pndotf =,pn) pndotf_test = frc.py_correct_pndotf(f, c, pn, px) if (pndotf == pndotf_test): print("passed") else: print("FAILED") problem = True ## Test set_force and stress a = aV[ind] pn = np.array([1,0,0], dtype=float) px = np.zeros(3) stress = frc.py_set_stress(a, fonfV, cV, pn, px) total_force = frc.py_set_force(a, fonfV, cV, pn, px) print("\n set_force \n") print("you don't want this to be 0: %e" %total_force) ## test set_force_Vectorized NN = np.shape(RV)[0] #rotAngles = np.zeros([NN,2]) #rotAngles[:,0] = RV[:,0,0] #rotAngles[:,1] = RV[:,1,0] pnV = np.random.rand(10,3) pxV = np.zeros([10,3]) forces = frc.py_set_force_Vectorized(aV, RV, wV, pnV, pxV, gammadot, p0, mu) # check the relevant entry of this matrix with the computation above test_ind = 0 a = aV[test_ind] w = wV[test_ind]
aoi = np.zeros([M,M]) RVs = RV[0::K,:,:] wVs = wV[0::K,:] axesVs = axesV[0::K,:] for i in range(M): R = RVs[i] w = wVs[i] a = axesVs[i] fonfV, cV = frc.set_fonfV(a, w, R, gammadot, p0, mu) size = np.shape(fonfV)[0] for j in range(M): px = np.array([xcoords[j], 0., 0.]) force[i,j] = frc.py_set_force(a, fonfV, cV, pn, px) aoi[i,j] = frc.py_area_of_intersection(a,pn,px) # convert from micro newtons / mircometer ^ 2 to N/m^2 = Pa # force = force * 1e6 # rows index time, columns index position of plane ymin = T[0] ymax = T[-1] xmin = xcoords[0] xmax = xcoords[-1] aspectratio = (xmax-xmin)/(ymax-ymin) pickle.dump([force,xcoords,T,[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]],open("force_data.p","wb"))
for n in range(NN): lam = lamV[n] for j in range(JJ): #gammadot = gdotV[j] Gamma = GammaV[j] # compute the time interval t0,t1,dt,tau,cap = dfm.set_tau_cap(a0, lam, mu, gammadot, Gamma) # get the rotations, axes and angular velocity axesV, RV, wV, T = dfm.deform(t0,t1,dt,a0,lam,mu,gammadot,Gamma) # thin out the data axesV = axesV[0::K] RV = RV[0::K] wV = wV[0::K] T = T[0::K] #plt.plot(T,-wV[:,2]) #plt.title("lam = %i, gdot = %f" %(lam,gammadot)) # get the force on the facets MM = np.shape(T)[0] force = -np.inf for m in range(MM): fonfV, cV = frc.set_fonfV(axesV[m], wV[m], RV[m], gammadot, p0, mu) force_new = frc.py_set_force(axesV[m], fonfV, cV, pn, px) if force_new > force: force = force_new forceV[n,j] = force #pickle.dump([lamV, gdotV, forceV], open("pardep_lamgdot.p", "wb")) #pickle.dump([lamV, GammaV, forceV], open("pardep_lamGammaV.p", "wb"))
import numpy as np # import the constants lam, mu, gammadot, Gamma, max_stress, p0 = import_constants() # set the initial axes a0 = np.array([180.0, 160.0, 140.0]) # compute the time interval t0, t1, dt, tau, cap = dfm.set_tau_cap(a0, lam, mu, gammadot, Gamma) # get the rotations, axes and angular velocity aV, RV, wV, T = dfm.deform(t0, t1, dt, a0, lam, mu, gammadot, Gamma) TimeInd = 100 a = aV[TimeInd] w = wV[TimeInd] R = RV[TimeInd] rotAng = np.array([R[0, 0], R[1, 0]]) pn = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) px = np.zeros(3) fonfV1, cV = frc.set_fonfV(a, w, R, gammadot, p0, mu) force1 = frc.py_set_force(a, fonfV1, cV, pn, px) fonfV2, force2 = frc.py_set_force_Vectorized(a, rotAng, w, pn, px, gammadot, p0, mu) L0 = np.zeros([3, 3]) L0[0, 1] = gammadot Lrot =, L0), R.T)
farg2, fonfV2, srf_centers_scaled2, srf_areas_scaled2 = frc.set_fonfV(aV[ind2], \ wV[ind2], \ Ra[ind2], \ gammadot, p0, mu) farg3, fonfV3, srf_centers_scaled3, srf_areas_scaled3 = frc.set_fonfV(aV[ind3], \ wV[ind3], \ Ra[ind3], \ gammadot, p0, mu) # compute the force wrt a plane pn = np.array([1.0,0.0,0.0]) px = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0]) force0 = frc.py_set_force(aV[ind0], fonfV0, srf_centers_scaled0, pn, px) force1 = frc.py_set_force(aV[ind1], fonfV1, srf_centers_scaled1, pn, px) force2 = frc.py_set_force(aV[ind2], fonfV2, srf_centers_scaled2, pn, px) force3 = frc.py_set_force(aV[ind3], fonfV3, srf_centers_scaled3, pn, px) # get all forces so we know the max forces_all = frc.py_set_force_Vectorized(aV, Ra, wV, pn, px, gammadot, p0, mu) forcemax = np.max(np.abs(forces_all)) indices = [ind0, ind1, ind2, ind3] forces = [force0, force1, force2, force3, forcemax] angles = [Ra[ind] for ind in indices] axes = [aV[ind] for ind in indices] angvels = [wV[ind,2] for ind in indices] fargs = [farg0, farg1, farg2, farg3]