    def __init__(self,
        """Create a new connection to a MongoDB replica set.

        The resultant connection object has connection-pooling built
        in. It also performs auto-reconnection when necessary. If an
        operation fails because of a connection error,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` is raised. If
        auto-reconnection will be performed,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect` will be
        raised. Application code should handle this exception
        (recognizing that the operation failed) and then continue to

        Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` if
        the connection cannot be made.

        The `hosts_or_uri` parameter can be a full `mongodb URI
        <http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/connections>`_, in addition to
        a string of `host:port` pairs (e.g. 'host1:port1,host2:port2').
        If `hosts_or_uri` is None 'localhost:27017' will be used.

        .. note:: Instances of :class:`~ReplicaSetConnection` start a
           background task to monitor the state of the replica set. This allows
           it to quickly respond to changes in replica set configuration.
           Before discarding an instance of :class:`~ReplicaSetConnection` make
           sure you call :meth:`~close` to ensure that the monitor task is
           cleanly shut down.

          - `hosts_or_uri` (optional): A MongoDB URI or string of `host:port`
            pairs. If a host is an IPv6 literal it must be enclosed in '[' and
            ']' characters following the RFC2732 URL syntax (e.g. '[::1]' for
          - `max_pool_size` (optional): The maximum size limit for
            each connection pool.
          - `document_class` (optional): default class to use for
            documents returned from queries on this connection
          - `tz_aware` (optional): if ``True``,
            :class:`~datetime.datetime` instances returned as values
            in a document by this :class:`ReplicaSetConnection` will be timezone
            aware (otherwise they will be naive)
          - `replicaSet`: (required) The name of the replica set to connect to.
            The driver will verify that each host it connects to is a member of
            this replica set. Can be passed as a keyword argument or as a
            MongoDB URI option.

          Other optional parameters can be passed as keyword arguments:

          - `safe`: Use getlasterror for each write operation?
          - `j` or `journal`: Block until write operations have been commited
            to the journal. Ignored if the server is running without
            journaling. Implies safe=True.
          - `w`: (integer or string) If this is a replica set write operations
            won't return until they have been replicated to the specified
            number or tagged set of servers.
            Implies safe=True.
          - `wtimeoutMS`: Used in conjunction with `j` and/or `w`. Wait this
            many milliseconds for journal acknowledgement and/or write
            replication. Implies safe=True.
          - `fsync`: Force the database to fsync all files before returning
            When used with `j` the server awaits the next group commit before
            returning. Implies safe=True.
          - `socketTimeoutMS`: How long a send or receive on a socket can take
            before timing out.
          - `connectTimeoutMS`: How long a connection can take to be opened
            before timing out.
          - `ssl`: If True, create the connection to the servers using SSL.
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this connection.
            See :class:`~pymongo.ReadPreference` for available options.
          - `auto_start_request`: If True (the default), each thread that
            accesses this :class:`ReplicaSetConnection` has a socket allocated
            to it for the thread's lifetime, for each member of the set. For
            :class:`~pymongo.ReadPreference` PRIMARY, auto_start_request=True
            ensures consistent reads, even if you read after an unsafe
            write. For read preferences other than PRIMARY, there are no
            consistency guarantees. (The semantics of auto_start_request,
            :class:`~pymongo.ReadPreference`, and :class:`ReplicaSetConnection`
            may change in future releases of PyMongo.)
          - `use_greenlets` (optional): if ``True``, use a background Greenlet
            instead of a background thread to monitor state of replica set.
            :meth:`start_request()` will ensure that the current greenlet uses
            the same socket for all operations until :meth:`end_request()`.
            `use_greenlets` with ReplicaSetConnection requires `Gevent
            <http://gevent.org/>`_ to be installed.
          - `slave_okay` or `slaveOk` (deprecated): Use `read_preference`
          - `host`: For compatibility with connection.Connection. If both
            `host` and `hosts_or_uri` are specified `host` takes precedence.
          - `port`: For compatibility with connection.Connection. The default
            port number to use for hosts.
          - `network_timeout`: For compatibility with connection.Connection.
            The timeout (in seconds) to use for socket operations - default
            is no timeout. If both `network_timeout` and `socketTimeoutMS` are
            are specified `network_timeout` takes precedence, matching

        .. versionchanged:: 2.2
           Added `auto_start_request` and `use_greenlets` options.
           Added support for `host`, `port`, and `network_timeout` keyword
           arguments for compatibility with connection.Connection.
        .. versionadded:: 2.1
        self.__opts = {}
        self.__seeds = set()
        self.__hosts = None
        self.__arbiters = set()
        self.__writer = None
        self.__readers = []
        self.__pools = {}
        self.__index_cache = {}
        self.__auth_credentials = {}

        self.__max_pool_size = common.validate_positive_integer(
            'max_pool_size', max_pool_size)
        self.__tz_aware = common.validate_boolean('tz_aware', tz_aware)
        self.__document_class = document_class

        # Compatibility with connection.Connection
        host = kwargs.pop('host', hosts_or_uri)

        port = kwargs.pop('port', 27017)
        if not isinstance(port, int):
            raise TypeError("port must be an instance of int")

        network_timeout = kwargs.pop('network_timeout', None)
        if network_timeout is not None:
            if (not isinstance(network_timeout, (int, float))
                    or network_timeout <= 0):
                raise ConfigurationError("network_timeout must "
                                         "be a positive integer")

        username = None
        db_name = None
        if host is None:
            self.__seeds.add(('localhost', port))
        elif '://' in host:
            res = uri_parser.parse_uri(host, port)
            username = res['username']
            password = res['password']
            db_name = res['database']
            self.__opts = res['options']
            self.__seeds.update(uri_parser.split_hosts(host, port))

        for option, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            option, value = common.validate(option, value)
            self.__opts[option] = value

        if self.__opts.get('use_greenlets', False):
            if not have_gevent:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "The gevent module is not available. "
                    "Install the gevent package from PyPI.")
            self.pool_class = pool.GreenletPool
            self.pool_class = pool.Pool

        self.__auto_start_request = self.__opts.get('auto_start_request', True)
        self.__in_request = self.__auto_start_request
        self.__name = self.__opts.get('replicaset')
        if not self.__name:
            raise ConfigurationError("the replicaSet "
                                     "keyword parameter is required.")

        self.__net_timeout = (network_timeout
                              or self.__opts.get('sockettimeoutms'))
        self.__conn_timeout = self.__opts.get('connecttimeoutms')
        self.__use_ssl = self.__opts.get('ssl', False)
        if self.__use_ssl and not pool.have_ssl:
            raise ConfigurationError("The ssl module is not available. If you "
                                     "are using a python version previous to "
                                     "2.6 you must install the ssl package "
                                     "from PyPI.")

        super(ReplicaSetConnection, self).__init__(**self.__opts)
        if self.slave_okay:
                "slave_okay is deprecated. Please "
                "use read_preference instead.", DeprecationWarning)


        if db_name and username is None:
            warnings.warn("must provide a username and password "
                          "to authenticate to %s" % (db_name, ))
        if username:
            db_name = db_name or 'admin'
            if not self[db_name].authenticate(username, password):
                raise ConfigurationError("authentication failed")

        # Start the monitor after we know the configuration is correct.
        if self.__opts.get('use_greenlets', False):
            self.__monitor = MonitorGreenlet(self)
            # NOTE: Don't ever make this a daemon thread in CPython. Daemon
            # threads in CPython cause serious issues when the interpreter is
            # torn down. Symptoms range from random exceptions to the
            # interpreter dumping core.
            self.__monitor = MonitorThread(self)
            # Sadly, weakrefs aren't totally reliable in PyPy and Jython
            # so use a daemon thread there.
            if (sys.platform.startswith('java') or 'PyPy' in sys.version):
    def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, max_pool_size=10,
                 document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, _connect=True, **kwargs):
        """Create a new connection to a single MongoDB instance at *host:port*.

        The resultant client object has connection-pooling built
        in. It also performs auto-reconnection when necessary. If an
        operation fails because of a connection error,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` is raised. If
        auto-reconnection will be performed,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect` will be
        raised. Application code should handle this exception
        (recognizing that the operation failed) and then continue to

        Raises :class:`TypeError` if port is not an instance of
        ``int``. Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` if
        the connection cannot be made.

