    def __init__(self, CP, canbus):
        # initialize can parser

        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
        self.cruise_buttons = CruiseButtons.UNPRESS
        self.left_blinker_on = False
        self.prev_left_blinker_on = False
        self.right_blinker_on = False
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = False

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Gm", "gm")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.], [0.]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1., dt], [0., 1.]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1., 0.]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.
 def __init__(self):
     # labels for buttons
     self.btns_init = [["alca", "ALC", ["MadMax", "Normal", "Calm"]],
                       ], ["dsp", "DSP", ["OP", "MIN", "OFF", "GYRO"]],
                       ["", "", [""]], ["msg", "MSG", [""]],
                       ["sound", "SND", [""]]]
     self.UE = UIEvents(self)
     self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Tesla Model S", "tesla", False,
     self.custom_alert_counter = 0
     for i in range(6):
class CarState(object):
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.gasMode = int(kegman.conf['lastGasMode'])
        self.gasLabels = ["dynamic", "sport", "eco"]
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey", "off"]
        self.alcaMode = int(kegman.conf['lastALCAMode'])
        steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
        self.prev_distance_button = 0
        self.distance_button = 0
        self.prev_lka_button = 0
        self.lka_button = 0
        self.lkMode = True
        self.lane_departure_toggle_on = True
        # ALCA PARAMS
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 32., 55.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [
            0.77 * 16.2 / steerRatio, 0.86 * 16.2 / steerRatio,
            0.535 * 16.2 / steerRatio
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 2.5]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 4.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.040
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1., 1.1, 1.2]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.CP = CP

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Chrysler", "chrysler")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0

    #BB init ui buttons
    def init_ui_buttons(self):
        btns = []
        btns.append(UIButton("sound", "SND", 0, "", 0))
            UIButton("alca", "ALC", 0, self.alcaLabels[self.alcaMode], 1))
        btns.append(UIButton("mad", "MAD", 0, "", 2))
        btns.append(UIButton("", "", 0, "", 3))
        btns.append(UIButton("gas", "GAS", 1, self.gasLabels[self.gasMode], 4))
        btns.append(UIButton("lka", "LKA", 1, "", 5))
        return btns

    #BB update ui buttons
    def update_ui_buttons(self, id, btn_status):
        if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status > 0:
            if (id == 1) and (btn_status == 0
                              ) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "alca":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.alcaLabels[
                    self.alcaMode = (self.alcaMode + 1) % 4
                    kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                                 })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                    self.alcaMode = 0
                    kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                                 })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.alcaLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                if self.alcaMode == 3:
                    self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("alca", 0)
            elif (id == 4) and (
                    == 0) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "gas":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.gasLabels[
                    self.gasMode = (self.gasMode + 1) % 3
                    kegman.save({'lastGasMode': int(self.gasMode)
                                 })  # write last GasMode setting to file
                    self.gasMode = 0
                    kegman.save({'lastGasMode': int(self.gasMode)
                                 })  # write last GasMode setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.gasLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                    id].btn_status = btn_status * self.cstm_btns.btns[
            self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status = btn_status
            if (id == 1) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "alca":
                self.alcaMode = (self.alcaMode + 1) % 4
                kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                             })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.alcaLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True

    def update(self, cp, cp_cam):
        # copy can_valid
        self.can_valid = cp.can_valid

        # update prevs, update must run once per loop
        self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on

        self.frame_23b = int(cp.vl["WHEEL_BUTTONS"]['COUNTER'])
        self.frame = int(cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['COUNTER'])

        self.door_all_closed = not any([
            cp.vl["DOORS"]['DOOR_OPEN_FL'], cp.vl["DOORS"]['DOOR_OPEN_FR'],
            cp.vl["DOORS"]['DOOR_OPEN_RL'], cp.vl["DOORS"]['DOOR_OPEN_RR']
        self.seatbelt = (

        self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["BRAKE_2"][
            'BRAKE_PRESSED_2'] == 5  # human-only
        self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["ACCEL_PEDAL_MSG"]['ACCEL_PEDAL']
        self.car_gas = self.pedal_gas
        self.esp_disabled = (cp.vl["TRACTION_BUTTON"]['TRACTION_OFF'] == 1)

        self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl['WHEEL_SPEEDS']['WHEEL_SPEED_FL']
        self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl['WHEEL_SPEEDS']['WHEEL_SPEED_RR']
        self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl['WHEEL_SPEEDS']['WHEEL_SPEED_RL']
        self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl['WHEEL_SPEEDS']['WHEEL_SPEED_FR']
        v_wheel = (cp.vl['SPEED_1']['SPEED_LEFT'] +
                   cp.vl['SPEED_1']['SPEED_RIGHT']) / 2.

        # Kalman filter
        if abs(
                v_wheel - self.v_ego
        ) > 2.0:  # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
            self.v_ego_kf.x = [[v_wheel], [0.0]]

        self.v_ego_raw = v_wheel
        v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(v_wheel)
        self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
        self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
        self.standstill = not v_wheel > 0.001

        self.angle_steers = cp.vl["STEERING"]['STEER_ANGLE']
        self.angle_steers_rate = cp.vl["STEERING"]['STEERING_RATE']
        self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(cp.vl['GEAR']['PRNDL'])
        self.main_on = cp.vl["ACC_2"]['ACC_STATUS_2'] == 7  # ACC is green.
        self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 1
        self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 2

        self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]["TORQUE_DRIVER"]
        self.steer_torque_motor = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]["TORQUE_MOTOR"]
        self.steer_override = abs(self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD
        steer_state = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]["LKAS_STATE"]
        self.steer_error = steer_state == 4 or (
            steer_state == 0 and self.v_ego > self.CP.minSteerSpeed)

        self.user_brake = 0
        self.brake_lights = self.brake_pressed
        self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["DASHBOARD"]['ACC_SPEED_CONFIG_KPH']
        self.pcm_acc_status = self.main_on

        self.generic_toggle = bool(cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['HIGH_BEAM_FLASH'])

        self.lkas_counter = cp_cam.vl["LKAS_COMMAND"]['COUNTER']
        self.lkas_car_model = cp_cam.vl["LKAS_HUD"]['CAR_MODEL']
        self.lkas_status_ok = cp_cam.vl["LKAS_HEARTBIT"]['LKAS_STATUS_OK']

        if self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("lka") == 0:
            self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
            if self.alcaMode == 3 and (self.left_blinker_on
                                       or self.right_blinker_on):
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = True
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.Angle = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 60, 100, 180, 270, 500]
        self.Angle_Speed = [
            255, 160, 100, 80, 70, 60, 55, 50, 40, 33, 27, 17, 12
        #labels for ALCA modes
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey"]
        self.alcaMode = 0
        #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 15., 32., 44.]  #[10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.0, 1.75, 0.96, 0.4]
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.3, 1.3]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 3.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.042
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1.3, 1.2, 1.2]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.30, 0.20]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        context = zmq.Context()
        #gps_ext_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['gpsLocationExternal'].port, poller)
        self.gps_location = messaging.sub_sock(
            context, service_list['gpsLocationExternal'].port)
        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR']
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.distance = 999
        self.inaccuracy = 1.01
        self.speedlimit = 25
        self.approachradius = 100
        self.includeradius = 22
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        self.distance_toggle_prev = 2
        self.read_distance_lines_prev = 3
        self.lane_departure_toggle_on_prev = True
        self.acc_slow_on_prev = False
        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Toyota", "toyota")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = 100  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero
        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.0
class CarState(object):
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.Angle = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 60, 100, 180, 270, 500]
        self.Angle_Speed = [
            255, 160, 100, 80, 70, 60, 55, 50, 40, 33, 27, 17, 12
        #labels for ALCA modes
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey"]
        self.alcaMode = 0
        #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 15., 32., 44.]  #[10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.0, 1.75, 0.96, 0.4]
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.3, 1.3]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 3.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.042
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1.3, 1.2, 1.2]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.30, 0.20]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        context = zmq.Context()
        #gps_ext_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['gpsLocationExternal'].port, poller)
        self.gps_location = messaging.sub_sock(
            context, service_list['gpsLocationExternal'].port)
        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR']
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.distance = 999
        self.inaccuracy = 1.01
        self.speedlimit = 25
        self.approachradius = 100
        self.includeradius = 22
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        self.distance_toggle_prev = 2
        self.read_distance_lines_prev = 3
        self.lane_departure_toggle_on_prev = True
        self.acc_slow_on_prev = False
        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Toyota", "toyota")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = 100  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero
        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.0

#BB init ui buttons

    def init_ui_buttons(self):
        btns = []
        btns.append(UIButton("sound", "SND", 0, "", 0))
            UIButton("alca", "ALC", 1, self.alcaLabels[self.alcaMode], 1))
        btns.append(UIButton("slow", "SLO", 1, "", 2))
        btns.append(UIButton("lka", "LKA", 1, "", 3))
        btns.append(UIButton("tr", "TR", 0, "", 4))
        btns.append(UIButton("gas", "GAS", 0, "", 5))
        return btns

    #BB update ui buttons
    def update_ui_buttons(self, id, btn_status):
        if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status > 0:
            if (id == 1) and (btn_status == 0
                              ) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "alca":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.alcaLabels[
                    self.alcaMode = (self.alcaMode + 1) % 3
                    self.alcaMode = 0
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.alcaLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                    id].btn_status = btn_status * self.cstm_btns.btns[
            self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status = btn_status

    def update(self, cp, cp_cam):
        # copy can_valid
        self.can_valid = cp.can_valid
        self.cam_can_valid = cp_cam.can_valid

        msg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.gps_location)
        if msg is not None:
            gps_pkt = msg.gpsLocationExternal
            self.inaccuracy = gps_pkt.accuracy
            self.prev_distance = self.distance
            self.distance, self.includeradius, self.approachradius, self.speedlimit = gps_distance(
                gps_pkt.latitude, gps_pkt.longitude, gps_pkt.altitude,
            #self.distance = 6371010*acos(sin(radians(gps_pkt.latitude))*sin(radians(48.12893908))+cos(radians(gps_pkt.latitude))*cos(radians(48.12893908))*cos(radians(gps_pkt.longitude-9.797879048)))
        # update prevs, update must run once per loop
        self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on

        self.door_all_closed = not any([
        self.seatbelt = not cp.vl["SEATS_DOORS"]['SEATBELT_DRIVER_UNLATCHED']

        self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["BRAKE_MODULE"]['BRAKE_PRESSED']
        if self.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['INTERCEPTOR_GAS']
            self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["GAS_PEDAL"]['GAS_PEDAL']
        self.car_gas = self.pedal_gas
        self.esp_disabled = cp.vl["ESP_CONTROL"]['TC_DISABLED']

        # calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
        self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_FL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_FR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_RL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_RR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel = float(
                self.v_wheel_fl, self.v_wheel_fr, self.v_wheel_rl,

        # Kalman filter
        if abs(
                self.v_wheel - self.v_ego
        ) > 2.0:  # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
            self.v_ego_x = np.matrix([[self.v_wheel], [0.0]])

        self.v_ego_raw = self.v_wheel
        v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(self.v_wheel)
        self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
        self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
        #self.standstill = not self.v_wheel > 0.001
        self.standstill = False

        self.angle_steers = cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"]['STEER_ANGLE'] + cp.vl[
        self.angle_steers_rate = cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"]['STEER_RATE']
        can_gear = int(cp.vl["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR'])
        self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(can_gear, self.shifter_values)
        self.main_on = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"]['MAIN_ON']
        self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 1
        self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 2
        self.blind_spot_side = cp.vl["DEBUG"]['BLINDSPOTSIDE']

        if (cp.vl["DEBUG"]['BLINDSPOTD1'] >
                10) or (cp.vl["DEBUG"]['BLINDSPOTD1'] > 10):
            self.blind_spot_on = bool(1)
            self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)

        # we could use the override bit from dbc, but it's triggered at too high torque values
        self.steer_override = abs(
            cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"]['STEER_TORQUE_DRIVER']) > 100

        # 2 is standby, 10 is active. TODO: check that everything else is really a faulty state
        self.steer_state = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['LKA_STATE']
        self.steer_error = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['LKA_STATE'] not in [
            1, 5, 9, 17, 25
        self.ipas_active = cp.vl['EPS_STATUS']['IPAS_STATE'] == 3
        self.brake_error = 0
        self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"][
        self.steer_torque_motor = cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"][
        if bool(cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]
                ['LANE_WARNING']) <> self.lane_departure_toggle_on_prev:
            self.lane_departure_toggle_on = bool(
            if self.lane_departure_toggle_on:
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("lka", 1)
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("lka", 0)
            self.lane_departure_toggle_on_prev = self.lane_departure_toggle_on
            if self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("lka") == 0:
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = True

        self.distance_toggle = cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]['ACC_DISTANCE']
        self.read_distance_lines = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_SM"]['DISTANCE_LINES']
        if self.distance_toggle <> self.distance_toggle_prev:
            if self.read_distance_lines == self.distance_toggle:
                self.distance_toggle_prev = self.distance_toggle
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("tr", 1)
        if self.read_distance_lines <> self.read_distance_lines_prev:
            self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("tr", 0)
            if self.read_distance_lines == 1:
                                             "Following distance set to 0.9s",
                                             200, 3)
            if self.read_distance_lines == 2:
                                             "Following distance set to 1.8s",
                                             200, 3)
            if self.read_distance_lines == 3:
                                             "Following distance set to 2.7s",
                                             200, 3)
            self.read_distance_lines_prev = self.read_distance_lines

        if bool(cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]['ACC_SLOW']) <> self.acc_slow_on_prev:
            self.acc_slow_on = bool(cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]['ACC_SLOW'])
            if self.acc_slow_on:
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("slow", 1)
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("slow", 0)
            self.acc_slow_on_prev = self.acc_slow_on
            if self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("slow") == 0:
                self.acc_slow_on = False
                self.acc_slow_on = True

        # we could use the override bit from dbc, but it's triggered at too high torque values
        self.steer_override = abs(self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD

        self.user_brake = 0
        if self.acc_slow_on:
            self.v_cruise_pcm = max(7,
                                    cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"]['SET_SPEED'] - 34.0)
            self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"]['SET_SPEED']
        self.v_cruise_pcm = int(
                interp(abs(self.angle_steers), self.Angle, self.Angle_Speed)))
        #print "distane"
        #print self.distance
        if self.distance < self.approachradius + self.includeradius:
            print "speed"
            print self.prev_distance - self.distance
            #if speed is 5% higher than the speedlimit
            if self.prev_distance - self.distance > self.speedlimit * 0.00263889:
                if self.v_cruise_pcm > self.speedlimit:
                    self.v_cruise_pcm = self.speedlimit
        if self.distance < self.includeradius:
            print "inside"
            if self.v_cruise_pcm > self.speedlimit:
                self.v_cruise_pcm = self.speedlimit

        self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['CRUISE_STATE']
        self.pcm_acc_active = bool(cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['CRUISE_ACTIVE'])
        self.gas_pressed = not cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['GAS_RELEASED']
        self.low_speed_lockout = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"][
            'LOW_SPEED_LOCKOUT'] == 2
        self.brake_lights = bool(cp.vl["ESP_CONTROL"]['BRAKE_LIGHTS_ACC']
                                 or self.brake_pressed)
        if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.PRIUS:
            self.generic_toggle = cp.vl["AUTOPARK_STATUS"]['STATE'] != 0
            self.generic_toggle = bool(cp.vl["LIGHT_STALK"]['AUTO_HIGH_BEAM'])
class CarState(object):
    def __init__(self, CP, canbus):
        self.CP = CP
        # initialize can parser
        self.gasMode = int(kegman.conf['lastGasMode'])
        self.gasLabels = ["dynamic", "sport", "eco"]
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey", "off"]
        steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
        self.alcaMode = int(
            kegman.conf['lastALCAMode'])  # default to last ALCAmode on startup
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
        self.cruise_buttons = CruiseButtons.UNPRESS
        self.prev_distance_button = 0
        self.distance_button = 0
        self.left_blinker_on = False
        self.prev_left_blinker_on = False
        self.right_blinker_on = False
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = False
        self.follow_level = int(kegman.conf['lastTrMode'])
        self.prev_lka_button = 0
        self.lka_button = 0
        self.lkMode = True

        # ALCA PARAMS
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.0, 1., 0.5]
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 2.5]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 4.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 55.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358 * 15.7 / steerRatio, 0.084 * 15.7 / steerRatio,
            0.040 * 15.7 / steerRatio
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1., 1.1, 1.2]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.30, 0.30]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.CP = CP

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Gm", "gm")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.], [0.]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1., dt], [0., 1.]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1., 0.]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.
        #BB init ui buttons
    def init_ui_buttons(self):
        btns = []
        btns.append(UIButton("sound", "SND", 0, "", 0))
            UIButton("alca", "ALC", 0, self.alcaLabels[self.alcaMode], 1))
        btns.append(UIButton("stop", "", 1, "SNG", 2))
        btns.append(UIButton("", "", 0, "", 3))
        btns.append(UIButton("gas", "GAS", 1, self.gasLabels[self.gasMode], 4))
        btns.append(UIButton("lka", "LKA", 1, "", 5))
        return btns

