def test_args_in_kwargs():
    Test that args_in_kwargs function returns correct Boolean responses.
    kwargs = {"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3}
    # Passing list of arguments with passing values in the beginning
    passing_args_1 = ["B", "C", "D"]
    assert args_in_kwargs(args=passing_args_1, kwargs=kwargs)
    # Passing list of arguments that starts with failing arguments
    passing_args_2 = ["D", "X", "C"]
    assert args_in_kwargs(args=passing_args_2, kwargs=kwargs)
    # Failing list of arguments
    failing_args = ["D", "E", "F"]
    assert not args_in_kwargs(args=failing_args, kwargs=kwargs)
文件: basemap.py 项目: weiji14/pygmt
def basemap(self, **kwargs):
    Plot base maps and frames for the figure.

    Creates a basic or fancy basemap with axes, fill, and titles. Several
    map projections are available, and the user may specify separate
    tick-mark intervals for boundary annotation, ticking, and [optionally]
    gridlines. A simple map scale or directional rose may also be plotted.

    At least one of the parameters ``frame``, ``map_scale``, ``rose`` or
    ``compass`` must be specified.

    Full option list at :gmt-docs:`basemap.html`


    zscale/zsize : float or str
        Set z-axis scaling or z-axis size.
        *Required if this is the first plot command.*
    map_scale : str
        [**g**\|\ **j**\|\ **J**\|\ **n**\|\ **x**]\ *refpoint*\
        **+w**\ *length*.
        Draws a simple map scale centered on the reference point specified.
    rose : str
        Draws a map directional rose on the map at the location defined by
        the reference and anchor points.
    compass : str
        Draws a map magnetic rose on the map at the location defined by the
        reference and anchor points
    kwargs = self._preprocess(**kwargs)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if not args_in_kwargs(args=["B", "L", "Td", "Tm", "c"], kwargs=kwargs):
        raise GMTInvalidInput(
            "At least one of frame, map_scale, compass, rose, or panel must be specified."
    with Session() as lib:
        lib.call_module("basemap", build_arg_string(kwargs))
def grdgradient(grid, **kwargs):
    Compute the directional derivative of the vector gradient of the data.

    Can accept ``azimuth``, ``direction``, and ``radiance`` input to create
    the resulting gradient.

    Full option list at :gmt-docs:`grdgradient.html`


    grid : str or xarray.DataArray
        The file name of the input grid or the grid loaded as a DataArray.
    outgrid : str or None
        The name of the output netCDF file with extension .nc to store the grid
    azimuth : int or float or str or list
        *azim*\ [/*azim2*].
        Azimuthal direction for a directional derivative; *azim* is the
        angle in the x,y plane measured in degrees positive clockwise from
        north (the +y direction) toward east (the +x direction). The
        negative of the directional derivative,
        :math:`-(\frac{{dz}}{{dx}}\sin(\mbox{{azim}}) + \
        \frac{{dz}}{{dy}}\cos(\mbox{{azim}}))`, is found; negation yields
        positive values when the slope of :math:`z(x,y)` is downhill in the
        *azim* direction, the correct sense for shading the illumination of an
        image by a light source above the x,y plane shining from the *azim*
        direction. Optionally, supply two azimuths, *azim*/*azim2*, in which
        case the gradients in each of these directions are calculated and the
        one larger in magnitude is retained; this is useful for illuminating
        data with two directions of lineated structures, e.g., *0*/*270*
        illuminates from the north (top) and west (left).  Finally, if *azim*
        is a file it must be a grid of the same domain, spacing and
        registration as *grid* that will update the azimuth at each output
        node when computing the directional derivatives.
    direction : str
        Find the direction of the positive (up-slope) gradient of the data.
        The following options are supported:

        - **a** - Find the aspect (i.e., the down-slope direction)
        - **c** - Use the conventional Cartesian angles measured
          counterclockwise from the positive x (east) direction.
        - **o** - Report orientations (0-180) rather than directions (0-360).
        - **n** - Add 90 degrees to all angles (e.g., to give local strikes of
          the surface).
    radiance : str or list
        [**m**\|\ **s**\|\ **p**]\ *azim/elev*\ [**+a**\ *ambient*][**+d**\
        *diffuse*][**+p**\ *specular*][**+s**\ *shine*].
        Compute Lambertian radiance appropriate to use with
        :doc:`pygmt.Figure.grdimage` and :doc:`pygmt.Figure.grdview`. The
        Lambertian Reflection assumes an ideal surface that reflects all the
        light that strikes it and the surface appears
        equally bright from all viewing directions. Here, *azim* and *elev* are
        the azimuth and elevation of the light vector. Optionally, supply
        *ambient* [0.55], *diffuse* [0.6], *specular* [0.4], or *shine* [10],
        which are parameters that control the reflectance properties of the
        surface. Default values are given in the brackets. Use **s** for a
        simpler Lambertian algorithm. Note that with this form you only have
        to provide azimuth and elevation. Alternatively, use **p** for
        the Peucker piecewise linear approximation (simpler but faster
        algorithm; in this case *azim* and *elev* are hardwired to 315
        and 45 degrees. This means that even if you provide other values
        they will be ignored.).
    normalize : str or bool
        [**e**\|\ **t**][*amp*][**+a**\ *ambient*][**+s**\ *sigma*]\
        [**+o**\ *offset*].
        The actual gradients :math:`g` are offset and scaled to produce
        normalized gradients :math:`g_n` with a maximum output magnitude of
        *amp*. If *amp* is not given, default *amp* = 1. If *offset* is not
        given, it is set to the average of :math:`g`. The following forms are

        - **True** - Normalize using :math:`g_n = \mbox{{amp}}\
          (\frac{{g - \mbox{{offset}}}}{{max(|g - \mbox{{offset}}|)}})`
        - **e** - Normalize using a cumulative Laplace distribution yielding:
          :math:`g_n = \mbox{{amp}}(1 - \
          \exp{{(\sqrt{{2}}\frac{{g - \mbox{{offset}}}}{{\sigma}}))}}`, where
          :math:`\sigma` is estimated using the L1 norm of
          :math:`(g - \mbox{{offset}})` if it is not given.
        - **t** - Normalize using a cumulative Cauchy distribution yielding:
          :math:`g_n = \
          \frac{{2(\mbox{{amp}})}}{{\pi}}(\tan^{{-1}}(\frac{{g - \
          \mbox{{offset}}}}{{\sigma}}))` where :math:`\sigma` is estimated
          using the L2 norm of :math:`(g - \mbox{{offset}})` if it is not

        As a final option, you may add **+a**\ *ambient* to add *ambient* to
        all nodes after gradient calculations are completed.
    tiles : str
        **c**\|\ **r**\|\ **R**.
        Controls how normalization via ``normalize`` is carried out.  When
        multiple  grids should be normalized the same way (i.e., with the same
        *offset*  and/or *sigma*),
        we must pass these values via ``normalize``.  However, this is
        inconvenient if we compute these values from a grid.  Use **c** to
        save  the results  of *offset* and *sigma* to a statistics file; if
        grid output is not  needed for this run then do not specify
        ``outgrid``. For  subsequent runs,  just use **r** to read these
        values.  Using **R**  will read then delete the statistics file.
    slope_file : str
        Name of output grid file with scalar magnitudes of gradient vectors.
        Requires ``direction`` but makes ``outgrid`` optional.

    ret: xarray.DataArray or None
        Return type depends on whether the ``outgrid`` parameter is set:

        - :class:`xarray.DataArray` if ``outgrid`` is not set
        - None if ``outgrid`` is set (grid output will be stored in file set by
    with GMTTempFile(suffix=".nc") as tmpfile:
        if "Q" in kwargs and "N" not in kwargs:
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                """Must specify normalize if tiles is specified.""")
        if not args_in_kwargs(args=["A", "D", "E"], kwargs=kwargs):
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                """At least one of the following parameters must be specified:
                azimuth, direction, or radiance""")
        with Session() as lib:
            file_context = lib.virtualfile_from_data(check_kind="raster",
            with file_context as infile:
                if "G" not in kwargs:  # if outgrid is unset, output to tempfile
                    kwargs.update({"G": tmpfile.name})
                outgrid = kwargs["G"]
                arg_str = " ".join([infile, build_arg_string(kwargs)])
                lib.call_module("grdgradient", arg_str)

        return load_dataarray(outgrid) if outgrid == tmpfile.name else None
def coast(self, **kwargs):
    Plot continents, shorelines, rivers, and borders on maps

