def __init__(self):
        """ gets a small batch of data
            sets up an S3C model
        # We also have to change the value of config.floatX in __init__.
        self.prev_floatX = config.floatX
        config.floatX = 'float64'

            self.tol = 1e-5

            #dataset = serial.load('${PYLEARN2_DATA_PATH}/stl10/stl10_patches/data.pkl')

            #X = dataset.get_batch_design(1000)
            #X = X[:,0:5]

            X = np.random.RandomState([1, 2, 3]).randn(1000, 5)

            X -= X.mean()
            X /= X.std()
            m, D = X.shape
            N = 5

            #don't give the model an e_step or learning rate so it won't spend years compiling a learn_func
            self.model = S3C(


            self.h_new_coeff_schedule = [
                .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1.

            self.e_step = E_Step_Scan(

            self.X = X
            self.N = N
            self.m = m

            config.floatX = self.prev_floatX
    def __init__(self):
        """ gets a small batch of data
            sets up an S3C model and learns on the data
            creates an expression for the log likelihood of the data

        self.tol = 1e-5

        #dataset = serial.load('${GOODFELI_TMP}/cifar10_preprocessed_train_1K.pkl')

        X = np.random.RandomState([1, 2, 3]).randn(1000, 108)
        #X = X[:,0:2]
        #X[0,0] = 1.
        #X[0,1] = -1.
        m, D = X.shape
        N = 300

        self.model = S3C(
            #disable_W_update = 1,
                #h_new_coeff_schedule = [ ],

        #W = self.model.W.get_value()
        #W[0,0] = 1.
        #W[1,0] = 1.

        self.orig_params = self.model.get_param_values()

        model = self.model
        self.mf_obs = model.e_step.infer(X)

        self.stats = SufficientStatistics.from_observations(
            needed_stats=model.m_step.needed_stats(), V=X, **self.mf_obs)

        self.prob = self.model.expected_log_prob_vhs(
            self.stats, H_hat=self.mf_obs['H_hat'], S_hat=self.mf_obs['S_hat'])
        self.X = X
        self.m = m
        self.D = D
        self.N = N
    def __init__(self):
        """ gets a small batch of data
            sets up an S3C model and learns on the data
            creates an expression for the log likelihood of the data

        # We also have to change the value of config.floatX in __init__.
        self.prev_floatX = config.floatX
        config.floatX = 'float64'

            self.tol = 1e-5

            if config.mode in ["DebugMode", "DEBUG_MODE"]:
                X = np.random.RandomState([1, 2, 3]).randn(30, 108)
                m, D = X.shape
                N = 10
                X = np.random.RandomState([1, 2, 3]).randn(1000, 108)
                m, D = X.shape
                N = 300

            self.model = S3C(nvis = D,
                             nhid = N,
                             irange = .5,
                             init_bias_hid = -.1,
                             init_B = 1.,
                             min_B = 1e-8,
                             max_B = 1e8,
                             tied_B = 1,
                             e_step = E_Step_Scan(
                                 h_new_coeff_schedule = [ .01 ]
                             init_alpha = 1.,
                             min_alpha = 1e-8, max_alpha = 1e8,
                             init_mu = 1.,
                             m_step = Grad_M_Step( learning_rate = 1.0 ),

            self.orig_params = self.model.get_param_values()

            model = self.model
            self.mf_obs = model.e_step.infer(X)

            self.stats = SufficientStatistics.from_observations(needed_stats =
                    model.m_step.needed_stats(), V =X,
                    ** self.mf_obs)

            self.prob = self.model.expected_log_prob_vhs( self.stats , H_hat = self.mf_obs['H_hat'], S_hat = self.mf_obs['S_hat'])
            self.X = X
            self.m = m
            self.D = D
            self.N = N

            config.floatX = self.prev_floatX
    def __init__(self):
        """ gets a small batch of data
            sets up an S3C model
        # We also have to change the value of config.floatX in __init__.
        self.prev_floatX = config.floatX
        config.floatX = 'float64'

            self.tol = 1e-5

            #dataset = serial.load('${PYLEARN2_DATA_PATH}/stl10/stl10_patches/data.pkl')

            #X = dataset.get_batch_design(1000)
            #X = X[:,0:5]

            X = np.random.RandomState([1,2,3]).randn(1000,5)