    #BB update ui buttons
    def update_ui_buttons(self, id, btn_status):
        if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status > 0:
            if (id == 1) and (btn_status == 0
                              ) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "alca":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.alcaLabels[
                    self.alcaMode = (self.alcaMode + 1) % 4
                    kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                                 })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                    self.alcaMode = 0
                    kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                                 })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.alcaLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                if self.alcaMode == 3:
                    self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("alca", 0)
            elif (id == 4) and (
                    == 0) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "gas":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.gasLabels[
                    self.gasMode = (self.gasMode + 1) % 3
                    kegman.save({'lastGasMode': int(self.gasMode)
                                 })  # write last GasMode setting to file
                    self.gasMode = 0
                    kegman.save({'lastGasMode': int(self.gasMode)
                                 })  # write last GasMode setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.gasLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                    id].btn_status = btn_status * self.cstm_btns.btns[
            self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status = btn_status
            if (id == 1) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "alca":
                self.alcaMode = (self.alcaMode + 1) % 4
                kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                             })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.alcaLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True

    def update(self, pt_cp):

        self.can_valid = pt_cp.can_valid
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = self.cruise_buttons
        self.cruise_buttons = pt_cp.vl["ASCMSteeringButton"]['ACCButtons']
        self.prev_distance_button = self.distance_button
        self.distance_button = pt_cp.vl["ASCMSteeringButton"]["DistanceButton"]
        self.v_wheel_fl = pt_cp.vl["EBCMWheelSpdFront"][
            'FLWheelSpd'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_fr = pt_cp.vl["EBCMWheelSpdFront"][
            'FRWheelSpd'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rl = pt_cp.vl["EBCMWheelSpdRear"][
            'RLWheelSpd'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rr = pt_cp.vl["EBCMWheelSpdRear"][
            'RRWheelSpd'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        v_wheel = float(
                self.v_wheel_fl, self.v_wheel_fr, self.v_wheel_rl,

        if abs(
                v_wheel - self.v_ego
        ) > 2.0:  # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
            self.v_ego_kf.x = [[v_wheel], [0.0]]

        self.v_ego_raw = v_wheel
        v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(v_wheel)
        self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
        self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])

        self.prev_lka_button = self.lka_button
        self.lka_button = pt_cp.vl["ASCMSteeringButton"]['LKAButton']

        self.standstill = self.v_ego_raw < 0.01

        self.angle_steers = pt_cp.vl["PSCMSteeringAngle"]['SteeringWheelAngle']
        self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(pt_cp.vl["ECMPRDNL"]['PRNDL'])
        self.user_brake = pt_cp.vl["EBCMBrakePedalPosition"][

        self.pedal_gas = pt_cp.vl["AcceleratorPedal"]['AcceleratorPedal']
        self.user_gas_pressed = self.pedal_gas > 0

        self.steer_torque_driver = pt_cp.vl["PSCMStatus"]['LKADriverAppldTrq']
        self.steer_override = abs(self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD

        # 0 - inactive, 1 - active, 2 - temporary limited, 3 - failed
        self.lkas_status = pt_cp.vl["PSCMStatus"]['LKATorqueDeliveredStatus']
        self.steer_not_allowed = not is_eps_status_ok(self.lkas_status,

        # 1 - open, 0 - closed
        self.door_all_closed = (
            pt_cp.vl["BCMDoorBeltStatus"]['FrontLeftDoor'] == 0
            and pt_cp.vl["BCMDoorBeltStatus"]['FrontRightDoor'] == 0
            and pt_cp.vl["BCMDoorBeltStatus"]['RearLeftDoor'] == 0
            and pt_cp.vl["BCMDoorBeltStatus"]['RearRightDoor'] == 0)

        # 1 - latched
        self.seatbelt = pt_cp.vl["BCMDoorBeltStatus"]['LeftSeatBelt'] == 1

        self.steer_error = False

        self.brake_error = False
        self.can_valid = True

        self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on
        self.left_blinker_on = pt_cp.vl["BCMTurnSignals"]['TurnSignals'] == 1
        self.right_blinker_on = pt_cp.vl["BCMTurnSignals"]['TurnSignals'] == 2

        if self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("lka") == 0:
            self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
            if self.alcaMode == 3 and (self.left_blinker_on
                                       or self.right_blinker_on):
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = True

        if self.car_fingerprint in SUPERCRUISE_CARS:
            self.park_brake = False
            self.main_on = False
            self.acc_active = pt_cp.vl["ASCMActiveCruiseControlStatus"][
            self.esp_disabled = False
            self.regen_pressed = False
            self.pcm_acc_status = int(self.acc_active)
            self.park_brake = pt_cp.vl["EPBStatus"]['EPBClosed']
            self.main_on = pt_cp.vl["ECMEngineStatus"]['CruiseMainOn']
            self.acc_active = False
            self.esp_disabled = pt_cp.vl["ESPStatus"]['TractionControlOn'] != 1
            self.pcm_acc_status = pt_cp.vl["AcceleratorPedal2"]['CruiseState']
            if self.car_fingerprint == CAR.VOLT:
                self.regen_pressed = bool(
                self.regen_pressed = False

        # Brake pedal's potentiometer returns near-zero reading
        # even when pedal is not pressed.
        if self.user_brake < 10:
            self.user_brake = 0

        # Regen braking is braking
        self.brake_pressed = self.user_brake > 10 or self.regen_pressed

        self.gear_shifter_valid = self.gear_shifter == car.CarState.GearShifter.drive

    def get_follow_level(self):
        return self.follow_level
  def __init__(self, CP):

    self.Angle = [0, 5, 10, 15,20,25,30,35,60,100,180,270,500]
    self.Angle_Speed = [255,160,100,80,70,60,55,50,40,33,27,17,12]
    #labels for ALCA modes
    self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax","Normal","Wifey"]
    self.alcaMode = 0
    #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
    # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
    self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]#[10., 44.]
    self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.0, 0.96, 0.4]
     # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
    self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
    self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16. , 8.]
     # reenrey angle when to let go
    self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
    self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5. , 5.]
     # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
    self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
    self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.3, 1.3]
    self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
    self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40.,10., 3.] 
     # change lane delta angles and other params
    self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
    self.CL_MAXD_A = [.358, 0.084, 0.042] #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
    self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9 # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
     # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
    self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
    self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.] 
     # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
    # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
    # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
    self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0. 
    self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1.3,1.2,1.2]
    self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
     #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
    self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
    self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7 ,0.30, 0.20]
    #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
    self.CP = CP

    #BB UIEvents
    self.UE = UIEvents(self)

    #BB variable for custom buttons
    self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self,"Hyundai","hyundai")

    #BB pid holder for ALCA
    self.pid = None

    #BB custom message counter
    self.custom_alert_counter = 100 #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero
    # initialize can parser
    self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

    # vEgo kalman filter
    dt = 0.01
    # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
    # R = 1e3
    self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                         A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                         C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                         K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
    self.v_ego = 0.0
    self.left_blinker_on = 0
    self.left_blinker_flash = 0
    self.right_blinker_on = 0
    self.right_blinker_flash = 0
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.params = Params()
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9
        self.CL_MAX_A = 20.0
        # labels for buttons
        self.btns_init = [
            ["alca", "ALC", [""]],
            ["dsp", "DSP", ["OP", "MIN", "OFF", "GYRO"]],
            ["", "", [""]],
            ["msg", "MSG", [""]],
            ["sound", "SND", [""]],

        ### Do NOT modify here, modify in /data/bb_openpilot.cfg and reboot
        self.forcePedalOverCC = True
        self.usesApillarHarness = False
        self.enableHSO = True
        self.enableALCA = True
        self.enableDasEmulation = True
        self.enableRadarEmulation = True
        self.enableDriverMonitor = True
        self.enableShowCar = True
        self.enableShowLogo = True
        self.hasNoctuaFan = False
        self.limitBatteryMinMax = False
        self.limitBattery_Min = 60
        self.limitBattery_Max = 70
        self.doAutoUpdate = True
        self.blockUploadWhileTethering = False
        self.tetherIP = "127.0.0."
        self.useTeslaGPS = False
        self.useTeslaMapData = False
        self.hasTeslaIcIntegration = False
        self.useTeslaRadar = False
        self.useWithoutHarness = False
        self.radarVIN = "                 "
        self.enableLdw = True
        self.radarOffset = 0.0
        self.radarPosition = 0
        self.radarEpasType = 0
        self.fix1916 = False
        self.forceFingerprintTesla = False
        self.spinnerText = ""
        self.hsoNumbPeriod = 1.5
        self.ldwNumbPeriod = 1.5
        self.tapBlinkerExtension = 2
        self.ahbOffDuration = 5
        self.roadCameraID = ""
        self.driverCameraID = ""
        self.roadCameraFx = 0.73
        self.driverCameraFx = 0.75
        self.roadCameraFlip = 0
        self.driverCameraFlip = 0
        self.monitorForcedRes = ""
        # read config file

        self.apEnabled = True
        self.apFollowTimeInS = 2.5  # time in seconds to follow
        self.keepEonOff = False
        self.alcaEnabled = True
        self.mapAwareSpeed = False

        # Tesla Model
        self.teslaModelDetected = 1
        self.teslaModel = self.params.get("TeslaModel")
        if self.teslaModel:
            self.teslaModel = self.teslaModel.decode()
        if self.teslaModel is None:
            self.teslaModel = "S"
            self.teslaModelDetected = 0

        # for map integration
        self.csaRoadCurvC3 = 0.0
        self.csaRoadCurvC2 = 0.0
        self.csaRoadCurvRange = 0.0
        self.csaRoadCurvUsingTspline = 0

        self.csaOfframpCurvC3 = 0.0
        self.csaOfframpCurvC2 = 0.0
        self.csaOfframpCurvRange = 0.0
        self.csaOfframpCurvUsingTspline = 0

        self.roadCurvHealth = 0
        self.roadCurvRange = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC0 = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC1 = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC2 = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC3 = 0.0

        self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.UI_splineID = 0
        self.meanFleetSplineAccelMPS2 = 0.0
        self.medianFleetSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.topQrtlFleetSplineSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.splineLocConfidence = 0
        self.baseMapSpeedLimitMPS = 0.0
        self.bottomQrtlFleetSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.rampType = 0

        self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed = 0.0
        self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed = 0.0
        self.map_suggested_speed = 0.0

        self.gpsLongitude = 0.0
        self.gpsLatitude = 0.0
        self.gpsAccuracy = 0.0
        self.gpsElevation = 0.0
        self.gpsHeading = 0.0
        self.gpsVehicleSpeed = 0.0

        self.speed_limit_ms = 0.0
        self.userSpeedLimitOffsetKph = 0.0
        self.DAS_fusedSpeedLimit = 0

        self.brake_only = CP.enableCruise
        self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
        self.CP = CP

        self.user_gas = 0.0
        self.user_gas_pressed = False
        self.pedal_interceptor_state = self.prev_pedal_interceptor_state = 0
        self.pedal_interceptor_value = 0.0
        self.pedal_interceptor_value2 = 0.0
        self.pedal_idx = self.prev_pedal_idx = 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0

        self.turn_signal_state_left = (
            0  # 0 = off, 1 = on (blinking), 2 = failed, 3 = default
        self.turn_signal_state_right = (
            0  # 0 = off, 1 = on (blinking), 2 = failed, 3 = default
        self.prev_turn_signal_blinking = False
        self.turn_signal_blinking = False
        self.prev_turn_signal_stalk_state = 0
        self.turn_signal_stalk_state = (
            0  # 0 = off, 1 = indicate left (stalk down), 2 = indicate right (stalk up)

        self.steer_warning = 0

        self.stopped = 0

        # variables used for the fake DAS creation
        self.DAS_info_frm = -1
        self.DAS_info_msg = 0
        self.DAS_status_frm = 0
        self.DAS_status_idx = 0
        self.DAS_status2_frm = 0
        self.DAS_status2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_bodyControls_frm = 0
        self.DAS_bodyControls_idx = 0
        self.DAS_lanes_frm = 0
        self.DAS_lanes_idx = 0
        self.DAS_objects_frm = 0
        self.DAS_objects_idx = 0
        self.DAS_pscControl_frm = 0
        self.DAS_pscControl_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix0_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix3_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryEvent1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryEvent2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_control_idx = 0

        # BB notification messages for DAS
        self.DAS_canErrors = 0
        self.DAS_plannerErrors = 0
        self.DAS_doorOpen = 0
        self.DAS_notInDrive = 0

        self.summonButton = 0

        # BB variables for pedal CC
        self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.0

        # BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        # BB PCC
        self.regenLight = 0
        self.torqueLevel = 0.0

        # BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Tesla Model S", "tesla",
                                   self.enableShowLogo, self.enableShowCar)

        # BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = (
        )  # set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # BB steering_wheel_stalk last position, used by ACC and ALCA
        self.steering_wheel_stalk = None

        # BB carConfig data used to change IC info
        self.real_carConfig = None
        self.real_dasHw = 0

        # BB visiond last type
        self.last_visiond = self.cstm_btns.btns[3].btn_label2

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(
            x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
            A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
            C=[1.0, 0.0],
            K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]],
        self.v_ego = 0.0

        self.imperial_speed_units = True

        # The current max allowed cruise speed. Actual cruise speed sent to the car
        # may be lower, depending on traffic.
        self.v_cruise_pcm = 0.0
        # Actual cruise speed currently active on the car.
        self.v_cruise_actual = 0.0

        # ALCA params
        self.ALCA_enabled = False
        self.ALCA_total_steps = 100
        self.ALCA_direction = 0
        self.ALCA_error = False

        self.angle_offset = 0.0
        self.init_angle_offset = False

        # AHB params
        self.ahbHighBeamStalkPosition = 0
        self.ahbEnabled = 0
        self.ahbLoBeamOn = 0
        self.ahbHiBeamOn = 0
        self.ahbNightMode = 0
  def __init__(self, CP):
    # labels for buttons
    self.btns_init = [["alca",                "ALC",                      ["MadMax", "Normal", "Calm"]],
                      [ACCMode.BUTTON_NAME,   ACCMode.BUTTON_ABREVIATION, ACCMode.labels()],
                      ["steer",               "STR",                      [""]],
                      ["brake",               "BRK",                      [""]],
                      ["msg",                 "MSG",                      [""]],
                      ["sound",               "SND",                      [""]]]

    if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):

      # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
      self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.2, .3]

      # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
      self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16. , 8.]

      # reenrey angle when to let go
      self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5. , 5.]

      # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
      self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 1.5]

      self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
      self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40.,10., 3.] 

      # change lane delta angles and other params
      self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
      self.CL_MAXD_A = [.358, 0.084, 0.042] #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75

      self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9 # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s

      # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
      self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.] 

      # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
      # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
      # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
      self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
      self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0. 
      self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = 1.

      #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
      self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
      self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7 ,0.50, 0.40]

      #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
      self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

    self.brake_only = CP.enableCruise
    self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
    self.CP = CP

    self.user_gas = 0.
    self.user_gas_pressed = False
    self.pedal_interceptor_state = 0
    self.pedal_interceptor_value = 0.
    self.pedal_interceptor_value2 = 0.
    self.pedal_interceptor_missed_counter = 0
    self.brake_switch_prev = 0
    self.brake_switch_ts = 0

    self.cruise_buttons = 0
    self.blinker_on = 0

    self.left_blinker_on = 0
    self.right_blinker_on = 0
    self.steer_warning = 0
    self.stopped = 0
    self.frame_humanSteered = 0    # Last frame human steered

    # variables used for the fake DAS creation
    self.DAS_info_frm = -1
    self.DAS_info_msg = 0
    self.DAS_status_frm = 0
    self.DAS_status_idx = 0
    self.DAS_status2_frm = 0
    self.DAS_status2_idx = 0
    self.DAS_bodyControls_frm = 0
    self.DAS_bodyControls_idx = 0
    self.DAS_lanes_frm = 0
    self.DAS_lanes_idx = 0
    self.DAS_objects_frm = 0
    self.DAS_objects_idx = 0
    self.DAS_pscControl_frm = 0
    self.DAS_pscControl_idx = 0
    self.DAS_warningMatrix0_idx = 0
    self.DAS_warningMatrix1_idx = 0
    self.DAS_warningMatrix3_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic1_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic2_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryEvent1_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryEvent2_idx = 0
    self.DAS_control_idx = 0

    #BB variables for pedal CC
    self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.
    # Pedal mode is ready, i.e. hardware is present and normal cruise is off.
    self.pedal_interceptor_available = False
    self.prev_pedal_interceptor_available = False

    #BB UIEvents
    self.UE = UIEvents(self)

    #BB PCC
    self.regenLight = 0
    self.torqueLevel = 0.

