues, alpha=self._confidence)
#     def eigenvectors_left_mean(self, k=None, ncv=None):
#         """Sample mean for the left eigenvectors.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.eigenvectors_left
#         """
#         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
#         return np.mean(self.sample_Ls, axis=0)
#     def eigenvectors_left_std(self, k=None, ncv=None):
#         """Sample standard deviation for the left eigenvectors.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.eigenvectors_left
#         """
#         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
#         return np.std(self.sample_Ls, axis=0)
#     def eigenvectors_left_conf(self, k=None, ncv=None):
#         """Sample confidence interval for the left eigenvectors.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.eigenvectors_left
#         """
#         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
#         return stat.confidence_interval(self.sample_Ls, alpha=self._confidence)
# #     def eigenvectors_right_mean(self, k=None, ncv=None):
# #         """Sample mean for the right eigenvectors.
# #
# #         See also
# #         --------
# #         MSM.eigenvectors_right
# #
# #         """
# #         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
# #         return np.mean(self.sample_Rs, axis=0)
# #
# #     def eigenvectors_right_std(self, k=None, ncv=None):
# #         """Sample standard deviation for the right eigenvectors.
# #
# #         See also
# #         --------
# #         MSM.eigenvectors_right
# #
# #         """
# #         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
# #         return np.std(self.sample_Rs, axis=0)
# #
# #     def eigenvectors_right_conf(self, k=None, ncv=None):
# #         """Sample confidence interval for the right eigenvectors.
# #
# #         See also
# #         --------
# #         MSM.eigenvectors_right
# #
# #         """
# #         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
# #         return stat.confidence_interval_arr(self.sample_Rs, alpha=self._confidence)
#     def _sample_timescales(self):
#         """Compute sample timescales from the sample eigenvalues"""
#         res = np.empty((self._nsample), dtype=np.object)
#         for i in range(self._nsample):
#             res[i] = -self._lag / np.log(np.abs(self.sample_eigenvalues[i][1:]))
#         return res
#     def timescales_mean(self, k=None, ncv=None):
#         """Sample mean for the timescales.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.timescales
#         """
#         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
#         return np.mean(self._sample_timescales(), axis=0)
#     def timescales_std(self, k=None, ncv=None):
#         """Sample standard deviation for the timescales.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.timescales
#         """
#         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
#         return np.std(self._sample_timescales(), axis=0)
#     def timescales_conf(self, k=None, ncv=None):
#         """Sample confidence interval for the timescales.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.timescales
#         """
#         self._ensure_sample_eigendecomposition(k=k, ncv=ncv)
#         return stat.confidence_interval(self._sample_timescales(), alpha=self._confidence)
#     def _sample_mfpt(self, A, B):
#         """Compute sample timescales from the sample eigenvalues"""
#         res = np.zeros((self._nsample))
#         for i in range(self._nsample):
#             res[i] = self._mfpt(self.sample_Ps[i], A, B, mu=self.sample_mus[i])
#         return res
#     def mfpt_mean(self, A, B):
#         """Sample mean for the A->B mean first passage time.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.mfpt
#         """
#         return np.mean(self._sample_mfpt(A,B), axis=0)
#     def mfpt_std(self, A, B):
#         """Sample standard deviation for the A->B mean first passage time.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.mfpt
#         """
#         return np.std(self._sample_mfpt(A,B), axis=0)
#     def mfpt_conf(self, A, B):
#         """Sample confidence interval for the A->B mean first passage time.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.mfpt
#         """
#         return stat.confidence_interval(self._sample_mfpt(A,B), alpha=self._confidence)
#     def _sample_committor_forward(self, A, B):
#         """Compute sample timescales from the sample eigenvalues"""
#         res = np.empty((self._nsample), dtype=np.object)
#         for i in range(self._nsample):
#             res[i] = self._committor_forward(self.sample_Ps[i], A, B)
#         return res
#     def committor_forward_mean(self, A, B):
#         """Sample mean for the A->B forward committor.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.committor_forward
#         """
#         return np.mean(self._sample_committor_forward(A,B), axis=0)
#     def committor_forward_std(self, A, B):
#         """Sample standard deviation for the A->B forward committor.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.committor_forward
#         """
#         return np.std(self._sample_committor_forward(A,B), axis=0)
#     def committor_forward_conf(self, A, B):
#         """Sample confidence interval for the A->B forward committor.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.committor_forward
#         """
#         return stat.confidence_interval(self._sample_committor_forward(A,B), alpha=self._confidence)
#     def _sample_committor_backward(self, A, B):
#         """Compute sample timescales from the sample eigenvalues"""
#         res = np.empty((self._nsample), dtype=np.object)
#         for i in range(self._nsample):
#             res[i] = self._committor_backward(self.sample_Ps[i], A, B, mu=self.sample_mus[i])
#         return res
#     def committor_backward_mean(self, A, B):
#         """Sample mean for the A->B backward committor.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.committor_backward
#         """
#         return np.mean(self._sample_committor_backward(A,B), axis=0)
#     def committor_backward_std(self, A, B):
#         """Sample standard deviation for the A->B backward committor.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.committor_backward
#         """
#         return np.std(self._sample_committor_backward(A,B), axis=0)
#     def committor_backward_conf(self, A, B):
#         """Sample confidence interval for the A->B backward committor.
#         See also
#         --------
#         MSM.committor_backward
#         """
#         return stat.confidence_interval(self._sample_committor_backward(A,B), alpha=self._confidence)
    def __init__(self, dtrajs, dt_traj, lag, connectivity, active_set,
                 connected_sets, C_full, C_active, transition_matrix):
        r"""Estimates a Markov model from discrete trajectories.

