def calculate_ws_and_wd_from_u_and_v(ds):
    nrecs = int(ds.root["Attributes"]["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nrecs)
    ones = numpy.ones(nrecs)
    U = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "U")
    V = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "V")
    Ws = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Ws", nrecs,
    Wd = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Wd", nrecs,
    # get the wind speed and direction from the components
    Wd["Data"] = float(270) - (numpy.degrees(numpy.ma.arctan2(V["Data"], U["Data"])))
    Wd["Data"] = numpy.ma.mod(Wd["Data"], 360)
    Ws["Data"] = numpy.ma.sqrt(U["Data"]*U["Data"] + V["Data"]*V["Data"])
    # mask wind direction when the wind speed is less than 0.01
    Wd["Data"] = numpy.ma.masked_where(Ws["Data"] < 0.01, Wd["Data"])
    # now set the QC flag
    Ws["Flag"] = numpy.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Ws["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    Wd["Flag"] = numpy.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Wd["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    # update the variable attributes
    Ws["Attr"] = {"standard_name": "wind_speed", "long_name": "Wind speed",
                  "units": "m/s", "statistic_type": "average"}
    Wd["Attr"] = {"standard_name": "wind_from_direction", "long_name": "Wind direction",
                  "units": "degrees", "statistic_type": "average"}
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, Ws)
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, Wd)
def remove_duplicates(ds):
    Remove duplicate timestamps, similar to Peter's solution in pfp_ts.py
    MergeDataStructures at L1
    # get the datetime
    dtn = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "DateTime")
    # remove duplicate timestamps
    dtn_unique, index_unique = numpy.unique(dtn["Data"], return_index=True)
    # restore the original order of the unique timestamps
    dtn_sorted = dtn_unique[numpy.argsort(index_unique)]
    # check to see if there were duplicates
    if len(dtn_sorted) < len(dtn["Data"]):
        n = len(dtn["Data"]) - len(dtn_sorted)
        msg = str(n) + " duplicate time stamps were removed for isd site "
    nrecs = len(dtn_sorted)
    labels = list(ds.series.keys())
    #if "DateTime" in labels:
    #    labels.remove("DateTime")
    for label in labels:
        var1 = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable(label, nrecs)
        varn = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, label)
        var1["Data"] = varn["Data"][index_unique]
        var1["Flag"] = varn["Flag"][index_unique]
        var1["Attr"] = varn["Attr"]
        pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, var1)
    return ds
def calculate_available_energy(ds):
    nrecs = int(ds.root["Attributes"]["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nrecs)
    ones = numpy.ones(nrecs)
    Fh = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fh")
    Fe = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fe")
    Fa = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Fa", nrecs,
    Fa["Data"] = Fh["Data"] + Fe["Data"]
    Fa["Flag"] = numpy.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Fa["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    Fa["Attr"] = {"long_name": "Available energy",
                   "units": "W/m^2", "statistic_type": "average"}
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, Fa)
def calculate_net_radiation(ds):
    nrecs = int(ds.root["Attributes"]["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nrecs)
    ones = numpy.ones(nrecs)
    Fnsw = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fnsw")
    Fnlw = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fnlw")
    Fn = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Fn", nrecs,
    Fn["Data"] = Fnsw["Data"] + Fnlw["Data"]
    Fn["Flag"] = numpy.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Fn["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    Fn["Attr"] = {"standard_name": "surface_net_downwawrd_radiative_flux",
                   "long_name": "Net radiation",
                   "units": "W/m^2", "statistic_type": "average"}
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, Fn)
def calculate_upwelling_longwave_radiation(ds):
    nrecs = int(ds.root["Attributes"]["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nrecs)
    ones = numpy.ones(nrecs)
    Fld = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fld")
    Fnlw = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fnlw")
    Flu = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Flu", nrecs,
    Flu["Data"] = Fld["Data"] - Fnlw["Data"]
    Flu["Flag"] = numpy.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Fld["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    Flu["Attr"] = {"standard_name": "surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air",
                    "long_name": "Up-welling shortwave radiation",
                    "units": "W/m^2", "statistic_type": "average"}
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, Flu)
def calculate_specific_humidity(ds):
    # from relative humidity
    nrecs = int(ds.root["Attributes"]["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nrecs)
    ones = numpy.ones(nrecs)
    Ta = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds,"Ta")
    ps = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds,"ps")
    RH = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds,"RH")
    SH = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("SH", nrecs,