            X -= X.mean()
            X /= X.std()
            m, D = X.shape
            N = 5

            #don't give the model an e_step or learning rate so it won't spend years compiling a learn_func
            self.model = S3C(nvis = D,
                             nhid = N,
                             irange = .1,
                             init_bias_hid = 0.,
                             init_B = 3.,
                             min_B = 1e-8,
                             max_B = 1000.,
                             init_alpha = 1., min_alpha = 1e-8, max_alpha = 1000.,
                             init_mu = 1., e_step = None,
                             m_step = Grad_M_Step(),
                             min_bias_hid = -1e30, max_bias_hid = 1e30,


            self.h_new_coeff_schedule = [.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1. ]

            self.e_step = E_Step_Scan(h_new_coeff_schedule = self.h_new_coeff_schedule)

            self.X = X
            self.N = N
            self.m = m

            config.floatX = self.prev_floatX

#this initial E step is just to help out the
#BatchGradientInference object
model.e_step = E_Step_Scan(clip_reflections=True,
                           h_new_coeff_schedule=[.1] * OVERKILL,
                           s_new_coeff_schedule=[.3] * OVERKILL)

import theano.tensor as T
from theano import function

def get_needed_steps(ip, X):

    V = T.matrix()

    history = ip.infer(V, return_history=True)

    print 'compiling'
    t1 = time.time()
class Test_S3C_Inference:
    def setUp(self):
        # Temporarily change config.floatX to float64, as s3c inference
        # tests currently fail due to numerical issues for float32.
        self.prev_floatX = config.floatX
        config.floatX = 'float64'

    def tearDown(self):
        # Restore previous value of floatX
        config.floatX = self.prev_floatX

    def __init__(self):
        """ gets a small batch of data
            sets up an S3C model
        # We also have to change the value of config.floatX in __init__.
        self.prev_floatX = config.floatX
        config.floatX = 'float64'

            self.tol = 1e-5

            #dataset = serial.load('${PYLEARN2_DATA_PATH}/stl10/stl10_patches/data.pkl')

            #X = dataset.get_batch_design(1000)
            #X = X[:,0:5]

            X = np.random.RandomState([1, 2, 3]).randn(1000, 5)

            X -= X.mean()
            X /= X.std()
            m, D = X.shape
            N = 5

            #don't give the model an e_step or learning rate so it won't spend years compiling a learn_func
            self.model = S3C(


            self.h_new_coeff_schedule = [
                .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1.

            self.e_step = E_Step_Scan(

            self.X = X
            self.N = N
            self.m = m

            config.floatX = self.prev_floatX

    def test_match_unrolled(self):
        """ tests that inference with scan matches result using unrolled loops """

        unrolled_e_step = E_Step(

        V = T.matrix()

        scan_result = self.e_step.infer(V)
        unrolled_result = unrolled_e_step.infer(V)

        outputs = []

        for key in scan_result:

        f = function([V], outputs)

        outputs = f(self.X)

        assert len(outputs) % 2 == 0

        for i in xrange(0, len(outputs), 2):
            assert np.allclose(outputs[i], outputs[i + 1])

    def test_grad_s(self):

        "tests that the gradients with respect to s_i are 0 after doing a mean field update of s_i "

        model = self.model
        e_step = self.e_step
        X = self.X

        assert X.shape[0] == self.m

        model.test_batch_size = X.shape[0]

        init_H = e_step.init_H_hat(V=X)
        init_Mu1 = e_step.init_S_hat(V=X)

        prev_setting = config.compute_test_value
        config.compute_test_value = 'off'
        H, Mu1 = function([], outputs=[init_H, init_Mu1])()
        config.compute_test_value = prev_setting

        H = broadcast(H, self.m)
        Mu1 = broadcast(Mu1, self.m)

        H = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(0., 1., H.shape))
        Mu1 = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(
            -5., 5., Mu1.shape))

        H_var = T.matrix(name='H_var')
        H_var.tag.test_value = H
        Mu1_var = T.matrix(name='Mu1_var')
        Mu1_var.tag.test_value = Mu1
        idx = T.iscalar()
        idx.tag.test_value = 0

