    def parse_xml_node(self, node):
        '''Parse an xml.dom Node object representing a service port connector into
        this object.

        self.connector_id = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'connectorId')
        self.name = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'name')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'transMethod'):
            self.trans_method = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS,
            self.trans_method = ''
        self.comment = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'comment')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible'):
            visible = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible')
            if visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
                self.visible = False

        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceServicePort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_service_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceServicePort')[0])
        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetServicePort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_service_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetServicePort')[0])
        for c in get_direct_child_elements_xml(node, prefix=RTS_EXT_NS,
            name, value = parse_properties_xml(c)
            self._properties[name] = value
        return self
    def parse_xml_node(self, node):
        '''Parse an xml.dom Node object representing a service port connector into
        this object.

        self.connector_id = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'connectorId')
        self.name = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'name')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'transMethod'):
            self.trans_method = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS,
            self.trans_method = ''
        self.comment = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'comment')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible'):
            visible = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible')
            if visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
                self.visible = False

        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceServicePort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_service_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceServicePort')[0])
        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetServicePort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_service_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetServicePort')[0])
        for c in get_direct_child_elements_xml(node, prefix=RTS_EXT_NS,
            name, value = parse_properties_xml(c)
            self._properties[name] = value
        return self
    def __init__(self, connector_id='', name='', trans_method='',
            target_service_port=TargetPort(), comment='', visible=True):

        @param connector_id ID of the connector.
        @type connector_id str
        @param name Name of the connector.
        @type name str
        @param trans_method Transport method used by the ports.
        @type trans_method str
        @param source_service_port The source port in the connection.
        @type source_service_port TargetPort
        @param target_service_port The target port in the connection.
        @type target_service_port TargetPort
        @param comment A comment about the port connector.
        @type comment str
        @param visible If this connector is visible in graphical displays.
        @type visible bool

        validate_attribute(connector_id, 'serviceport_connector.connectorID',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._connector_id = connector_id
        validate_attribute(name, 'serviceport_connector.name',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._name = name
        validate_attribute(trans_method, 'serviceport_connector.transMethod',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._trans_method = trans_method
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._source_service_port = source_service_port
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._target_service_port = target_service_port
        validate_attribute(comment, 'component.ext.comment',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._comment = comment
        validate_attribute(visible, 'component.ext.visible',
                           expected_type=bool, required=False)
        self._visible = visible
        self._properties = {}
    def parse_yaml(self, y):
        '''Parse a YAML specification of a data port connector into this

        self.connector_id = y['connectorId']
        self.name = y['name']
        self.data_type = y['dataType']
        self.interface_type = y['interfaceType']
        self.data_flow_type = y['dataflowType']
        if 'subscriptionType' in y:
            self.subscription_type = y['subscriptionType']
            self.subscription_type = ''
        if 'pushInterval' in y:
            self.push_interval = float(y['pushInterval'])
            self.push_interval = 0.0
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment' in y:
            self.comment = y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment']
            self.comment = ''
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible' in y:
            visible = y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible']
            if visible == True or visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
                self.visible = False
        if not 'sourceDataPort' in y:
            raise InvalidDataPortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_data_port = \
        if not 'targetDataPort' in y:
            raise InvalidDataPortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_data_port = \
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties' in y:
            for p in y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties']:
                if 'value' in p:
                    value = p['value']
                    value = None
                self._properties[p['name']] = value
        return self
    def parse_xml_node(self, node):
        '''Parse an xml.dom Node object representing a data connector into this

        self.connector_id = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'connectorId')
        self.name = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'name')
        self.data_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'dataType')
        self.interface_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'interfaceType')
        self.data_flow_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'dataflowType')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'subscriptionType'):
            self.subscription_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS,
            self.subscription_type = ''
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'pushInterval'):
            self.push_interval = float(node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS,
            self.push_interval = 0.0
        self.comment = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'comment')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible'):
            visible = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible')
            if visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
                self.visible = False

