def updateViewLists(self): try: self.window() except RuntimeError: ## this view has already been deleted; it will probably be collected shortly. return def cmpViews(a, b): wins = 100 * cmp(a.window() is self.window(), b.window() is self.window()) alpha = cmp(, return wins + alpha ## make a sorted list of all named views nv = list(ViewBox.NamedViews.values()) #print "new view list:", nv sortList(nv, cmpViews) ## see pyqtgraph.python2_3.sortList if self in nv: nv.remove(self) for ax in [0,1]: link = self.state['linkedViews'][ax] if isinstance(link, basestring): ## axis has not been linked yet; see if it's possible now for v in nv: if link == self.linkView(ax, v)
def listTicks(self): """Return a sorted list of all the Tick objects on the slider.""" ## public ticks = list(self.ticks.items()) sortList( ticks, lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1])) ## see pyqtgraph.python2_3.sortList return ticks
def itemsNearEvent(self, event, selMode=QtCore.Qt.IntersectsItemShape, sortOrder=QtCore.Qt.DescendingOrder, hoverable=False): """ Return an iterator that iterates first through the items that directly intersect point (in Z order) followed by any other items that are within the scene's click radius. """ #tr = self.getViewWidget(event.widget()).transform() view = self.views()[0] tr = view.viewportTransform() r = self._clickRadius rect = view.mapToScene(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 2 * r, 2 * r)).boundingRect() seen = set() if hasattr(event, 'buttonDownScenePos'): point = event.buttonDownScenePos() else: point = event.scenePos() w = rect.width() h = rect.height() rgn = QtCore.QRectF(point.x() - w, point.y() - h, 2 * w, 2 * h) #self.searchRect.setRect(rgn) items = self.items(point, selMode, sortOrder, tr) ## remove items whose shape does not contain point (scene.items() apparently sucks at this) items2 = [] for item in items: if hoverable and not hasattr(item, 'hoverEvent'): continue shape = item.shape() if shape is None: continue if item.mapToScene(shape).contains(point): items2.append(item) ## Sort by descending Z-order (don't trust scene.itms() to do this either) ## use 'absolute' z value, which is the sum of all item/parent ZValues def absZValue(item): if item is None: return 0 return item.zValue() + absZValue(item.parentItem()) sortList(items2, lambda a, b: cmp(absZValue(b), absZValue(a))) return items2
def itemsNearEvent( self, event, selMode=QtCore.Qt.IntersectsItemShape, sortOrder=QtCore.Qt.DescendingOrder, hoverable=False ): """ Return an iterator that iterates first through the items that directly intersect point (in Z order) followed by any other items that are within the scene's click radius. """ # tr = self.getViewWidget(event.widget()).transform() view = self.views()[0] tr = view.viewportTransform() r = self._clickRadius rect = view.mapToScene(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 2 * r, 2 * r)).boundingRect() seen = set() if hasattr(event, "buttonDownScenePos"): point = event.buttonDownScenePos() else: point = event.scenePos() w = rect.width() h = rect.height() rgn = QtCore.QRectF(point.x() - w, point.y() - h, 2 * w, 2 * h) # self.searchRect.setRect(rgn) items = self.items(point, selMode, sortOrder, tr) ## remove items whose shape does not contain point (scene.items() apparently sucks at this) items2 = [] for item in items: if hoverable and not hasattr(item, "hoverEvent"): continue shape = item.shape() if shape is None: continue if item.mapToScene(shape).contains(point): items2.append(item) ## Sort by descending Z-order (don't trust scene.itms() to do this either) ## use 'absolute' z value, which is the sum of all item/parent ZValues def absZValue(item): if item is None: return 0 return item.zValue() + absZValue(item.parentItem()) sortList(items2, lambda a, b: cmp(absZValue(b), absZValue(a))) return items2
def listTicks(self): """Return a sorted list of all the Tick objects on the slider.""" ## public ticks = list(self.ticks.items()) sortList(ticks, lambda a,b: cmp(a[1], b[1])) ## see pyqtgraph.python2_3.sortList return ticks