    #BB variable for custom buttons
    self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self,"Tesla Model S","tesla")

    #BB custom message counter
    self.custom_alert_counter = -1 #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

    #BB steering_wheel_stalk last position, used by ACC and ALCA
    self.steering_wheel_stalk = None
    #BB carConfig data used to change IC info
    self.real_carConfig = None
    self.real_dasHw = 0
    # vEgo kalman filter
    dt = 0.01
    # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
    # R = 1e3
    self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                         A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                         C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                         K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
    self.v_ego = 0.0

    self.imperial_speed_units = True

    # The current max allowed cruise speed. Actual cruise speed sent to the car
    # may be lower, depending on traffic.
    self.v_cruise_pcm = 0.0
    # Actual cruise speed currently active on the car.
    self.v_cruise_actual = 0.0
class CarState(object):
    def __init__(self, CP):
        #labels for buttons
        self.btns_init = [["","",["","",""]], \
                          ["","",[""]], \
                          ["alca","ALC",["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey"]], \
                          ["cam","CAM",[""]], \
                          ["alwon", "MAD",[""]], \
                          ["sound", "SND", [""]]]

        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.4, .3]

        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]

        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]

        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.7, .75]

        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [60., 3.]

        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.042
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75

        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s

        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]

        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = 1.

        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.4, 0.20]

        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.CP = CP

        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.0
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.left_blinker_flash = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_flash = 0
        self.has_scc = False

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Hyundai", "hyundai")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

    def update(self, cp, cp_cam, cp_cam2):
        # copy can_valid
        self.can_valid = cp.can_valid

        if (cp.vl["SCC11"]['TauGapSet'] > 0):
            self.has_scc = True

        # update prevs, update must run once per Loop
        self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on

        self.door_all_closed = True
        self.seatbelt = cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_DrvSeatBeltSw']

        self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["TCS13"][
            'DriverBraking'] if not self.cstm_btns.get_button_status(
                "alwon") else 0  # I'm Bad
        self.esp_disabled = cp.vl["TCS15"]['ESC_Off_Step']

        self.park_brake = cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_ParkBrakeSw']
        self.main_on = True
        if self.has_scc:
            self.acc_active = (cp.vl["SCC12"]['ACCMode'] != 0) if not self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("alwon") else \
                  (cp.vl["SCC11"]["MainMode_ACC"] != 0)  # I'm Dangerous!
            self.acc_active_real = (cp.vl["SCC12"]['ACCMode'] != 0)
            self.acc_active = (cp.vl["LVR12"]['CF_Lvr_CruiseSet'] != 0) if not self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("alwon") else \
            self.acc_active_real = self.acc_active
        self.pcm_acc_status = int(self.acc_active)

        # calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
        self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl["WHL_SPD11"]['WHL_SPD_FL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl["WHL_SPD11"]['WHL_SPD_FR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl["WHL_SPD11"]['WHL_SPD_RL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl["WHL_SPD11"]['WHL_SPD_RR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel = 1.035 * (self.v_wheel_fl + self.v_wheel_fr +
                                self.v_wheel_rl + self.v_wheel_rr) / 4.

        self.low_speed_lockout = self.v_wheel < 1.0

        # Kalman filter, even though Hyundai raw wheel speed is heaviliy filtered by default
        if abs(
                self.v_wheel - self.v_ego
        ) > 2.0:  # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
            self.v_ego_x = np.matrix([[self.v_wheel], [0.0]])

        self.v_ego_raw = self.v_wheel
        v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(self.v_wheel)
        self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
        self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
        is_set_speed_in_mph = int(cp.vl["CLU11"]['CF_Clu_SPEED_UNIT'])
        speed_conv = CV.MPH_TO_MS if is_set_speed_in_mph else CV.KPH_TO_MS

        self.cruise_set_speed = (cp.vl["SCC11"]['VSetDis'] *
                                 speed_conv) if self.has_scc else (
                                     cp.vl["LVR12"]["CF_Lvr_CruiseSet"] *
        self.standstill = not self.v_wheel > 0.1

        self.angle_steers = cp.vl["SAS11"]['SAS_Angle']
        self.angle_steers_rate = cp.vl["SAS11"]['SAS_Speed']
        self.yaw_rate = cp.vl["ESP12"]['YAW_RATE']
        self.main_on = True
        self.left_blinker_on = True if (
            == True) or (cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_TurnSigLh'] == True) else False
        self.left_blinker_flash = cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_TurnSigLh']
        self.right_blinker_on = True if (
            == True) or (cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_TurnSigRh'] == True) else False
        self.right_blinker_flash = cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_TurnSigRh']
        self.steer_override = abs(
        ) > STEER_THRESHOLD or self.left_blinker_on or self.right_blinker_on
        self.driver_steer_override = abs(
            cp.vl["MDPS12"]['CR_Mdps_StrColTq']) > STEER_THRESHOLD
        self.steer_state = cp.vl["MDPS12"][
            'CF_Mdps_ToiActive']  #0 NOT ACTIVE, 1 ACTIVE
        self.steer_error = cp.vl["MDPS12"]['CF_Mdps_ToiUnavail']
        self.brake_error = 0
        self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["MDPS12"]['CR_Mdps_StrColTq']
        self.steer_torque_motor = cp.vl["MDPS12"]['CR_Mdps_OutTq']
        self.stopped = cp.vl["SCC11"][
            'SCCInfoDisplay'] == 4. if self.has_scc else False
        self.mdps11_strang = cp.vl["MDPS11"]["CR_Mdps_StrAng"]
        self.mdps11_stat = cp.vl["MDPS11"]["CF_Mdps_Stat"]

        self.user_brake = 0

        self.brake_lights = bool(self.brake_pressed)
        if (cp.vl["TCS13"]["DriverOverride"] == 0) and (
                cp.vl["TCS13"]['ACC_REQ'] == 1 if self.has_scc else True):
            self.pedal_gas = 0
            self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["EMS12"]['TPS']
        self.car_gas = cp.vl["EMS12"]['TPS']

        # Gear Selecton - This is not compatible with all Kia/Hyundai's, But is the best way for those it is compatible with
        gear = cp.vl["LVR12"]["CF_Lvr_Gear"]
        if gear == 5:
            self.gear_shifter = "drive"
        elif gear == 6:
            self.gear_shifter = "neutral"
        elif gear == 0:
            self.gear_shifter = "park"
        elif gear == 7:
            self.gear_shifter = "reverse"
            self.gear_shifter = "unknown"

        # Gear Selection via Cluster - For those Kia/Hyundai which are not fully discovered, we can use the Cluster Indicator for Gear Selection, as this seems to be standard over all cars, but is not the preferred method.
        if cp.vl["CLU15"]["CF_Clu_InhibitD"] == 1:
            self.gear_shifter_cluster = "drive"
        elif cp.vl["CLU15"]["CF_Clu_InhibitN"] == 1:
            self.gear_shifter_cluster = "neutral"
        elif cp.vl["CLU15"]["CF_Clu_InhibitP"] == 1:
            self.gear_shifter_cluster = "park"
        elif cp.vl["CLU15"]["CF_Clu_InhibitR"] == 1:
            self.gear_shifter_cluster = "reverse"
            self.gear_shifter_cluster = "unknown"

        # Gear Selecton via TCU12
        gear2 = cp.vl["TCU12"]["CUR_GR"]
        if gear2 == 0:
            self.gear_tcu = "park"
        elif gear2 == 14:
            self.gear_tcu = "reverse"
        elif gear2 > 0 and gear2 < 9:  # unaware of anything over 8 currently
            self.gear_tcu = "drive"
            self.gear_tcu = "unknown"

        # save the entire LKAS11, CLU11 and MDPS12
        if cp_cam.can_valid == True:
            self.lkas11 = cp_cam.vl["LKAS11"]
            self.camcan = 2
        elif cp_cam2.can_valid == True:
            self.lkas11 = cp_cam2.vl["LKAS11"]
            self.camcan = 1
            self.camcan = 0

        self.clu11 = cp.vl["CLU11"]
        self.mdps12 = cp.vl["MDPS12"]

        # Lane Change Assist Messages
        self.lca_left = cp.vl["LCA11"]["CF_Lca_IndLeft"]
        self.lca_right = cp.vl["LCA11"]["CF_Lca_IndRight"]
    def __init__(self, CP):

        #labels for buttons
        self.btns_init = [["alca","ALC",["MadMax","Normal","Wifey"]], \
                          ["sound","SND",[""]], \
                          ["","",[""]], \
                          ["","",[""]], \
                          ["", "",[""]], \
                          ["", "", [""]]]
        #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [1.8, .3]

        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]

        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]

        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 1.5]

        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 3.]

        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.11, 0.072
        ]  # [.358, 0.084, 0.042]#delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75

        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s

        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]

        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = 1.

        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.50, 0.40]  #tesla parameters

        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 0.1

        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR']
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)
        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Toyota", "toyota")
        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None
        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.0

        #init variable for safety shutoff
        self.enabled_time = 0
        self.desired_angle = 0.
        self.current_angle = 0.
class CarState(object):
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.brakefactor = float(kegman.conf['brakefactor'])
        self.trfix = False
        self.indi_toggle = False
        steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
        self.Angles = np.zeros(250)
        self.Angles_later = np.zeros(250)
        self.Angle_counter = 0
        self.Angle = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 60, 100, 180, 270, 500]
        self.Angle_Speed = [
            255, 160, 100, 80, 70, 60, 55, 50, 40, 33, 27, 17, 12
        #labels for gas mode
        self.gasMode = int(kegman.conf['lastGasMode'])
        self.sloMode = int(kegman.conf['lastSloMode'])
        self.sloLabels = ["offset", "normal"]
        self.gasLabels = ["dynamic", "sport", "eco"]
        #labelslabels for ALCA modes
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey", "off"]
        self.alcaMode = int(
            kegman.conf['lastALCAMode'])  # default to last ALCAmode on startup
        #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 15., 32., 55.]  #[10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [
            2.0 * 15.5 / steerRatio, 1.75 * 15.5 / steerRatio,
            1.25 * 15.5 / steerRatio, 0.5 * 15.5 / steerRatio
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 50.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 50.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 50.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.0, 0.5]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 50.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 3.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 50.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.042
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 50.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1.3, 1.1, 1.05]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 50.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 50.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.30, 0.20]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        context = zmq.Context()
        self.poller = zmq.Poller()
        self.lastlat_Control = None
        #gps_ext_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['gpsLocationExternal'].port, poller)
        self.gps_location = messaging.sub_sock(
        self.lat_Control = messaging.sub_sock(context,
        self.live_MapData = messaging.sub_sock(
        self.traffic_data_sock = messaging.pub_sock(
            context, service_list['liveTrafficData'].port)

        self.spdval1 = 0
        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR']

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.lkas_barriers = 0
        self.left_line = 1
        self.right_line = 1
        self.distance = 999
        self.inaccuracy = 1.01
        self.speedlimit = 25
        self.approachradius = 100
        self.includeradius = 22
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        self.econ_on = 0
        self.sport_on = 0

        self.distance_toggle_prev = 2
        self.read_distance_lines_prev = 3
        self.lane_departure_toggle_on_prev = True
        self.acc_slow_on_prev = False
        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Toyota", "toyota")
        if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.PRIUS:
            self.alcaMode = 3
            self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("alca", 0)

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = 100  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero
        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0

#BB init ui buttons

    def init_ui_buttons(self):
        btns = []
        btns.append(UIButton("sound", "SND", 0, "", 0))
            UIButton("alca", "ALC", 0, self.alcaLabels[self.alcaMode], 1))
            UIButton("slow", "SLO", self.sloMode, self.sloLabels[self.sloMode],
        btns.append(UIButton("lka", "LKA", 1, "", 3))
        btns.append(UIButton("tr", "TR", 0, "", 4))
        btns.append(UIButton("gas", "GAS", 1, self.gasLabels[self.gasMode], 5))
        return btns

    #BB update ui buttons
    def update_ui_buttons(self, id, btn_status):
        if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status > 0:
            if (id == 1) and (btn_status == 0
                              ) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "alca":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.alcaLabels[
                    self.alcaMode = (self.alcaMode + 1) % 4
                    if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.PRIUS:
                        self.alcaMode = 3
                        self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("alca", 0)
                    kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                                 })  # write last ALCAMode setting to file
                    self.alcaMode = 0
                    if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.PRIUS:
                        self.alcaMode = 3
                        self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("alca", 0)
                    kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                                 })  # write last ALCAMode setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.alcaLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.PRIUS:
                    self.alcaMode = 3
                if self.alcaMode == 3:
                    self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("alca", 0)
            elif (id == 2) and (
                    == 0) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "slow":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.sloLabels[
                    self.sloMode = (self.sloMode + 1) % 2
                    kegman.save({'lastSloMode': int(self.sloMode)
                                 })  # write last SloMode setting to file
                    self.sloMode = 0
                    kegman.save({'lastSloMode': int(self.sloMode)
                                 })  # write last SloMode setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.sloLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                if self.sloMode == 0:
                        "slow", 0)  # this might not be needed
            elif (id == 5) and (
                    == 0) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "gas":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.gasLabels[
                    self.gasMode = (self.gasMode + 1) % 3
                    kegman.save({'lastGasMode': int(self.gasMode)
                                 })  # write last GasMode setting to file
                    self.gasMode = 0
                    kegman.save({'lastGasMode': int(self.gasMode)
                                 })  # write last GasMode setting to file

                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.gasLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                    id].btn_status = btn_status * self.cstm_btns.btns[
            self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status = btn_status
            if (id == 1) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "alca":
                self.alcaMode = (self.alcaMode + 1) % 4
                kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                             })  # write last ALCAMode setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.alcaLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
            elif (id == 2) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "slow":
                self.sloMode = (self.sloMode + 1) % 2
                kegman.save({'lastSloMode': int(self.sloMode)
                             })  # write last SloMode setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.sloLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True

    def update(self, cp, cp_cam):
        # copy can_valid
        self.can_valid = cp.can_valid
        self.cam_can_valid = cp_cam.can_valid
        msg = None
        #lastspeedlimit = None
        lastlive_MapData = None
        for socket, event in self.poller.poll(0):
            if socket is self.gps_location:
                msg = messaging.recv_one(socket)
            elif socket is self.lat_Control:
                self.lastlat_Control = messaging.recv_one(socket).latControl
            elif socket is self.live_MapData:
                lastlive_MapData = messaging.recv_one(socket).liveMapData
        if lastlive_MapData is not None:
            if lastlive_MapData.speedLimitValid:
                self.lastspeedlimit = lastlive_MapData.speedLimit
                self.lastspeedlimitvalid = True
                self.lastspeedlimitvalid = False

        if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.PRIUS:
            self.alcaMode = 3

        if msg is not None:
            gps_pkt = msg.gpsLocationExternal
            self.inaccuracy = gps_pkt.accuracy
            self.prev_distance = self.distance
            self.distance, self.includeradius, self.approachradius, self.speedlimit = gps_distance(
                gps_pkt.latitude, gps_pkt.longitude, gps_pkt.altitude,
            #self.distance = 6371010*acos(sin(radians(gps_pkt.latitude))*sin(radians(48.12893908))+cos(radians(gps_pkt.latitude))*cos(radians(48.12893908))*cos(radians(gps_pkt.longitude-9.797879048)))
        # update prevs, update must run once per loop
        self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on

        self.door_all_closed = not any([
        self.seatbelt = not cp.vl["SEATS_DOORS"]['SEATBELT_DRIVER_UNLATCHED']

        self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["BRAKE_MODULE"]['BRAKE_PRESSED']
        if self.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['INTERCEPTOR_GAS']
            self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["GAS_PEDAL"]['GAS_PEDAL']
        self.car_gas = self.pedal_gas
        self.esp_disabled = cp.vl["ESP_CONTROL"]['TC_DISABLED']

        # calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
        self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_FL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_FR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_RL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_RR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        v_wheel = float(
                self.v_wheel_fl, self.v_wheel_fr, self.v_wheel_rl,

        # Kalman filter
        if abs(
                v_wheel - self.v_ego
        ) > 2.0:  # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
            self.v_ego_kf.x = [[v_wheel], [0.0]]

        self.v_ego_raw = v_wheel
        v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(v_wheel)
        self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
        if self.lastlat_Control and self.v_ego > 11:
            angle_later = self.lastlat_Control.anglelater
            angle_later = 0
        self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
        self.standstill = not v_wheel > 0.001

        if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.OLD_CAR:
            self.angle_steers = -(
                cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"]['STEER_ANGLE'] +
                cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"]['STEER_FRACTION'] / 3)
            self.angle_steers = cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"][
                'STEER_ANGLE'] + cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"]['STEER_FRACTION']

        self.angle_steers_rate = cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"]['STEER_RATE']
        can_gear = int(cp.vl["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR'])
            self.econ_on = cp.vl["GEAR_PACKET"]['ECON_ON']
            self.econ_on = 0
            self.sport_on = cp.vl["GEAR_PACKET"]['SPORT_ON']
            self.sport_on = 0
        if self.econ_on == 0 and self.sport_on == 0:
            if self.gasMode == 1:
                self.sport_on = 1
            elif self.gasMode == 2:
                self.econ_on = 1
        self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(can_gear, self.shifter_values)

        self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 1
        self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 2