    SH["Data"] = pfp_mf.specifichumidityfromrelativehumidity(RH["Data"], Ta["Data"], ps["Data"])
    SH["Flag"] = numpy.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(SH["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    SH["Attr"] = {"standard_name": "specific_humidity",
                   "long_name": "Specific humidity",
                   "units": "kg/kg", "statistic_type": "average"}
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, SH)
def calculate_absolute_humidity(ds):
    # from relative humidity
    nrecs = int(ds.root["Attributes"]["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nrecs)
    ones = numpy.ones(nrecs)
    RH = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "RH")
    Ta = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Ta")
    AH = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("AH", nrecs,
    AH["Data"] = pfp_mf.absolutehumidityfromrelativehumidity(Ta["Data"], RH["Data"])
    AH["Flag"] = numpy.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(AH["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    AH["Attr"] = {"standard_name": "mass_concentration_of_water_vapor_in_air",
                   "long_name": "Absolute humidity",
                   "units": "g/m^3", "statistic_type": "average"}
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, AH)
def calculate_relative_humidity(ds):
    # from dew point temperature
    nrecs = int(ds.root["Attributes"]["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nrecs)
    ones = numpy.ones(nrecs)
    Td = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Td")
    Ta = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Ta")
    RH = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("RH", nrecs,
    RH["Data"] = pfp_mf.relativehumidityfromdewpoint(Td["Data"], Ta["Data"])
    RH["Flag"] = numpy.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(RH["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    RH["Attr"] = {"standard_name": "relative_humidity",
                   "long_name": "Relative humidity",
                   "units": "percent", "statistic_type": "average"}
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, RH)
def calculate_ground_heat_flux(ds):
    # as residual from net rad - avail energy
    nrecs = int(ds.root["Attributes"]["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nrecs)
    ones = numpy.ones(nrecs)
    Fn = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fn")
    Fa = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fa")
    Fg = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Fg", nrecs,
    Fg["Data"] = Fn["Data"] - Fa["Data"]
    Fg["Flag"] = numpy.where(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Fg["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    Fg["Attr"] = {"standard_name": "downward_heat_flux_in_soil",
                   "long_name": "Ground heat flux",
                   "units": "W/m^2", "statistic_type": "average"}
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, Fg)
def calculate_ground_heat_flux(ds):
    nrecs = int(ds.root["Attributes"]["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nrecs)
    ones = numpy.ones(nrecs)
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            Fn = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fn" + "_" + str(i) + str(j))
            Fa = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fa" + "_" + str(i) + str(j))
            Fg = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Fg" + "_" + str(i) + str(j),
            Fg["Data"] = Fn["Data"] - Fa["Data"]
            Fg["Flag"] = numpy.where(
                numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Fg["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
            Fg["Attr"] = {
                "standard_name": "downward_heat_flux_in_soil",
                "long_name": "Ground heat flux",
                "units": "W/m^2",
                "statistic_type": "average"
            pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, Fg)
def calculate_upwelling_shortwave_radiation(ds):
    nrecs = int(ds.root["Attributes"]["nc_nrecs"])
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nrecs)
    ones = numpy.ones(nrecs)
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            Fsd = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fsd" + "_" + str(i) + str(j))
            Fnsw = pfp_utils.GetVariable(ds, "Fnsw" + "_" + str(i) + str(j))
            Fsu = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Fsu" + "_" + str(i) + str(j),
            Fsu["Data"] = Fsd["Data"] - Fnsw["Data"]
            Fsu["Flag"] = numpy.where(
                numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Fsd["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
            Fsu["Attr"] = {
                "standard_name": "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air",
                "long_name": "Up-welling shortwave radiation",
                "units": "W/m^2",
                "statistic_type": "average"
            pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds, Fsu)
def read_isd_file_csv(isd_file_path):
     Reads a NOAA ISD CSV file downlaoded from https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/data/global-hourly/access/
     These files used to be field formatted ASCII where the character position in a line
     of ASCII determined the data type.  Some time in 2020 or 2021, the old FFA format
     was replaced with CSV.
     The format of the old-style .gz files is described in
     This document still describes the data in the new CSV format.
    Side effects:
     Returns a PFP data structure with the data at the site time step.