        The `host` parameter can be a full `mongodb URI
        <http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/connections>`_, in addition to
        a simple hostname. It can also be a list of hostnames or
        URIs. Any port specified in the host string(s) will override
        the `port` parameter. If multiple mongodb URIs containing
        database or auth information are passed, the last database,
        username, and password present will be used.  For username and
        passwords reserved characters like ':', '/', '+' and '@' must be
        escaped following RFC 2396.

          - `host` (optional): hostname or IP address of the
            instance to connect to, or a mongodb URI, or a list of
            hostnames / mongodb URIs. If `host` is an IPv6 literal
            it must be enclosed in '[' and ']' characters following
            the RFC2732 URL syntax (e.g. '[::1]' for localhost)
          - `port` (optional): port number on which to connect
          - `max_pool_size` (optional): The maximum number of idle connections
            to keep open in the pool for future use
          - `document_class` (optional): default class to use for
            documents returned from queries on this client
          - `tz_aware` (optional): if ``True``,
            :class:`~datetime.datetime` instances returned as values
            in a document by this :class:`MongoClient` will be timezone
            aware (otherwise they will be naive)

          | **Other optional parameters can be passed as keyword arguments:**

          - `socketTimeoutMS`: (integer) How long (in milliseconds) a send or
            receive on a socket can take before timing out.
          - `connectTimeoutMS`: (integer) How long (in milliseconds) a
            connection can take to be opened before timing out.
          - `auto_start_request`: If ``True``, each thread that accesses
            this :class:`MongoClient` has a socket allocated to it for the
            thread's lifetime.  This ensures consistent reads, even if you
            read after an unacknowledged write. Defaults to ``False``
          - `use_greenlets`: If ``True``, :meth:`start_request()` will ensure
            that the current greenlet uses the same socket for all
            operations until :meth:`end_request()`

          | **Write Concern options:**

          - `w`: (integer or string) If this is a replica set, write operations
            will block until they have been replicated to the specified number
            or tagged set of servers. `w=<int>` always includes the replica set
            primary (e.g. w=3 means write to the primary and wait until
            replicated to **two** secondaries). Passing w=0 **disables write
            acknowledgement** and all other write concern options.
          - `wtimeout`: (integer) Used in conjunction with `w`. Specify a value
            in milliseconds to control how long to wait for write propagation
            to complete. If replication does not complete in the given
            timeframe, a timeout exception is raised.
          - `j`: If ``True`` block until write operations have been committed
            to the journal. Ignored if the server is running without journaling.
          - `fsync`: If ``True`` force the database to fsync all files before
            returning. When used with `j` the server awaits the next group
            commit before returning.

          | **Replica set keyword arguments for connecting with a replica set
            - either directly or via a mongos:**
          | (ignored by standalone mongod instances)

          - `replicaSet`: (string) The name of the replica set to connect to.
            The driver will verify that the replica set it connects to matches
            this name. Implies that the hosts specified are a seed list and the
            driver should attempt to find all members of the set. *Ignored by
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this client. If
            connecting to a secondary then a read preference mode *other* than
            PRIMARY is required - otherwise all queries will throw
            :class:`~pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect` "not master".
            See :class:`~pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference` for all
            available read preference options.
          - `tag_sets`: Ignored unless connecting to a replica set via mongos.
            Specify a priority-order for tag sets, provide a list of
            tag sets: ``[{'dc': 'ny'}, {'dc': 'la'}, {}]``. A final, empty tag
            set, ``{}``, means "read from any member that matches the mode,
            ignoring tags.

          | **SSL configuration:**

          - `ssl`: If ``True``, create the connection to the server using SSL.
          - `ssl_keyfile`: The private keyfile used to identify the local
            connection against mongod.  If included with the ``certfile` then
            only the ``ssl_certfile`` is needed.  Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_certfile`: The certificate file used to identify the local
            connection against mongod. Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_cert_reqs`: Specifies whether a certificate is required from
            the other side of the connection, and whether it will be validated
            if provided. It must be one of the three values ``ssl.CERT_NONE``
            (certificates ignored), ``ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL``
            (not required, but validated if provided), or ``ssl.CERT_REQUIRED``
            (required and validated). If the value of this parameter is not
            ``ssl.CERT_NONE``, then the ``ssl_ca_certs`` parameter must point
            to a file of CA certificates. Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_ca_certs`: The ca_certs file contains a set of concatenated
            "certification authority" certificates, which are used to validate
            certificates passed from the other end of the connection.
            Implies ``ssl=True``.

        .. seealso:: :meth:`end_request`

        .. mongodoc:: connections

        .. versionchanged:: 2.5
           Added additional ssl options
        .. versionadded:: 2.4
        if host is None:
            host = self.HOST
        if isinstance(host, basestring):
            host = [host]
        if port is None:
            port = self.PORT
        if not isinstance(port, int):
            raise TypeError("port must be an instance of int")

        seeds = set()
        username = None
        password = None
        db_name = None
        opts = {}
        for entity in host:
            if "://" in entity:
                if entity.startswith("mongodb://"):
                    res = uri_parser.parse_uri(entity, port)
                    username = res["username"] or username
                    password = res["password"] or password
                    db_name = res["database"] or db_name
                    opts = res["options"]
                    idx = entity.find("://")
                    raise InvalidURI("Invalid URI scheme: "
                                     "%s" % (entity[:idx],))
                seeds.update(uri_parser.split_hosts(entity, port))
        if not seeds:
            raise ConfigurationError("need to specify at least one host")

        self.__nodes = seeds
        self.__host = None
        self.__port = None
        self.__is_primary = False
        self.__is_mongos = False

        # _pool_class option is for deep customization of PyMongo, e.g. Motor.
        pool_class = kwargs.pop('_pool_class', pool.Pool)

        options = {}
        for option, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            option, value = common.validate(option, value)
            options[option] = value

        self.__max_pool_size = common.validate_positive_integer(
                                                'max_pool_size', max_pool_size)

        self.__cursor_manager = CursorManager(self)

        self.__repl = options.get('replicaset')
        if len(seeds) == 1 and not self.__repl:
            self.__direct = True
            self.__direct = False
            self.__nodes = set()

        self.__net_timeout = options.get('sockettimeoutms')
        self.__conn_timeout = options.get('connecttimeoutms')
        self.__use_ssl = options.get('ssl', None)
        self.__ssl_keyfile = options.get('ssl_keyfile', None)
        self.__ssl_certfile = options.get('ssl_certfile', None)
        self.__ssl_cert_reqs = options.get('ssl_cert_reqs', None)
        self.__ssl_ca_certs = options.get('ssl_ca_certs', None)

        ssl_kwarg_keys = [k for k in kwargs.keys() if k.startswith('ssl_')]
        if self.__use_ssl == False and ssl_kwarg_keys:
            raise ConfigurationError("ssl has not been enabled but the "
                                     "following ssl parameters have been set: "
                                     "%s. Please set `ssl=True` or remove."
                                     % ', '.join(ssl_kwarg_keys))

        if self.__ssl_cert_reqs and not self.__ssl_ca_certs:
                raise ConfigurationError("If `ssl_cert_reqs` is not "
                                         "`ssl.CERT_NONE` then you must "
                                         "include `ssl_ca_certs` to be able "
                                         "to validate the server.")

        if ssl_kwarg_keys and self.__use_ssl is None:
            # ssl options imply ssl = True
            self.__use_ssl = True

        if self.__use_ssl and not HAS_SSL:
            raise ConfigurationError("The ssl module is not available. If you "
                                     "are using a python version previous to "
                                     "2.6 you must install the ssl package "
                                     "from PyPI.")

        self.__use_greenlets = options.get('use_greenlets', False)
        self.__pool = pool_class(

        self.__document_class = document_class
        self.__tz_aware = common.validate_boolean('tz_aware', tz_aware)
        self.__auto_start_request = options.get('auto_start_request', False)

        # cache of existing indexes used by ensure_index ops
        self.__index_cache = {}
        self.__auth_credentials = {}

        super(MongoClient, self).__init__(**options)
        if self.slave_okay:
            warnings.warn("slave_okay is deprecated. Please "
                          "use read_preference instead.", DeprecationWarning,

        if _connect:
            except AutoReconnect, e:
                # ConnectionFailure makes more sense here than AutoReconnect
                raise ConnectionFailure(str(e))
    def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, max_pool_size=10,
                 network_timeout=None, document_class=dict,
                 tz_aware=False, _connect=True, **kwargs):
        """Create a new connection to a single MongoDB instance at *host:port*.