    Plots grayshaded, colored, or textured land-masses [or water-masses] on
    maps and [optionally] draws coastlines, rivers, and political
    boundaries.  Alternatively, it can (1) issue clip paths that will
    contain all land or all water areas, or (2) dump the data to an ASCII
    table. The data files come in 5 different resolutions: (**f**)ull,
    (**h**)igh, (**i**)ntermediate, (**l**)ow, and (**c**)rude. The full
    resolution files amount to more than 55 Mb of data and provide great
    detail; for maps of larger geographical extent it is more economical to
    use one of the other resolutions. If the user selects to paint the
    land-areas and does not specify fill of water-areas then the latter
    will be transparent (i.e., earlier graphics drawn in those areas will
    not be overwritten).  Likewise, if the water-areas are painted and no
    land fill is set then the land-areas will be transparent.

    A map projection must be supplied.

    Full option list at :gmt-docs:`coast.html`


    area_thresh : int, float, or str
        *min_area*\ [/*min_level*/*max_level*][**+a**\[**g**\|\ **i**]\
        [**s**\|\ **S**][**+l**\|\ **r**][**+p**\ *percent*].
        Features with an area smaller than *min_area* in km\ :sup:`2` or of
        hierarchical level that is lower than *min_level* or higher than
        *max_level* will not be plotted.
    lakes : str or list
        *fill*\ [**+l**\|\ **+r**].
        Set the shade, color, or pattern for lakes and river-lakes. The
        default is the fill chosen for wet areas set by the ``water``
        argument. Optionally, specify separate fills by appending
        **+l** for lakes or **+r** for river-lakes, and passing multiple
        strings in a list.
    resolution : str
        **f**\|\ **h**\|\ **i**\|\ **l**\|\ **c**.
        Selects the resolution of the data set to: (**f**\ )ull,
        (**h**\ )igh, (**i**\ )ntermediate, (**l**\ )ow,
        and (**c**\ )rude.
    land : str
        Select filling or clipping of “dry” areas.
    rivers : int or str or list
        *river*\ [/*pen*].
        Draw rivers. Specify the type of rivers and [optionally] append
        pen attributes [Default pen is width = default, color = black,
        style = solid].

        Choose from the list of river types below; pass a list to
        ``rivers`` to use multiple arguments.

        0 = Double-lined rivers (river-lakes)

        1 = Permanent major rivers

        2 = Additional major rivers

        3 = Additional rivers

        4 = Minor rivers

        5 = Intermittent rivers - major

        6 = Intermittent rivers - additional

        7 = Intermittent rivers - minor

        8 = Major canals

        9 = Minor canals

        10 = Irrigation canals

        You can also choose from several preconfigured river groups:

        a = All rivers and canals (0-10)

        A = All rivers and canals except river-lakes (1-10)

        r = All permanent rivers (0-4)

        R = All permanent rivers except river-lakes (1-4)

        i = All intermittent rivers (5-7)

        c = All canals (8-10)
    map_scale : str
        [**g**\|\ **j**\|\ **J**\|\ **n**\|\ **x**]\ *refpoint*\
        **+w**\ *length*.
        Draws a simple map scale centered on the reference point specified.
    borders : int or str or list
        *border*\ [/*pen*].
        Draw political boundaries. Specify the type of boundary and
        [optionally] append pen attributes [Default pen is width = default,
        color = black, style = solid].

        Choose from the list of boundaries below. Pass a list to
        ``borders`` to use multiple arguments.