    Author: PRI
    Date: July 2021
    msg = " Reading " + isd_file_path
    # list of variables to read from the CSV file
    csv_labels = [
        "QUALITY_CONTROL", "WND", "TMP", "DEW", "SLP", "AA1", "AA2", "AA3",
    # read the CSV file
    df = pandas.read_csv(isd_file_path, delimiter=",", header=0)
    # remove items from csv_labels that are not in the data frame
    df_labels = df.columns.to_list()
    for csv_label in list(csv_labels):
        if csv_label not in df_labels:
    # keep only what we need
    df = df[csv_labels]
    # remove duplicate dates, keep the SYNOP (FM-12) reports
    # first, we find the duplicate dates
    df["Duplicates"] = df["DATE"].duplicated()
    # next, we drop rows with duplicate dates that are not SYNOP reports
    df = df.drop(df[(df["Duplicates"]) & (df["REPORT_TYPE"] != "FM-12")].index)
    # then check for duplicates again
    df["Duplicates"] = df["DATE"].duplicated()
    if df["Duplicates"].sum() != 0:
        msg = " Unable to remove all duplicate dates in files"
        raise ValueError(msg)
    # convert the date in the CSV file to a pandas datetime
    df["TIMESTAMP"] = pandas.to_datetime(df["DATE"].astype("string"),
    # find all of the timestamps (should only be 1)
    timestamps = list(df.select_dtypes(include=['datetime64']))
    # take the first if more than 1
    timestamp = timestamps[0]
    # use the timestamp as the index
    df.set_index(timestamp, inplace=True)
    df.index = df.index.round('1S')
    # wind direction field, see isd_format_document.pdf for details
    wind = df["WND"].str.split(',', expand=True)
    df["Wd"] = wind[0].apply(pandas.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
    df["Ws"] = wind[3].apply(pandas.to_numeric, errors='coerce') / float(10)
    del df["WND"]
    # air temperature
    temperature = df["TMP"].str.split(',', expand=True)
    df["Ta"] = temperature[0].apply(pandas.to_numeric,
                                    errors='coerce') / float(10)
    del df["TMP"]
    # dew point temperature
    dew_point = df["DEW"].str.split(',', expand=True)
    df["Td"] = dew_point[0].apply(pandas.to_numeric,
                                  errors='coerce') / float(10)
    del df["DEW"]
    # surface pressure
    surface_pressure = df["SLP"].str.split(',', expand=True)
    df["ps"] = surface_pressure[0].apply(pandas.to_numeric,
                                         errors='coerce') / float(100)
    del df["SLP"]
