    def _get_bt_dataset(self, data, calibration_index, wave_number):
        """Get the dataset as brightness temperature.

        Apparently we don't use these calibration factors for Rad -> BT::

            coeffs = self._get_coefficients(ds_info['calibration_key'], calibration_index)
            # coefficients are per-scan, we need to repeat the values for a
            # clean alignment
            coeffs = np.repeat(coeffs, data.shape[0] // coeffs.shape[1], axis=1)
            coeffs = coeffs.rename({
                coeffs.dims[0]: 'coefficients', coeffs.dims[1]: 'y'
            })  # match data dims
            data = coeffs[0] + coeffs[1] * data + coeffs[2] * data**2 + coeffs[3] * data**3

        # pass the dask array
        bt_data = rad2temp(wave_number,
                           data.data * 1e-5)  # brightness temperature
        if isinstance(bt_data, np.ndarray):
            # old versions of pyspectral produce numpy arrays
            data.data = da.from_array(bt_data, chunks=data.data.chunks)
            # new versions of pyspectral can do dask arrays
            data.data = bt_data
        # additional corrections from the file
        corr_coeff_a = float(
        corr_coeff_b = float(
        if corr_coeff_a != 0:
            data = (data - corr_coeff_b) / corr_coeff_a
        # Some BT bands seem to have 0 in the first 10 columns
        # and it is an invalid Kelvin measurement, so let's mask
        data = data.where(data != 0)
        return data
 def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, ds_info):
     file_key = self.geolocation_prefix + ds_info.get(
         'file_key', dataset_id.name)
     if self.platform_id == 'FY3B':
         file_key = file_key.replace('Data/', '')
     data = self[file_key]
     band_index = ds_info.get('band_index')
     if band_index is not None:
         data = data[band_index]
         data = data.where(
             (data >= self[file_key + '/attr/valid_range'][0])
             & (data <= self[file_key + '/attr/valid_range'][1]))
         if 'E' in dataset_id.name:
             slope = self[
                 self.l1b_prefix +
                 'Emissive_Radiance_Scales'].data[:, band_index][:,
             intercept = self[
                 self.l1b_prefix +
             # Converts cm^-1 (wavenumbers) and (mW/m^2)/(str/cm^-1) (radiance data)
             # to SI units m^-1, mW*m^-3*str^-1.
             wave_number = self['/attr/' +
                                self.wave_number][band_index] * 100
             bt_data = rad2temp(wave_number,
                                (data.data * slope + intercept) * 1e-5)
             if isinstance(bt_data, np.ndarray):
                 # old versions of pyspectral produce numpy arrays
                 data.data = da.from_array(bt_data, chunks=data.data.chunks)
                 # new versions of pyspectral can do dask arrays
                 data.data = bt_data
         elif 'R' in dataset_id.name:
             slope = self['/attr/RefSB_Cal_Coefficients'][0::2]
             intercept = self['/attr/RefSB_Cal_Coefficients'][1::2]
             data = data * slope[band_index] + intercept[band_index]
         data = data.where(
             (data >= self[file_key + '/attr/valid_range'][0])
             & (data <= self[file_key + '/attr/valid_range'][1]))
         data = self[file_key +
                     '/attr/Intercept'] + self[file_key +
                                               '/attr/Slope'] * data
     new_dims = {old: new for old, new in zip(data.dims, ('y', 'x'))}
     data = data.rename(new_dims)
         'platform_name': self['/attr/Satellite Name'],
         'sensor': self['/attr/Sensor Identification Code']
     units = self.get(file_key + '/attr/units')
     if units is not None and str(units).lower() != 'none':
         data.attrs.update({'units': self.get(file_key + '/attr/units')})
     elif data.attrs.get('calibration') == 'reflectance':
         data.attrs.update({'units': '%'})
         data.attrs.update({'units': '1'})
     return data
文件: virr_l1b.py 项目: joleenf/satpy
    def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, ds_info):
        """Create DataArray from file content for `dataset_id`."""
        file_key = self.geolocation_prefix + ds_info.get('file_key', dataset_id['name'])
        if self.platform_id == 'FY3B':
            file_key = file_key.replace('Data/', '')
        data = self[file_key]
        band_index = ds_info.get('band_index')
        valid_range = data.attrs.pop('valid_range', None)
        if isinstance(valid_range, np.ndarray):
            valid_range = valid_range.tolist()
        if band_index is not None:
            data = data[band_index]
            if valid_range:
                data = data.where((data >= valid_range[0]) &
                                  (data <= valid_range[1]))
            if 'Emissive' in file_key:
                slope = self._correct_slope(self[self.l1b_prefix + 'Emissive_Radiance_Scales'].
                                            data[:, band_index][:, np.newaxis])
                intercept = self[self.l1b_prefix + 'Emissive_Radiance_Offsets'].data[:, band_index][:, np.newaxis]
                # Converts cm^-1 (wavenumbers) and (mW/m^2)/(str/cm^-1) (radiance data)
                # to SI units m^-1, mW*m^-3*str^-1.
                wave_number = self['/attr/' + self.wave_number][band_index] * 100
                bt_data = rad2temp(wave_number, (data.data * slope + intercept) * 1e-5)
                if isinstance(bt_data, np.ndarray):
                    # old versions of pyspectral produce numpy arrays
                    data.data = da.from_array(bt_data, chunks=data.data.chunks)
                    # new versions of pyspectral can do dask arrays
                    data.data = bt_data
            elif 'RefSB' in file_key:
                if self.platform_id == 'FY3B':
                    coeffs = da.from_array(FY3B_REF_COEFFS, chunks=-1)
                    coeffs = self['/attr/RefSB_Cal_Coefficients']
                slope = self._correct_slope(coeffs[0::2])
                intercept = coeffs[1::2]
                data = data * slope[band_index] + intercept[band_index]
            slope = self._correct_slope(self[file_key + '/attr/Slope'])
            intercept = self[file_key + '/attr/Intercept']