        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceDataPort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidDataPortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_data_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceDataPort')[0])
        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetDataPort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidDataPortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_data_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetDataPort')[0])
        for c in get_direct_child_elements_xml(node, prefix=RTS_EXT_NS,
            name, value = parse_properties_xml(c)
            self._properties[name] = value
        return self
    def parse_xml_node(self, node):
        '''Parse an xml.dom Node object representing a data connector into this

        self.connector_id = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'connectorId')
        self.name = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'name')
        self.data_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'dataType')
        self.interface_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'interfaceType')
        self.data_flow_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'dataflowType')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'subscriptionType'):
            self.subscription_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS,
            self.subscription_type = ''
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'pushInterval'):
            self.push_interval = float(node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS,
            self.push_interval = 0.0
        self.comment = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'comment')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible'):
            visible = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible')
            if visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
                self.visible = False

        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceDataPort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidDataPortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_data_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceDataPort')[0])
        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetDataPort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidDataPortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_data_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetDataPort')[0])
        for c in get_direct_child_elements_xml(node, prefix=RTS_EXT_NS,
            name, value = parse_properties_xml(c)
            self._properties[name] = value
        return self
    def parse_yaml(self, y):
        '''Parse a YAML specification of a service port connector into this

        self.connector_id = y['connectorId']
        self.name = y['name']
        if 'transMethod' in y:
            self.trans_method = y['transMethod']
            self.trans_method = ''
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment' in y:
            self.comment = y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment']
            self.comment = ''
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible' in y:
            visible = y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible']
            if visible == True or visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
                self.visible = False
        if 'sourceServicePort' not in y:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_service_port = \
        if 'targetServicePort' not in y:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_service_port = \
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties' in y:
            for p in y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties']:
                if 'value' in p:
                    value = p['value']
                    value = None
                self._properties[p['name']] = value
        return self
class ServicePortConnector(object):
    '''Represents a connection between service ports.'''

    def __init__(self, connector_id='', name='', trans_method='',
            target_service_port=TargetPort(), comment='', visible=True):

        @param connector_id ID of the connector.
        @type connector_id str
        @param name Name of the connector.
        @type name str
        @param trans_method Transport method used by the ports.
        @type trans_method str
        @param source_service_port The source port in the connection.
        @type source_service_port TargetPort
        @param target_service_port The target port in the connection.
        @type target_service_port TargetPort
        @param comment A comment about the port connector.
        @type comment str
        @param visible If this connector is visible in graphical displays.
        @type visible bool

        validate_attribute(connector_id, 'serviceport_connector.connectorID',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._connector_id = connector_id
        validate_attribute(name, 'serviceport_connector.name',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._name = name
        validate_attribute(trans_method, 'serviceport_connector.transMethod',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._trans_method = trans_method
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._source_service_port = source_service_port
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._target_service_port = target_service_port
        validate_attribute(comment, 'component.ext.comment',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._comment = comment
        validate_attribute(visible, 'component.ext.visible',
                           expected_type=bool, required=False)
        self._visible = visible
        self._properties = {}

    def __str__(self):
        result = 'Name: {1}\n  Connector ID: {0}\n  Trans method: {2}\n  \
Source data port:\n{3}\n  Target data port:\n{4}'.format(self.connector_id,
            self.name, self.trans_method,
            indent_string(str(self.source_service_port), num_spaces=4),
            indent_string(str(self.target_service_port), num_spaces=4))
        if self.comment:
            result += 'Comment: {0}\n'.format(self.comment)
        result += 'Visible: {0}\n'.format(self.visible)
        if self.properties:
            result += 'Properties:\n'
            for p in self.properties:
                result += '  {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
        return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line

    def connector_id(self):
        '''The ID of the connector used to distinguish it in the RT system.'''
        return self._connector_id

    def connector_id(self, connector_id):
        validate_attribute(connector_id, 'serviceport_connector.connectorID',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=True)
        self._connector_id = connector_id

    def name(self):
        '''The name of the connector.'''
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        validate_attribute(name, 'serviceport_connector.name',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=True)
        self._name = name

    def trans_method(self):
        '''Transport method used by the ports.