    # Precipitation is stored in columns AA1 to AA4 but not all columns will be present
    # Within each column, precipitation is stored as "HH,PPPP,C,Q" where HH is the
    # period over which the precipitation was accumulated (e.g. 1, 3, 6, 24 hours),
    # PPPP is the precipitation amount in mm*10, C is the condition code and Q is
    # the QC flag (1 = passed all QC checks)
    # Column AA1 contains most of the precipitation data.  When precipitation data is
    # available for 2 accumulation periods e.g. 3 hours and 6 or 24 hours, the second
    # accumulation period is given in AA2.  And so on for up to 4 separate accumulation'
    # periods e.g. 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours and 24 hours.
    # get a list of the precipitation columns in the data frame
    precip_labels = [l for l in df.columns.to_list() if "AA" in l]
    # create a data frame for the precipitation data, same index as main data frame
    df_precip = pandas.DataFrame(index=df.index)
    # loop over the precipitation fields
    for precip_label in precip_labels:
        # split the "HH,PPPP,C,Q" fields to get individual parts
        tmp = df[precip_label].str.split(',', expand=True)
        # name the columns
        tmp.columns = ["Period", "Amount", "Condition", "Quality"]
        # coerce to numeric values
        tmp = tmp.apply(pandas.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
        # loop over the accumulation periods
        for n in [1, 3, 6, 24]:
            # get the data for this accumulation period and store in a new column
            # e.g. "3_hourly_AA1"
            tmp.loc[(tmp["Period"] == n) & (tmp["Quality"] == 1),
                    str(n) + "_hourly_" + precip_label] = tmp["Amount"]
        # drop the intermediate columns, no longer needed
        tmp = tmp.drop(["Period", "Amount", "Condition", "Quality"], axis=1)
        # concatenate the new data
        df_precip = pandas.concat([df_precip, tmp], axis=1)
        # drop the individual columns e.g. AA1, AA2 etc
        df.drop(precip_label, axis=1, inplace=True)
    # now loop over the accumulation periods and combine to get a single column
    # for each accumulation period
    for n in [1, 3, 6, 24]:
        # list of column headings for this accumulation period
        label = str(n) + "_hourly"
        hour_labels = [l for l in df_precip.columns.to_list() if label in l]
        # rename the first column e.g. "3_hourly_AA1" to "3_hourly"
        df_precip.rename({hour_labels[0]: label}, axis=1, inplace=True)
        # loop over the remaining columns and merge into a single column for this
        # accumulation period
        for hour_label in hour_labels[1:]:
            # merge "3_hourly" with "3_hourly_AA2" etc
            df_precip[label] = df_precip[label].combine_first(
            # convert mm*10 to mm
            df_precip[label] = df_precip[label] / float(10)
            # delete columns that are no longer needed
            df_precip.drop(hour_label, axis=1, inplace=True)
    # print the sum of the 1, 3, 6 and 24 hourly accumulation periods (we expect them to
    # be equal)
    msg = " 1 hourly precipitation total is " + str(
        round(df_precip["1_hourly"].sum(), 4))
    msg = " 3 hourly precipitation total is " + str(
        round(df_precip["3_hourly"].sum(), 4))
    msg = " 6 hourly precipitation total is " + str(
        round(df_precip["6_hourly"].sum(), 4))
    msg = " 24 hourly precipitation total is " + str(
        round(df_precip["24_hourly"].sum(), 4))
    # choose the most common accumulation period
    msg = " Using " + df_precip.count().idxmax() + " for precipitation"
    # and use it for the precipitation data
    df["Precip"] = df_precip[df_precip.count().idxmax()]
    # now copy the data from a pandas data frame to a PFP data structure
    nrecs = len(df)
    ones = numpy.ones(nrecs)
    zeros = numpy.zeros(nrecs)
    # create a data structure
    ds_its = pfp_io.DataStructure()
    # set the global attributes
    ds_its.globalattributes["nc_nrecs"] = nrecs
    ds_its.globalattributes["altitude"] = float(df["ELEVATION"][0])
    ds_its.globalattributes["latitude"] = float(df["LATITUDE"][0])
    ds_its.globalattributes["longitude"] = float(df["LONGITUDE"][0])
    ds_its.globalattributes["isd_site_id"] = int(df["STATION"][0])
    # get the datetime variable
    ldt = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("DateTime", nrecs)
    ldt["Data"] = numpy.array(df.index.to_pydatetime())
    ldt["Flag"] = zeros
    ldt["Attr"] = {"long_name": "Datetime in UTC", "units": ""}
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds_its, ldt)
    # get the time step
    dt = pfp_utils.get_timestep(ds_its)
    time_step = int(scipy.stats.mode(dt / float(60))[0][0])
    if time_step not in [10, 30, 60, 180]:
        msg = " Time step (" + str(
            time_step) + ") must be 10, 30, 60 or 180 minutes"
        raise ValueError(msg)
        ds_its.globalattributes["time_step"] = int(
            scipy.stats.mode(dt / float(60))[0][0])
    # now add the other variables
    # wind direction
    Wd = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Wd", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    Wd["Data"] = numpy.ma.masked_equal(df["Wd"].values, 999)
    Wd["Flag"] = numpy.where(
        numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Wd["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    Wd["Attr"] = {
        "long_name": "Wind direction",
        "statistic_type": "average",
        "standard_name": "wind_from_direction",
        "units": "degrees"
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds_its, Wd)
    # wind speed
    Ws = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Ws", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    Ws["Data"] = numpy.ma.masked_equal(df["Ws"].values, 999.9)
