文件: VStack.py 项目: mrava87/pylops
 def __init__(self, ops, nproc=1, dtype=None):
     self.ops = ops
     nops = np.zeros(len(self.ops), dtype=int)
     for iop, oper in enumerate(ops):
         if not isinstance(oper, (LinearOperator, spLinearOperator)):
             self.ops[iop] = MatrixMult(oper, dtype=oper.dtype)
         nops[iop] = self.ops[iop].shape[0]
     self.nops = int(nops.sum())
     mops = [oper.shape[1] for oper in self.ops]
     if len(set(mops)) > 1:
         raise ValueError("operators have different number of columns")
     self.mops = int(mops[0])
     self.nnops = np.insert(np.cumsum(nops), 0, 0)
     # create pool for multiprocessing
     self._nproc = nproc
     self.pool = None
     if self.nproc > 1:
         self.pool = mp.Pool(processes=nproc)
     self.shape = (self.nops, self.mops)
     if dtype is None:
         self.dtype = _get_dtype(self.ops)
         self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
     self.explicit = False
     self.clinear = all(
         [getattr(oper, "clinear", True) for oper in self.ops])
 def __init__(self, ops, nproc=1, dtype=None):
     self.ops = ops
     mops = np.zeros(len(ops), dtype=np.int)
     nops = np.zeros(len(ops), dtype=np.int)
     for iop, oper in enumerate(ops):
         if not isinstance(oper, (LinearOperator, spLinearOperator)):
             self.ops[iop] = MatrixMult(oper, dtype=oper.dtype)
         nops[iop] = self.ops[iop].shape[0]
         mops[iop] = self.ops[iop].shape[1]
     self.nops = int(nops.sum())
     self.mops = int(mops.sum())
     self.nnops = np.insert(np.cumsum(nops), 0, 0)
     self.mmops = np.insert(np.cumsum(mops), 0, 0)
     # create pool for multiprocessing
     self._nproc = nproc
     self.pool = None
     if self.nproc > 1:
         self.pool = mp.Pool(processes=nproc)
     self.shape = (self.nops, self.mops)
     if dtype is None:
         self.dtype = _get_dtype(ops)
         self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
     self.explicit = False
     self.clinear = all(
         [getattr(oper, 'clinear', True) for oper in self.ops])
 def __init__(self, ops, dtype='float64'):
     self.ops = ops
     mops = np.zeros(len(ops), dtype=np.int)
     for iop, op in enumerate(ops):
         mops[iop] = op.shape[1]
     self.mops = mops.sum()
     self.nops = ops[0].shape[0]
     self.mmops = np.insert(np.cumsum(mops), 0, 0)
     self.shape = (self.nops, self.mops)
     if dtype is None:
         self.dtype = _get_dtype(ops)
         self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
     self.explicit = False
 def __init__(self, ops, dtype=None):
     self.ops = ops
     mops = np.zeros(len(ops), dtype=np.int)
     for iop, oper in enumerate(ops):
         if not isinstance(oper, (LinearOperator, spLinearOperator)):
             self.ops[iop] = MatrixMult(oper, dtype=oper.dtype)
         mops[iop] = self.ops[iop].shape[1]
     self.mops = int(mops.sum())
     nops = [oper.shape[0] for oper in self.ops]
     if len(set(nops)) > 1:
         raise ValueError('operators have different number of rows')
     self.nops = int(nops[0])
     self.mmops = np.insert(np.cumsum(mops), 0, 0)
     self.shape = (self.nops, self.mops)
     if dtype is None:
         self.dtype = _get_dtype(self.ops)
         self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
     self.explicit = False
 def __init__(self, ops, dtype=None):
     self.ops = ops
     mops = np.zeros(len(ops), dtype=np.int)
     nops = np.zeros(len(ops), dtype=np.int)
     for iop, oper in enumerate(ops):
         if not isinstance(oper, (LinearOperator, spLinearOperator)):
             self.ops[iop] = MatrixMult(oper, dtype=oper.dtype)
         nops[iop] = self.ops[iop].shape[0]
         mops[iop] = self.ops[iop].shape[1]
     self.nops = int(nops.sum())
     self.mops = int(mops.sum())
     self.nnops = np.insert(np.cumsum(nops), 0, 0)
     self.mmops = np.insert(np.cumsum(mops), 0, 0)
     self.shape = (self.nops, self.mops)
     if dtype is None:
         self.dtype = _get_dtype(ops)
         self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
     self.explicit = False
 def __init__(self, ops, chunks=None, compute=(False, False),
              todask=(False, False), usedelayed=False, dtype=None):
     self.ops = ops
     nops = np.zeros(len(ops), dtype=np.int)
     for iop, oper in enumerate(ops):
         nops[iop] = oper.shape[0]
     self.nops = nops.sum()
     self.mops = ops[0].shape[1]
     self.nnops = np.insert(np.cumsum(nops), 0, 0)
     self.shape = (self.nops, self.mops)
     if dtype is None:
         self.dtype = _get_dtype(ops)
         self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
     self.chunks = (self.nops, self.mops) if chunks is None else chunks
     self.compute = compute
     self.todask = todask
     self.usedelayed = usedelayed
     if self.usedelayed:
         self.todask = (False, False)
     self.Op = None
     self.explicit = False