        The resultant connection object has connection-pooling built
        in. It also performs auto-reconnection when necessary. If an
        operation fails because of a connection error,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` is raised. If
        auto-reconnection will be performed,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect` will be
        raised. Application code should handle this exception
        (recognizing that the operation failed) and then continue to

        Raises :class:`TypeError` if port is not an instance of
        ``int``. Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` if
        the connection cannot be made.

        The `host` parameter can be a full `mongodb URI
        <http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/connections>`_, in addition to
        a simple hostname. It can also be a list of hostnames or
        URIs. Any port specified in the host string(s) will override
        the `port` parameter. If multiple mongodb URIs containing
        database or auth information are passed, the last database,
        username, and password present will be used.  For username and
        passwords reserved characters like ':', '/', '+' and '@' must be
        escaped following RFC 2396.

          - `host` (optional): hostname or IP address of the
            instance to connect to, or a mongodb URI, or a list of
            hostnames / mongodb URIs. If `host` is an IPv6 literal
            it must be enclosed in '[' and ']' characters following
            the RFC2732 URL syntax (e.g. '[::1]' for localhost)
          - `port` (optional): port number on which to connect
          - `max_pool_size` (optional): The maximum size limit for
            the connection pool.
          - `network_timeout` (optional): timeout (in seconds) to use
            for socket operations - default is no timeout
          - `document_class` (optional): default class to use for
            documents returned from queries on this connection
          - `tz_aware` (optional): if ``True``,
            :class:`~datetime.datetime` instances returned as values
            in a document by this :class:`Connection` will be timezone
            aware (otherwise they will be naive)

          Other optional parameters can be passed as keyword arguments:

          - `safe`: Use getlasterror for each write operation?
          - `j` or `journal`: Block until write operations have been committed
            to the journal. Ignored if the server is running without journaling.
            Implies safe=True.
          - `w`: (integer or string) If this is a replica set write operations
            won't return until they have been replicated to the specified
            number or tagged set of servers. `w` always includes the replica set
            primary (e.g. w=3 means write to the primary and wait until replicated
            to **two** secondaries). Implies safe=True.
          - `wtimeout`: Used in conjunction with `j` and/or `w`. Wait this many
            milliseconds for journal acknowledgement and/or write replication.
            Implies safe=True.
          - `fsync`: Force the database to fsync all files before returning
            When used with `j` the server awaits the next group commit before
            Implies safe=True.
          - `replicaSet`: The name of the replica set to connect to. The driver
            will verify that the replica set it connects to matches this name.
            Implies that the hosts specified are a seed list and the driver should
            attempt to find all members of the set.
          - `socketTimeoutMS`: How long (in milliseconds) a send or receive on a
            socket can take before timing out.
          - `connectTimeoutMS`: How long (in milliseconds) a connection can take
            to be opened before timing out.
          - `ssl`: If True, create the connection to the server using SSL.
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this connection.
            See :class:`~pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference` for available
          - `auto_start_request`: If True (the default), each thread that
            accesses this Connection has a socket allocated to it for the
            thread's lifetime.  This ensures consistent reads, even if you read
            after an unsafe write.
          - `use_greenlets` (optional): if ``True``, :meth:`start_request()`
            will ensure that the current greenlet uses the same socket for all
            operations until :meth:`end_request()`
          - `slave_okay` or `slaveOk` (deprecated): Use `read_preference`

        .. seealso:: :meth:`end_request`
        .. versionchanged:: 2.3
           Added support for failover between mongos seed list members.
        .. versionchanged:: 2.2
           Added `auto_start_request` option back. Added `use_greenlets`
        .. versionchanged:: 2.1
           Support `w` = integer or string.
           Added `ssl` option.
           DEPRECATED slave_okay/slaveOk.
        .. versionchanged:: 2.0
           `slave_okay` is a pure keyword argument. Added support for safe,
           and getlasterror options as keyword arguments.
        .. versionchanged:: 1.11
           Added `max_pool_size`. Completely removed previously deprecated
           `pool_size`, `auto_start_request` and `timeout` parameters.
        .. versionchanged:: 1.8
           The `host` parameter can now be a full `mongodb URI
           <http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/connections>`_, in addition
           to a simple hostname. It can also be a list of hostnames or
        .. versionadded:: 1.8
           The `tz_aware` parameter.
        .. versionadded:: 1.7
           The `document_class` parameter.
        .. versionadded:: 1.1
           The `network_timeout` parameter.

        .. mongodoc:: connections
        if host is None:
            host = self.HOST
        if isinstance(host, basestring):
            host = [host]
        if port is None:
            port = self.PORT
        if not isinstance(port, int):
            raise TypeError("port must be an instance of int")

        seeds = set()
        username = None
        password = None
        db = None
        options = {}
        for entity in host:
            if "://" in entity:
                if entity.startswith("mongodb://"):
                    res = uri_parser.parse_uri(entity, port)
                    username = res["username"] or username
                    password = res["password"] or password
                    db = res["database"] or db
                    options = res["options"]
                    idx = entity.find("://")
                    raise InvalidURI("Invalid URI scheme: "
                                     "%s" % (entity[:idx],))
                seeds.update(uri_parser.split_hosts(entity, port))
        if not seeds:
            raise ConfigurationError("need to specify at least one host")

        self.__nodes = seeds
        self.__host = None
        self.__port = None
        self.__is_primary = False
        self.__is_mongos = False

        for option, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            option, value = common.validate(option, value)
            options[option] = value

        self.__max_pool_size = common.validate_positive_integer(
                                                'max_pool_size', max_pool_size)

        self.__cursor_manager = CursorManager(self)

        self.__repl = options.get('replicaset')
        if len(seeds) == 1 and not self.__repl:
            self.__direct = True
            self.__direct = False
            self.__nodes = set()

        if network_timeout is not None:
            if (not isinstance(network_timeout, (int, float)) or
                network_timeout <= 0):
                raise ConfigurationError("network_timeout must "
                                         "be a positive integer")
        self.__net_timeout = (network_timeout or
        self.__conn_timeout = options.get('connecttimeoutms')
        self.__use_ssl = options.get('ssl', False)
        if self.__use_ssl and not pool.have_ssl:
            raise ConfigurationError("The ssl module is not available. If you "
                                     "are using a python version previous to "
                                     "2.6 you must install the ssl package "
                                     "from PyPI.")

        if options.get('use_greenlets', False):
            if not pool.have_greenlet:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "The greenlet module is not available. "
                    "Install the greenlet package from PyPI."
            self.pool_class = pool.GreenletPool
            self.pool_class = pool.Pool

        self.__pool = self.pool_class(

        self.__document_class = document_class
        self.__tz_aware = common.validate_boolean('tz_aware', tz_aware)
        self.__auto_start_request = options.get('auto_start_request', True)

        # cache of existing indexes used by ensure_index ops
        self.__index_cache = {}
        self.__auth_credentials = {}

        super(Connection, self).__init__(**options)
        if self.slave_okay:
            warnings.warn("slave_okay is deprecated. Please "
                          "use read_preference instead.", DeprecationWarning)

        if _connect:
            except AutoReconnect, e:
                # ConnectionFailure makes more sense here than AutoReconnect
                raise ConnectionFailure(str(e))
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a new connection to a single MongoDB instance at *host:port*.

        The resultant client object has connection-pooling built
        in. It also performs auto-reconnection when necessary. If an
        operation fails because of a connection error,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` is raised. If
        auto-reconnection will be performed,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect` will be
        raised. Application code should handle this exception
        (recognizing that the operation failed) and then continue to

        Raises :class:`TypeError` if port is not an instance of
        ``int``. Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` if
        the connection cannot be made.