    Ws["Flag"] = numpy.where(
        numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Ws["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    Ws["Attr"] = {
        "long_name": "Wind speed",
        "statistic_type": "average",
        "standard_name": "wind_speed",
        "units": "m/s"
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds_its, Ws)
    # air temperature
    Ta = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Ta", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    Ta["Data"] = numpy.ma.masked_equal(df["Ta"].values, 999.9)
    Ta["Flag"] = numpy.where(
        numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Ta["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    Ta["Attr"] = {
        "long_name": "Air temperature",
        "statistic_type": "average",
        "standard_name": "air_temperature",
        "units": "degC"
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds_its, Ta)
    # dew point temperature
    Td = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Td", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    Td["Data"] = numpy.ma.masked_equal(df["Td"].values, 999.9)
    Td["Flag"] = numpy.where(
        numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Td["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    Td["Attr"] = {
        "long_name": "Dew point temperature",
        "statistic_type": "average",
        "standard_name": "dew_point_temperature",
        "units": "degC"
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds_its, Td)
    # surface pressure
    ps = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("ps", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    site_altitude = float(ds_its.globalattributes["altitude"])
    cfac = numpy.ma.exp(
        (-1 * site_altitude) / ((Ta["Data"] + 273.15) * 29.263))
    ps["Data"] = numpy.ma.masked_equal(df["ps"].values, 9999.9)
    ps["Data"] = ps["Data"] * cfac
    ps["Flag"] = numpy.where(
        numpy.ma.getmaskarray(ps["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    ps["Attr"] = {
        "long_name": "Surface pressure",
        "statistic_type": "average",
        "standard_name": "surface_air_pressure",
        "units": "kPa"
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds_its, ps)
    # precipitation
    Precip = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("Precip",
    Precip["Data"] = numpy.ma.masked_equal(df["Precip"].values, 999.9)
    Precip["Flag"] = numpy.where(
        numpy.ma.getmaskarray(Precip["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    Precip["Attr"] = {
        "long_name": "Rainfall",
        "statistic_type": "sum",
        "standard_name": "thickness_of_rainfall_amount",
        "units": "mm"
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds_its, Precip)
    # relative humidity
    RH = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("RH", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    RH["Data"] = mf.relativehumidityfromdewpoint(Td["Data"], Ta["Data"])
    RH["Flag"] = numpy.where(
        numpy.ma.getmaskarray(RH["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    RH["Attr"] = {
        "long_name": "Relative humidity",
        "statistics_type": "average",
        "standard_name": "relative_humidity",
        "units": "percent"
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds_its, RH)
    # absolute humidity
    AH = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("AH", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    AH["Data"] = mf.absolutehumidityfromrelativehumidity(
        Ta["Data"], RH["Data"])
    AH["Flag"] = numpy.where(
        numpy.ma.getmaskarray(AH["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    AH["Attr"] = {
        "long_name": "Absolute humidity",
        "statistic_type": "average",
        "standard_name": "mass_concentration_of_water_vapor_in_air",
        "units": "g/m^3"
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds_its, AH)
    # specific humidity
    SH = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable("SH", nrecs, datetime=ldt["Data"])
    SH["Data"] = mf.specifichumidityfromrelativehumidity(
        RH["Data"], Ta["Data"], ps["Data"])
    SH["Flag"] = numpy.where(
        numpy.ma.getmaskarray(SH["Data"]) == True, ones, zeros)
    SH["Attr"] = {
        "long_name": "Specific humidity",
        "statistic_type": "average",
        "standard_name": "specific_humidity",
        "units": "kg/kg"
    pfp_utils.CreateVariable(ds_its, SH)
    return ds_its
     ldt_one = ds_out[i].series["DateTime"]["Data"]
     idx = numpy.searchsorted(ldt_all,
                              numpy.intersect1d(ldt_all, ldt_one))
     idy = numpy.searchsorted(ldt_one,
                              numpy.intersect1d(ldt_one, ldt_all))
     # then we get a list of the variables to copy
     series_list = list(ds_out[i].series.keys())
     # and remove the datetime
     if "DateTime" in series_list:
     # and then we loop over the variables to be copied
     for label in series_list:
         # append a number, unique to each ISD station, to the variable label
         all_label = label + "_" + str(i)
         # create empty data and flag arrays
         variable = pfp_utils.CreateEmptyVariable(all_label, nrecs)
         # read the data out of the ISD site data structure
         data, flag, attr = pfp_utils.GetSeriesasMA(ds_out[i], label)
         # add the ISD site ID
         attr["isd_site_id"] = isd_site_id
         # put the data, flag and attributes into the all-in-one data structure
         ds_all.series[all_label]["Data"][idx] = data[idy]
         ds_all.series[all_label]["Flag"][idx] = flag[idy]
         ds_all.series[all_label]["Attr"] = copy.deepcopy(attr)
 # do the QC checks
 cfg_qc = copy.deepcopy(cfg)