            if valid_range:
                data = data.where((data >= valid_range[0]) &
                                  (data <= valid_range[1]))
            data = data * slope + intercept
        new_dims = {old: new for old, new in zip(data.dims, ('y', 'x'))}
        data = data.rename(new_dims)
        # use lowercase sensor name to be consistent with the rest of satpy
        data.attrs.update({'platform_name': self['/attr/Satellite Name'],
                           'sensor': self['/attr/Sensor Identification Code'].lower()})
        units = self.get(file_key + '/attr/units')
        if units is not None and str(units).lower() != 'none':
            data.attrs.update({'units': self.get(file_key + '/attr/units')})
        elif data.attrs.get('calibration') == 'reflectance':
            data.attrs.update({'units': '%'})
            data.attrs.update({'units': '1'})
        return data
def radiance2tb(rad, wavelength):
    """Get the Tb from the radiance using the Planck function.

        Radiance in SI units
        Wavelength in SI units (meter)
    from pyspectral.blackbody import blackbody_rad2temp as rad2temp
    return rad2temp(wavelength, rad)
    def radiance2tb(self, rad, wavelength, **kwargs):
        """Get the Tb from the radiance using the Planck function, and optionally the
        relative spectral response function
            Radiance in SI units

        from pyspectral.blackbody import blackbody_rad2temp as rad2temp

        return rad2temp(wavelength, rad)
def radiance2tb(rad, wavelength):
    Get the Tb from the radiance using the Planck function