        The `host` parameter can be a full `mongodb URI
        <http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/connections>`_, in addition to
        a simple hostname. It can also be a list of hostnames or
        URIs. Any port specified in the host string(s) will override
        the `port` parameter. If multiple mongodb URIs containing
        database or auth information are passed, the last database,
        username, and password present will be used.  For username and
        passwords reserved characters like ':', '/', '+' and '@' must be
        escaped following RFC 2396.

          - `host` (optional): hostname or IP address of the
            instance to connect to, or a mongodb URI, or a list of
            hostnames / mongodb URIs. If `host` is an IPv6 literal
            it must be enclosed in '[' and ']' characters following
            the RFC2732 URL syntax (e.g. '[::1]' for localhost)
          - `port` (optional): port number on which to connect
          - `max_pool_size` (optional): The maximum number of idle connections
            to keep open in the pool for future use
          - `document_class` (optional): default class to use for
            documents returned from queries on this client
          - `tz_aware` (optional): if ``True``,
            :class:`~datetime.datetime` instances returned as values
            in a document by this :class:`MongoClient` will be timezone
            aware (otherwise they will be naive)

          | **Other optional parameters can be passed as keyword arguments:**

          - `socketTimeoutMS`: (integer) How long (in milliseconds) a send or
            receive on a socket can take before timing out.
          - `connectTimeoutMS`: (integer) How long (in milliseconds) a
            connection can take to be opened before timing out.
          - `auto_start_request`: If ``True``, each thread that accesses
            this :class:`MongoClient` has a socket allocated to it for the
            thread's lifetime.  This ensures consistent reads, even if you
            read after an unacknowledged write. Defaults to ``False``
          - `use_greenlets`: If ``True``, :meth:`start_request()` will ensure
            that the current greenlet uses the same socket for all
            operations until :meth:`end_request()`

          | **Write Concern options:**

          - `w`: (integer or string) If this is a replica set, write operations
            will block until they have been replicated to the specified number
            or tagged set of servers. `w=<int>` always includes the replica set
            primary (e.g. w=3 means write to the primary and wait until
            replicated to **two** secondaries). Passing w=0 **disables write
            acknowledgement** and all other write concern options.
          - `wtimeout`: (integer) Used in conjunction with `w`. Specify a value
            in milliseconds to control how long to wait for write propagation
            to complete. If replication does not complete in the given
            timeframe, a timeout exception is raised.
          - `j`: If ``True`` block until write operations have been committed
            to the journal. Ignored if the server is running without journaling.
          - `fsync`: If ``True`` force the database to fsync all files before
            returning. When used with `j` the server awaits the next group
            commit before returning.

          | **Replica set keyword arguments for connecting with a replica set
            - either directly or via a mongos:**
          | (ignored by standalone mongod instances)

          - `replicaSet`: (string) The name of the replica set to connect to.
            The driver will verify that the replica set it connects to matches
            this name. Implies that the hosts specified are a seed list and the
            driver should attempt to find all members of the set. *Ignored by
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this client. If
            connecting to a secondary then a read preference mode *other* than
            PRIMARY is required - otherwise all queries will throw
            :class:`~pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect` "not master".
            See :class:`~pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference` for all
            available read preference options.
          - `tag_sets`: Ignored unless connecting to a replica set via mongos.
            Specify a priority-order for tag sets, provide a list of
            tag sets: ``[{'dc': 'ny'}, {'dc': 'la'}, {}]``. A final, empty tag
            set, ``{}``, means "read from any member that matches the mode,
            ignoring tags.

          | **SSL configuration:**

          - `ssl`: If ``True``, create the connection to the server using SSL.
          - `ssl_keyfile`: The private keyfile used to identify the local
            connection against mongod.  If included with the ``certfile` then
            only the ``ssl_certfile`` is needed.  Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_certfile`: The certificate file used to identify the local
            connection against mongod. Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_cert_reqs`: Specifies whether a certificate is required from
            the other side of the connection, and whether it will be validated
            if provided. It must be one of the three values ``ssl.CERT_NONE``
            (certificates ignored), ``ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL``
            (not required, but validated if provided), or ``ssl.CERT_REQUIRED``
            (required and validated). If the value of this parameter is not
            ``ssl.CERT_NONE``, then the ``ssl_ca_certs`` parameter must point
            to a file of CA certificates. Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_ca_certs`: The ca_certs file contains a set of concatenated
            "certification authority" certificates, which are used to validate
            certificates passed from the other end of the connection.
            Implies ``ssl=True``.

        .. seealso:: :meth:`end_request`

        .. mongodoc:: connections

        .. versionchanged:: 2.5
           Added addtional ssl options
        .. versionadded:: 2.4
        if host is None:
            host = self.HOST
        if isinstance(host, basestring):
            host = [host]
        if port is None:
            port = self.PORT
        if not isinstance(port, int):
            raise TypeError("port must be an instance of int")

        seeds = set()
        username = None
        password = None
        db_name = None
        opts = {}
        for entity in host:
            if "://" in entity:
                if entity.startswith("mongodb://"):
                    res = uri_parser.parse_uri(entity, port)
                    username = res["username"] or username
                    password = res["password"] or password
                    db_name = res["database"] or db_name
                    opts = res["options"]
                    idx = entity.find("://")
                    raise InvalidURI("Invalid URI scheme: "
                                     "%s" % (entity[:idx], ))
                seeds.update(uri_parser.split_hosts(entity, port))
        if not seeds:
            raise ConfigurationError("need to specify at least one host")

        self.__nodes = seeds
        self.__host = None
        self.__port = None
        self.__is_primary = False
        self.__is_mongos = False

        # _pool_class option is for deep customization of PyMongo, e.g. Motor.
        pool_class = kwargs.pop('_pool_class', pool.Pool)

        options = {}
        for option, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            option, value = common.validate(option, value)
            options[option] = value

        self.__max_pool_size = common.validate_positive_integer(
            'max_pool_size', max_pool_size)

        self.__cursor_manager = CursorManager(self)

        self.__repl = options.get('replicaset')
        if len(seeds) == 1 and not self.__repl:
            self.__direct = True
            self.__direct = False
            self.__nodes = set()

        self.__net_timeout = options.get('sockettimeoutms')
        self.__conn_timeout = options.get('connecttimeoutms')
        self.__use_ssl = options.get('ssl', None)
        self.__ssl_keyfile = options.get('ssl_keyfile', None)
        self.__ssl_certfile = options.get('ssl_certfile', None)
        self.__ssl_cert_reqs = options.get('ssl_cert_reqs', None)
        self.__ssl_ca_certs = options.get('ssl_ca_certs', None)

        ssl_kwarg_keys = [k for k in kwargs.keys() if k.startswith('ssl_')]
        if self.__use_ssl == False and ssl_kwarg_keys:
            raise ConfigurationError("ssl has not been enabled but the "
                                     "following ssl parameters have been set: "
                                     "%s. Please set `ssl=True` or remove." %
                                     ', '.join(ssl_kwarg_keys))

        if self.__ssl_cert_reqs and not self.__ssl_ca_certs:
            raise ConfigurationError("If `ssl_cert_reqs` is not "
                                     "`ssl.CERT_NONE` then you must "
                                     "include `ssl_ca_certs` to be able "
                                     "to validate the server.")

        if ssl_kwarg_keys and self.__use_ssl is None:
            # ssl options imply ssl = True
            self.__use_ssl = True

        if self.__use_ssl and not HAS_SSL:
            raise ConfigurationError("The ssl module is not available. If you "
                                     "are using a python version previous to "
                                     "2.6 you must install the ssl package "
                                     "from PyPI.")

        self.__use_greenlets = options.get('use_greenlets', False)
        self.__pool = pool_class(None,

        self.__document_class = document_class
        self.__tz_aware = common.validate_boolean('tz_aware', tz_aware)
        self.__auto_start_request = options.get('auto_start_request', False)

        # cache of existing indexes used by ensure_index ops
        self.__index_cache = {}
        self.__auth_credentials = {}

        super(MongoClient, self).__init__(**options)
        if self.slave_okay:
                "slave_okay is deprecated. Please "
                "use read_preference instead.",

        if _connect:
            except AutoReconnect, e:
                # ConnectionFailure makes more sense here than AutoReconnect
                raise ConnectionFailure(str(e))
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a new connection to a single MongoDB instance at *host:port*.