        S = e_step.infer_S_hat(V=X, H_hat=H_var, S_hat=Mu1_var)

        s_idx = S[:, idx]

        s_i_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var, idx], s_idx)

        sigma0 = 1. / model.alpha
        Sigma1 = e_step.infer_var_s1_hat()
        mu0 = T.zeros_like(

        #by truncated KL, I mean that I am dropping terms that don't depend on H and Mu1
        # (they don't affect the outcome of this test and some of them are intractable )
        trunc_kl = - model.entropy_hs(H_hat = H_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1) + \
                     model.expected_energy_vhs(V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1)

        grad_Mu1 = T.grad(trunc_kl.sum(), Mu1_var)

        grad_Mu1_idx = grad_Mu1[:, idx]

        grad_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var, idx], grad_Mu1_idx)

        for i in xrange(self.N):
            Mu1[:, i] = s_i_func(H, Mu1, i)

            g = grad_func(H, Mu1, i)

            assert not np.any(np.isnan(g))

            g_abs_max = np.abs(g).max()

            if g_abs_max > self.tol:
                raise Exception(
                    'after mean field step, gradient of kl divergence wrt mean field parameter should be 0, but here the max magnitude of a gradient element is '
                    + str(g_abs_max) + ' after updating s_' + str(i))

    def test_value_s(self):

        "tests that the value of the kl divergence decreases with each update to s_i "

        model = self.model
        e_step = self.e_step
        X = self.X

        assert X.shape[0] == self.m

        init_H = e_step.init_H_hat(V=X)
        init_Mu1 = e_step.init_S_hat(V=X)

        prev_setting = config.compute_test_value
        config.compute_test_value = 'off'
        H, Mu1 = function([], outputs=[init_H, init_Mu1])()
        config.compute_test_value = prev_setting

        H = broadcast(H, self.m)
        Mu1 = broadcast(Mu1, self.m)

        H = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(0., 1., H.shape))
        Mu1 = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(
            -5., 5., Mu1.shape))

        H_var = T.matrix(name='H_var')
        H_var.tag.test_value = H
        Mu1_var = T.matrix(name='Mu1_var')
        Mu1_var.tag.test_value = Mu1
        idx = T.iscalar()
        idx.tag.test_value = 0

        S = e_step.infer_S_hat(V=X, H_hat=H_var, S_hat=Mu1_var)

        s_idx = S[:, idx]

        s_i_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var, idx], s_idx)

        sigma0 = 1. / model.alpha
        Sigma1 = e_step.infer_var_s1_hat()
        mu0 = T.zeros_like(

        #by truncated KL, I mean that I am dropping terms that don't depend on H and Mu1
        # (they don't affect the outcome of this test and some of them are intractable )
        trunc_kl = - model.entropy_hs(H_hat = H_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1) + \
                     model.expected_energy_vhs(V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1)

        trunc_kl_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var], trunc_kl)

        for i in xrange(self.N):
            prev_kl = trunc_kl_func(H, Mu1)

            Mu1[:, i] = s_i_func(H, Mu1, i)

            new_kl = trunc_kl_func(H, Mu1)

            increase = new_kl - prev_kl

            mx = increase.max()

            if mx > 1e-3:
                raise Exception(
                    'after mean field step in s, kl divergence should decrease, but some elements increased by as much as '
                    + str(mx) + ' after updating s_' + str(i))

    def test_grad_h(self):

        "tests that the gradients with respect to h_i are 0 after doing a mean field update of h_i "

        model = self.model
        e_step = self.e_step
        X = self.X

        assert X.shape[0] == self.m

        init_H = e_step.init_H_hat(V=X)
        init_Mu1 = e_step.init_S_hat(V=X)

        prev_setting = config.compute_test_value
        config.compute_test_value = 'off'
        H, Mu1 = function([], outputs=[init_H, init_Mu1])()
        config.compute_test_value = prev_setting

        H = broadcast(H, self.m)
        Mu1 = broadcast(Mu1, self.m)

        H = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(0., 1., H.shape))
        Mu1 = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(
            -5., 5., Mu1.shape))

        H_var = T.matrix(name='H_var')
        H_var.tag.test_value = H
        Mu1_var = T.matrix(name='Mu1_var')
        Mu1_var.tag.test_value = Mu1
        idx = T.iscalar()
        idx.tag.test_value = 0

        new_H = e_step.infer_H_hat(V=X, H_hat=H_var, S_hat=Mu1_var)
        h_idx = new_H[:, idx]

        updates_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var, idx], h_idx)

        sigma0 = 1. / model.alpha
        Sigma1 = e_step.infer_var_s1_hat()
        mu0 = T.zeros_like(