        #self.lkas_barriers = cp_cam.vl["LKAS_HUD"]['BARRIERS']
        #self.left_line = cp_cam.vl["LKAS_HUD"]['LEFT_LINE']
        #self.right_line = cp_cam.vl["LKAS_HUD"]['RIGHT_LINE']
        #print self.lkas_barriers
        #print self.right_line
        #print self.left_line
        self.blind_spot_side = cp.vl["DEBUG"]['BLINDSPOTSIDE']

        if (cp.vl["DEBUG"]['BLINDSPOTD1'] >
                10) or (cp.vl["DEBUG"]['BLINDSPOTD1'] > 10):
            self.blind_spot_on = bool(1)
            self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)

        # we could use the override bit from dbc, but it's triggered at too high torque values
        self.steer_override = abs(
            cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"]['STEER_TORQUE_DRIVER']) > 100

        # 2 is standby, 10 is active. TODO: check that everything else is really a faulty state
        self.steer_state = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['LKA_STATE']
        if self.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            self.steer_error = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['LKA_STATE'] not in [
                1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 25
            self.steer_error = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['LKA_STATE'] not in [
                1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 25
        self.steer_unavailable = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['LKA_STATE'] in [
            3, 17
        ]  # don't disengage, just warning
        self.ipas_active = cp.vl['EPS_STATUS']['IPAS_STATE'] == 3
        self.brake_error = 0
        self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"][
        self.steer_torque_motor = cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"][
        if bool(cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]
                ['LANE_WARNING']) <> self.lane_departure_toggle_on_prev:
            self.lane_departure_toggle_on = bool(
            if self.lane_departure_toggle_on:
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("lka", 1)
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("lka", 0)
            self.lane_departure_toggle_on_prev = self.lane_departure_toggle_on
            if self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("lka") == 0:
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
                if self.alcaMode == 3 and (self.left_blinker_on
                                           or self.right_blinker_on):
                    self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
                    self.lane_departure_toggle_on = True
        self.distance_toggle = cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]['ACC_DISTANCE']
        if cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_SM"]['DISTANCE_LINES'] == 2:
            self.trfix = True
        if self.trfix:
            self.read_distance_lines = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_SM"]['DISTANCE_LINES']
            self.read_distance_lines = 2
        if self.distance_toggle <> self.distance_toggle_prev:
            if self.read_distance_lines == self.distance_toggle:
                self.distance_toggle_prev = self.distance_toggle
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("tr", 1)
        if self.read_distance_lines <> self.read_distance_lines_prev:
            self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("tr", 0)
            if self.read_distance_lines == 1:
                                             "Following distance set to 0.9s",
                                             200, 3)
            if self.read_distance_lines == 2:
                self.UE.custom_alert_message(2, "Smooth following distance",
                                             200, 3)
            if self.read_distance_lines == 3:
                                             "Following distance set to 2.7s",
                                             200, 3)
            self.read_distance_lines_prev = self.read_distance_lines
        if bool(cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]['ACC_SLOW']) <> self.acc_slow_on_prev:
            self.acc_slow_on = bool(cp.vl["JOEL_ID"]['ACC_SLOW'])
            if self.acc_slow_on:
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("slow", 1)
                self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("slow", 0)
            self.acc_slow_on_prev = self.acc_slow_on
            if self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("slow") == 0:
                self.acc_slow_on = False
                self.acc_slow_on = True

        # we could use the override bit from dbc, but it's triggered at too high torque values
        self.steer_override = abs(self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD

        self.user_brake = cp.vl["BRAKE_MODULE"]['BRAKE_PRESSURE']
        if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
            self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_3"]['CRUISE_STATE']
            self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_3"]['SET_SPEED']
            self.low_speed_lockout = 0
            self.main_on = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_3"]['MAIN_ON']
        elif self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_ISH:
            self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['CRUISE_ACTIVE']
            self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_ISH"]['SET_SPEED']
            self.low_speed_lockout = False
            self.main_on = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_ISH"]['MAIN_ON']
            self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['CRUISE_STATE']
            self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"]['SET_SPEED']
            self.low_speed_lockout = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"][
                'LOW_SPEED_LOCKOUT'] == 2
            self.main_on = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"]['MAIN_ON']

        if self.acc_slow_on and self.CP.carFingerprint != CAR.OLD_CAR:
            self.v_cruise_pcm = max(7, int(self.v_cruise_pcm) - 34.0)
        if self.acc_slow_on:
            if not self.left_blinker_on and not self.right_blinker_on:
                self.Angles[self.Angle_counter] = abs(self.angle_steers)
                self.Angles_later[self.Angle_counter] = abs(angle_later)
                self.v_cruise_pcm = int(
                        self.brakefactor * interp(np.max(
                            self.Angles), self.Angle, self.Angle_Speed)))
                self.v_cruise_pcm = int(
                        self.brakefactor * interp(np.max(
                            self.Angles_later), self.Angle, self.Angle_Speed)))
                self.Angles[self.Angle_counter] = 0
                self.Angles_later[self.Angle_counter] = 0
            self.Angle_counter = (self.Angle_counter + 1) % 250

        #print "distane"
        #print self.distance
        if self.distance < self.approachradius + self.includeradius:
            #print "speed"
            #print self.prev_distance - self.distance
            #if speed is 5% higher than the speedlimit
            if self.prev_distance - self.distance > self.speedlimit * 0.00263889:
                if self.v_cruise_pcm > self.speedlimit:
                    self.v_cruise_pcm = self.speedlimit
        if self.distance < self.includeradius:
            #print "inside"
            if self.v_cruise_pcm > self.speedlimit:
                self.v_cruise_pcm = self.speedlimit

        self.pcm_acc_active = bool(cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['CRUISE_ACTIVE'])
        self.gas_pressed = not cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['GAS_RELEASED']
        self.brake_lights = bool(cp.vl["ESP_CONTROL"]['BRAKE_LIGHTS_ACC']
                                 or self.brake_pressed)
        if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.PRIUS:
            self.indi_toggle = True
            self.generic_toggle = cp.vl["AUTOPARK_STATUS"]['STATE'] != 0
        elif self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_ISH:
            self.generic_toggle = bool(
            self.generic_toggle = bool(cp.vl["LIGHT_STALK"]['AUTO_HIGH_BEAM'])
        self.tsgn1 = cp_cam.vl["RSA1"]['TSGN1']
        self.spdval1 = cp_cam.vl["RSA1"]['SPDVAL1']

        self.splsgn1 = cp_cam.vl["RSA1"]['SPLSGN1']
        self.tsgn2 = cp_cam.vl["RSA1"]['TSGN2']
        self.spdval2 = cp_cam.vl["RSA1"]['SPDVAL2']

        self.splsgn2 = cp_cam.vl["RSA1"]['SPLSGN2']
        self.tsgn3 = cp_cam.vl["RSA2"]['TSGN3']
        self.splsgn3 = cp_cam.vl["RSA2"]['SPLSGN3']
        self.tsgn4 = cp_cam.vl["RSA2"]['TSGN4']
        self.splsgn4 = cp_cam.vl["RSA2"]['SPLSGN4']
        self.noovertake = self.tsgn1 == 65 or self.tsgn2 == 65 or self.tsgn3 == 65 or self.tsgn4 == 65 or self.tsgn1 == 66 or self.tsgn2 == 66 or self.tsgn3 == 66 or self.tsgn4 == 66
        if self.spdval1 > 0 or self.spdval2 > 0:
            dat = messaging.new_message()
            if self.spdval1 > 0:
                dat.liveTrafficData.speedLimitValid = True
                if self.tsgn1 == 36:
                    dat.liveTrafficData.speedLimit = self.spdval1 * 1.60934
                elif self.tsgn1 == 1:
                    dat.liveTrafficData.speedLimit = self.spdval1
                    dat.liveTrafficData.speedLimit = 0
                dat.liveTrafficData.speedLimitValid = False
            if self.spdval2 > 0:
                dat.liveTrafficData.speedAdvisoryValid = True
                dat.liveTrafficData.speedAdvisory = self.spdval2
                dat.liveTrafficData.speedAdvisoryValid = False
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.lkMode = True
        self.gasMode = int(kegman.conf['lastGasMode'])
        self.gasLabels = ["dynamic", "sport", "eco"]
        self.Angle = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 60, 100, 180, 270, 500]
        self.Angle_Speed = [
            255, 160, 100, 80, 70, 60, 55, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        #labels for ALCA modes
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey", "off"]
        steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
        self.trLabels = ["0.9", "dyn", "2.7"]
        self.alcaMode = int(kegman.conf['lastALCAMode']
                            )  # default to last ALCA Mode on startup
        if self.alcaMode > 3:
            self.alcaMode = 3
            kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                         })  # write last distance bar setting to file
        self.trMode = int(kegman.conf['lastTrMode']
                          )  # default to last distance interval on startup
        if self.trMode > 2:
            self.trMode = 2
            kegman.save({'lastTrMode': int(self.trMode)
                         })  # write last distance bar setting to file
        #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 32., 55.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [
            2.0 * 15.4 / steerRatio, 1. * 15.4 / steerRatio,
            0.5 * 15.4 / steerRatio
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 2.5]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 4.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.040
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.

        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1., 1.1, 1.2]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.30, 0.30]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.read_distance_lines_prev = 3

        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEARBOX"]["GEAR_SHIFTER"]

        self.user_gas, self.user_gas_pressed = 0., 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0
        self.lead_distance = 255
        self.hud_lead = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0
        self.cruise_setting = 0
        self.v_cruise_pcm_prev = 0
        self.blinker_on = 0

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        self.stopped = 0

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Honda", "honda")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[[1.0, 0.0]],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0
class CarState(object):
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.lkMode = True
        self.gasMode = int(kegman.conf['lastGasMode'])
        self.gasLabels = ["dynamic", "sport", "eco"]
        self.Angle = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 60, 100, 180, 270, 500]
        self.Angle_Speed = [
            255, 160, 100, 80, 70, 60, 55, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        #labels for ALCA modes
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey", "off"]
        steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
        self.trLabels = ["0.9", "dyn", "2.7"]
        self.alcaMode = int(kegman.conf['lastALCAMode']
                            )  # default to last ALCA Mode on startup
        if self.alcaMode > 3:
            self.alcaMode = 3
            kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                         })  # write last distance bar setting to file
        self.trMode = int(kegman.conf['lastTrMode']
                          )  # default to last distance interval on startup
        if self.trMode > 2:
            self.trMode = 2
            kegman.save({'lastTrMode': int(self.trMode)
                         })  # write last distance bar setting to file
        #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 32., 55.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [
            2.0 * 15.4 / steerRatio, 1. * 15.4 / steerRatio,
            0.5 * 15.4 / steerRatio
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 2.5]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 4.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.040
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.

        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1., 1.1, 1.2]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.30, 0.30]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.read_distance_lines_prev = 3

        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEARBOX"]["GEAR_SHIFTER"]

        self.user_gas, self.user_gas_pressed = 0., 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0
        self.lead_distance = 255
        self.hud_lead = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0
        self.cruise_setting = 0
        self.v_cruise_pcm_prev = 0
        self.blinker_on = 0

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        self.stopped = 0

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Honda", "honda")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[[1.0, 0.0]],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0
        #BB init ui buttons
    def init_ui_buttons(self):
        btns = []
            UIButton("alca", "ALC", 1, self.alcaLabels[self.alcaMode], 0))
        btns.append(UIButton("lka", "LKA", 1, "", 1))
        btns.append(UIButton("", "", 0, "", 2))
        btns.append(UIButton("sound", "SND", 0, "", 3))
        btns.append(UIButton("tr", "TR", 0, self.trLabels[self.trMode], 4))
        btns.append(UIButton("gas", "Gas", 1, self.gasLabels[self.gasMode], 5))
        return btns

    #BB update ui buttons
    def update_ui_buttons(self, id, btn_status):
        if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status > 0:
            if (id == 0) and (btn_status == 0
                              ) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "alca":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.alcaLabels[
                    self.alcaMode = (self.alcaMode + 1) % 4
                    kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                                 })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                    self.alcaMode = 0
                    kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                                 })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.alcaLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                if self.alcaMode == 3:
                    self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("alca", 0)

            elif (id == 4) and (btn_status == 0
                                ) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "tr":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.trLabels[
                    self.trMode = (self.trMode + 1) % 3
                    kegman.save({'lastTrMode': int(self.trMode)
                                 })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                    self.trMode = 0
                    kegman.save({'lastTrMode': int(self.trMode)
                                 })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.trLabels[self.trMode]
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
            elif (id == 5) and (
                    == 0) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "gas":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.gasLabels[
                    self.gasMode = (self.gasMode + 1) % 3
                    kegman.save({'lastGasMode': int(self.gasMode)
                                 })  # write last GasMode setting to file
                    self.gasMode = 0
                    kegman.save({'lastGasMode': int(self.gasMode)
                                 })  # write last GasMode setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.gasLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                    id].btn_status = btn_status * self.cstm_btns.btns[
            self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status = btn_status
            if (id == 0) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "alca":
                self.alcaMode = (self.alcaMode + 1) % 4
                kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                             })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.alcaLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True

    def update(self, cp, cp_cam):

        # copy can_valid on buses 0 and 2
        self.can_valid = cp.can_valid
        self.cam_can_valid = cp_cam.can_valid

        # car params
        v_weight_v = [
            0., 1.
        ]  # don't trust smooth speed at low values to avoid premature zero snapping
        v_weight_bp = [
            1., 6.
        ]  # smooth blending, below ~0.6m/s the smooth speed snaps to zero

        # update prevs, update must run once per loop
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = self.cruise_buttons
        self.prev_blinker_on = self.blinker_on
        self.prev_lead_distance = self.lead_distance

        self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on

        # ******************* parse out can *******************

        if self.CP.carFingerprint in (
                CAR.ACCORD, CAR.ACCORD_15,
                CAR.ACCORDH):  # TODO: find wheels moving bit in dbc
            self.standstill = cp.vl["ENGINE_DATA"]['XMISSION_SPEED'] < 0.1
            self.door_all_closed = not cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"][
            self.lead_distance = cp.vl["RADAR_HUD"]['LEAD_DISTANCE']
        elif self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CIVIC_BOSCH):
            self.standstill = cp.vl["ENGINE_DATA"]['XMISSION_SPEED'] < 0.1
            self.door_all_closed = not cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"][
            self.hud_lead = cp.vl["ACC_HUD"]['HUD_LEAD']
            self.standstill = not cp.vl["STANDSTILL"]['WHEELS_MOVING']
            self.door_all_closed = not any([
        self.seatbelt = not cp.vl["SEATBELT_STATUS"][
            'SEATBELT_DRIVER_LAMP'] and cp.vl["SEATBELT_STATUS"][

        # 2 = temporary; 3 = TBD; 4 = significant steering wheel torque; 5 = (permanent); 6 = temporary; 7 = (permanent)
        # TODO: Use values from DBC to parse this field
        self.steer_error = cp.vl["STEER_STATUS"]['STEER_STATUS'] not in [
            0, 2, 3, 4, 6
        self.steer_not_allowed = cp.vl["STEER_STATUS"]['STEER_STATUS'] not in [
            0, 4
        ]  # 4 can be caused by bump OR steering nudge from driver
        self.steer_warning = cp.vl["STEER_STATUS"]['STEER_STATUS'] not in [
            0, 3, 4
        ]  # 3 is low speed lockout, not worth a warning
        if self.CP.radarOffCan:
            self.brake_error = 0
            self.brake_error = cp.vl["STANDSTILL"]['BRAKE_ERROR_1'] or cp.vl[
        self.esp_disabled = cp.vl["VSA_STATUS"]['ESP_DISABLED']

        # calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
        speed_factor = SPEED_FACTOR[self.CP.carFingerprint]
        self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"][
            'WHEEL_SPEED_FL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS * speed_factor
        self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"][
            'WHEEL_SPEED_FR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS * speed_factor
        self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"][
            'WHEEL_SPEED_RL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS * speed_factor
        self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"][
            'WHEEL_SPEED_RR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS * speed_factor
        v_wheel = (self.v_wheel_fl + self.v_wheel_fr + self.v_wheel_rl +
                   self.v_wheel_rr) / 4.