        Radiance in SI units
        Wavelength in SI units (meter)
    from pyspectral.blackbody import blackbody_rad2temp as rad2temp
    return rad2temp(wavelength, rad)
 def _calibrate_emissive(self, data, band_index):
     slope = self._correct_slope(
         self[self.l1b_prefix +
              'Emissive_Radiance_Scales'].data[:, band_index][:,
     intercept = self[
         self.l1b_prefix +
         'Emissive_Radiance_Offsets'].data[:, band_index][:, np.newaxis]
     # Converts cm^-1 (wavenumbers) and (mW/m^2)/(str/cm^-1) (radiance data)
     # to SI units m^-1, mW*m^-3*str^-1.
     wave_number = self['/attr/' + self.wave_number][band_index] * 100
     bt_data = rad2temp(wave_number, (data.data * slope + intercept) * 1e-5)
     if isinstance(bt_data, np.ndarray):
         # old versions of pyspectral produce numpy arrays
         data.data = da.from_array(bt_data, chunks=data.data.chunks)
         # new versions of pyspectral can do dask arrays
         data.data = bt_data
 def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, ds_info):
     file_key = self.geolocation_prefix + ds_info.get('file_key', dataset_id.name)
     if self.platform_id == 'FY3B':
         file_key = file_key.replace('Data/', '')
     data = self.get(file_key)
     if data is None:
         logging.error('File key "{0}" could not be found in file {1}'.format(file_key, self.filename))
     band_index = ds_info.get('band_index')
     if band_index is not None:
         data = data[band_index]
         data = data.where((data >= self[file_key + '/attr/valid_range'][0]) &
                           (data <= self[file_key + '/attr/valid_range'][1]))
         if 'E' in dataset_id.name:
             slope = self[self.l1b_prefix + 'Emissive_Radiance_Scales'].data[:, band_index][:, np.newaxis]
             intercept = self[self.l1b_prefix + 'Emissive_Radiance_Offsets'].data[:, band_index][:, np.newaxis]
             radiance_data = rad2temp(self['/attr/' + self.wave_number][band_index] * 100,
                                      (data * slope + intercept) * 1e-5)
             data = xr.DataArray(da.from_array(radiance_data, data.chunks),
                                 coords=data.coords, dims=data.dims, name=data.name, attrs=data.attrs)
         elif 'R' in dataset_id.name:
             slope = self['/attr/RefSB_Cal_Coefficients'][0::2]
             intercept = self['/attr/RefSB_Cal_Coefficients'][1::2]
             data = data * slope[band_index] + intercept[band_index]
         data = data.where((data >= self[file_key + '/attr/valid_range'][0]) &
                           (data <= self[file_key + '/attr/valid_range'][1]))
         data = self[file_key + '/attr/Intercept'] + self[file_key + '/attr/Slope'] * data
     new_dims = {old: new for old, new in zip(data.dims, ('y', 'x'))}
     data = data.rename(new_dims)
     data.attrs.update({'platform_name': self['/attr/Satellite Name'],
                        'sensor': self['/attr/Sensor Identification Code']})
     units = self.get(file_key + '/attr/units')
     if units is not None and str(units).lower() != 'none':
         data.attrs.update({'units': self.get(file_key + '/attr/units')})
     elif data.attrs.get('calibration') == 'reflectance':
         data.attrs.update({'units': '%'})
         data.attrs.update({'units': '1'})
     return data
    def _calibrate_ir(self, dataset_id, data):
        """Calibrate radiance data to BTs using either pyspectral or in-file coefficients."""
        if self.calib_mode == 'PYSPECTRAL':
            # depends on the radiance calibration above
            # Convert um to m^-1 (SI units for pyspectral)
            wn = 1 / (dataset_id.wavelength[1] / 1e6)
            # Convert cm^-1 (wavenumbers) and (mW/m^2)/(str/cm^-1) (radiance data)
            # to SI units m^-1, mW*m^-3*str^-1.
            bt_data = rad2temp(wn, data.data * 1e-5)
            if isinstance(bt_data, np.ndarray):
                # old versions of pyspectral produce numpy arrays
                data.data = da.from_array(bt_data, chunks=data.data.chunks)
                # new versions of pyspectral can do dask arrays
                data.data = bt_data
            # IR coefficients from the file
            # Channel specific
            c0 = self.nc.attrs['Teff_to_Tbb_c0']
            c1 = self.nc.attrs['Teff_to_Tbb_c1']
            c2 = self.nc.attrs['Teff_to_Tbb_c2']

            # These should be fixed, but load anyway
            cval = self.nc.attrs['light_speed']
            kval = self.nc.attrs['Boltzmann_constant_k']
            hval = self.nc.attrs['Plank_constant_h']

            # Compute wavenumber as cm-1
            wn = (10000 / dataset_id.wavelength[1]) * 100

            # Convert radiance to effective brightness temperature
            e1 = (2 * hval * cval * cval) * np.power(wn, 3)
            e2 = (data.data * 1e-5)
            t_eff = ((hval * cval / kval) * wn) / np.log((e1 / e2) + 1)