        #by truncated KL, I mean that I am dropping terms that don't depend on H and Mu1
        # (they don't affect the outcome of this test and some of them are intractable )
        trunc_kl = - model.entropy_hs(H_hat = H_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1) + \
                     model.expected_energy_vhs(V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var,  var_s0_hat = sigma0,
                             var_s1_hat = Sigma1)

        grad_H = T.grad(trunc_kl.sum(), H_var)

        assert len(grad_H.type.broadcastable) == 2

        #from theano.printing import min_informative_str
        #print min_informative_str(grad_H)

        #grad_H = Print('grad_H')(grad_H)

        #grad_H_idx = grad_H[:,idx]

        grad_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var], grad_H)

        failed = False

        for i in xrange(self.N):
            rval = updates_func(H, Mu1, i)
            H[:, i] = rval

            g = grad_func(H, Mu1)[:, i]

            assert not np.any(np.isnan(g))

            g_abs_max = np.abs(g).max()

            if g_abs_max > self.tol:
                #print "new values of H"
                #print H[:,i]
                #print "gradient on new values of H"
                #print g

                failed = True

                print 'iteration ', i
                #print 'max value of new H: ',H[:,i].max()
                #print 'H for failing g: '
                failing_h = H[np.abs(g) > self.tol, i]
                #print failing_h

                #from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

                #ignore failures extremely close to h=1

                high_mask = failing_h > .001
                low_mask = failing_h < .999

                mask = high_mask * low_mask

                print 'masked failures: ', mask.shape[0], ' err ', g_abs_max

                if mask.sum() > 0:
                    print 'failing h passing the range mask'
                    print failing_h[mask.astype(bool)]
                    raise Exception(
                        'after mean field step, gradient of kl divergence'
                        ' wrt freshly updated variational parameter should be 0, '
                        'but here the max magnitude of a gradient element is '
                        + str(g_abs_max) + ' after updating h_' + str(i))

        #assert not failed

    def test_value_h(self):

        "tests that the value of the kl divergence decreases with each update to h_i "

        model = self.model
        e_step = self.e_step
        X = self.X

        assert X.shape[0] == self.m

        init_H = e_step.init_H_hat(V=X)
        init_Mu1 = e_step.init_S_hat(V=X)

        prev_setting = config.compute_test_value
        config.compute_test_value = 'off'
        H, Mu1 = function([], outputs=[init_H, init_Mu1])()
        config.compute_test_value = prev_setting

        H = broadcast(H, self.m)
        Mu1 = broadcast(Mu1, self.m)

        H = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(0., 1., H.shape))
        Mu1 = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(
            -5., 5., Mu1.shape))

        H_var = T.matrix(name='H_var')
        H_var.tag.test_value = H
        Mu1_var = T.matrix(name='Mu1_var')
        Mu1_var.tag.test_value = Mu1
        idx = T.iscalar()
        idx.tag.test_value = 0

        newH = e_step.infer_H_hat(V=X, H_hat=H_var, S_hat=Mu1_var)

        h_idx = newH[:, idx]

        h_i_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var, idx], h_idx)

        sigma0 = 1. / model.alpha
        Sigma1 = e_step.infer_var_s1_hat()
        mu0 = T.zeros_like(

        #by truncated KL, I mean that I am dropping terms that don't depend on H and Mu1
        # (they don't affect the outcome of this test and some of them are intractable )
        trunc_kl = - model.entropy_hs(H_hat = H_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1) + \
                     model.expected_energy_vhs(V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1)

        trunc_kl_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var], trunc_kl)

        for i in xrange(self.N):
            prev_kl = trunc_kl_func(H, Mu1)

