def copy_custom_properties(src, dest, *, prefix='', dest_prefix='', link_driver=False, overridable=True):
    """Copy custom properties with filtering by prefix. Optionally link using drivers."""
    res = []
    exclude = {'_RNA_UI', 'rigify_parameters', 'rigify_type'}

    for key, value in src.items():
        if key.startswith(prefix) and key not in exclude:
            new_key = dest_prefix + key[len(prefix):]

            info = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(src, key, create=False)

            if src != dest or new_key != key:
                dest[new_key] = value

                if info:
                    info2 = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(dest, new_key, create=True)
                    for ki, vi in info.items():
                        info2[ki] = vi

                if link_driver:
                    make_driver(src, quote_property(key), variables=[(dest.id_data, dest, new_key)])

            if overridable:
                dest.property_overridable_library_set(quote_property(new_key), True)

            res.append((key, new_key, value, info))

    return res
def copy_custom_properties(src, dest, *, prefix='', dest_prefix='', link_driver=False, overridable=True):
    """Copy custom properties with filtering by prefix. Optionally link using drivers."""
    res = []

    # Exclude addon-defined properties.
    exclude = {prop.identifier for prop in src.bl_rna.properties if prop.is_runtime}

    for key, value in src.items():
        if key.startswith(prefix) and key not in exclude:
            new_key = dest_prefix + key[len(prefix):]

                ui_data_src = src.id_properties_ui(key)
            except TypeError:
                # Some property types, eg. Python dictionaries
                # don't support id_properties_ui.

            if src != dest or new_key != key:
                dest[new_key] = value


                if link_driver:
                    make_driver(src, quote_property(key), variables=[(dest.id_data, dest, new_key)])

            if overridable:
                dest.property_overridable_library_set(quote_property(new_key), True)

            res.append((key, new_key, value))

    return res
def _init_driver_target(drv_target, var_info, target_id):
    """Initialize a driver variable target from a specification."""

    # Parse the simple list format for the common case.
    if isinstance(var_info, tuple):
        # [ (target_id,) subtarget, ...path ]

        # If target_id is supplied as parameter, allow omitting it
        if target_id is None or isinstance(var_info[0], bpy.types.ID):
            target_id, subtarget, *refs = var_info
            subtarget, *refs = var_info

        subtarget = force_lazy(subtarget)

        # Simple path string case.
        if len(refs) == 0:
            # [ (target_id,) path_str ]
            path = subtarget
            # If subtarget is a string, look up a bone in the target
            if isinstance(subtarget, str):
                subtarget = target_id.pose.bones[subtarget]

            if subtarget == target_id:
                path = ''
                path = subtarget.path_from_id()

            # Use ".foo" type path items verbatim, otherwise quote
            for item in refs:
                if isinstance(item, str):
                    path += item if item[0] == '.' else quote_property(item)
                    path += '[%r]' % (item)

            if path[0] == '.':
                path = path[1:]

        drv_target.id = target_id
        drv_target.data_path = path

        # { 'id': ..., ... }
        target_id = var_info.get('id', target_id)

        if target_id is not None:
            drv_target.id = target_id

        for tp, tv in var_info.items():
            setattr(drv_target, tp, force_lazy(tv))