    def addIndex(self, indexName, indexType, **kwds):
        Add an index to this collection.

        A collection index provides positional access into the collection
        and maintains a key order which is be determined by the sequence of
        collection mutation operations or by constraints on values.

        A collection may have any number of indexes. Each index has a
        name which is used with the L{getByIndex}, L{getIndexEntryValue},
        L{setIndexEntryValue}, L{resolveIndex}, L{first}, L{last}, L{next},
        L{previous} methods.

        Because the implementation of an index depends on the persistence
        layer, the type of index is chosen with the C{indexType} parameter
        which can have one of the following values:

            - C{numeric}: a simple index reflecting the sequence of mutation

            - C{attribute}: an index sorted on the value of an attribute
              of items in the collection. The name of the attribute is
              provided via the C{attribute} keyword.

            - C{compare}: an index sorted on the return value of a method
              invoked on items in the collection. The method is a comparison
              method whose name is provided with the C{compare} keyword, and
              it is invoked on C{i0}, with the other item being compared,
              C{i1}, and is expected to return a positive number if, in the
              context of this index, C{i0 > i1}, a negative number if C{i0 <
              i1}, or zero if C{i0 == i1}.

        @param indexName: the name of the index
        @type indexName: a string
        @param indexType: the type of index
        @type indexType: a string

        item, name = self._getOwner()

        if self._indexes is not None:
            if indexName in self._indexes:
                raise IndexAlreadyExists, (item, name, indexName)
            self._indexes = {}

        index = self._createIndex(indexType, **kwds)
        self._indexes[indexName] = index

        if not self._getView().isLoading():
            self._setDirty(True) # noMonitors=True

            if indexType in ('attribute', 'string'):
                from repository.item.Monitors import Monitors
                Monitors.attach(item, '_reIndex',
                                'set', kwds['attribute'], name, indexName)

        return index
    def _setOwner(self, item, attribute):

        oldItem, oldAttribute = super(KindSet, self)._setOwner(item, attribute)
        if item is not oldItem:
            if not self.itsView.isLoading():
                if oldItem is not None:
                    Monitors.detach(oldItem, '_kindChanged',
                                    'schema', 'kind', oldAttribute)
                if item is not None:
                    Monitors.attach(item, '_kindChanged',
                                    'schema', 'kind', attribute)
    def testMonitor(self):

        kh = self.rep.findPath('//CineGuide/KHepburn')
        m1 = kh.movies.first()
        actor = kh.itsKind
        movie = m1.itsKind
        attribute = actor.getAttribute('movies').itsKind

        Monitors.attach(m1, 'kindChanged', 'schema', 'kind')
        m1.monitorAttribute = None
        mixin = kh.mixinKinds(('add', movie), ('add', attribute))

        self.assert_(m1.monitorAttribute == 'kind')
    def testMonitor(self):

        kh = self.rep.findPath('//CineGuide/KHepburn')
        m1 = kh.movies.first()
        actor = kh.itsKind
        movie = m1.itsKind
        attribute = actor.getAttribute('movies').itsKind

        Monitors.attach(m1, 'kindChanged', 'schema', 'kind')
        m1.monitorAttribute = None
        mixin = kh.mixinKinds(('add', movie), ('add', attribute))

        self.assert_(m1.monitorAttribute == 'kind')