        # blend in transmission speed at low speed, since it has more low speed accuracy
        self.v_weight = interp(v_wheel, v_weight_bp, v_weight_v)
        speed = (1. - self.v_weight) * cp.vl["ENGINE_DATA"]['XMISSION_SPEED'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS * speed_factor + \
          self.v_weight * v_wheel

        if abs(
                speed - self.v_ego
        ) > 2.0:  # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
            self.v_ego_kf.x = [[speed], [0.0]]

        self.v_ego_raw = speed
        v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(speed)
        self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
        self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])

        # this is a hack for the interceptor. This is now only used in the simulation
        # TODO: Replace tests by toyota so this can go away
        if self.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
            self.user_gas = cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['INTERCEPTOR_GAS']
            self.user_gas_pressed = self.user_gas > 0  # this works because interceptor read < 0 when pedal position is 0. Once calibrated, this will change

        self.gear = 0 if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.CIVIC else cp.vl[
        self.angle_steers = cp.vl["STEERING_SENSORS"]['STEER_ANGLE']
        self.angle_steers_rate = cp.vl["STEERING_SENSORS"]['STEER_ANGLE_RATE']

        self.cruise_buttons = cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]['CRUISE_BUTTONS']

        self.blinker_on = cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['LEFT_BLINKER'] or cp.vl[
        self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['LEFT_BLINKER']
        self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['RIGHT_BLINKER']
        self.brake_hold = cp.vl["VSA_STATUS"]['BRAKE_HOLD_ACTIVE']

        if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CIVIC, CAR.ODYSSEY, CAR.CRV_5G,
                                      CAR.ACCORD, CAR.ACCORD_15, CAR.ACCORDH,
            self.park_brake = cp.vl["EPB_STATUS"]['EPB_STATE'] != 0
            self.main_on = cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['MAIN_ON']
            self.park_brake = 0  # TODO
            self.main_on = cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]['MAIN_ON']

        can_gear_shifter = int(cp.vl["GEARBOX"]['GEAR_SHIFTER'])
        self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(can_gear_shifter,

        self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['PEDAL_GAS']
        # crv doesn't include cruise control
        if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CRV, CAR.ODYSSEY, CAR.ACURA_RDX,
                                      CAR.RIDGELINE, CAR.PILOT_2019):
            self.car_gas = self.pedal_gas
            self.car_gas = cp.vl["GAS_PEDAL_2"]['CAR_GAS']

        self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["STEER_STATUS"]['STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR']
        self.steer_override = abs(
            self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD[self.CP.carFingerprint]

        self.brake_switch = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH']

        if self.CP.radarOffCan:
            self.stopped = cp.vl["ACC_HUD"]['CRUISE_SPEED'] == 252.
            self.cruise_speed_offset = calc_cruise_offset(0, self.v_ego)
            if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CIVIC_BOSCH, CAR.ACCORDH):
                self.brake_switch = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH']
                self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_PRESSED'] or \
                                  (self.brake_switch and self.brake_switch_prev and \
                                  cp.ts["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH'] != self.brake_switch_ts)
                self.brake_switch_prev = self.brake_switch
                self.brake_switch_ts = cp.ts["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH']
                self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["BRAKE_MODULE"]['BRAKE_PRESSED']
            # On set, cruise set speed pulses between 254~255 and the set speed prev is set to avoid this.
            self.v_cruise_pcm = self.v_cruise_pcm_prev if cp.vl["ACC_HUD"][
                'CRUISE_SPEED'] > 160.0 else cp.vl["ACC_HUD"]['CRUISE_SPEED']
            self.v_cruise_pcm_prev = self.v_cruise_pcm
            self.brake_switch = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH']
            self.cruise_speed_offset = calc_cruise_offset(
                cp.vl["CRUISE_PARAMS"]['CRUISE_SPEED_OFFSET'], self.v_ego)
            self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["CRUISE"]['CRUISE_SPEED_PCM']
            # brake switch has shown some single time step noise, so only considered when
            # switch is on for at least 2 consecutive CAN samples
            self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_PRESSED'] or \
                               (self.brake_switch and self.brake_switch_prev and \
                               cp.ts["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH'] != self.brake_switch_ts)
            self.brake_switch_prev = self.brake_switch
            self.brake_switch_ts = cp.ts["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH']

        self.v_cruise_pcm = int(
                interp(self.angle_steers, self.Angle, self.Angle_Speed)))
        self.user_brake = cp.vl["VSA_STATUS"]['USER_BRAKE']
        self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['ACC_STATUS']
        self.hud_lead = cp.vl["ACC_HUD"]['HUD_LEAD']
        if self.cruise_setting == 3:
            if cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]["CRUISE_SETTING"] == 0:
                self.trMode = (self.trMode + 1) % 3
                kegman.save({'lastTrMode': int(self.trMode)
                             })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[4].btn_label2 = self.trLabels[self.trMode]

        self.read_distance_lines = self.trMode + 1
        if self.read_distance_lines <> self.read_distance_lines_prev:
            if self.read_distance_lines == 1:
                                             "Following distance set to 0.9s",
                                             200, 3)
            if self.read_distance_lines == 2:
                self.UE.custom_alert_message(2, "Dynamic Following distance",
                                             200, 3)
            if self.read_distance_lines == 3:
                                             "Following distance set to 2.7s",
                                             200, 3)
            self.read_distance_lines_prev = self.read_distance_lines

        # when user presses LKAS button on steering wheel
        if self.cruise_setting == 1:
            if cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]["CRUISE_SETTING"] == 0:
                if self.lkMode:
                    self.lkMode = False
                    self.lkMode = True

        self.prev_cruise_setting = self.cruise_setting
        self.cruise_setting = cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]['CRUISE_SETTING']

        if self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("lka") == 0:
            self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
            if self.alcaMode == 3 and (self.left_blinker_on
                                       or self.right_blinker_on):
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = True

        # Gets rid of Pedal Grinding noise when brake is pressed at slow speeds for some models
        # TODO: this should be ok for all cars. Verify it.
        if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.PILOT, CAR.PILOT_2019,
            if self.user_brake > 0.05:
                self.brake_pressed = 1
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.gasMode = int(kegman.conf['lastGasMode'])
        self.gasLabels = ["dynamic", "sport", "eco"]
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey", "off"]
        self.alcaMode = int(kegman.conf['lastALCAMode'])
        steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
        self.prev_distance_button = 0
        self.distance_button = 0
        self.prev_lka_button = 0
        self.lka_button = 0
        self.lkMode = True
        self.lane_departure_toggle_on = True
        # ALCA PARAMS
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 32., 55.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [
            0.77 * 16.2 / steerRatio, 0.86 * 16.2 / steerRatio,
            0.535 * 16.2 / steerRatio
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 2.5]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 4.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.040
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1., 1.1, 1.2]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.CP = CP

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Chrysler", "chrysler")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0
class CarState(object):
  def __init__(self, CP):
    # labels for buttons
    self.btns_init = [["alca",                "ALC",                      ["MadMax", "Normal", "Calm"]],
                      [ACCMode.BUTTON_NAME,   ACCMode.BUTTON_ABREVIATION, ACCMode.labels()],
                      ["steer",               "STR",                      [""]],
                      ["brake",               "BRK",                      [""]],
                      ["msg",                 "MSG",                      [""]],
                      ["sound",               "SND",                      [""]]]

    if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):

      # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
      self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.2, .3]

      # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
      self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16. , 8.]

      # reenrey angle when to let go
      self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5. , 5.]

      # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
      self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 1.5]

      self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
      self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40.,10., 3.] 

      # change lane delta angles and other params
      self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
      self.CL_MAXD_A = [.358, 0.084, 0.042] #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75

      self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9 # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s

      # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
      self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
      self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.] 

      # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
      # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
      # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
      self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
      self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0. 
      self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = 1.

      #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
      self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
      self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7 ,0.50, 0.40]

      #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
      self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

    self.brake_only = CP.enableCruise
    self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
    self.CP = CP

    self.user_gas = 0.
    self.user_gas_pressed = False
    self.pedal_interceptor_state = 0
    self.pedal_interceptor_value = 0.
    self.pedal_interceptor_value2 = 0.
    self.pedal_interceptor_missed_counter = 0
    self.brake_switch_prev = 0
    self.brake_switch_ts = 0

    self.cruise_buttons = 0
    self.blinker_on = 0

    self.left_blinker_on = 0
    self.right_blinker_on = 0
    self.steer_warning = 0
    self.stopped = 0
    self.frame_humanSteered = 0    # Last frame human steered

    # variables used for the fake DAS creation
    self.DAS_info_frm = -1
    self.DAS_info_msg = 0
    self.DAS_status_frm = 0
    self.DAS_status_idx = 0
    self.DAS_status2_frm = 0
    self.DAS_status2_idx = 0
    self.DAS_bodyControls_frm = 0
    self.DAS_bodyControls_idx = 0
    self.DAS_lanes_frm = 0
    self.DAS_lanes_idx = 0
    self.DAS_objects_frm = 0
    self.DAS_objects_idx = 0
    self.DAS_pscControl_frm = 0
    self.DAS_pscControl_idx = 0
    self.DAS_warningMatrix0_idx = 0
    self.DAS_warningMatrix1_idx = 0
    self.DAS_warningMatrix3_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic1_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic2_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryEvent1_idx = 0
    self.DAS_telemetryEvent2_idx = 0
    self.DAS_control_idx = 0

    #BB variables for pedal CC
    self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.
    # Pedal mode is ready, i.e. hardware is present and normal cruise is off.
    self.pedal_interceptor_available = False
    self.prev_pedal_interceptor_available = False

    #BB UIEvents
    self.UE = UIEvents(self)

    #BB PCC
    self.regenLight = 0
    self.torqueLevel = 0.

    #BB variable for custom buttons
    self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self,"Tesla Model S","tesla")

    #BB custom message counter
    self.custom_alert_counter = -1 #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

    #BB steering_wheel_stalk last position, used by ACC and ALCA
    self.steering_wheel_stalk = None
    #BB carConfig data used to change IC info
    self.real_carConfig = None
    self.real_dasHw = 0
    # vEgo kalman filter
    dt = 0.01
    # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
    # R = 1e3
    self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                         A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                         C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                         K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
    self.v_ego = 0.0

    self.imperial_speed_units = True

    # The current max allowed cruise speed. Actual cruise speed sent to the car
    # may be lower, depending on traffic.
    self.v_cruise_pcm = 0.0
    # Actual cruise speed currently active on the car.
    self.v_cruise_actual = 0.0
  def config_ui_buttons(self, pedalPresent):
    if pedalPresent:
      self.btns_init[1] = [PCCModes.BUTTON_NAME, PCCModes.BUTTON_ABREVIATION, PCCModes.labels()]
      # we don't have pedal interceptor
      self.btns_init[1] = [ACCMode.BUTTON_NAME, ACCMode.BUTTON_ABREVIATION, ACCMode.labels()]
    btn = self.cstm_btns.btns[1]
    btn.btn_name = self.btns_init[1][0]
    btn.btn_label = self.btns_init[1][1]
    btn.btn_label2 = self.btns_init[1][2][0]
    btn.btn_status = 1
    self.cstm_btns.update_ui_buttons(1, 1)    

  def update(self, cp, epas_cp):

    # copy can_valid
    self.can_valid = cp.can_valid

    # car params
    v_weight_v = [0., 1.]  # don't trust smooth speed at low values to avoid premature zero snapping
    v_weight_bp = [1., 6.]   # smooth blending, below ~0.6m/s the smooth speed snaps to zero

    # update prevs, update must run once per loop
    self.prev_cruise_buttons = self.cruise_buttons
    self.prev_blinker_on = self.blinker_on

    self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
    self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on

    self.steering_wheel_stalk = cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]
    self.real_carConfig = cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]
    self.real_dasHw = cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]['GTW_dasHw']
    self.cruise_buttons = cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]['SpdCtrlLvr_Stat']

    # ******************* parse out can *******************
    self.door_all_closed = not any([cp.vl["GTW_carState"]['DOOR_STATE_FL'], cp.vl["GTW_carState"]['DOOR_STATE_FR'],
                               cp.vl["GTW_carState"]['DOOR_STATE_RL'], cp.vl["GTW_carState"]['DOOR_STATE_RR']])  #JCT
    self.seatbelt = cp.vl["GTW_status"]['GTW_driverPresent']

    # 2 = temporary 3= TBD 4 = temporary, hit a bump 5 (permanent) 6 = temporary 7 (permanent)
    # TODO: Use values from DBC to parse this field
    self.steer_error = epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]['EPAS_steeringFault'] == 1
    self.steer_not_allowed = epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]['EPAS_eacStatus'] not in [2,1] # 2 "EAC_ACTIVE" 1 "EAC_AVAILABLE" 3 "EAC_FAULT" 0 "EAC_INHIBITED"
    self.steer_warning = self.steer_not_allowed
    self.brake_error = 0 #NOT WORKINGcp.vl[309]['ESP_brakeLamp'] #JCT
    # JCT More ESP errors available, these needs to be added once car steers on its own to disable / alert driver
    self.esp_disabled = 0 #NEED TO CORRECT DBC cp.vl[309]['ESP_espOffLamp'] or cp.vl[309]['ESP_tcOffLamp'] or cp.vl[309]['ESP_tcLampFlash'] or cp.vl[309]['ESP_espFaultLamp'] #JCT

    # calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
    self.v_wheel_fl = 0 #JCT
    self.v_wheel_fr = 0 #JCT
    self.v_wheel_rl = 0 #JCT
    self.v_wheel_rr = 0 #JCT
    self.v_wheel = 0 #JCT
    self.v_weight = 0 #JCT
    speed = (cp.vl["DI_torque2"]['DI_vehicleSpeed'])*CV.MPH_TO_KPH/3.6 #JCT MPH_TO_MS. Tesla is in MPH, v_ego is expected in M/S
    speed = speed * 1.01 # To match car's displayed speed
    self.v_ego_x = np.matrix([[speed], [0.0]])
    self.v_ego_raw = speed
    v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(speed)
    self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
    self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])

    #BB use this set for pedal work as the user_gas_xx is used in other places
    self.pedal_interceptor_state = epas_cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['STATE']
    self.pedal_interceptor_value = epas_cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['INTERCEPTOR_GAS']
    self.pedal_interceptor_value2 = epas_cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['INTERCEPTOR_GAS2']

    can_gear_shifter = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]['DI_gear']
    self.gear = 0 # JCT

    # self.angle_steers  = -(cp.vl["STW_ANGLHP_STAT"]['StW_AnglHP']) #JCT polarity reversed from Honda/Acura
    self.angle_steers = -(epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]['EPAS_internalSAS'])  #BB see if this works better than STW_ANGLHP_STAT for angle
    self.angle_steers_rate = 0 #JCT

    self.blinker_on = (cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]['TurnIndLvr_Stat'] == 1) or (cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]['TurnIndLvr_Stat'] == 2)
    self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]['TurnIndLvr_Stat'] == 1
    self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]['TurnIndLvr_Stat'] == 2

    #if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CIVIC, CAR.ODYSSEY):
    #  self.park_brake = cp.vl["EPB_STATUS"]['EPB_STATE'] != 0
    #  self.brake_hold = cp.vl["VSA_STATUS"]['BRAKE_HOLD_ACTIVE']
    #  self.main_on = cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['MAIN_ON']
    self.park_brake = 0  # TODO
    self.brake_hold = 0  # TODO

    self.main_on = 1 #cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]['MAIN_ON']
    self.cruise_speed_offset = calc_cruise_offset(cp.vl["DI_state"]['DI_cruiseSet'], self.v_ego)
    self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(can_gear_shifter, self.CP.carFingerprint)

    self.pedal_gas = 0. # cp.vl["DI_torque1"]['DI_pedalPos'] / 102 #BB: to make it between 0..1
    self.car_gas = self.pedal_gas

    self.steer_override = abs(epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]['EPAS_handsOnLevel']) > 0
    self.steer_torque_driver = 0 #JCT

    # brake switch has shown some single time step noise, so only considered when
    # switch is on for at least 2 consecutive CAN samples
    # Todo / refactor: This shouldn't have to do with epas == 3..
    # was wrongly set to epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]['EPAS_eacErrorCode'] == 3 and epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]['EPAS_eacStatus'] == 0
    self.brake_switch = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]['DI_brakePedal']
    self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]['DI_brakePedal']

    self.standstill = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]['DI_vehicleSpeed'] == 0
    self.torqueMotor = cp.vl["DI_torque1"]['DI_torqueMotor']
    self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["DI_state"]['DI_cruiseState']
    self.imperial_speed_units = cp.vl["DI_state"]['DI_speedUnits'] == 0
    self.regenLight = cp.vl["DI_state"]['DI_regenLight'] == 1
    self.prev_pedal_interceptor_available = self.pedal_interceptor_available
    pedal_has_value = bool(self.pedal_interceptor_value) or bool(self.pedal_interceptor_value2)
    pedal_interceptor_present = self.pedal_interceptor_state in [0, 5] and pedal_has_value
    # Add loggic if we just miss some CAN messages so we don't immediately disable pedal
    if pedal_interceptor_present:
      self.pedal_interceptor_missed_counter = 0
      self.pedal_interceptor_missed_counter += 1
    pedal_interceptor_present = self.pedal_interceptor_missed_counter < 10
    # Mark pedal unavailable while traditional cruise is on.
    self.pedal_interceptor_available = pedal_interceptor_present and not bool(self.pcm_acc_status)
    if self.pedal_interceptor_available != self.prev_pedal_interceptor_available:

    if self.imperial_speed_units:
      self.v_cruise_actual = (cp.vl["DI_state"]['DI_cruiseSet'])*CV.MPH_TO_KPH # Reported in MPH, expected in KPH??
      self.v_cruise_actual = cp.vl["DI_state"]['DI_cruiseSet']
    self.hud_lead = 0 #JCT
    self.cruise_speed_offset = calc_cruise_offset(self.v_cruise_pcm, self.v_ego)
    def __init__(self, CP):
        #labels for buttons
        self.btns_init = [["","",["","",""]], \
                          ["","",[""]], \
                          ["alca","ALC",["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey"]], \
                          ["cam","CAM",[""]], \
                          ["alwon", "MAD",[""]], \
                          ["sound", "SND", [""]]]

        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [2.4, .3]

        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]

        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]

        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.7, .75]

        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [60., 3.]

