    def create(
        uri: str,
        runtime_env: RuntimeEnv,
        context: RuntimeEnvContext,
        logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = default_logger,
    ) -> int:
        logger.debug("Setting up pip for runtime_env: "
        protocol, hash = parse_uri(uri)
        target_dir = self._get_path_from_hash(hash)

        pip_packages: List[str] = runtime_env.pip_packages()
        with FileLock(self._installs_and_deletions_file_lock):
            _install_pip_list_to_dir(pip_packages, target_dir, logger=logger)

            # Despite Ray being removed from the input pip list during
            # validation, other packages in the pip list (for example,
            # xgboost_ray) may themselves include Ray as a dependency.  In this
            # case, we will have inadvertently installed the latest Ray version
            # in the target_dir, which may cause Ray version mismatch issues.
            # Uninstall it here, if it exists, to make the workers use the Ray
            # that is already installed in the cluster.
            # In the case where the user explicitly wants to include Ray in
            # their pip list (and signals this by setting the environment
            # variable below) then we don't want this deletion logic, so we
            # skip it.
            if os.environ.get(RAY_RUNTIME_ENV_ALLOW_RAY_IN_PIP) != 1:
                ray_path = Path(target_dir) / "ray"
                if ray_path.exists() and ray_path.is_dir():
        return get_directory_size_bytes(target_dir)
文件: pip.py 项目: stjordanis/ray
    def setup(self,
              runtime_env: RuntimeEnv,
              context: RuntimeEnvContext,
              logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = default_logger):
        if not runtime_env.has_pip():

        logger.debug(f"Setting up pip for runtime_env: {runtime_env}")
        pip_packages: List[str] = runtime_env.pip_packages()
        target_dir = self._get_path_from_hash(_get_pip_hash(pip_packages))

        _install_pip_list_to_dir(pip_packages, target_dir, logger=logger)

        # Despite Ray being removed from the input pip list during validation,
        # other packages in the pip list (for example, xgboost_ray) may
        # themselves include Ray as a dependency.  In this case, we will have
        # inadvertently installed the latest Ray version in the target_dir,
        # which may cause Ray version mismatch issues. Uninstall it here, if it
        # exists, to make the workers use the Ray that is already
        # installed in the cluster.
        # In the case where the user explicitly wants to include Ray in their
        # pip list (and signals this by setting the environment variable below)
        # then we don't want this deletion logic, so we skip it.
        if os.environ.get(RAY_RUNTIME_ENV_ALLOW_RAY_IN_PIP) != 1:
            ray_path = Path(target_dir) / "ray"
            if ray_path.exists() and ray_path.is_dir():

        # Insert the target directory into the PYTHONPATH.
        python_path = target_dir
        if "PYTHONPATH" in context.env_vars:
            python_path += os.pathsep + context.env_vars["PYTHONPATH"]
        context.env_vars["PYTHONPATH"] = python_path