        As specified when the RT system is created. Dependent on what the RT
        Middleware used to execute the RT system supports.

        return self._trans_method

    def trans_method(self, trans_method):
        validate_attribute(trans_method, 'serviceport_connector.transMethod',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._trans_method = trans_method

    def source_service_port(self):
        '''The source port in the connection.'''
        return self._source_service_port

    def source_service_port(self, source_service_port):
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._source_service_port = source_service_port

    def target_service_port(self):
        '''The target port in the connection.'''
        return self._target_service_port

    def target_service_port(self, target_service_port):
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._target_service_port = target_service_port

    def comment(self):
        '''Comment about the connector.

        A brief comment about the connector. May or may not be displayed in
        other tools. May be empty.

        Part of the extended profile.

        return self._comment

    def comment(self, comment):
        validate_attribute(comment, 'serviceport_connector.ext.comment',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._comment = comment

    def visible(self):
        '''Display the connector in graphical tools.

        This value controls whether graphical tools will display this connector
        or not.

        Part of the extended profile.

        return self._visible

    def visible(self, visible):
        validate_attribute(visible, 'serviceport_connector.ext.visible',
                           expected_type=bool, required=False)
        self._visible = visible

    def properties(self):
        '''Miscellaneous properties.

        Stores key/value pair properties.

        Part of the extended profile.

        return self._properties

    def properties(self, properties):
        validate_attribute(properties, 'serviceport_connector.ext.Properties',
                           expected_type=dict, required=False)
        self._properties = properties

    def parse_xml_node(self, node):
        '''Parse an xml.dom Node object representing a service port connector into
        this object.

        self.connector_id = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'connectorId')
        self.name = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'name')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'transMethod'):
            self.trans_method = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS,
            self.trans_method = ''
        self.comment = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'comment')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible'):
            visible = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible')
            if visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
                self.visible = False

        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceServicePort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_service_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceServicePort')[0])
        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetServicePort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_service_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetServicePort')[0])
        for c in get_direct_child_elements_xml(node, prefix=RTS_EXT_NS,
            name, value = parse_properties_xml(c)
            self._properties[name] = value
        return self

    def parse_yaml(self, y):
        '''Parse a YAML specification of a service port connector into this

        self.connector_id = y['connectorId']
        self.name = y['name']
        if 'transMethod' in y:
            self.trans_method = y['transMethod']
            self.trans_method = ''
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment' in y:
            self.comment = y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment']
            self.comment = ''
        self.visible = False
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible' in y:
            visible = y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible']
            if visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
        if 'sourceServicePort' not in y:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_service_port = \
        if 'targetServicePort' not in y:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_service_port = \
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties' in y:
            for p in y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties']:
                if 'value' in p:
                    value = p['value']
                    value = None
                self._properties[p['name']] = value
        return self

    def save_xml(self, doc, element):
        '''Save this service port into an xml.dom.Element object.'''
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'connectorId',
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'name', self.name)
        if self.trans_method:
            element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'transMethod',
        if self.comment:
            element.setAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, RTS_EXT_NS_S + 'comment',
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, RTS_EXT_NS_S + 'visible',
        new_element = doc.createElementNS(RTS_NS,
                                          RTS_NS_S + 'sourceServicePort')
        self.source_service_port.save_xml(doc, new_element)
        new_element = doc.createElementNS(RTS_NS,
                                          RTS_NS_S + 'targetServicePort')
        self.target_service_port.save_xml(doc, new_element)
        for p in self.properties:
            new_prop_element = doc.createElementNS(RTS_EXT_NS,
                                                   RTS_EXT_NS_S + 'Properties')
            properties_to_xml(new_prop_element, p, self.properties[p])

    def to_dict(self):
        '''Save this service port connector into a dictionary.'''
        d = {'connectorId': self.connector_id,
                'name': self.name,
                RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible': str(self.visible).lower(),
                'sourceServicePort': self.source_service_port.to_dict(),
                'targetServicePort': self.target_service_port.to_dict()}
        if self.trans_method:
            d['transMethod'] = self.trans_method
        if self.comment:
            d[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment'] = self.comment
        props = []
        for name in self.properties:
            p = {'name': name}
            if self.properties[name]:
                p['value'] = str(self.properties[name])
        if props:
            d[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties'] = props
        return d
class DataPortConnector(object):
    '''Represents a connection between data ports.'''

    def __init__(self, connector_id='', name='', data_type='',
            interface_type='', data_flow_type='', subscription_type='',
            push_interval=0.0, source_data_port=TargetPort(),
            target_data_port=TargetPort(), comment='', visible=True):