        The resultant connection object has connection-pooling built
        in. It also performs auto-reconnection when necessary. If an
        operation fails because of a connection error,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` is raised. If
        auto-reconnection will be performed,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect` will be
        raised. Application code should handle this exception
        (recognizing that the operation failed) and then continue to

        Raises :class:`TypeError` if port is not an instance of
        ``int``. Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` if
        the connection cannot be made.

        The `host` parameter can be a full `mongodb URI
        <http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/connections>`_, in addition to
        a simple hostname. It can also be a list of hostnames or
        URIs. Any port specified in the host string(s) will override
        the `port` parameter. If multiple mongodb URIs containing
        database or auth information are passed, the last database,
        username, and password present will be used.  For username and
        passwords reserved characters like ':', '/', '+' and '@' must be
        escaped following RFC 2396.

          - `host` (optional): hostname or IP address of the
            instance to connect to, or a mongodb URI, or a list of
            hostnames / mongodb URIs. If `host` is an IPv6 literal
            it must be enclosed in '[' and ']' characters following
            the RFC2732 URL syntax (e.g. '[::1]' for localhost)
          - `port` (optional): port number on which to connect
          - `max_pool_size` (optional): The maximum size limit for
            the connection pool.
          - `network_timeout` (optional): timeout (in seconds) to use
            for socket operations - default is no timeout
          - `document_class` (optional): default class to use for
            documents returned from queries on this connection
          - `tz_aware` (optional): if ``True``,
            :class:`~datetime.datetime` instances returned as values
            in a document by this :class:`Connection` will be timezone
            aware (otherwise they will be naive)

          Other optional parameters can be passed as keyword arguments:

          - `safe`: Use getlasterror for each write operation?
          - `j` or `journal`: Block until write operations have been committed
            to the journal. Ignored if the server is running without journaling.
            Implies safe=True.
          - `w`: (integer or string) If this is a replica set write operations
            won't return until they have been replicated to the specified
            number or tagged set of servers.
            Implies safe=True.
          - `wtimeout`: Used in conjunction with `j` and/or `w`. Wait this many
            milliseconds for journal acknowledgement and/or write replication.
            Implies safe=True.
          - `fsync`: Force the database to fsync all files before returning
            When used with `j` the server awaits the next group commit before
            Implies safe=True.
          - `replicaSet`: The name of the replica set to connect to. The driver
            will verify that the replica set it connects to matches this name.
            Implies that the hosts specified are a seed list and the driver should
            attempt to find all members of the set.
          - `socketTimeoutMS`: How long a send or receive on a socket can take
            before timing out.
          - `connectTimeoutMS`: How long a connection can take to be opened
            before timing out.
          - `ssl`: If True, create the connection to the server using SSL.
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this connection.
            See :class:`~pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference` for available
          - `auto_start_request`: If True (the default), each thread that
            accesses this Connection has a socket allocated to it for the
            thread's lifetime.  This ensures consistent reads, even if you read
            after an unsafe write.
          - `use_greenlets` (optional): if ``True``, :meth:`start_request()`
            will ensure that the current greenlet uses the same socket for all
            operations until :meth:`end_request()`
          - `slave_okay` or `slaveOk` (deprecated): Use `read_preference`

        .. seealso:: :meth:`end_request`
        .. versionchanged:: 2.3
           Added support for failover between mongos seed list members.
        .. versionchanged:: 2.2
           Added `auto_start_request` option back. Added `use_greenlets`
        .. versionchanged:: 2.1
           Support `w` = integer or string.
           Added `ssl` option.
           DEPRECATED slave_okay/slaveOk.
        .. versionchanged:: 2.0
           `slave_okay` is a pure keyword argument. Added support for safe,
           and getlasterror options as keyword arguments.
        .. versionchanged:: 1.11
           Added `max_pool_size`. Completely removed previously deprecated
           `pool_size`, `auto_start_request` and `timeout` parameters.
        .. versionchanged:: 1.8
           The `host` parameter can now be a full `mongodb URI
           <http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/connections>`_, in addition
           to a simple hostname. It can also be a list of hostnames or
        .. versionadded:: 1.8
           The `tz_aware` parameter.
        .. versionadded:: 1.7
           The `document_class` parameter.
        .. versionadded:: 1.1
           The `network_timeout` parameter.

        .. mongodoc:: connections
        if host is None:
            host = self.HOST
        if isinstance(host, basestring):
            host = [host]
        if port is None:
            port = self.PORT
        if not isinstance(port, int):
            raise TypeError("port must be an instance of int")

        seeds = set()
        username = None
        password = None
        db = None
        options = {}
        for entity in host:
            if "://" in entity:
                if entity.startswith("mongodb://"):
                    res = uri_parser.parse_uri(entity, port)
                    username = res["username"] or username
                    password = res["password"] or password
                    db = res["database"] or db
                    options = res["options"]
                    idx = entity.find("://")
                    raise InvalidURI("Invalid URI scheme: "
                                     "%s" % (entity[:idx], ))
                seeds.update(uri_parser.split_hosts(entity, port))
        if not seeds:
            raise ConfigurationError("need to specify at least one host")

        self.__nodes = seeds
        self.__host = None
        self.__port = None
        self.__is_primary = False
        self.__is_mongos = False

        for option, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            option, value = common.validate(option, value)
            options[option] = value

        self.__max_pool_size = common.validate_positive_integer(
            'max_pool_size', max_pool_size)

        self.__cursor_manager = CursorManager(self)

        self.__repl = options.get('replicaset')
        if len(seeds) == 1 and not self.__repl:
            self.__direct = True
            self.__direct = False
            self.__nodes = set()

        if network_timeout is not None:
            if (not isinstance(network_timeout, (int, float))
                    or network_timeout <= 0):
                raise ConfigurationError("network_timeout must "
                                         "be a positive integer")
        self.__net_timeout = (network_timeout
                              or options.get('sockettimeoutms'))
        self.__conn_timeout = options.get('connecttimeoutms')
        self.__use_ssl = options.get('ssl', False)
        if self.__use_ssl and not pool.have_ssl:
            raise ConfigurationError("The ssl module is not available. If you "
                                     "are using a python version previous to "
                                     "2.6 you must install the ssl package "
                                     "from PyPI.")

        if options.get('use_greenlets', False):
            if not pool.have_greenlet:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "The greenlet module is not available. "
                    "Install the greenlet package from PyPI.")
            self.pool_class = pool.GreenletPool
            self.pool_class = pool.Pool

        self.__pool = self.pool_class(None, self.__max_pool_size,
                                      self.__net_timeout, self.__conn_timeout,

        self.__document_class = document_class
        self.__tz_aware = common.validate_boolean('tz_aware', tz_aware)
        self.__auto_start_request = options.get('auto_start_request', True)

        # cache of existing indexes used by ensure_index ops
        self.__index_cache = {}
        self.__auth_credentials = {}

        super(Connection, self).__init__(**options)
        if self.slave_okay:
                "slave_okay is deprecated. Please "
                "use read_preference instead.", DeprecationWarning)

        if _connect:

        if db and username is None:
            warnings.warn("must provide a username and password "
                          "to authenticate to %s" % (db, ))
        if username:
            db = db or "admin"
            if not self[db].authenticate(username, password):
                raise ConfigurationError("authentication failed")
    def __init__(self, hosts_or_uri=None, max_pool_size=10,
                 document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, **kwargs):
        """Create a new connection to a MongoDB replica set.

        The resultant connection object has connection-pooling built
        in. It also performs auto-reconnection when necessary. If an
        operation fails because of a connection error,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` is raised. If
        auto-reconnection will be performed,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect` will be
        raised. Application code should handle this exception
        (recognizing that the operation failed) and then continue to

        Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` if
        the connection cannot be made.

        The `hosts_or_uri` parameter can be a full `mongodb URI
        <http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/connections>`_, in addition to
        a string of `host:port` pairs (e.g. 'host1:port1,host2:port2').
        If `hosts_or_uri` is None 'localhost:27017' will be used.