        1 = National boundaries

        2 = State boundaries within the Americas

        3 = Marine boundaries

        a = All boundaries (1-3)
    water : str
        Select filling or clipping of “wet” areas.
    shorelines : int or str or list
        [*level*\ /]\ *pen*.
        Draw shorelines [Default is no shorelines]. Append pen attributes
        [Default is width = default, color = black, style = solid] which
        apply to all four levels. To set the pen for a single level,
        pass a string with *level*\ /*pen*\ , where level is
        1-4 and represent coastline, lakeshore, island-in-lake shore, and
        lake-in-island-in-lake shore. Pass a list of *level*\ /*pen*
        strings to ``shorelines`` to set multiple levels. When specific
        level pens are set, those not listed will not be drawn.
    dcw : str or list
        *code1,code2,…*\ [**+l**\|\ **L**\ ][**+g**\ *fill*\ ]
        [**+p**\ *pen*\ ][**+z**].
        Select painting or dumping country polygons from the
        `Digital Chart of the World
        Append one or more comma-separated countries using the 2-character
        `ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 convention
        To select a state of a country (if available), append
        .\ *state*, (e.g, US.TX for Texas).  To specify a whole continent,
        prepend **=** to any of the continent codes (e.g. =EU for Europe).
        Append **+p**\ *pen* to draw polygon outlines
        (default is no outline) and **+g**\ *fill* to fill them
        (default is no fill). Append **+l**\|\ **+L** to =\ *continent* to
        only list countries in that continent; repeat if more than one
        continent is requested.
    kwargs = self._preprocess(**kwargs)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if not args_in_kwargs(args=["C", "G", "S", "I", "N", "E", "Q", "W"],
        raise GMTInvalidInput(
            """At least one of the following arguments must be specified:
            lakes, land, water, rivers, borders, dcw, Q, or shorelines""")
    with Session() as lib:
        lib.call_module("coast", build_arg_string(kwargs))
def grdgradient(grid, **kwargs):
    Compute the directional derivative of the vector gradient of the data.

    Can accept ``azimuth``, ``direction``, and ``radiance`` input to create
    the resulting gradient.

    Full option list at :gmt-docs:`grdgradient.html`


    grid : str or xarray.DataArray
        The file name of the input grid or the grid loaded as a DataArray.
    outgrid : str or None
        The name of the output netCDF file with extension .nc to store the grid
    azimuth : int or float or str or list
        *azim*\ [/*azim2*].
        Azimuthal direction for a directional derivative; *azim* is the
        angle in the x,y plane measured in degrees positive clockwise from
        north (the +y direction) toward east (the +x direction). The
        negative of the directional derivative, -[dz/dx\*sin(*azim*) +
        dz/dy\*cos(\ *azim*)], is found; negation yields positive values
        when the slope of z(x,y) is downhill in the *azim* direction, the
        correct sense for shading the illumination of an image by a light
        source above the x,y plane shining from the *azim* direction.
        Optionally, supply two azimuths, *azim*/*azim2*, in which case the
        gradients in each of these directions are calculated and the one
        larger in magnitude is retained; this is useful for illuminating data
        with two directions of lineated structures, e.g., *0*/*270*
        illuminates from the north (top) and west (left).  Finally, if *azim*
        is a file it must be a grid of the same domain, spacing and
        registration as *grid* that will update the azimuth at each output
        node when computing the directional derivatives.
    direction : str
        Find the direction of the positive (up-slope) gradient of the data.
        To instead find the aspect (the down-slope direction), use **a**.
        By default, directions are measured clockwise from north, as *azim*
        in ``azimuth``. Append **c** to use conventional Cartesian angles
        measured counterclockwise from the positive x (east) direction.
        Append **o** to report orientations (0-180) rather than
        directions (0-360). Append **n** to add 90 degrees to all angles
        (e.g., to give local strikes of the surface).
    radiance : str or list
        [**m**\|\ **s**\|\ **p**]\ *azim/elev*\ [**+a**\ *ambient*][**+d**\
        *diffuse*][**+p**\ *specular*][**+s**\ *shine*].
        Compute Lambertian radiance appropriate to use with ``grdimage``
        and ``grdview``. The Lambertian Reflection assumes an ideal surface
        that reflects all the light that strikes it and the surface appears
        equally bright from all viewing directions. Here, *azim* and *elev* are
        the azimuth and elevation of the light vector. Optionally, supply
        *ambient* [0.55], *diffuse* [0.6], *specular* [0.4], or *shine* [10],
        which are parameters that control the reflectance properties of the
        surface. Default values are given in the brackets. Use **s** for a
        simpler Lambertian algorithm. Note that with this form you only have
        to provide azimuth and elevation. Alternatively, use **p** for
        the Peucker piecewise linear approximation (simpler but faster
        algorithm; in this case the *azim* and *elev* are hardwired to 315
        and 45 degrees. This means that even if you provide other values
        they will be ignored.)
    with GMTTempFile(suffix=".nc") as tmpfile:
        if not args_in_kwargs(args=["A", "D", "E"], kwargs=kwargs):
            raise GMTInvalidInput(
                """At least one of the following parameters must be specified:
                azimuth, direction, or radiance"""
        with Session() as lib:
            file_context = lib.virtualfile_from_data(check_kind="raster", data=grid)
            with file_context as infile:
                if "G" not in kwargs.keys():  # if outgrid is unset, output to tempfile
                    kwargs.update({"G": tmpfile.name})
                outgrid = kwargs["G"]
                arg_str = " ".join([infile, build_arg_string(kwargs)])
                lib.call_module("grdgradient", arg_str)