        @param connector_id ID of the connector.
        @type connector_id str
        @param name Name of the connector.
        @type name str
        @param data_type Data type that this connector transports.
        @type data_type str
        @param interface_type Interface type of the connected ports.
        @type interface_type str
        @param data_flow_type Type of data flow between the ports.
        @type data_flow_type str
        @param subscription_type Type of subscription between the ports.
        @type subscription_type str
        @param push_interval Rate at which data is sent between the ports.
        @type push_interval float
        @param source_data_port The source port in the connection.
        @type source_data_port TargetPort
        @param target_data_port The target port in the connection.
        @type target_data_port TargetPort
        @param comment A comment about the port connector.
        @type comment str
        @param visible If this connector is visible in graphical displays.
        @type visible bool

        validate_attribute(connector_id, 'dataport_connector.connectorID',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._connector_id = connector_id
        validate_attribute(name, 'dataport_connector.name',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._name = name
        validate_attribute(data_type, 'dataport_connector.dataType',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._data_type = data_type
        validate_attribute(interface_type, 'dataport_connector.interfaceType',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._interface_type = interface_type
        validate_attribute(data_flow_type, 'dataport_connector.dataflowType',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._data_flow_type = data_flow_type
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._subscription_type = subscription_type
        validate_attribute(push_interval, 'dataport_connector.pushInterval',
                           expected_type=[int, float], required=False)
        self._push_interval = push_interval
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=False)
        self._source_data_port = source_data_port
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=False)
        self._target_data_port = target_data_port
        validate_attribute(comment, 'component.ext.comment',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._comment = comment
        validate_attribute(visible, 'component.ext.visible',
                           expected_type=bool, required=False)
        self._visible = visible
        self._properties = {}

    def __str__(self):
        result = 'Name: {1}\n  Connector ID: {0}\n  Data type: {2}\n  \
Interface type: {3}\n  Data flow type: {4}\n  Subscription type: {5}\n  Push \
interval: {6}\n  Source data port:\n{7}\n  Target data port:\n{8}\n'.format(\
            self.connector_id, self.name, self.data_type, self.interface_type,
            self.data_flow_type, self.subscription_type, self.push_interval,
            indent_string(str(self.source_data_port), num_spaces=4),
            indent_string(str(self.target_data_port), num_spaces=4))
        if self.comment:
            result += 'Comment: {0}\n'.format(self.comment)
        result += 'Visible: {0}\n'.format(self.visible)
        if self.properties:
            result += 'Properties:\n'
            for p in self.properties:
                result += '  {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
        return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line

    def connector_id(self):
        '''The ID of the connector used to distinguish it in the RT system.'''
        return self._connector_id

    def connector_id(self, connector_id):
        validate_attribute(connector_id, 'dataport_connector.connectorID',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=True)
        self._connector_id = connector_id

    def name(self):
        '''The name of the connector.'''
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        validate_attribute(name, 'dataport_connector.name',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=True)
        self._name = name

    def data_type(self):
        '''Data type that this connector transports.'''
        return self._data_type

    def data_type(self, data_type):
        validate_attribute(data_type, 'dataport_connector.dataType',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=True)
        self._data_type = data_type

    def interface_type(self):
        '''Interface type of the connection.

        As specified when the RT system is created. Dependent on what the RT
        Middleware used to execute the RT system supports.

        return self._interface_type

    def interface_type(self, interface_type):
        validate_attribute(interface_type, 'dataport_connector.interfaceType',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=True)
        self._interface_type = interface_type

    def data_flow_type(self):
        '''Type of data flow between the ports.

        As specified when the RT system is created. Dependent on what the RT
        Middleware used to execute the RT system supports.

        return self._data_flow_type

    def data_flow_type(self, data_flow_type):
        validate_attribute(data_flow_type, 'dataport_connector.dataflowType',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=True)
        self._data_flow_type = data_flow_type

    def subscription_type(self):
        '''Type of the subscription between the ports.

        As specified when the RT system is created. Only used when @ref
        data_flow_type is set to PUSH. Dependent on what the RT Middleware used
        to execute the RT system supports.

        return self._subscription_type

    def subscription_type(self, subscription_type):
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._subscription_type = subscription_type

    def push_interval(self):
        '''Rate at which data is sent between ports.