          - `hosts_or_uri` (optional): A MongoDB URI or string of `host:port`
            pairs. If a host is an IPv6 literal it must be enclosed in '[' and
            ']' characters following the RFC2732 URL syntax (e.g. '[::1]' for
          - `max_pool_size` (optional): The maximum size limit for
            each connection pool.
          - `document_class` (optional): default class to use for
            documents returned from queries on this connection
          - `tz_aware` (optional): if ``True``,
            :class:`~datetime.datetime` instances returned as values
            in a document by this :class:`ReplicaSetConnection` will be timezone
            aware (otherwise they will be naive)
          - `replicaSet`: (required) The name of the replica set to connect to.
            The driver will verify that each host it connects to is a member of
            this replica set. Can be passed as a keyword argument or as a
            MongoDB URI option.

          Other optional parameters can be passed as keyword arguments:

          - `safe`: Use getlasterror for each write operation?
          - `j` or `journal`: Block until write operations have been commited
            to the journal. Ignored if the server is running without
            journaling. Implies safe=True.
          - `w`: (integer or string) If this is a replica set write operations
            won't return until they have been replicated to the specified
            number or tagged set of servers.
            Implies safe=True.
          - `wtimeoutMS`: Used in conjunction with `j` and/or `w`. Wait this
            many milliseconds for journal acknowledgement and/or write
            replication. Implies safe=True.
          - `fsync`: Force the database to fsync all files before returning
            When used with `j` the server awaits the next group commit before
            returning. Implies safe=True.
          - `socketTimeoutMS`: How long a send or receive on a socket can take
            before timing out.
          - `connectTimeoutMS`: How long a connection can take to be opened
            before timing out.
          - `ssl`: If True, create the connection to the servers using SSL.
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this connection.
            See :class:`~pymongo.ReadPreference` for available options.
          - `auto_start_request`: If True (the default), each thread that
            accesses this :class:`ReplicaSetConnection` has a socket allocated
            to it for the thread's lifetime, for each member of the set. For
            :class:`~pymongo.ReadPreference` PRIMARY, auto_start_request=True
            ensures consistent reads, even if you read after an unsafe
            write. For read preferences other than PRIMARY, there are no
            consistency guarantees. (The semantics of auto_start_request,
            :class:`~pymongo.ReadPreference`, and :class:`ReplicaSetConnection`
            may change in future releases of PyMongo.)
          - `use_greenlets` (optional): if ``True``, :meth:`start_request()`
            will ensure that the current greenlet uses the same socket for all
            operations until :meth:`end_request()`
          - `slave_okay` or `slaveOk` (deprecated): Use `read_preference`

        .. versionchanged:: 2.1.1+
           Added `auto_start_request` option.
        .. versionadded:: 2.1
        self.__opts = {}
        self.__seeds = set()
        self.__hosts = None
        self.__arbiters = set()
        self.__writer = None
        self.__readers = []
        self.__pools = {}
        self.__index_cache = {}
        self.__auth_credentials = {}

        self.__max_pool_size = common.validate_positive_integer(
                                        'max_pool_size', max_pool_size)
        self.__tz_aware = common.validate_boolean('tz_aware', tz_aware)
        self.__document_class = document_class

        username = None
        db_name = None
        if hosts_or_uri is None:
            self.__seeds.add(('localhost', 27017))
        elif '://' in hosts_or_uri:
            res = uri_parser.parse_uri(hosts_or_uri)
            username = res['username']
            password = res['password']
            db_name = res['database']
            self.__opts = res['options']

        for option, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            option, value = common.validate(option, value)
            self.__opts[option] = value

        if self.__opts.get('use_greenlets', False):
            if not pool.have_greenlet:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "The greenlet module is not available. "
                    "Install the greenlet package from PyPI."
            self.pool_class = pool.GreenletPool
            self.pool_class = pool.Pool

        self.__auto_start_request = self.__opts.get('auto_start_request', True)
        self.__in_request = self.__auto_start_request
        self.__name = self.__opts.get('replicaset')
        if not self.__name:
            raise ConfigurationError("the replicaSet "
                                     "keyword parameter is required.")
        self.__net_timeout = self.__opts.get('sockettimeoutms')
        self.__conn_timeout = self.__opts.get('connecttimeoutms')
        self.__use_ssl = self.__opts.get('ssl', False)
        if self.__use_ssl and not pool.have_ssl:
            raise ConfigurationError("The ssl module is not available. If you "
                                     "are using a python version previous to "
                                     "2.6 you must install the ssl package "
                                     "from PyPI.")

        super(ReplicaSetConnection, self).__init__(**self.__opts)
        if self.slave_okay:
            warnings.warn("slave_okay is deprecated. Please "
                          "use read_preference instead.", DeprecationWarning)


        monitor_thread = Monitor(self)

        if db_name and username is None:
            warnings.warn("must provide a username and password "
                          "to authenticate to %s" % (db_name,))
        if username:
            db_name = db_name or 'admin'
            if not self[db_name].authenticate(username, password):
                raise ConfigurationError("authentication failed")
    def __init__(self, hosts_or_uri=None, max_pool_size=10, document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, **kwargs):
        """Create a new connection to a MongoDB replica set.

        The resultant connection object has connection-pooling built
        in. It also performs auto-reconnection when necessary. If an
        operation fails because of a connection error,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` is raised. If
        auto-reconnection will be performed,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect` will be
        raised. Application code should handle this exception
        (recognizing that the operation failed) and then continue to

        Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` if
        the connection cannot be made.

        The `hosts_or_uri` parameter can be a full `mongodb URI
        <http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/connections>`_, in addition to
        a string of `host:port` pairs (e.g. 'host1:port1,host2:port2').
        If `hosts_or_uri` is None 'localhost:27017' will be used.

          - `hosts_or_uri` (optional): A MongoDB URI or string of `host:port`
            pairs. If a host is an IPv6 literal it must be enclosed in '[' and
            ']' characters following the RFC2732 URL syntax (e.g. '[::1]' for
          - `max_pool_size` (optional): The maximum size limit for
            each connection pool.
          - `document_class` (optional): default class to use for
            documents returned from queries on this connection
          - `tz_aware` (optional): if ``True``,
            :class:`~datetime.datetime` instances returned as values
            in a document by this :class:`ReplicaSetConnection` will be timezone
            aware (otherwise they will be naive)
          - `replicaSet`: (required) The name of the replica set to connect to.
            The driver will verify that each host it connects to is a member of
            this replica set. Can be passed as a keyword argument or as a
            MongoDB URI option.

          Other optional parameters can be passed as keyword arguments:

          - `safe`: Use getlasterror for each write operation?
          - `j` or `journal`: Block until write operations have been commited
            to the journal. Ignored if the server is running without
            journaling. Implies safe=True.
          - `w`: (integer or string) If this is a replica set write operations
            won't return until they have been replicated to the specified
            number or tagged set of servers.
            Implies safe=True.
          - `wtimeoutMS`: Used in conjunction with `j` and/or `w`. Wait this
            many milliseconds for journal acknowledgement and/or write
            replication. Implies safe=True.
          - `fsync`: Force the database to fsync all files before returning
            When used with `j` the server awaits the next group commit before
            returning. Implies safe=True.
          - `socketTimeoutMS`: How long a send or receive on a socket can take
            before timing out.
          - `connectTimeoutMS`: How long a connection can take to be opened
            before timing out.
          - `ssl`: If True, create the connection to the servers using SSL.
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this connection.
            See :class:`~pymongo.ReadPreference` for available options.
          - `auto_start_request`: If True (the default), each thread that
            accesses this :class:`ReplicaSetConnection` has a socket allocated
            to it for the thread's lifetime, for each member of the set. For
            :class:`~pymongo.ReadPreference` PRIMARY, auto_start_request=True
            ensures consistent reads, even if you read after an unsafe
            write. For read preferences other than PRIMARY, there are no
            consistency guarantees. (The semantics of auto_start_request,
            :class:`~pymongo.ReadPreference`, and :class:`ReplicaSetConnection`
            may change in future releases of PyMongo.)
          - `use_greenlets` (optional): if ``True``, use a background Greenlet
            instead of a background thread to monitor state of replica set.
            :meth:`start_request()` will ensure that the current greenlet uses
            the same socket for all operations until :meth:`end_request()`.
            `use_greenlets` with ReplicaSetConnection requires `Gevent
            <http://gevent.org/>`_ to be installed.
          - `slave_okay` or `slaveOk` (deprecated): Use `read_preference`
          - `host`: For compatibility with connection.Connection. If both
            `host` and `hosts_or_uri` are specified `host` takes precedence.
          - `port`: For compatibility with connection.Connection. The default
            port number to use for hosts.
          - `network_timeout`: For compatibility with connection.Connection.
            The timeout (in seconds) to use for socket operations - default
            is no timeout. If both `network_timeout` and `socketTimeoutMS` are
            are specified `network_timeout` takes precedence, matching