        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.042
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75

        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s

        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]

        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = 1.

        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.4, 0.20]

        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.CP = CP

        # initialize can parser
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]),
                             A=np.matrix([[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]]),
                             C=np.matrix([1.0, 0.0]),
                             K=np.matrix([[0.12287673], [0.29666309]]))
        self.v_ego = 0.0
        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.left_blinker_flash = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_flash = 0
        self.has_scc = False

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Hyundai", "hyundai")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero
class CarState(CarStateBase):
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.params = Params()
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9
        self.CL_MAX_A = 20.0
        # labels for buttons
        self.btns_init = [
            ["alca", "ALC", [""]],
            ["dsp", "DSP", ["OP", "MIN", "OFF", "GYRO"]],
            ["", "", [""]],
            ["msg", "MSG", [""]],
            ["sound", "SND", [""]],

        ### Do NOT modify here, modify in /data/bb_openpilot.cfg and reboot
        self.forcePedalOverCC = True
        self.usesApillarHarness = False
        self.enableHSO = True
        self.enableALCA = True
        self.enableDasEmulation = True
        self.enableRadarEmulation = True
        self.enableDriverMonitor = True
        self.enableShowCar = True
        self.enableShowLogo = True
        self.hasNoctuaFan = False
        self.limitBatteryMinMax = False
        self.limitBattery_Min = 60
        self.limitBattery_Max = 70
        self.doAutoUpdate = True
        self.blockUploadWhileTethering = False
        self.tetherIP = "127.0.0."
        self.useTeslaGPS = False
        self.useTeslaMapData = False
        self.hasTeslaIcIntegration = False
        self.useTeslaRadar = False
        self.useWithoutHarness = False
        self.radarVIN = "                 "
        self.enableLdw = True
        self.radarOffset = 0.0
        self.radarPosition = 0
        self.radarEpasType = 0
        self.fix1916 = False
        self.forceFingerprintTesla = False
        self.spinnerText = ""
        self.hsoNumbPeriod = 1.5
        self.ldwNumbPeriod = 1.5
        self.tapBlinkerExtension = 2
        self.ahbOffDuration = 5
        self.roadCameraID = ""
        self.driverCameraID = ""
        self.roadCameraFx = 0.73
        self.driverCameraFx = 0.75
        self.roadCameraFlip = 0
        self.driverCameraFlip = 0
        self.monitorForcedRes = ""
        # read config file

        self.apEnabled = True
        self.apFollowTimeInS = 2.5  # time in seconds to follow
        self.keepEonOff = False
        self.alcaEnabled = True
        self.mapAwareSpeed = False

        # Tesla Model
        self.teslaModelDetected = 1
        self.teslaModel = self.params.get("TeslaModel")
        if self.teslaModel:
            self.teslaModel = self.teslaModel.decode()
        if self.teslaModel is None:
            self.teslaModel = "S"
            self.teslaModelDetected = 0

        # for map integration
        self.csaRoadCurvC3 = 0.0
        self.csaRoadCurvC2 = 0.0
        self.csaRoadCurvRange = 0.0
        self.csaRoadCurvUsingTspline = 0

        self.csaOfframpCurvC3 = 0.0
        self.csaOfframpCurvC2 = 0.0
        self.csaOfframpCurvRange = 0.0
        self.csaOfframpCurvUsingTspline = 0

        self.roadCurvHealth = 0
        self.roadCurvRange = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC0 = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC1 = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC2 = 0.0
        self.roadCurvC3 = 0.0

        self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.UI_splineID = 0
        self.meanFleetSplineAccelMPS2 = 0.0
        self.medianFleetSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.topQrtlFleetSplineSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.splineLocConfidence = 0
        self.baseMapSpeedLimitMPS = 0.0
        self.bottomQrtlFleetSpeedMPS = 0.0
        self.rampType = 0

        self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed = 0.0
        self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed = 0.0
        self.map_suggested_speed = 0.0

        self.gpsLongitude = 0.0
        self.gpsLatitude = 0.0
        self.gpsAccuracy = 0.0
        self.gpsElevation = 0.0
        self.gpsHeading = 0.0
        self.gpsVehicleSpeed = 0.0

        self.speed_limit_ms = 0.0
        self.userSpeedLimitOffsetKph = 0.0
        self.DAS_fusedSpeedLimit = 0

        self.brake_only = CP.enableCruise
        self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
        self.CP = CP

        self.user_gas = 0.0
        self.user_gas_pressed = False
        self.pedal_interceptor_state = self.prev_pedal_interceptor_state = 0
        self.pedal_interceptor_value = 0.0
        self.pedal_interceptor_value2 = 0.0
        self.pedal_idx = self.prev_pedal_idx = 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0

        self.turn_signal_state_left = (
            0  # 0 = off, 1 = on (blinking), 2 = failed, 3 = default
        self.turn_signal_state_right = (
            0  # 0 = off, 1 = on (blinking), 2 = failed, 3 = default
        self.prev_turn_signal_blinking = False
        self.turn_signal_blinking = False
        self.prev_turn_signal_stalk_state = 0
        self.turn_signal_stalk_state = (
            0  # 0 = off, 1 = indicate left (stalk down), 2 = indicate right (stalk up)

        self.steer_warning = 0

        self.stopped = 0

        # variables used for the fake DAS creation
        self.DAS_info_frm = -1
        self.DAS_info_msg = 0
        self.DAS_status_frm = 0
        self.DAS_status_idx = 0
        self.DAS_status2_frm = 0
        self.DAS_status2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_bodyControls_frm = 0
        self.DAS_bodyControls_idx = 0
        self.DAS_lanes_frm = 0
        self.DAS_lanes_idx = 0
        self.DAS_objects_frm = 0
        self.DAS_objects_idx = 0
        self.DAS_pscControl_frm = 0
        self.DAS_pscControl_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix0_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix3_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryEvent1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryEvent2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_control_idx = 0

        # BB notification messages for DAS
        self.DAS_canErrors = 0
        self.DAS_plannerErrors = 0
        self.DAS_doorOpen = 0
        self.DAS_notInDrive = 0

        self.summonButton = 0

        # BB variables for pedal CC
        self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.0

        # BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        # BB PCC
        self.regenLight = 0
        self.torqueLevel = 0.0

        # BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Tesla Model S", "tesla",
                                   self.enableShowLogo, self.enableShowCar)

        # BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = (
        )  # set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # BB steering_wheel_stalk last position, used by ACC and ALCA
        self.steering_wheel_stalk = None

        # BB carConfig data used to change IC info
        self.real_carConfig = None
        self.real_dasHw = 0

        # BB visiond last type
        self.last_visiond = self.cstm_btns.btns[3].btn_label2

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(
            x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
            A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
            C=[1.0, 0.0],
            K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]],
        self.v_ego = 0.0

        self.imperial_speed_units = True

        # The current max allowed cruise speed. Actual cruise speed sent to the car
        # may be lower, depending on traffic.
        self.v_cruise_pcm = 0.0
        # Actual cruise speed currently active on the car.
        self.v_cruise_actual = 0.0

        # ALCA params
        self.ALCA_enabled = False
        self.ALCA_total_steps = 100
        self.ALCA_direction = 0
        self.ALCA_error = False

        self.angle_offset = 0.0
        self.init_angle_offset = False

        # AHB params
        self.ahbHighBeamStalkPosition = 0
        self.ahbEnabled = 0
        self.ahbLoBeamOn = 0
        self.ahbHiBeamOn = 0
        self.ahbNightMode = 0

    def get_can_parser(CP):
        signals, checks = get_can_signals(CP)
        return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]["pt"], signals, checks, 0)

    def get_can_parser2(CP, mydbc):
        signals, checks = get_can_signals(CP)
        return CANParser(mydbc, signals, checks, 0)

    def get_epas_parser(CP, epascan):
        signals, checks = get_epas_can_signals(CP)
        return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]["pt"] + "_epas", signals,
                         checks, epascan)

    def get_pedal_parser(CP, pedalcan):
        signals, checks = get_pedal_can_signals(CP)
        return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]["pt"] + "_pedal", signals,
                         checks, pedalcan)

    def config_ui_buttons(self, pcc_available, pcc_blocked_by_acc_mode):
        if pcc_available:
            self.btns_init[1] = [
            self.btns_init[1] = [
        btn = self.cstm_btns.btns[1]
        btn.btn_name = self.btns_init[1][0]
        btn.btn_label = self.btns_init[1][1]
        btn.btn_label2 = self.btns_init[1][2][0]
        btn.btn_status = 1

        if (not pcc_available) and pcc_blocked_by_acc_mode:
            btn.btn_label2 = self.btns_init[1][2][1]
        self.cstm_btns.update_ui_buttons(1, 1)

    def _convert_to_DAS_fusedSpeedLimit(self, speed_limit_uom,
        if speed_limit_uom > 0:
            if speed_limit_type == 0x1E:  # Autobahn with no speed limit
                return 0x1F  # no speed limit sign
            return int(speed_limit_uom / 5 +
                       0.5)  # sign ID in 5 kph/mph increments (7 shows as 5)
            if speed_limit_type == 0x1F:  # SNA (parking lot, no public road, etc.)
                return 0  # no sign
            return 1  # show 5 kph/mph for unknown limit where we should have one

    def compute_speed(self):
        # if one of them is zero, select max of the two
        if self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS == 0 or self.medianFleetSpeedMPS == 0:
            self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed = max(self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS,
            self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed = (
                self.splineLocConfidence * self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS +
                (100 - self.splineLocConfidence) *
                self.medianFleetSpeedMPS) / 100.0
        # if confidence over 60%, then weight between bottom speed and top speed
        # if less than 40% then use map data
        if self.splineLocConfidence > 60:
            self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed = (
                self.splineLocConfidence * self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS +
                (100 - self.splineLocConfidence) *
                self.bottomQrtlFleetSpeedMPS) / 100.0
            self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed = self.speed_limit_ms
        if self.rampType > 0:
            # we are on a ramp, use the spline info if available
            if self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed > 0:
                self.map_suggested_speed = self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed
                self.map_suggested_speed = self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed
            # we are on a normal road, use max of the two
            self.map_suggested_speed = max(self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed,

    def update_ui_buttons(self, btn_id, btn_status):
        # we only focus on btn_id=3, which is for visiond
        if ((btn_id == 3) and (self.cstm_btns.btns[btn_id].btn_status > 0) and
            (self.last_visiond != self.cstm_btns.btns[btn_id].btn_label2)):
            self.last_visiond = self.cstm_btns.btns[btn_id].btn_label2
            # we switched between wiggly and normal
            args = [

    def update(self, cp, epas_cp, pedal_cp):

        self.steering_wheel_stalk = cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]
        self.real_carConfig = cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]
        self.real_dasHw = cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]["GTW_dasHw"]
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = self.cruise_buttons
        self.cruise_buttons = cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]["SpdCtrlLvr_Stat"]

        # ******************* parse out can *******************
        self.door_all_closed = not any([
        ])  # JCT
        if self.usesApillarHarness:
            self.seatbelt = epas_cp.vl["SDM1"]["SDM_bcklDrivStatus"]
            self.seatbelt = cp.vl["SDM1"]["SDM_bcklDrivStatus"]
        # self.seatbelt = cp.vl["SDM1"]['SDM_bcklDrivStatus'] and cp.vl["GTW_status"]['GTW_driverPresent']
        if (cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]["GTW_performanceConfig"]) and (
                cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]["GTW_performanceConfig"] > 0):
            prev_teslaModel = self.teslaModel
            self.teslaModel = "S"
            if cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]["GTW_performanceConfig"] > 1:
                self.teslaModel = self.teslaModel + "P"
            if cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]["GTW_fourWheelDrive"] == 1:
                self.teslaModel = self.teslaModel + "D"
            if (self.teslaModelDetected
                    == 0) or (prev_teslaModel != self.teslaModel):
                self.params.put("TeslaModel", self.teslaModel)
                self.teslaModelDetected = 1

        # Nav Map Data
        self.csaRoadCurvC3 = cp.vl["UI_csaRoadCurvature"]["UI_csaRoadCurvC3"]
        self.csaRoadCurvC2 = cp.vl["UI_csaRoadCurvature"]["UI_csaRoadCurvC2"]
        self.csaRoadCurvRange = cp.vl["UI_csaRoadCurvature"][
        self.csaRoadCurvUsingTspline = cp.vl["UI_csaRoadCurvature"][

        self.csaOfframpCurvC3 = cp.vl["UI_csaOfframpCurvature"][
        self.csaOfframpCurvC2 = cp.vl["UI_csaOfframpCurvature"][
        self.csaOfframpCurvRange = cp.vl["UI_csaOfframpCurvature"][
        self.csaOfframpCurvUsingTspline = cp.vl["UI_csaOfframpCurvature"][

        self.roadCurvHealth = cp.vl["UI_roadCurvature"]["UI_roadCurvHealth"]
        self.roadCurvRange = cp.vl["UI_roadCurvature"]["UI_roadCurvRange"]
        self.roadCurvC0 = cp.vl["UI_roadCurvature"]["UI_roadCurvC0"]
        self.roadCurvC1 = cp.vl["UI_roadCurvature"]["UI_roadCurvC1"]
        self.roadCurvC2 = cp.vl["UI_roadCurvature"]["UI_roadCurvC2"]
        self.roadCurvC3 = cp.vl["UI_roadCurvature"]["UI_roadCurvC3"]

        self.gpsLongitude = cp.vl["MCU_locationStatus"]["MCU_longitude"]
        self.gpsLatitude = cp.vl["MCU_locationStatus"]["MCU_latitude"]
        self.gpsAccuracy = cp.vl["MCU_locationStatus"]["MCU_gpsAccuracy"]
        self.gpsElevation = cp.vl["MCU_locationStatus2"]["MCU_elevation"]
        self.gpsHeading = cp.vl["UI_gpsVehicleSpeed"]["UI_gpsVehicleHeading"]
        self.gpsVehicleSpeed = (
            cp.vl["UI_gpsVehicleSpeed"]["UI_gpsVehicleSpeed"] * CV.KPH_TO_MS)

        if self.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
            # BB: AutoSteer enabled does not work unless we do old style port mapping on MCU
            # self.apEnabled = (cp.vl["MCU_chassisControl"]["MCU_latControlEnable"] == 1)
            self.summonButton = int(
            self.apFollowTimeInS = (
                1 + cp.vl["MCU_chassisControl"]["MCU_fcwSensitivity"] * 0.5)
            self.keepEonOff = cp.vl["MCU_chassisControl"]["MCU_ldwEnable"] == 1
            self.alcaEnabled = cp.vl["MCU_chassisControl"][
                "MCU_pedalSafetyEnable"] == 1
            self.mapAwareSpeed = (cp.vl["MCU_chassisControl"]["MCU_aebEnable"]
                                  == 1 and self.useTeslaMapData)
            # AHB info
            self.ahbHighBeamStalkPosition = cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"][
            self.ahbEnabled = cp.vl["MCU_chassisControl"]["MCU_ahlbEnable"]
            if self.usesApillarHarness:
                self.ahbLoBeamOn = epas_cp.vl["BODY_R1"]["LoBm_On_Rq"]
                self.ahbHiBeamOn = epas_cp.vl["BODY_R1"]["HiBm_On"]
                self.ahbNightMode = epas_cp.vl["BODY_R1"]["LgtSens_Night"]
                self.ahbLoBeamOn = cp.vl["BODY_R1"]["LoBm_On_Rq"]
                self.ahbHiBeamOn = cp.vl["BODY_R1"]["HiBm_On"]
                self.ahbNightMode = cp.vl["BODY_R1"]["LgtSens_Night"]

        usu = cp.vl["UI_gpsVehicleSpeed"]["UI_userSpeedOffsetUnits"]
        if usu == 1:
            self.userSpeedLimitOffsetKph = cp.vl["UI_gpsVehicleSpeed"][
            self.userSpeedLimitOffsetKph = (
                cp.vl["UI_gpsVehicleSpeed"]["UI_userSpeedOffset"] *
        msu = cp.vl["UI_gpsVehicleSpeed"]["UI_mapSpeedLimitUnits"]
        map_speed_uom_to_ms = CV.KPH_TO_MS if msu == 1 else CV.MPH_TO_MS
        map_speed_ms_to_uom = CV.MS_TO_KPH if msu == 1 else CV.MS_TO_MPH
        speed_limit_type = int(

        rdSignMsg = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"]["UI_roadSign"]
        if rdSignMsg == 4:  # ROAD_SIGN_SPEED_SPLINE
            self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.meanFleetSplineAccelMPS2 = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.medianFleetSpeedMPS = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.splineLocConfidence = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.UI_splineID = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"]["UI_splineID"]
            self.rampType = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"]["UI_rampType"]

        elif rdSignMsg == 3:  # ROAD_SIGN_SPEED_LIMIT
            self.topQrtlFleetSplineSpeedMPS = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.splineLocConfidence = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.baseMapSpeedLimitMPS = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            # we round the speed limit in the map's units of measurement to fix noisy data (there are no signs with a limit of 79.2 kph)
            self.baseMapSpeedLimitMPS = (
                int(self.baseMapSpeedLimitMPS * map_speed_ms_to_uom + 0.99) /
            self.bottomQrtlFleetSpeedMPS = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][

        if self.baseMapSpeedLimitMPS > 0 and (
                speed_limit_type != 0x1F or self.baseMapSpeedLimitMPS <= 5.56):
            self.speed_limit_ms = (
            )  # this one is earlier than the actual sign but can also be unreliable, so we ignore it on SNA at higher speeds
            self.speed_limit_ms = (
                cp.vl["UI_gpsVehicleSpeed"]["UI_mppSpeedLimit"] *
        self.DAS_fusedSpeedLimit = self._convert_to_DAS_fusedSpeedLimit(
            self.speed_limit_ms * map_speed_ms_to_uom, speed_limit_type)