        As specified when the RT system is created.

        return self._push_interval

    def push_interval(self, push_interval):
        validate_attribute(push_interval, 'dataport_connector.pushInterval',
                           expected_type=[int, float], required=False)
        self._push_interval = push_interval

    def source_data_port(self):
        '''The source port in the connection.'''
        return self._source_data_port

    def source_data_port(self, source_data_port):
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._source_data_port = source_data_port

    def target_data_port(self):
        '''The target port in the connection.'''
        return self._target_data_port

    def target_data_port(self, target_data_port):
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._target_data_port = target_data_port

    def comment(self):
        '''Comment about the connector.

        A brief comment about the connector. May or may not be displayed in
        other tools. May be empty.

        Part of the extended profile.

        return self._comment

    def comment(self, comment):
        validate_attribute(comment, 'dataport_connector.ext.comment',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._comment = comment

    def visible(self):
        '''Display the connector in graphical tools.

        This value controls whether graphical tools will display this connector
        or not.

        Part of the extended profile.

        return self._visible

    def visible(self, visible):
        validate_attribute(visible, 'dataport_connector.ext.visible',
                           expected_type=bool, required=False)
        self._visible = visible

    def properties(self):
        '''Miscellaneous properties.

        Stores key/value pair properties.

        Part of the extended profile.

        return self._properties

    def properties(self, properties):
        validate_attribute(properties, 'dataport_connector.ext.Properties',
                           expected_type=dict, required=False)
        self._properties = properties

    def parse_xml_node(self, node):
        '''Parse an xml.dom Node object representing a data connector into this

        self.connector_id = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'connectorId')
        self.name = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'name')
        self.data_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'dataType')
        self.interface_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'interfaceType')
        self.data_flow_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'dataflowType')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'subscriptionType'):
            self.subscription_type = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS,
            self.subscription_type = ''
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'pushInterval'):
            self.push_interval = float(node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS,
            self.push_interval = 0.0
        self.comment = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'comment')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible'):
            visible = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible')
            if visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
                self.visible = False

        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceDataPort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidDataPortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_data_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceDataPort')[0])
        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetDataPort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidDataPortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_data_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetDataPort')[0])
        for c in get_direct_child_elements_xml(node, prefix=RTS_EXT_NS,
            name, value = parse_properties_xml(c)
            self._properties[name] = value
        return self

    def parse_yaml(self, y):
        '''Parse a YAML specification of a data port connector into this

        self.connector_id = y['connectorId']
        self.name = y['name']
        self.data_type = y['dataType']
        self.interface_type = y['interfaceType']
        self.data_flow_type = y['dataflowType']
        if 'subscriptionType' in y:
            self.subscription_type = y['subscriptionType']
            self.subscription_type = ''
        if 'pushInterval' in y:
            self.push_interval = float(y['pushInterval'])
            self.push_interval = 0.0
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment' in y:
            self.comment = y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment']
            self.comment = ''
        self.visible = False
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible' in y:
            visible = y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible']
            if visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
        if not 'sourceDataPort' in y:
            raise InvalidDataPortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_data_port = \
        if not 'targetDataPort' in y:
            raise InvalidDataPortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_data_port = \
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties' in y:
            for p in y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties']:
                if 'value' in p:
                    value = p['value']
                    value = None
                self._properties[p['name']] = value
        return self

    def save_xml(self, doc, element):
        '''Save this data port into an xml.dom.Element object.'''
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'connectorId',
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'name', self.name)
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'dataType', self.data_type)
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'interfaceType',
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'dataflowType',
        if self.subscription_type:
            element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'subscriptionType',
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'pushInterval',
        if self.comment:
            element.setAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, RTS_EXT_NS_S + 'comment',
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, RTS_EXT_NS_S + 'visible',
        new_element = doc.createElementNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'sourceDataPort')
        self.source_data_port.save_xml(doc, new_element)
        new_element = doc.createElementNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'targetDataPort')
        self.target_data_port.save_xml(doc, new_element)
        for p in self.properties:
            new_prop_element = doc.createElementNS(RTS_EXT_NS,
                                                   RTS_EXT_NS_S + 'Properties')
            properties_to_xml(new_prop_element, p, self.properties[p])