        .. versionchanged:: 2.2
           Added `auto_start_request` and `use_greenlets` options.
           Added support for `host`, `port`, and `network_timeout` keyword
           arguments for compatibility with connection.Connection.
        .. versionadded:: 2.1
        self.__opts = {}
        self.__seeds = set()
        self.__hosts = None
        self.__arbiters = set()
        self.__writer = None
        self.__readers = []
        self.__pools = {}
        self.__index_cache = {}
        self.__auth_credentials = {}

        self.__max_pool_size = common.validate_positive_integer("max_pool_size", max_pool_size)
        self.__tz_aware = common.validate_boolean("tz_aware", tz_aware)
        self.__document_class = document_class

        # Compatibility with connection.Connection
        host = kwargs.pop("host", hosts_or_uri)

        port = kwargs.pop("port", 27017)
        if not isinstance(port, int):
            raise TypeError("port must be an instance of int")

        network_timeout = kwargs.pop("network_timeout", None)
        if network_timeout is not None:
            if not isinstance(network_timeout, (int, float)) or network_timeout <= 0:
                raise ConfigurationError("network_timeout must " "be a positive integer")

        username = None
        db_name = None
        if host is None:
            self.__seeds.add(("localhost", port))
        elif "://" in host:
            res = uri_parser.parse_uri(host, port)
            username = res["username"]
            password = res["password"]
            db_name = res["database"]
            self.__opts = res["options"]
            self.__seeds.update(uri_parser.split_hosts(host, port))

        for option, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            option, value = common.validate(option, value)
            self.__opts[option] = value

        if self.__opts.get("use_greenlets", False):
            if not have_gevent:
                raise ConfigurationError("The gevent module is not available. " "Install the gevent package from PyPI.")
            self.pool_class = pool.GreenletPool
            self.pool_class = pool.Pool

        self.__auto_start_request = self.__opts.get("auto_start_request", True)
        self.__in_request = self.__auto_start_request
        self.__name = self.__opts.get("replicaset")
        if not self.__name:
            raise ConfigurationError("the replicaSet " "keyword parameter is required.")

        self.__net_timeout = network_timeout or self.__opts.get("sockettimeoutms")
        self.__conn_timeout = self.__opts.get("connecttimeoutms")
        self.__use_ssl = self.__opts.get("ssl", False)
        if self.__use_ssl and not pool.have_ssl:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "The ssl module is not available. If you "
                "are using a python version previous to "
                "2.6 you must install the ssl package "
                "from PyPI."

        super(ReplicaSetConnection, self).__init__(**self.__opts)
        if self.slave_okay:
            warnings.warn("slave_okay is deprecated. Please " "use read_preference instead.", DeprecationWarning)


        if db_name and username is None:
            warnings.warn("must provide a username and password " "to authenticate to %s" % (db_name,))
        if username:
            db_name = db_name or "admin"
            if not self[db_name].authenticate(username, password):
                raise ConfigurationError("authentication failed")

        # Start the monitor after we know the configuration is correct.
        if self.__opts.get("use_greenlets", False):
            monitor = GreenletMonitor(self)
            # NOTE: Don't ever make this a daemon thread in CPython. Daemon
            # threads in CPython cause serious issues when the interpreter is
            # torn down. Symptoms range from random exceptions to the
            # interpreter dumping core.
            monitor = Monitor(self)
            # Sadly, weakrefs aren't totally reliable in PyPy and Jython
            # so use a daemon thread there.
            if sys.platform.startswith("java") or "PyPy" in sys.version:
    def __init__(self,
        """Create a new connection to a single MongoDB instance at *host:port*.

        The resultant connection object has connection-pooling built
        in. It also performs auto-reconnection when necessary. If an
        operation fails because of a connection error,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` is raised. If
        auto-reconnection will be performed,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect` will be
        raised. Application code should handle this exception
        (recognizing that the operation failed) and then continue to

        Raises :class:`TypeError` if port is not an instance of
        ``int``. Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` if
        the connection cannot be made.

        The `host` parameter can be a full `mongodb URI
        <http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/connections>`_, in addition to
        a simple hostname. It can also be a list of hostnames or
        URIs. Any port specified in the host string(s) will override
        the `port` parameter. If multiple mongodb URIs containing
        database or auth information are passed, the last database,
        username, and password present will be used.  For username and
        passwords reserved characters like ':', '/', '+' and '@' must be
        escaped following RFC 2396.

          - `host` (optional): hostname or IP address of the
            instance to connect to, or a mongodb URI, or a list of
            hostnames / mongodb URIs. If `host` is an IPv6 literal
            it must be enclosed in '[' and ']' characters following
            the RFC2732 URL syntax (e.g. '[::1]' for localhost)
          - `port` (optional): port number on which to connect
          - `max_pool_size` (optional): The maximum number of idle connections
            to keep open in the pool for future use
          - `document_class` (optional): default class to use for
            documents returned from queries on this connection
          - `tz_aware` (optional): if ``True``,
            :class:`~datetime.datetime` instances returned as values
            in a document by this :class:`MongoClient` will be timezone
            aware (otherwise they will be naive)

          **Other optional parameters can be passed as keyword arguments:**

          - `w`: (integer or string) If this is a replica set, write operations
            will block until they have been replicated to the specified number
            or tagged set of servers. `w=<int>` always includes the replica set
            primary (e.g. w=3 means write to the primary and wait until
            replicated to **two** secondaries). **Passing w=0 disables write
            acknowledgement and all other write concern options.**
          - `wtimeout`: (integer) Used in conjunction with `w`. Specify a value
            in milliseconds to control how long to wait for write propagation
            to complete. If replication does not complete in the given
            timeframe, a timeout exception is raised.
          - `j`: If ``True`` block until write operations have been committed
            to the journal. Ignored if the server is running without journaling.
          - `fsync`: If ``True`` force the database to fsync all files before
            returning. When used with `j` the server awaits the next group
            commit before returning.
          - `replicaSet`: (string) The name of the replica set to connect to.
            The driver will verify that the replica set it connects to matches
            this name. Implies that the hosts specified are a seed list and the
            driver should attempt to find all members of the set.
          - `socketTimeoutMS`: (integer) How long (in milliseconds) a send or
            receive on a socket can take before timing out.
          - `connectTimeoutMS`: (integer) How long (in milliseconds) a
            connection can take to be opened before timing out.
          - `ssl`: If ``True``, create the connection to the server using SSL.
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this connection.
            See :class:`~pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference` for available
          - `auto_start_request`: If ``True``, each thread that accesses
            this :class:`MongoClient` has a socket allocated to it for the
            thread's lifetime.  This ensures consistent reads, even if you
            read after an unacknowledged write. Defaults to ``False``
          - `use_greenlets`: If ``True``, :meth:`start_request()` will ensure
            that the current greenlet uses the same socket for all
            operations until :meth:`end_request()`