        # 2 = temporary 3= TBD 4 = temporary, hit a bump 5 (permanent) 6 = temporary 7 (permanent)
        # TODO: Use values from DBC to parse this field
        self.steer_error = epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"][
            "EPAS_steeringFault"] == 1
        self.steer_not_allowed = epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"][
            "EPAS_eacStatus"] not in [
        self.steer_warning = self.steer_not_allowed
        self.brake_error = 0  # NOT WORKINGcp.vl[309]['ESP_brakeLamp'] #JCT
        # JCT More ESP errors available, these needs to be added once car steers on its own to disable / alert driver
        self.esp_disabled = 0  # NEED TO CORRECT DBC cp.vl[309]['ESP_espOffLamp'] or cp.vl[309]['ESP_tcOffLamp'] or cp.vl[309]['ESP_tcLampFlash'] or cp.vl[309]['ESP_espFaultLamp'] #JCT

        # calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
        self.v_wheel_fl = 0  # JCT
        self.v_wheel_fr = 0  # JCT
        self.v_wheel_rl = 0  # JCT
        self.v_wheel_rr = 0  # JCT
        self.v_wheel = 0  # JCT
        self.v_weight = 0  # JCT
        self.imperial_speed_units = cp.vl["DI_state"]["DI_speedUnits"] == 0
        speed_ms = cp.vl["DI_state"]["DI_analogSpeed"] * (
            CV.MPH_TO_MS if self.imperial_speed_units else CV.KPH_TO_MS
        )  # car's displayed speed in m/s

        if (abs(speed_ms - self.v_ego) > 2.0
            ):  # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
            self.v_ego_kf.x = [[speed_ms], [0.0]]

        self.v_ego_raw = speed_ms
        v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(speed_ms)
        self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
        self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])

        # BB use this set for pedal work as the user_gas_xx is used in other places
        self.prev_pedal_interceptor_state = self.pedal_interceptor_state
        self.pedal_interceptor_state = pedal_cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]["STATE"]
        self.pedal_interceptor_value = pedal_cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"][
        self.pedal_interceptor_value2 = pedal_cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"][
        self.prev_pedal_idx = self.pedal_idx
        self.pedal_idx = pedal_cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]["IDX"]

        can_gear_shifter = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]["DI_gear"]

        # self.angle_steers  = -(cp.vl["STW_ANGLHP_STAT"]['StW_AnglHP']) #JCT polarity reversed from Honda/Acura
        self.angle_steers = -(
        )  # BB see if this works better than STW_ANGLHP_STAT for angle

        self.angle_steers_rate = 0  # JCT

        self.turn_signal_state_left = cp.vl["GTW_carState"][
        self.turn_signal_state_right = cp.vl["GTW_carState"][
        self.prev_turn_signal_blinking = self.turn_signal_blinking
        self.turn_signal_blinking = (self.turn_signal_state_left == 1
                                     or self.turn_signal_state_right == 1)
        self.prev_turn_signal_stalk_state = self.turn_signal_stalk_state
        self.turn_signal_stalk_state = (
            0 if cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]["TurnIndLvr_Stat"] == 3 else int(

        self.brake_hold = 0  # TODO

        self.main_on = 1  # cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]['MAIN_ON']
        self.DI_cruiseSet = cp.vl["DI_state"]["DI_cruiseSet"]
        if self.imperial_speed_units:
            self.DI_cruiseSet = self.DI_cruiseSet * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
        self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(can_gear_shifter,
        self.park_brake = self.gear_shifter == "park"  # TODO

        self.pedal_gas = (
            0.0  # cp.vl["DI_torque1"]['DI_pedalPos'] / 102 #BB: to make it between 0..1
        self.car_gas = self.pedal_gas

        self.steer_override = abs(
            epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]["EPAS_handsOnLevel"]) > 0
        self.steer_torque_driver = 0  # JCT

        # brake switch has shown some single time step noise, so only considered when
        # switch is on for at least 2 consecutive CAN samples
        # Todo / refactor: This shouldn't have to do with epas == 3..
        # was wrongly set to epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]['EPAS_eacErrorCode'] == 3 and epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]['EPAS_eacStatus'] == 0
        self.brake_switch = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]["DI_brakePedal"]
        self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]["DI_brakePedal"]

        self.standstill = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]["DI_vehicleSpeed"] == 0
        self.torqueMotor = cp.vl["DI_torque1"]["DI_torqueMotor"]
        self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["DI_state"]["DI_cruiseState"]

        self.regenLight = cp.vl["DI_state"]["DI_regenLight"] == 1

        self.v_cruise_actual = self.DI_cruiseSet
class CarState(object):
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.gasMode = int(kegman.conf['lastGasMode'])
        self.gasLabels = ["dynamic", "sport", "eco"]
        self.alcaLabels = ["MadMax", "Normal", "Wifey", "off"]
        self.alcaMode = int(kegman.conf['lastALCAMode'])
        steerRatio = CP.steerRatio
        self.prev_distance_button = 0
        self.distance_button = 0
        self.prev_lka_button = 0
        self.lka_button = 0
        self.lkMode = True
        self.lane_departure_toggle_on = True
        # ALCA PARAMS
        self.blind_spot_on = bool(0)
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 32., 55.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [
            0.77 * 16.2 / steerRatio, 0.86 * 16.2 / steerRatio,
            0.535 * 16.2 / steerRatio
        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]
        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]
        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 2.5]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 4.]
        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.040
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s
        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]
        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = [1., 1.1, 1.2]
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        # initialize can parser
        self.CP = CP

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Subaru", "subaru")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
        self.left_blinker_on = False
        self.prev_left_blinker_on = False
        self.right_blinker_on = False
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = False
        self.steer_torque_driver = 0
        self.steer_not_allowed = False
        self.main_on = False

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.], [0.]],
                             A=[[1., dt], [0., 1.]],
                             C=[1., 0.],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.

    #BB init ui buttons
    def init_ui_buttons(self):
        btns = []
        btns.append(UIButton("sound", "SND", 0, "", 0))
            UIButton("alca", "ALC", 0, self.alcaLabels[self.alcaMode], 1))
        btns.append(UIButton("mad", "MAD", 0, "", 2))
        btns.append(UIButton("", "", 0, "", 3))
        btns.append(UIButton("gas", "GAS", 1, self.gasLabels[self.gasMode], 4))
        btns.append(UIButton("lka", "LKA", 1, "", 5))
        return btns

    #BB update ui buttons
    def update_ui_buttons(self, id, btn_status):
        if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status > 0:
            if (id == 1) and (btn_status == 0
                              ) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "alca":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.alcaLabels[
                    self.alcaMode = (self.alcaMode + 1) % 4
                    kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                                 })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                    self.alcaMode = 0
                    kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                                 })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.alcaLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                if self.alcaMode == 3:
                    self.cstm_btns.set_button_status("alca", 0)
            elif (id == 4) and (
                    == 0) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "gas":
                if self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 == self.gasLabels[
                    self.gasMode = (self.gasMode + 1) % 3
                    kegman.save({'lastGasMode': int(self.gasMode)
                                 })  # write last GasMode setting to file
                    self.gasMode = 0
                    kegman.save({'lastGasMode': int(self.gasMode)
                                 })  # write last GasMode setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.gasLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True
                    id].btn_status = btn_status * self.cstm_btns.btns[
            self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_status = btn_status
            if (id == 1) and self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_name == "alca":
                self.alcaMode = (self.alcaMode + 1) % 4
                kegman.save({'lastALCAMode': int(self.alcaMode)
                             })  # write last distance bar setting to file
                self.cstm_btns.btns[id].btn_label2 = self.alcaLabels[
                self.cstm_btns.hasChanges = True

    def update(self, cp, cp_cam):

        self.can_valid = cp.can_valid
        self.cam_can_valid = cp_cam.can_valid

        self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["Throttle"]['Throttle_Pedal']
        self.brake_pressure = cp.vl["Brake_Pedal"]['Brake_Pedal']
        self.user_gas_pressed = self.pedal_gas > 0
        self.brake_pressed = self.brake_pressure > 0
        self.brake_lights = bool(self.brake_pressed)

        self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl["Wheel_Speeds"]['FL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl["Wheel_Speeds"]['FR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl["Wheel_Speeds"]['RL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
        self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl["Wheel_Speeds"]['RR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        self.v_cruise_pcm = cp_cam.vl["ES_DashStatus"]['Cruise_Set_Speed']
        # 1 = imperial, 6 = metric
        if cp.vl["Dash_State"]['Units'] == 1:
            self.v_cruise_pcm *= CV.MPH_TO_KPH

        v_wheel = (self.v_wheel_fl + self.v_wheel_fr + self.v_wheel_rl +
                   self.v_wheel_rr) / 4.
        # Kalman filter, even though Subaru raw wheel speed is heaviliy filtered by default
        if abs(
                v_wheel - self.v_ego
        ) > 2.0:  # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
            self.v_ego_kf.x = [[v_wheel], [0.0]]

        self.v_ego_raw = v_wheel
        v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(v_wheel)

        self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
        self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
        self.standstill = self.v_ego_raw < 0.01

        self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on
        self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["Dashlights"]['LEFT_BLINKER'] == 1
        self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["Dashlights"]['RIGHT_BLINKER'] == 1
        self.seatbelt_unlatched = cp.vl["Dashlights"]['SEATBELT_FL'] == 1
        self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["Steering_Torque"][
        self.steer_torque_motor = cp.vl["Steering_Torque"][
        self.acc_active = cp.vl["CruiseControl"]['Cruise_Activated']
        self.main_on = cp.vl["CruiseControl"]['Cruise_On']
        self.steer_override = abs(
            self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD[self.car_fingerprint]
        self.angle_steers = cp.vl["Steering_Torque"]['Steering_Angle']
        self.door_open = any([

        self.es_distance_msg = copy.copy(cp_cam.vl["ES_Distance"])
        self.es_lkas_msg = copy.copy(cp_cam.vl["ES_LKAS_State"])

        if self.car_fingerprint not in (CAR.OUTBACK, CAR.LEGACY):
            self.v_cruise_pcm = cp_cam.vl["ES_DashStatus"][
                "Cruise_Set_Speed"] * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
            self.es_distance_msg = copy.copy(cp_cam.vl["ES_Distance"])
            self.es_lkas_msg = copy.copy(cp_cam.vl["ES_LKAS_State"])
            self.v_cruise_pcm = cp_cam.vl["ES_DashStatus"]["Cruise_Set_Speed"]
            self.steer_not_allowed = cp.vl["Steering_Torque"]["LKA_Lockout"]

        if self.cstm_btns.get_button_status("lka") == 0:
            self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
            if self.alcaMode == 3 and (self.left_blinker_on
                                       or self.right_blinker_on):
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = False
                self.lane_departure_toggle_on = True
    def __init__(self, CP):
        #if (CP.carFingerprint == CAR.MODELS):
        # ALCA PARAMS
        # max REAL delta angle for correction vs actuator
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_ANGLE_DELTA = [1.8, .3]

        # adjustment factor for merging steer angle to actuator; should be over 4; the higher the smoother
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_ADJUST_FACTOR = [16., 8.]

        # reenrey angle when to let go
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_REENTRY_ANGLE = [5., 5.]

        # a jump in angle above the CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR means we crossed the line
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_DETECT_FACTOR = [1.5, 1.5]

        self.CL_LANE_PASS_BP = [10., 20., 44.]
        self.CL_LANE_PASS_TIME = [40., 10., 3.]

        # change lane delta angles and other params
        self.CL_MAXD_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_MAXD_A = [
            .358, 0.084, 0.042
        ]  #delta angle based on speed; needs fine tune, based on Tesla steer ratio of 16.75

        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9  # do not turn if speed less than x m/2; 20 mph = 8.9 m/s

        # do not turn if actuator wants more than x deg for going straight; this should be interp based on speed
        self.CL_MAX_A_BP = [10., 44.]
        self.CL_MAX_A = [10., 10.]

        # define limits for angle change every 0.1 s
        # we need to force correction above 10 deg but less than 20
        # anything more means we are going to steep or not enough in a turn
        self.CL_MAX_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 2.
        self.CL_MIN_ACTUATOR_DELTA = 0.
        self.CL_CORRECTION_FACTOR = 1.

        #duration after we cross the line until we release is a factor of speed
        self.CL_TIMEA_BP = [10., 32., 44.]
        self.CL_TIMEA_T = [0.7, 0.30, 0.20]

        #duration to wait (in seconds) with blinkers on before starting to turn
        self.CL_WAIT_BEFORE_START = 1

        self.CP = CP
        self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
        self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEARBOX"]["GEAR_SHIFTER"]

        self.user_gas, self.user_gas_pressed = 0., 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0
        self.cruise_setting = 0
        self.v_cruise_pcm_prev = 0
        self.blinker_on = 0

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0

        self.stopped = 0

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Honda", "honda")

        #BB pid holder for ALCA
        self.pid = None

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[[1.0, 0.0]],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0
class CarState(object):
    def __init__(self, CP):
        self.speed_control_enabled = 0
        self.CL_MIN_V = 8.9
        self.CL_MAX_A = 20.
        # labels for buttons
        self.btns_init = [["alca", "ALC", ["MadMax", "Normal", "Calm"]],
                              ACCMode.BUTTON_NAME, ACCMode.BUTTON_ABREVIATION,
                          ], ["dsp", "DSP", ["OP", "MIN", "OFF", "GYRO"]],
                          ["", "", [""]], ["msg", "MSG", [""]],
                          ["sound", "SND", [""]]]

        ### Do NOT modify here, modify in /data/bb_openpilot.cfg and reboot
        self.forcePedalOverCC = True
        self.enableHSO = True
        self.enableALCA = True
        self.enableDasEmulation = True
        self.enableRadarEmulation = True
        self.enableSpeedVariableDesAngle = False
        self.enableRollAngleCorrection = False
        self.enableFeedForwardAngleCorrection = True
        self.enableDriverMonitor = True
        self.enableShowCar = True
        self.enableShowLogo = True
        self.hasNoctuaFan = False
        self.limitBatteryMinMax = False
        self.limitBattery_Min = 60
        self.limitBattery_Max = 70
        self.doAutoUpdate = True
        self.blockUploadWhileTethering = False
        self.tetherIP = "127.0.0."
        self.useTeslaGPS = False
        self.useTeslaMapData = False
        self.hasTeslaIcIntegration = False
        self.useTeslaRadar = False
        self.useWithoutHarness = False
        self.radarVIN = "                 "
        self.enableLdw = True
        self.radarOffset = 0.
        self.radarPosition = 0
        self.radarEpasType = 0
        self.fix1916 = False
        self.forceFingerprintTesla = False
        self.eonToFront = 0.9
        #read config file

        self.apEnabled = True
        self.apFollowTimeInS = 2.5  #time in seconds to follow
        self.keepEonOff = False
        self.alcaEnabled = True
        self.mapAwareSpeed = False

        # Tesla Model
        self.teslaModelDetected = 1
        self.teslaModel = read_db('/data/params', 'TeslaModel')
        if self.teslaModel is None:
            self.teslaModel = "S"
            self.teslaModelDetected = 0

        # for map integration
        self.csaRoadCurvC3 = 0.
        self.csaRoadCurvC2 = 0.
        self.csaRoadCurvRange = 0.
        self.csaRoadCurvUsingTspline = 0

        self.csaOfframpCurvC3 = 0.
        self.csaOfframpCurvC2 = 0.
        self.csaOfframpCurvRange = 0.
        self.csaOfframpCurvUsingTspline = 0

        self.roadCurvHealth = 0
        self.roadCurvRange = 0.
        self.roadCurvC0 = 0.
        self.roadCurvC1 = 0.
        self.roadCurvC2 = 0.
        self.roadCurvC3 = 0.

        self.speedLimitUnits = 0
        self.speedLimit = 0

        self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS = 0.
        self.meanFleetSplineAccelMPS2 = 0.
        self.medianFleetSpeedMPS = 0.
        self.topQrtlFleetSplineSpeedMPS = 0.
        self.splineLocConfidence = 0
        self.baseMapSpeedLimitMPS = 0.
        self.bottomQrtlFleetSpeedMPS = 0.
        self.rampType = 0

        self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed = 0.
        self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed = 0.
        self.maxdrivespeed = 0.

        self.gpsLongitude = 0.
        self.gpsLatitude = 0.
        self.gpsAccuracy = 0.
        self.gpsElevation = 0.
        self.gpsHeading = 0.
        self.gpsVehicleSpeed = 0.

        self.userSpeedLimitKph = 0.
        self.userSpeedLimitOffsetKph = 0.

        self.brake_only = CP.enableCruise
        self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
        self.CP = CP

        self.user_gas = 0.
        self.user_gas_pressed = False
        self.pedal_interceptor_state = 0
        self.pedal_interceptor_value = 0.
        self.pedal_interceptor_value2 = 0.
        self.pedal_interceptor_missed_counter = 0
        self.brake_switch_prev = 0
        self.brake_switch_ts = 0

        self.cruise_buttons = 0
        self.blinker_on = 0

        self.left_blinker_on = 0
        self.right_blinker_on = 0
        self.steer_warning = 0

        self.stopped = 0

        # variables used for the fake DAS creation
        self.DAS_info_frm = -1
        self.DAS_info_msg = 0
        self.DAS_status_frm = 0
        self.DAS_status_idx = 0
        self.DAS_status2_frm = 0
        self.DAS_status2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_bodyControls_frm = 0
        self.DAS_bodyControls_idx = 0
        self.DAS_lanes_frm = 0
        self.DAS_lanes_idx = 0
        self.DAS_objects_frm = 0
        self.DAS_objects_idx = 0
        self.DAS_pscControl_frm = 0
        self.DAS_pscControl_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix0_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_warningMatrix3_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryPeriodic2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryEvent1_idx = 0
        self.DAS_telemetryEvent2_idx = 0
        self.DAS_control_idx = 0

        #BB notification messages for DAS
        self.DAS_canErrors = 0
        self.DAS_plannerErrors = 0
        self.DAS_doorOpen = 0
        self.DAS_notInDrive = 0

        #BB variables for pedal CC
        self.pedal_speed_kph = 0.
        # Pedal mode is ready, i.e. hardware is present and normal cruise is off.
        self.pedal_interceptor_available = False
        self.prev_pedal_interceptor_available = False

        #BB UIEvents
        self.UE = UIEvents(self)

        #BB PCC
        self.regenLight = 0
        self.torqueLevel = 0.