    def to_dict(self):
        '''Save this data port connector into a dictionary.'''
        d = {'connectorId': self.connector_id,
                'name': self.name,
                'dataType': self.data_type,
                'interfaceType': self.interface_type,
                'dataflowType': self.data_flow_type,
                RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible': str(self.visible).lower(),
                'sourceDataPort': self.source_data_port.to_dict(),
                'targetDataPort': self.target_data_port.to_dict()}
        if self.subscription_type:
            d['subscriptionType'] = self.subscription_type
        if self.push_interval:
            d['pushInterval'] = self.push_interval
        if self.comment:
            d[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment'] = self.comment
        props = []
        for name in self.properties:
            p = {'name': name}
            if self.properties[name]:
                p['value'] = str(self.properties[name])
        if props:
            d[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties'] = props
        return d
class ServicePortConnector(object):
    '''Represents a connection between service ports.'''

    def __init__(self, connector_id='', name='', trans_method='',
            target_service_port=TargetPort(), comment='', visible=True):

        @param connector_id ID of the connector.
        @type connector_id str
        @param name Name of the connector.
        @type name str
        @param trans_method Transport method used by the ports.
        @type trans_method str
        @param source_service_port The source port in the connection.
        @type source_service_port TargetPort
        @param target_service_port The target port in the connection.
        @type target_service_port TargetPort
        @param comment A comment about the port connector.
        @type comment str
        @param visible If this connector is visible in graphical displays.
        @type visible bool

        validate_attribute(connector_id, 'serviceport_connector.connectorID',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._connector_id = connector_id
        validate_attribute(name, 'serviceport_connector.name',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._name = name
        validate_attribute(trans_method, 'serviceport_connector.transMethod',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._trans_method = trans_method
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._source_service_port = source_service_port
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._target_service_port = target_service_port
        validate_attribute(comment, 'component.ext.comment',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._comment = comment
        validate_attribute(visible, 'component.ext.visible',
                           expected_type=bool, required=False)
        self._visible = visible
        self._properties = {}

    def __str__(self):
        result = 'Name: {1}\n  Connector ID: {0}\n  Trans method: {2}\n  \
Source data port:\n{3}\n  Target data port:\n{4}'.format(self.connector_id,
            self.name, self.trans_method,
            indent_string(str(self.source_service_port), num_spaces=4),
            indent_string(str(self.target_service_port), num_spaces=4))
        if self.comment:
            result += 'Comment: {0}\n'.format(self.comment)
        result += 'Visible: {0}\n'.format(self.visible)
        if self.properties:
            result += 'Properties:\n'
            for p in self.properties:
                result += '  {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
        return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line

    def connector_id(self):
        '''The ID of the connector used to distinguish it in the RT system.

        >>> c = ServicePortConnector()
        >>> c.connector_id = "test"

        Invalid assignment should throw exception:
        >>> c.connector_id = 1
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        InvalidTypeError: ('serviceport_connector.connectorID', <type 'int'>, [<type 'str'>, <type 'unicode'>])
        return self._connector_id

    def connector_id(self, connector_id):
        validate_attribute(connector_id, 'serviceport_connector.connectorID',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=True)
        self._connector_id = connector_id

    def name(self):
        '''The name of the connector.

        >>> c = ServicePortConnector()
        >>> c.name = "test"

        Invalid assignment should throw exception:
        >>> c.name = 1
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        InvalidTypeError: ('serviceport_connector.name', <type 'int'>, [<type 'str'>, <type 'unicode'>])
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        validate_attribute(name, 'serviceport_connector.name',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=True)
        self._name = name

    def trans_method(self):
        '''Transport method used by the ports.

        As specified when the RT system is created. Dependent on what the RT
        Middleware used to execute the RT system supports.

        >>> c = ServicePortConnector()
        >>> c.trans_method = "corba"

        Invalid assignment should throw exception:
        >>> c.trans_method = 1
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        InvalidTypeError: ('serviceport_connector.transMethod', <type 'int'>, [<type 'str'>, <type 'unicode'>])
        return self._trans_method

    def trans_method(self, trans_method):
        validate_attribute(trans_method, 'serviceport_connector.transMethod',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._trans_method = trans_method

    def source_service_port(self):
        '''The source port in the connection.