        .. seealso:: :meth:`end_request`

        .. mongodoc:: connections

        .. versionadded:: 2.4
        if host is None:
            host = self.HOST
        if isinstance(host, basestring):
            host = [host]
        if port is None:
            port = self.PORT
        if not isinstance(port, int):
            raise TypeError("port must be an instance of int")

        seeds = set()
        username = None
        password = None
        db = None
        opts = {}
        for entity in host:
            if "://" in entity:
                if entity.startswith("mongodb://"):
                    res = uri_parser.parse_uri(entity, port)
                    username = res["username"] or username
                    password = res["password"] or password
                    db = res["database"] or db
                    opts = res["options"]
                    idx = entity.find("://")
                    raise InvalidURI("Invalid URI scheme: "
                                     "%s" % (entity[:idx], ))
                seeds.update(uri_parser.split_hosts(entity, port))
        if not seeds:
            raise ConfigurationError("need to specify at least one host")

        self.__nodes = seeds
        self.__host = None
        self.__port = None
        self.__is_primary = False
        self.__is_mongos = False

        options = {}
        for option, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            option, value = common.validate(option, value)
            options[option] = value

        self.__max_pool_size = common.validate_positive_integer(
            'max_pool_size', max_pool_size)

        self.__cursor_manager = CursorManager(self)

        self.__repl = options.get('replicaset')
        if len(seeds) == 1 and not self.__repl:
            self.__direct = True
            self.__direct = False
            self.__nodes = set()

        self.__net_timeout = options.get('sockettimeoutms')
        self.__conn_timeout = options.get('connecttimeoutms')
        self.__use_ssl = options.get('ssl', False)
        if self.__use_ssl and not pool.have_ssl:
            raise ConfigurationError("The ssl module is not available. If you "
                                     "are using a python version previous to "
                                     "2.6 you must install the ssl package "
                                     "from PyPI.")

        if options.get('use_greenlets', False):
            if not pool.have_greenlet:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    "The greenlet module is not available. "
                    "Install the greenlet package from PyPI.")
            self.pool_class = pool.GreenletPool
            self.pool_class = pool.Pool

        self.__pool = self.pool_class(None, self.__max_pool_size,
                                      self.__net_timeout, self.__conn_timeout,

        self.__document_class = document_class
        self.__tz_aware = common.validate_boolean('tz_aware', tz_aware)
        self.__auto_start_request = options.get('auto_start_request', False)

        # cache of existing indexes used by ensure_index ops
        self.__index_cache = {}
        self.__auth_credentials = {}

        super(MongoClient, self).__init__(**options)
        if self.slave_okay:
                "slave_okay is deprecated. Please "
                "use read_preference instead.", DeprecationWarning)

        if _connect:
            except AutoReconnect, e:
                # ConnectionFailure makes more sense here than AutoReconnect
                raise ConnectionFailure(str(e))
    def __init__(
        self, host=None, port=None, max_pool_size=10, document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, _connect=True, **kwargs
        """Create a new connection to a single MongoDB instance at *host:port*.

        The resultant connection object has connection-pooling built
        in. It also performs auto-reconnection when necessary. If an
        operation fails because of a connection error,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` is raised. If
        auto-reconnection will be performed,
        :class:`~pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect` will be
        raised. Application code should handle this exception
        (recognizing that the operation failed) and then continue to

        Raises :class:`TypeError` if port is not an instance of
        ``int``. Raises :class:`~pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure` if
        the connection cannot be made.

        The `host` parameter can be a full `mongodb URI
        <http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/connections>`_, in addition to
        a simple hostname. It can also be a list of hostnames or
        URIs. Any port specified in the host string(s) will override
        the `port` parameter. If multiple mongodb URIs containing
        database or auth information are passed, the last database,
        username, and password present will be used.  For username and
        passwords reserved characters like ':', '/', '+' and '@' must be
        escaped following RFC 2396.

          - `host` (optional): hostname or IP address of the
            instance to connect to, or a mongodb URI, or a list of
            hostnames / mongodb URIs. If `host` is an IPv6 literal
            it must be enclosed in '[' and ']' characters following
            the RFC2732 URL syntax (e.g. '[::1]' for localhost)
          - `port` (optional): port number on which to connect
          - `max_pool_size` (optional): The maximum number of idle connections
            to keep open in the pool for future use
          - `document_class` (optional): default class to use for
            documents returned from queries on this connection
          - `tz_aware` (optional): if ``True``,
            :class:`~datetime.datetime` instances returned as values
            in a document by this :class:`MongoClient` will be timezone
            aware (otherwise they will be naive)

          **Other optional parameters can be passed as keyword arguments:**

          - `w`: (integer or string) If this is a replica set, write operations
            will block until they have been replicated to the specified number
            or tagged set of servers. `w=<int>` always includes the replica set
            primary (e.g. w=3 means write to the primary and wait until
            replicated to **two** secondaries). **Passing w=0 disables write
            acknowledgement and all other write concern options.**
          - `wtimeout`: (integer) Used in conjunction with `w`. Specify a value
            in milliseconds to control how long to wait for write propagation
            to complete. If replication does not complete in the given
            timeframe, a timeout exception is raised.
          - `j`: If ``True`` block until write operations have been committed
            to the journal. Ignored if the server is running without journaling.
          - `fsync`: If ``True`` force the database to fsync all files before
            returning. When used with `j` the server awaits the next group
            commit before returning.
          - `replicaSet`: (string) The name of the replica set to connect to.
            The driver will verify that the replica set it connects to matches
            this name. Implies that the hosts specified are a seed list and the
            driver should attempt to find all members of the set.
          - `socketTimeoutMS`: (integer) How long (in milliseconds) a send or
            receive on a socket can take before timing out.
          - `connectTimeoutMS`: (integer) How long (in milliseconds) a
            connection can take to be opened before timing out.
          - `ssl`: If ``True``, create the connection to the server using SSL.
          - `read_preference`: The read preference for this connection.
            See :class:`~pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference` for available
          - `auto_start_request`: If ``True``, each thread that accesses
            this :class:`MongoClient` has a socket allocated to it for the
            thread's lifetime.  This ensures consistent reads, even if you
            read after an unacknowledged write. Defaults to ``False``
          - `use_greenlets`: If ``True``, :meth:`start_request()` will ensure
            that the current greenlet uses the same socket for all
            operations until :meth:`end_request()`

        .. seealso:: :meth:`end_request`

        .. mongodoc:: connections

        .. versionadded:: 2.4
        if host is None:
            host = self.HOST
        if isinstance(host, basestring):
            host = [host]
        if port is None:
            port = self.PORT
        if not isinstance(port, int):
            raise TypeError("port must be an instance of int")

        seeds = set()
        username = None
        password = None
        db = None
        opts = {}
        for entity in host:
            if "://" in entity:
                if entity.startswith("mongodb://"):
                    res = uri_parser.parse_uri(entity, port)
                    username = res["username"] or username
                    password = res["password"] or password
                    db = res["database"] or db
                    opts = res["options"]
                    idx = entity.find("://")
                    raise InvalidURI("Invalid URI scheme: " "%s" % (entity[:idx],))
                seeds.update(uri_parser.split_hosts(entity, port))
        if not seeds:
            raise ConfigurationError("need to specify at least one host")

        self.__nodes = seeds
        self.__host = None
        self.__port = None
        self.__is_primary = False
        self.__is_mongos = False

        options = {}
        for option, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            option, value = common.validate(option, value)
            options[option] = value

        self.__max_pool_size = common.validate_positive_integer("max_pool_size", max_pool_size)

        self.__cursor_manager = CursorManager(self)

        self.__repl = options.get("replicaset")
        if len(seeds) == 1 and not self.__repl:
            self.__direct = True
            self.__direct = False
            self.__nodes = set()

        self.__net_timeout = options.get("sockettimeoutms")
        self.__conn_timeout = options.get("connecttimeoutms")
        self.__use_ssl = options.get("ssl", False)
        if self.__use_ssl and not pool.have_ssl:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "The ssl module is not available. If you "
                "are using a python version previous to "
                "2.6 you must install the ssl package "
                "from PyPI."

        use_greenlets = options.get("use_greenlets", False)
        self.__pool = pool.Pool(
            None, self.__max_pool_size, self.__net_timeout, self.__conn_timeout, self.__use_ssl, use_greenlets

        self.__document_class = document_class
        self.__tz_aware = common.validate_boolean("tz_aware", tz_aware)
        self.__auto_start_request = options.get("auto_start_request", False)

        # cache of existing indexes used by ensure_index ops
        self.__index_cache = {}
        self.__auth_credentials = {}

        super(MongoClient, self).__init__(**options)
        if self.slave_okay:
            warnings.warn("slave_okay is deprecated. Please " "use read_preference instead.", DeprecationWarning)

        if _connect:
            except AutoReconnect, e:
                # ConnectionFailure makes more sense here than AutoReconnect
                raise ConnectionFailure(str(e))