            # Now convert to actual brightness temperature
            bt_data = c0 + c1 * t_eff + c2 * t_eff * t_eff
            data.data = bt_data
        return data
    def get_dataset(self, dataset_id, ds_info):
        """Load data variable and metadata and calibrate if needed."""
        file_key = ds_info.get('file_key', dataset_id['name'])
        band_index = ds_info.get('band_index')
        data = self[file_key]
        if band_index is not None:
            data = data[band_index]
        if data.ndim >= 2:
            data = data.rename({data.dims[-2]: 'y', data.dims[-1]: 'x'})
        attrs = data.attrs.copy()  # avoid contaminating other band loading
        if 'rows_per_scan' in self.filetype_info:

        fill_value = attrs.pop('FillValue', np.nan)  # covered by valid_range
        valid_range = attrs.pop('valid_range', None)
        if dataset_id.get('calibration') == 'counts':
            # preserve integer type of counts if possible
            attrs['_FillValue'] = fill_value
            new_fill = fill_value
            new_fill = np.nan
        if valid_range is not None:
            # Due to a bug in the valid_range upper limit in the 10.8(24) and 12.0(25)
            # in the HDF data, this is hardcoded here.
            if dataset_id['name'] in ['24', '25'] and valid_range[1] == 4095:
                valid_range[1] = 25000
            # typically bad_values == 65535, saturated == 65534
            # dead detector == 65533
            data = data.where(
                (data >= valid_range[0]) & (data <= valid_range[1]), new_fill)

        slope = attrs.pop('Slope', None)
        intercept = attrs.pop('Intercept', None)
        if slope is not None and dataset_id.get('calibration') != 'counts':
            if band_index is not None:
                slope = slope[band_index]
                intercept = intercept[band_index]
            data = data * slope + intercept

        if dataset_id.get('calibration') == "reflectance":
            # some bands have 0 counts for the first N columns and
            # seem to be invalid data points
            data = data.where(data != 0)
            coeffs = self._get_coefficients(ds_info['calibration_key'],
            data = coeffs[0] + coeffs[1] * data + coeffs[2] * data**2
        elif dataset_id.get('calibration') == "brightness_temperature":
            cal_index = ds_info['calibration_index']
            # Apparently we don't use these calibration factors for Rad -> BT
            # coeffs = self._get_coefficients(ds_info['calibration_key'], cal_index)
            # # coefficients are per-scan, we need to repeat the values for a
            # # clean alignment
            # coeffs = np.repeat(coeffs, data.shape[0] // coeffs.shape[1], axis=1)
            # coeffs = coeffs.rename({
            #     coeffs.dims[0]: 'coefficients', coeffs.dims[1]: 'y'
            # })  # match data dims
            # data = coeffs[0] + coeffs[1] * data + coeffs[2] * data**2 + coeffs[3] * data**3

            # Converts um^-1 (wavenumbers) and (mW/m^2)/(str/cm^-1) (radiance data)
            # to SI units m^-1, mW*m^-3*str^-1.
            wave_number = 1. / (dataset_id['wavelength'][1] / 1e6)
            # pass the dask array
            bt_data = rad2temp(wave_number,
                               data.data * 1e-5)  # brightness temperature
            if isinstance(bt_data, np.ndarray):
                # old versions of pyspectral produce numpy arrays
                data.data = da.from_array(bt_data, chunks=data.data.chunks)
                # new versions of pyspectral can do dask arrays
                data.data = bt_data
            # additional corrections from the file
            corr_coeff_a = float(
            corr_coeff_b = float(
            if corr_coeff_a != 0:
                data = (data - corr_coeff_b) / corr_coeff_a
            # Some BT bands seem to have 0 in the first 10 columns
            # and it is an invalid Kelvin measurement, so let's mask
            data = data.where(data != 0)

        data.attrs = attrs
        # convert bytes to str
        for key, val in attrs.items():
            # python 3 only
            if bytes is not str and isinstance(val, bytes):
                data.attrs[key] = val.decode('utf8')