        >>> import rtsprofile.targets
        >>> c = ServicePortConnector()
        >>> c.source_service_port = rtsprofile.targets.TargetPort()

        Invalid assignment should throw exception:
        >>> c.source_service_port = 1
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        InvalidTypeError: ('serviceport_connector.sourceServicePort', <type 'int'>, <class 'rtsprofile.targets.TargetPort'>)
        return self._source_service_port

    def source_service_port(self, source_service_port):
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._source_service_port = source_service_port

    def target_service_port(self):
        '''The target port in the connection.

        >>> import rtsprofile.targets
        >>> c = ServicePortConnector()
        >>> c.target_service_port = rtsprofile.targets.TargetPort()

        Invalid assignment should throw exception:
        >>> c.target_service_port = 1
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        InvalidTypeError: ('serviceport_connector.targetServicePort', <type 'int'>, <class 'rtsprofile.targets.TargetPort'>)
        return self._target_service_port

    def target_service_port(self, target_service_port):
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=True)
        self._target_service_port = target_service_port

    def comment(self):
        '''Comment about the connector.

        A brief comment about the connector. May or may not be displayed in
        other tools. May be empty.

        Part of the extended profile.

        >>> c = ServicePortConnector()
        >>> c.comment = "test"

        Invalid assignment should throw exception:
        >>> c.comment = 1
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        InvalidTypeError: ('serviceport_connector.ext.comment', <type 'int'>, [<type 'str'>, <type 'unicode'>])
        return self._comment

    def comment(self, comment):
        validate_attribute(comment, 'serviceport_connector.ext.comment',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._comment = comment

    def visible(self):
        '''Display the connector in graphical tools.

        This value controls whether graphical tools will display this connector
        or not.

        Part of the extended profile.

        >>> c = ServicePortConnector()
        >>> c.visible = True

        Invalid assignment should throw exception:
        >>> c.visible = 1
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        InvalidTypeError: ('serviceport_connector.ext.visible', <type 'int'>, <type 'bool'>)
        return self._visible

    def visible(self, visible):
        validate_attribute(visible, 'serviceport_connector.ext.visible',
                           expected_type=bool, required=False)
        self._visible = visible

    def properties(self):
        '''Miscellaneous properties.

        Stores key/value pair properties.

        Part of the extended profile.

        >>> c = ServicePortConnector()
        >>> c.properties = {"key": "value"}

        Invalid assignment should throw exception:
        >>> c.properties = 1
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        InvalidTypeError: ('serviceport_connector.ext.Properties', <type 'int'>, <type 'dict'>)
        return self._properties

    def properties(self, properties):
        validate_attribute(properties, 'serviceport_connector.ext.Properties',
                           expected_type=dict, required=False)
        self._properties = properties

    def parse_xml_node(self, node):
        '''Parse an xml.dom Node object representing a service port connector into
        this object.

        self.connector_id = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'connectorId')
        self.name = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'name')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_NS, 'transMethod'):
            self.trans_method = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_NS,
            self.trans_method = ''
        self.comment = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'comment')
        if node.hasAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible'):
            visible = node.getAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, 'visible')
            if visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
                self.visible = False

        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceServicePort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_service_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'sourceServicePort')[0])
        if node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetServicePort').length != 1:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_service_port = TargetPort().parse_xml_node(\
                node.getElementsByTagNameNS(RTS_NS, 'targetServicePort')[0])
        for c in get_direct_child_elements_xml(node, prefix=RTS_EXT_NS,
            name, value = parse_properties_xml(c)
            self._properties[name] = value
        return self

    def parse_yaml(self, y):
        '''Parse a YAML specification of a service port connector into this

        self.connector_id = y['connectorId']
        self.name = y['name']
        if 'transMethod' in y:
            self.trans_method = y['transMethod']
            self.trans_method = ''
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment' in y:
            self.comment = y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment']
            self.comment = ''
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible' in y:
            visible = y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible']
            if visible == True or visible == 'true' or visible == '1':
                self.visible = True
                self.visible = False
        if 'sourceServicePort' not in y:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.source_service_port = \
        if 'targetServicePort' not in y:
            raise InvalidServicePortConnectorNodeError
        self.target_service_port = \
        if RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties' in y:
            for p in y[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties']:
                if 'value' in p:
                    value = p['value']
                    value = None
                self._properties[p['name']] = value
        return self