            H[:, i] = h_i_func(H, Mu1, i)
            #we don't update mu, the whole point of the split e step is we don't have to

            new_kl = trunc_kl_func(H, Mu1)

            increase = new_kl - prev_kl

            print 'failures after iteration ', i, ': ', (increase >

            mx = increase.max()

            if mx > 1e-4:
                print 'increase amounts of failing examples:'
                print increase[increase > self.tol]
                print 'failing H:'
                print H[increase > self.tol, :]
                print 'failing Mu1:'
                print Mu1[increase > self.tol, :]
                print 'failing V:'
                print X[increase > self.tol, :]

                raise Exception(
                    'after mean field step in h, kl divergence should decrease, but some elements increased by as much as '
                    + str(mx) + ' after updating h_' + str(i))
class Test_S3C_Inference:
    def setUp(self):
        # Temporarily change config.floatX to float64, as s3c inference
        # tests currently fail due to numerical issues for float32.
        self.prev_floatX = config.floatX
        config.floatX = 'float64'

    def tearDown(self):
        # Restore previous value of floatX
        config.floatX = self.prev_floatX

    def __init__(self):
        """ gets a small batch of data
            sets up an S3C model
        # We also have to change the value of config.floatX in __init__.
        self.prev_floatX = config.floatX
        config.floatX = 'float64'

            self.tol = 1e-5

            #dataset = serial.load('${PYLEARN2_DATA_PATH}/stl10/stl10_patches/data.pkl')

            #X = dataset.get_batch_design(1000)
            #X = X[:,0:5]

            X = np.random.RandomState([1,2,3]).randn(1000,5)

            X -= X.mean()
            X /= X.std()
            m, D = X.shape
            N = 5

            #don't give the model an e_step or learning rate so it won't spend years compiling a learn_func
            self.model = S3C(nvis = D,
                             nhid = N,
                             irange = .1,
                             init_bias_hid = 0.,
                             init_B = 3.,
                             min_B = 1e-8,
                             max_B = 1000.,
                             init_alpha = 1., min_alpha = 1e-8, max_alpha = 1000.,
                             init_mu = 1., e_step = None,
                             m_step = Grad_M_Step(),
                             min_bias_hid = -1e30, max_bias_hid = 1e30,


            self.h_new_coeff_schedule = [.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1. ]

            self.e_step = E_Step_Scan(h_new_coeff_schedule = self.h_new_coeff_schedule)

            self.X = X
            self.N = N
            self.m = m

            config.floatX = self.prev_floatX

    def test_match_unrolled(self):
        """ tests that inference with scan matches result using unrolled loops """

        unrolled_e_step = E_Step(h_new_coeff_schedule = self.h_new_coeff_schedule)

        V = T.matrix()

        scan_result = self.e_step.infer(V)
        unrolled_result = unrolled_e_step.infer(V)

        outputs = []

        for key in scan_result:

        f = function([V], outputs)

        outputs = f(self.X)

        assert len(outputs) % 2 == 0

        for i in xrange(0,len(outputs),2):
            assert np.allclose(outputs[i],outputs[i+1])

    def test_grad_s(self):

        "tests that the gradients with respect to s_i are 0 after doing a mean field update of s_i "

        model = self.model
        e_step = self.e_step
        X = self.X

        assert X.shape[0] == self.m

        model.test_batch_size = X.shape[0]

        init_H = e_step.init_H_hat(V = X)
        init_Mu1 = e_step.init_S_hat(V = X)

        prev_setting = config.compute_test_value
        config.compute_test_value= 'off'
        H, Mu1 = function([], outputs=[init_H, init_Mu1])()
        config.compute_test_value = prev_setting

        H = broadcast(H, self.m)
        Mu1 = broadcast(Mu1, self.m)

        H = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(0.,1.,H.shape))
        Mu1 = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(-5.,5.,Mu1.shape))

        H_var = T.matrix(name='H_var')
        H_var.tag.test_value = H
        Mu1_var = T.matrix(name='Mu1_var')
        Mu1_var.tag.test_value = Mu1
        idx = T.iscalar()
        idx.tag.test_value = 0

        S = e_step.infer_S_hat(V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var)

        s_idx = S[:,idx]

        s_i_func = function([H_var,Mu1_var,idx],s_idx)

        sigma0 = 1. / model.alpha
        Sigma1 = e_step.infer_var_s1_hat()
        mu0 = T.zeros_like(