        #BB variable for custom buttons
        self.cstm_btns = UIButtons(self, "Tesla Model S", "tesla",
                                   self.enableShowLogo, self.enableShowCar)

        #BB custom message counter
        self.custom_alert_counter = -1  #set to 100 for 1 second display; carcontroller will take down to zero

        #BB steering_wheel_stalk last position, used by ACC and ALCA
        self.steering_wheel_stalk = None

        #BB carConfig data used to change IC info
        self.real_carConfig = None
        self.real_dasHw = 0

        #BB visiond last type
        self.last_visiond = self.cstm_btns.btns[3].btn_label2

        # vEgo kalman filter
        dt = 0.01
        # Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
        # R = 1e3
        self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
                             A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
                             C=[1.0, 0.0],
                             K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
        self.v_ego = 0.0

        self.imperial_speed_units = True

        # The current max allowed cruise speed. Actual cruise speed sent to the car
        # may be lower, depending on traffic.
        self.v_cruise_pcm = 0.0
        # Actual cruise speed currently active on the car.
        self.v_cruise_actual = 0.0

        #ALCA params
        self.ALCA_enabled = False
        self.ALCA_total_steps = 100
        self.ALCA_direction = 0
        self.ALCA_error = False

        self.angle_offset = 0.
        self.init_angle_offset = False

    def config_ui_buttons(self, pedalPresent):
        if pedalPresent:
            self.btns_init[1] = [
            # we don't have pedal interceptor
            self.btns_init[1] = [
        btn = self.cstm_btns.btns[1]
        btn.btn_name = self.btns_init[1][0]
        btn.btn_label = self.btns_init[1][1]
        btn.btn_label2 = self.btns_init[1][2][0]
        btn.btn_status = 1
        self.cstm_btns.update_ui_buttons(1, 1)

    def compute_speed(self):
        # if one of them is zero, select max of the two
        if self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS == 0 or self.medianFleetSpeedMPS == 0:
            self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed = max(self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS,
            self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed = (
                self.splineLocConfidence * self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS +
                (100 - self.splineLocConfidence) *
                self.medianFleetSpeedMPS) / 100.
        # if confidence over 60%, then weight between bottom speed and top speed
        # if less than 40% then use map data
        if self.splineLocConfidence > 60:
            self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed = (
                self.splineLocConfidence * self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS +
                (100 - self.splineLocConfidence) *
                self.bottomQrtlFleetSpeedMPS) / 100.
            self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed = self.baseMapSpeedLimitMPS
        if self.rampType > 0:
            #we are on a ramp, use the spline info if available
            if self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed > 0:
                self.maxdrivespeed = self.splineBasedSuggestedSpeed
                self.maxdrivespeed = self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed
            #we are on a normal road, use max of the two
            self.maxdrivespeed = max(self.mapBasedSuggestedSpeed,

    def update_ui_buttons(self, btn_id, btn_status):
        # we only focus on btn_id=3, which is for visiond
        if (btn_id == 3) and (self.cstm_btns.btns[btn_id].btn_status > 0) and (
                self.last_visiond != self.cstm_btns.btns[btn_id].btn_label2):
            self.last_visiond = self.cstm_btns.btns[btn_id].btn_label2
            # we switched between wiggly and normal
            args = [

    def update(self, cp, epas_cp, pedal_cp):

        # car params
        v_weight_v = [
            0., 1.
        ]  # don't trust smooth speed at low values to avoid premature zero snapping
        v_weight_bp = [
            1., 6.
        ]  # smooth blending, below ~0.6m/s the smooth speed snaps to zero

        # update prevs, update must run once per loop
        self.prev_cruise_buttons = self.cruise_buttons
        self.prev_blinker_on = self.blinker_on

        self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
        self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on

        self.steering_wheel_stalk = cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]
        self.real_carConfig = cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]
        self.real_dasHw = cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]['GTW_dasHw']
        self.cruise_buttons = cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]['SpdCtrlLvr_Stat']

        # ******************* parse out can *******************
        self.door_all_closed = not any([
        ])  #JCT
        self.seatbelt = cp.vl["SDM1"]['SDM_bcklDrivStatus']
        #self.seatbelt = cp.vl["SDM1"]['SDM_bcklDrivStatus'] and cp.vl["GTW_status"]['GTW_driverPresent']
        if (cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]['GTW_performanceConfig']) and (
                cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]['GTW_performanceConfig'] > 0):
            prev_teslaModel = self.teslaModel
            self.teslaModel = "S"
            if (cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]['GTW_performanceConfig'] > 1):
                self.teslaModel = self.teslaModel + "P"
            if (cp.vl["GTW_carConfig"]['GTW_fourWheelDrive'] == 1):
                self.teslaModel = self.teslaModel + "D"
            if (self.teslaModelDetected
                    == 0) or (prev_teslaModel != self.teslaModel):
                write_db('/data/params', 'TeslaModel', self.teslaModel)
                self.teslaModelDetected = 1

        #Nav Map Data
        self.csaRoadCurvC3 = cp.vl['UI_csaRoadCurvature']["UI_csaRoadCurvC3"]
        self.csaRoadCurvC2 = cp.vl['UI_csaRoadCurvature']["UI_csaRoadCurvC2"]
        self.csaRoadCurvRange = cp.vl['UI_csaRoadCurvature'][
        self.csaRoadCurvUsingTspline = cp.vl['UI_csaRoadCurvature'][

        self.csaOfframpCurvC3 = cp.vl['UI_csaOfframpCurvature'][
        self.csaOfframpCurvC2 = cp.vl['UI_csaOfframpCurvature'][
        self.csaOfframpCurvRange = cp.vl['UI_csaOfframpCurvature'][
        self.csaOfframpCurvUsingTspline = cp.vl['UI_csaOfframpCurvature'][

        self.roadCurvHealth = cp.vl['UI_roadCurvature']["UI_roadCurvHealth"]
        self.roadCurvRange = cp.vl['UI_roadCurvature']["UI_roadCurvRange"]
        self.roadCurvC0 = cp.vl['UI_roadCurvature']["UI_roadCurvC0"]
        self.roadCurvC1 = cp.vl['UI_roadCurvature']["UI_roadCurvC1"]
        self.roadCurvC2 = cp.vl['UI_roadCurvature']["UI_roadCurvC2"]
        self.roadCurvC3 = cp.vl['UI_roadCurvature']["UI_roadCurvC3"]

        self.gpsLongitude = cp.vl['MCU_locationStatus']["MCU_longitude"]
        self.gpsLatitude = cp.vl['MCU_locationStatus']["MCU_latitude"]
        self.gpsAccuracy = cp.vl['MCU_locationStatus']["MCU_gpsAccuracy"]
        self.gpsElevation = cp.vl['MCU_locationStatus2']["MCU_elevation"]
        self.gpsHeading = cp.vl['MCU_gpsVehicleSpeed']["MCU_gpsVehicleHeading"]
        self.gpsVehicleSpeed = cp.vl['MCU_gpsVehicleSpeed'][
            "MCU_gpsVehicleSpeed"] * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        if (self.hasTeslaIcIntegration):
            self.apEnabled = (
                cp.vl["MCU_chassisControl"]["MCU_latControlEnable"] == 1)
            self.apFollowTimeInS = 1 + cp.vl["MCU_chassisControl"][
                "MCU_fcwSensitivity"] * 0.5
            self.keepEonOff = cp.vl["MCU_chassisControl"]["MCU_ldwEnable"] == 1
            self.alcaEnabled = cp.vl["MCU_chassisControl"][
                "MCU_pedalSafetyEnable"] == 1
            self.mapAwareSpeed = cp.vl["MCU_chassisControl"][
                "MCU_aebEnable"] == 1

        usu = cp.vl['MCU_gpsVehicleSpeed']["MCU_userSpeedOffsetUnits"]
        if usu == 1:
            self.userSpeedLimitOffsetKph = cp.vl['MCU_gpsVehicleSpeed'][
            self.userSpeedLimitOffsetKph = cp.vl['MCU_gpsVehicleSpeed'][
                "MCU_userSpeedOffset"] * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
        msu = cp.vl['MCU_gpsVehicleSpeed']["MCU_mapSpeedLimitUnits"]
        if msu == 1:
            self.userSpeedLimitKph = cp.vl['MCU_gpsVehicleSpeed'][
            self.userSpeedLimitKph = cp.vl['MCU_gpsVehicleSpeed'][
                "MCU_mppSpeedLimit"] * CV.MPH_TO_KPH

        speed_limit_tesla_lookup = [
            0, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75,
            80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 0, 0
        self.speedLimitUnits = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistMapData"][
        self.speedLimitKph = speed_limit_tesla_lookup[int(
            cp.vl["UI_driverAssistMapData"]["UI_mapSpeedLimit"])] * (
                1 + 0.609 * (1 - self.speedLimitUnits))

        rdSignMsg = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"]["UI_roadSign"]
        if rdSignMsg == 4:
            self.meanFleetSplineSpeedMPS = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.meanFleetSplineAccelMPS2 = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.medianFleetSpeedMPS = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.splineLocConfidence = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.rampType = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"]["UI_rampType"]

        if rdSignMsg == 3:
            self.topQrtlFleetSplineSpeedMPS = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.splineLocConfidence = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.baseMapSpeedLimitMPS = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][
            self.bottomQrtlFleetSpeedMPS = cp.vl["UI_driverAssistRoadSign"][


        # 2 = temporary 3= TBD 4 = temporary, hit a bump 5 (permanent) 6 = temporary 7 (permanent)
        # TODO: Use values from DBC to parse this field
        self.steer_error = epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"][
            'EPAS_steeringFault'] == 1
        self.steer_not_allowed = epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"][
            'EPAS_eacStatus'] not in [
                2, 1
        self.steer_warning = self.steer_not_allowed
        self.brake_error = 0  #NOT WORKINGcp.vl[309]['ESP_brakeLamp'] #JCT
        # JCT More ESP errors available, these needs to be added once car steers on its own to disable / alert driver
        self.esp_disabled = 0  #NEED TO CORRECT DBC cp.vl[309]['ESP_espOffLamp'] or cp.vl[309]['ESP_tcOffLamp'] or cp.vl[309]['ESP_tcLampFlash'] or cp.vl[309]['ESP_espFaultLamp'] #JCT

        # calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
        self.v_wheel_fl = 0  #JCT
        self.v_wheel_fr = 0  #JCT
        self.v_wheel_rl = 0  #JCT
        self.v_wheel_rr = 0  #JCT
        self.v_wheel = 0  #JCT
        self.v_weight = 0  #JCT
        speed = (
        ) * CV.MPH_TO_KPH / 3.6  #JCT MPH_TO_MS. Tesla is in MPH, v_ego is expected in M/S
        speed = speed * 1.01  # To match car's displayed speed

        if abs(
                speed - self.v_ego
        ) > 2.0:  # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
            self.v_ego_kf.x = [[speed], [0.0]]

        self.v_ego_raw = speed
        v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(speed)
        self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
        self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])

        #BB use this set for pedal work as the user_gas_xx is used in other places
        self.pedal_interceptor_state = pedal_cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['STATE']
        self.pedal_interceptor_value = pedal_cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"][
        self.pedal_interceptor_value2 = pedal_cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"][

        can_gear_shifter = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]['DI_gear']
        self.gear = 0  # JCT

        # self.angle_steers  = -(cp.vl["STW_ANGLHP_STAT"]['StW_AnglHP']) #JCT polarity reversed from Honda/Acura
        self.angle_steers = -(
        )  #BB see if this works better than STW_ANGLHP_STAT for angle

        self.angle_steers_rate = 0  #JCT

        self.blinker_on = (cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]['TurnIndLvr_Stat']
                           == 1) or (cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]['TurnIndLvr_Stat']
                                     == 2)
        self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]['TurnIndLvr_Stat'] == 1
        self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["STW_ACTN_RQ"]['TurnIndLvr_Stat'] == 2

        #if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CIVIC, CAR.ODYSSEY):
        #  self.park_brake = cp.vl["EPB_STATUS"]['EPB_STATE'] != 0
        #  self.brake_hold = cp.vl["VSA_STATUS"]['BRAKE_HOLD_ACTIVE']
        #  self.main_on = cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['MAIN_ON']
        self.park_brake = 0  # TODO
        self.brake_hold = 0  # TODO

        self.main_on = 1  #cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]['MAIN_ON']
        self.imperial_speed_units = cp.vl["DI_state"]['DI_speedUnits'] == 0
        self.DI_cruiseSet = cp.vl["DI_state"]['DI_cruiseSet']
        if self.imperial_speed_units:
            self.DI_cruiseSet = self.DI_cruiseSet * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
        self.cruise_speed_offset = calc_cruise_offset(
            self.DI_cruiseSet * CV.KPH_TO_MS, self.v_ego)
        self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(can_gear_shifter,

        self.pedal_gas = 0.  # cp.vl["DI_torque1"]['DI_pedalPos'] / 102 #BB: to make it between 0..1
        self.car_gas = self.pedal_gas

        self.steer_override = abs(
            epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]['EPAS_handsOnLevel']) > 0
        self.steer_torque_driver = 0  #JCT

        # brake switch has shown some single time step noise, so only considered when
        # switch is on for at least 2 consecutive CAN samples
        # Todo / refactor: This shouldn't have to do with epas == 3..
        # was wrongly set to epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]['EPAS_eacErrorCode'] == 3 and epas_cp.vl["EPAS_sysStatus"]['EPAS_eacStatus'] == 0
        self.brake_switch = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]['DI_brakePedal']
        self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]['DI_brakePedal']

        self.standstill = cp.vl["DI_torque2"]['DI_vehicleSpeed'] == 0
        self.torqueMotor = cp.vl["DI_torque1"]['DI_torqueMotor']
        self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["DI_state"]['DI_cruiseState']

        self.regenLight = cp.vl["DI_state"]['DI_regenLight'] == 1

        self.prev_pedal_interceptor_available = self.pedal_interceptor_available
        pedal_has_value = bool(self.pedal_interceptor_value) or bool(
        pedal_interceptor_present = self.pedal_interceptor_state in [
            0, 5
        ] and pedal_has_value
        # Add loggic if we just miss some CAN messages so we don't immediately disable pedal
        if pedal_has_value:
            self.pedal_interceptor_missed_counter = 0
        if pedal_interceptor_present:
            self.pedal_interceptor_missed_counter = 0
            self.pedal_interceptor_missed_counter += 1
        pedal_interceptor_present = pedal_interceptor_present and (
            self.pedal_interceptor_missed_counter < 10)
        # Mark pedal unavailable while traditional cruise is on.
        self.pedal_interceptor_available = pedal_interceptor_present and (
            self.forcePedalOverCC or not bool(self.pcm_acc_status))
        if self.pedal_interceptor_available != self.prev_pedal_interceptor_available:

        self.v_cruise_actual = self.DI_cruiseSet
        self.hud_lead = 0  #JCT
        self.cruise_speed_offset = calc_cruise_offset(self.v_cruise_pcm,