    def save_xml(self, doc, element):
        '''Save this service port into an xml.dom.Element object.'''
        element.setAttributeNS(XSI_NS, XSI_NS_S + 'type', 'rtsExt:serviceport_connector_ext')
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'connectorId',
        element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'name', self.name)
        if self.trans_method:
            element.setAttributeNS(RTS_NS, RTS_NS_S + 'transMethod',
        if self.comment:
            element.setAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, RTS_EXT_NS_S + 'comment',
        if self.visible != True:
            element.setAttributeNS(RTS_EXT_NS, RTS_EXT_NS_S + 'visible',
        new_element = doc.createElementNS(RTS_NS,
                                          RTS_NS_S + 'sourceServicePort')
        self.source_service_port.save_xml(doc, new_element)
        new_element = doc.createElementNS(RTS_NS,
                                          RTS_NS_S + 'targetServicePort')
        self.target_service_port.save_xml(doc, new_element)
        for p in self.properties:
            new_prop_element = doc.createElementNS(RTS_EXT_NS,
                                                   RTS_EXT_NS_S + 'Properties')
            properties_to_xml(new_prop_element, p, self.properties[p])

    def to_dict(self):
        '''Save this service port connector into a dictionary.'''
        d = {'connectorId': self.connector_id,
                'name': self.name,
                'sourceServicePort': self.source_service_port.to_dict(),
                'targetServicePort': self.target_service_port.to_dict()}
        if self.visible != True:
            d[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'visible'] = self.visible
        if self.trans_method:
            d['transMethod'] = self.trans_method
        if self.comment:
            d[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'comment'] = self.comment
        props = []
        for name in self.properties:
            p = {'name': name}
            if self.properties[name]:
                p['value'] = str(self.properties[name])
        if props:
            d[RTS_EXT_NS_YAML + 'properties'] = props
        return d
    def __init__(self, connector_id='', name='', data_type='',
            interface_type='', data_flow_type='', subscription_type='',
            push_interval=0.0, source_data_port=TargetPort(),
            target_data_port=TargetPort(), comment='', visible=True):

        @param connector_id ID of the connector.
        @type connector_id str
        @param name Name of the connector.
        @type name str
        @param data_type Data type that this connector transports.
        @type data_type str
        @param interface_type Interface type of the connected ports.
        @type interface_type str
        @param data_flow_type Type of data flow between the ports.
        @type data_flow_type str
        @param subscription_type Type of subscription between the ports.
        @type subscription_type str
        @param push_interval Rate at which data is sent between the ports.
        @type push_interval float
        @param source_data_port The source port in the connection.
        @type source_data_port TargetPort
        @param target_data_port The target port in the connection.
        @type target_data_port TargetPort
        @param comment A comment about the port connector.
        @type comment str
        @param visible If this connector is visible in graphical displays.
        @type visible bool

        validate_attribute(connector_id, 'dataport_connector.connectorID',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._connector_id = connector_id
        validate_attribute(name, 'dataport_connector.name',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._name = name
        validate_attribute(data_type, 'dataport_connector.dataType',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._data_type = data_type
        validate_attribute(interface_type, 'dataport_connector.interfaceType',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._interface_type = interface_type
        validate_attribute(data_flow_type, 'dataport_connector.dataflowType',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._data_flow_type = data_flow_type
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._subscription_type = subscription_type
        validate_attribute(push_interval, 'dataport_connector.pushInterval',
                           expected_type=[int, float], required=False)
        self._push_interval = push_interval
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=False)
        self._source_data_port = source_data_port
                           expected_type=TargetPort, required=False)
        self._target_data_port = target_data_port
        validate_attribute(comment, 'component.ext.comment',
                           expected_type=string_types(), required=False)
        self._comment = comment
        validate_attribute(visible, 'component.ext.visible',
                           expected_type=bool, required=False)
        self._visible = visible
        self._properties = {}