        #by truncated KL, I mean that I am dropping terms that don't depend on H and Mu1
        # (they don't affect the outcome of this test and some of them are intractable )
        trunc_kl = - model.entropy_hs(H_hat = H_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1) + \
                     model.expected_energy_vhs(V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1)

        grad_Mu1 = T.grad(trunc_kl.sum(), Mu1_var)

        grad_Mu1_idx = grad_Mu1[:,idx]

        grad_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var, idx], grad_Mu1_idx)

        for i in xrange(self.N):
            Mu1[:,i] = s_i_func(H, Mu1, i)

            g = grad_func(H,Mu1,i)

            assert not contains_nan(g)

            g_abs_max = np.abs(g).max()

            if g_abs_max > self.tol:
                raise Exception('after mean field step, gradient of kl divergence wrt mean field parameter should be 0, but here the max magnitude of a gradient element is '+str(g_abs_max)+' after updating s_'+str(i))

    def test_value_s(self):

        "tests that the value of the kl divergence decreases with each update to s_i "

        model = self.model
        e_step = self.e_step
        X = self.X

        assert X.shape[0] == self.m

        init_H = e_step.init_H_hat(V = X)
        init_Mu1 = e_step.init_S_hat(V = X)

        prev_setting = config.compute_test_value
        config.compute_test_value= 'off'
        H, Mu1 = function([], outputs=[init_H, init_Mu1])()
        config.compute_test_value = prev_setting

        H = broadcast(H, self.m)
        Mu1 = broadcast(Mu1, self.m)

        H = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(0.,1.,H.shape))
        Mu1 = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(-5.,5.,Mu1.shape))

        H_var = T.matrix(name='H_var')
        H_var.tag.test_value = H
        Mu1_var = T.matrix(name='Mu1_var')
        Mu1_var.tag.test_value = Mu1
        idx = T.iscalar()
        idx.tag.test_value = 0

        S = e_step.infer_S_hat( V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var)

        s_idx = S[:,idx]

        s_i_func = function([H_var,Mu1_var,idx],s_idx)

        sigma0 = 1. / model.alpha
        Sigma1 = e_step.infer_var_s1_hat()
        mu0 = T.zeros_like(

        #by truncated KL, I mean that I am dropping terms that don't depend on H and Mu1
        # (they don't affect the outcome of this test and some of them are intractable )
        trunc_kl = - model.entropy_hs(H_hat = H_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1) + \
                     model.expected_energy_vhs(V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1)

        trunc_kl_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var], trunc_kl)

        for i in xrange(self.N):
            prev_kl = trunc_kl_func(H,Mu1)

            Mu1[:,i] = s_i_func(H, Mu1, i)

            new_kl = trunc_kl_func(H,Mu1)

            increase = new_kl - prev_kl

            mx = increase.max()

            if mx > 1e-3:
                raise Exception('after mean field step in s, kl divergence should decrease, but some elements increased by as much as '+str(mx)+' after updating s_'+str(i))

    def test_grad_h(self):

        "tests that the gradients with respect to h_i are 0 after doing a mean field update of h_i "

        model = self.model
        e_step = self.e_step
        X = self.X

        assert X.shape[0] == self.m

        init_H = e_step.init_H_hat(V = X)
        init_Mu1 = e_step.init_S_hat(V = X)

        prev_setting = config.compute_test_value
        config.compute_test_value= 'off'
        H, Mu1 = function([], outputs=[init_H, init_Mu1])()
        config.compute_test_value = prev_setting

        H = broadcast(H, self.m)
        Mu1 = broadcast(Mu1, self.m)

        H = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(0.,1.,H.shape))
        Mu1 = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(-5.,5.,Mu1.shape))

        H_var = T.matrix(name='H_var')
        H_var.tag.test_value = H
        Mu1_var = T.matrix(name='Mu1_var')
        Mu1_var.tag.test_value = Mu1
        idx = T.iscalar()
        idx.tag.test_value = 0

        new_H = e_step.infer_H_hat(V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var)
        h_idx = new_H[:,idx]

        updates_func = function([H_var,Mu1_var,idx], h_idx)

        sigma0 = 1. / model.alpha
        Sigma1 = e_step.infer_var_s1_hat()
        mu0 = T.zeros_like(