        dtrajs : list containing ndarrays(dtype=int) or ndarray(n, dtype=int)
            discrete trajectories, stored as integer ndarrays (arbitrary size)
            or a single ndarray for only one trajectory.

        dt_traj : str, optional, default='1 step'
            Description of the physical time corresponding to the trajectory time
            step. May be used by analysis algorithms such as plotting tools to
            pretty-print the axes. By default '1 step', i.e. there is no physical
            time unit. Specify by a number, whitespace and unit. Permitted units
            are (* is an arbitrary string):

            |  'fs',  'femtosecond*'
            |  'ps',  'picosecond*'
            |  'ns',  'nanosecond*'
            |  'us',  'microsecond*'
            |  'ms',  'millisecond*'
            |  's',   'second*'

        lagtime : int
            lagtime for the MSM estimation in multiples of trajectory steps

        connectivity : str, optional, default = 'largest'
            Connectivity mode. Three methods are intended (currently only 'largest' is implemented)

            * 'largest' : The active set is the largest reversibly connected set. All estimation will be done on this
              subset and all quantities (transition matrix, stationary distribution, etc) are only defined on this
              subset and are correspondingly smaller than the full set of states
            * 'all' : The active set is the full set of states. Estimation will be conducted on each reversibly connected
              set separately. That means the transition matrix will decompose into disconnected submatrices,
              the stationary vector is only defined within subsets, etc. Currently not implemented.
            * 'none' : The active set is the full set of states. Estimation will be conducted on the full set of states
              without ensuring connectivity. This only permits nonreversible estimation. Currently not implemented.

        active_set :

        connected_sets :

        C_full :

        C_active :

        transition_matrix :

        # superclass constructor

        # Making copies because we don't know what will happen to the arguments after this call
        self.lag = lag
        self.connectivity = copy.deepcopy(connectivity)
        self.active_set = copy.deepcopy(active_set)
        self._dtrajs_full = copy.deepcopy(dtrajs)
        self.dt_traj = dt_traj
        self._C_full = copy.deepcopy(C_full)
        self._C_active = copy.deepcopy(C_active)
        self._connected_sets = copy.deepcopy(connected_sets)

        # calculate secondary quantities
        self._nstates_full = np.shape(C_full)[0]
        # full2active mapping
        self._full2active = -1 * np.ones(self._nstates_full, dtype=int)
        self._full2active[self._active_set] = np.array(list(

        # is estimated
        self._is_estimated = True