        if outgrid == tmpfile.name:  # if user did not set outgrid, return DataArray
            with xr.open_dataarray(outgrid) as dataarray:
                result = dataarray.load()
                _ = result.gmt  # load GMTDataArray accessor information
            result = None  # if user sets an outgrid, return None

        return result
文件: basemap.py 项目: seisman/pygmt
def basemap(self, **kwargs):
    Plot base maps and frames for the figure.

    Creates a basic or fancy basemap with axes, fill, and titles. Several
    map projections are available, and the user may specify separate
    tick-mark intervals for boundary annotation, ticking, and [optionally]
    gridlines. A simple map scale or directional rose may also be plotted.

    Full option list at :gmt-docs:`basemap.html`


    zscale/zsize : float or str
        Set z-axis scaling or z-axis size.
        *Required if this is the first plot command.*
    map_scale : str
        [**g**\|\ **j**\|\ **J**\|\ **n**\|\ **x**]\ *refpoint*\
        **+w**\ *length*.
        Draws a simple map scale centered on the reference point specified.
    box : bool or str
        [**+c**\ *clearances*][**+g**\ *fill*][**+i**\ [[*gap*/]\ *pen*]]\
        [**+p**\ [*pen*]][**+r**\ [*radius*]][**+s**\ [[*dx*/*dy*/][*shade*]]].
        If set to ``True``, draws a rectangular border around the
        map scale or rose. Alternatively, specify a different pen with
        **+p**\ *pen*. Add **+g**\ *fill* to fill the scale panel [default is
        no fill]. Append **+c**\ *clearance* where *clearance* is either gap,
        xgap/ygap, or lgap/rgap/bgap/tgap where these items are uniform,
        separate in x- and y-direction, or individual side spacings between
        scale and border. Append **+i** to draw a secondary, inner border as
        well. We use a uniform gap between borders of 2p and the
        :gmt-term:`MAP_DEFAULTS_PEN` unless other values are specified. Append
        **+r** to draw rounded rectangular borders instead, with a 6p corner
        radius. You can override this radius by appending another value.
        Finally, append **+s** to draw an offset background shaded region.
        Here, *dx/dy* indicates the shift relative to the foreground frame
        [Default is 4p/-4p] and shade sets the fill style to use for shading
        [default is gray50].
    rose : str
        Draws a map directional rose on the map at the location defined by
        the reference and anchor points.
    compass : str
        Draws a map magnetic rose on the map at the location defined by the
        reference and anchor points
    kwargs = self._preprocess(**kwargs)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if not args_in_kwargs(args=["B", "L", "Td", "Tm", "c"], kwargs=kwargs):
        kwargs["B"] = True  # Plotting frames if required arguments not given
    with Session() as lib:
        lib.call_module(module="basemap", args=build_arg_string(kwargs))