        #by truncated KL, I mean that I am dropping terms that don't depend on H and Mu1
        # (they don't affect the outcome of this test and some of them are intractable )
        trunc_kl = - model.entropy_hs(H_hat = H_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1) + \
                     model.expected_energy_vhs(V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var,  var_s0_hat = sigma0,
                             var_s1_hat = Sigma1)

        grad_H = T.grad(trunc_kl.sum(), H_var)

        assert len(grad_H.type.broadcastable) == 2

        #from theano.printing import min_informative_str
        #print min_informative_str(grad_H)

        #grad_H = Print('grad_H')(grad_H)

        #grad_H_idx = grad_H[:,idx]

        grad_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var], grad_H)

        failed = False

        for i in xrange(self.N):
            rval = updates_func(H, Mu1, i)
            H[:,i] = rval

            g = grad_func(H,Mu1)[:,i]

            assert not contains_nan(g)

            g_abs_max = np.abs(g).max()

            if g_abs_max > self.tol:
                #print "new values of H"
                #print H[:,i]
                #print "gradient on new values of H"
                #print g

                failed = True

                print('iteration ',i)
                #print 'max value of new H: ',H[:,i].max()
                #print 'H for failing g: '
                failing_h = H[np.abs(g) > self.tol, i]
                #print failing_h

                #from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

                #ignore failures extremely close to h=1

                high_mask = failing_h > .001
                low_mask = failing_h < .999

                mask = high_mask * low_mask

                print('masked failures: ',mask.shape[0],' err ',g_abs_max)

                if mask.sum() > 0:
                    print('failing h passing the range mask')
                    print(failing_h[ mask.astype(bool) ])
                    raise Exception('after mean field step, gradient of kl divergence'
                            ' wrt freshly updated variational parameter should be 0, '
                            'but here the max magnitude of a gradient element is '
                            +str(g_abs_max)+' after updating h_'+str(i))

        #assert not failed

    def test_value_h(self):

        "tests that the value of the kl divergence decreases with each update to h_i "

        model = self.model
        e_step = self.e_step
        X = self.X

        assert X.shape[0] == self.m

        init_H = e_step.init_H_hat(V = X)
        init_Mu1 = e_step.init_S_hat(V = X)

        prev_setting = config.compute_test_value
        config.compute_test_value= 'off'
        H, Mu1 = function([], outputs=[init_H, init_Mu1])()
        config.compute_test_value = prev_setting

        H = broadcast(H, self.m)
        Mu1 = broadcast(Mu1, self.m)

        H = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(0.,1.,H.shape))
        Mu1 = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(-5.,5.,Mu1.shape))

        H_var = T.matrix(name='H_var')
        H_var.tag.test_value = H
        Mu1_var = T.matrix(name='Mu1_var')
        Mu1_var.tag.test_value = Mu1
        idx = T.iscalar()
        idx.tag.test_value = 0

        newH = e_step.infer_H_hat(V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var)

        h_idx = newH[:,idx]

        h_i_func = function([H_var,Mu1_var,idx],h_idx)

        sigma0 = 1. / model.alpha
        Sigma1 = e_step.infer_var_s1_hat()
        mu0 = T.zeros_like(

        #by truncated KL, I mean that I am dropping terms that don't depend on H and Mu1
        # (they don't affect the outcome of this test and some of them are intractable )
        trunc_kl = - model.entropy_hs(H_hat = H_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1) + \
                     model.expected_energy_vhs(V = X, H_hat = H_var, S_hat = Mu1_var, var_s0_hat = sigma0, var_s1_hat = Sigma1)

        trunc_kl_func = function([H_var, Mu1_var], trunc_kl)

        for i in xrange(self.N):
            prev_kl = trunc_kl_func(H,Mu1)

            H[:,i] = h_i_func(H, Mu1, i)
            #we don't update mu, the whole point of the split e step is we don't have to

            new_kl = trunc_kl_func(H,Mu1)

            increase = new_kl - prev_kl

            print('failures after iteration ',i,': ',(increase > self.tol).sum())

            mx = increase.max()

            if mx > 1e-4:
                print('increase amounts of failing examples:')
                print(increase[increase > self.tol])
                print('failing H:')
                print(H[increase > self.tol,:])
                print('failing Mu1:')
                print(Mu1[increase > self.tol,:])
                print('failing V:')
                print(X[increase > self.tol,:])

                raise Exception('after mean field step in h, kl divergence should decrease, but some elements increased by as much as '+str(mx)+' after updating h_'+str(i))