            'platform_name': self['/attr/Satellite Name'],
            'sensor': self.sensor_name,

        return data
文件: fy3_virr.py 项目: mraspaud/mpop
def load_virr(satscene, options):
    """Read the VIRR hdf5 file"""

    if "filename" not in options:
        raise IOError("No 1km virr filename given, cannot load")

    values = {"orbit": satscene.orbit,
              "satname": satscene.satname,
              "instrument": satscene.instrument_name,
              "satellite": satscene.fullname

    filename = \
        os.path.join(satscene.time_slot.strftime(options["dir"]) % values,
                     % values)

    LOGGER.debug("Filename= %s", filename)

    datasets = ['EV_Emissive',

    calibrate = options['calibrate']
    LOGGER.debug("Calibrate = " + str(calibrate))

    h5f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

    # Get geolocation information
    lons = h5f['Longitude'][:]
    lats = h5f['Latitude'][:]
    # Mask out unrealistic values:
    mask = np.logical_or(lats > 90., lons > 90.)
    lons = np.ma.masked_array(lons, mask=mask)
    lats = np.ma.masked_array(lats, mask=mask)
    sunz = h5f['SolarZenith'][:]
    slope = h5f['SolarZenith'].attrs['Slope'][0]
    intercept = h5f['SolarZenith'].attrs['Intercept'][0]
    sunz = sunz * slope + intercept
    sunz = np.where(np.greater(sunz, 85.0), 85.0, sunz)

    # Get the calibration information
    # Emissive radiance coefficients:
    emis_offs = h5f['Emissive_Radiance_Offsets'][:]
    emis_scales = h5f['Emissive_Radiance_Scales'][:]

    # Central wave number (unit =  cm-1) for the three IR bands
    # It is ordered according to decreasing wave number (increasing wavelength):
    # 3.7 micron, 10.8 micron, 12 micron
    emiss_centroid_wn = h5f.attrs['Emmisive_Centroid_Wave_Number']

    # VIS/NIR calibration stuff:
    refsb_cal_coeff = h5f.attrs['RefSB_Cal_Coefficients']
    visnir_scales = refsb_cal_coeff[0::2]
    visnir_offs = refsb_cal_coeff[1::2]

    refsb_effective_wl = h5f.attrs['RefSB_Effective_Wavelength']

    # Read the band data:
    for dset in datasets:
        band_data = h5f[dset]
        valid_range = band_data.attrs['valid_range']
        LOGGER.debug("valid-range = " + str(valid_range))
        fillvalue = band_data.attrs['_FillValue']
        band_names = band_data.attrs['band_name'].split(',')
        slope = band_data.attrs['Slope']
        intercept = band_data.attrs['Intercept']
        units = band_data.attrs['units']
        long_name = band_data.attrs['long_name']

        LOGGER.debug('band names = ' + str(band_names))

        for (i, band) in enumerate(band_names):
            if band not in satscene.channels_to_load:

            LOGGER.debug("Reading channel %s, i=%d", band, i)
            data = band_data[i]

            bandmask = np.logical_or(np.less(data, valid_range[0]),
                                     np.greater(data, valid_range[1]))

            if calibrate:
                if dset in ['EV_Emissive']:
                    data = (np.array([emis_offs[:, i]]).transpose() +
                            data * np.array([emis_scales[:, i]]).transpose())
                    # Radiance to Tb conversion.
                    # Pyspectral wants SI units,
                    # but radiance data are in mW/m^2/str/cm^-1 and wavenumbers are in cm^-1
                    # Therefore multply wavenumber by 100 and radiances by
                    # 10^-5
                    data = rad2temp(emiss_centroid_wn[i] * 100., data * 1e-5)
                    LOGGER.debug("IR data calibrated")

                if dset in ['EV_RefSB']:
                    data = (visnir_offs[i] +
                            data * visnir_scales[i]) / np.cos(np.deg2rad(sunz))

            satscene[band] = np.ma.masked_array(data,

    from pyresample import geometry
    satscene.area = geometry.SwathDefinition(lons=lons, lats=lats)
