def set_pos_fields(self, for_validate=False):
		"""Set retail related fields from pos settings"""
		if cint(self.doc.is_pos) != 1:
		from selling.utils import get_pos_settings, apply_pos_settings	
		pos = get_pos_settings(
		if pos:
			if not for_validate and not self.doc.customer:
				self.doc.customer = pos.customer

			for fieldname in ('territory', 'naming_series', 'currency', 'charge', 'letter_head', 'tc_name',
				'selling_price_list', 'company', 'select_print_heading', 'cash_bank_account'):
					if (not for_validate) or (for_validate and not self.doc.fields.get(fieldname)):
						self.doc.fields[fieldname] = pos.get(fieldname)
			if not for_validate:
				self.doc.update_stock = cint(pos.get("update_stock"))

			# set pos values in items
			for item in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": "entries"}):
				if item.fields.get('item_code'):
					for fieldname, val in apply_pos_settings(pos, item.fields).items():
						if (not for_validate) or (for_validate and not item.fields.get(fieldname)):
							item.fields[fieldname] = val

			# fetch terms	
			if self.doc.tc_name and not self.doc.terms:
				self.doc.terms = webnotes.conn.get_value("Terms and Conditions", self.doc.tc_name, "terms")
			# fetch charges
			if self.doc.charge and not len(self.doclist.get({"parentfield": "other_charges"})):
				self.set_taxes("other_charges", "charge")
    def set_pos_fields(self, for_validate=False):
        """Set retail related fields from pos settings"""
        if cint(self.doc.is_pos) != 1:

        from selling.utils import get_pos_settings, apply_pos_settings
        pos = get_pos_settings(

        if pos:
            self.doc.conversion_rate = flt(pos.conversion_rate)

            if not self.doc.debit_to:
                self.doc.debit_to = self.doc.customer and webnotes.conn.get_value(
                    "Account", {
                        self.doc.customer + " - " + self.get_company_abbr(),
                        "docstatus": ["!=", 2]
                    }) or pos.customer_account

            if self.doc.debit_to and not self.doc.customer:
                self.doc.customer = webnotes.conn.get_value(
                    "Account", {
                        "name": self.doc.debit_to,
                        "master_type": "Customer"
                    }, "master_name")

            for fieldname in ('territory', 'naming_series', 'currency',
                              'charge', 'letter_head', 'tc_name',
                              'price_list_name', 'company',
                              'select_print_heading', 'cash_bank_account'):
                if (not for_validate) or (for_validate and
                                          not self.doc.fields.get(fieldname)):
                    self.doc.fields[fieldname] = pos.get(fieldname)

            if not for_validate:
                self.doc.update_stock = cint(pos.get("update_stock"))

            # set pos values in items
            for item in self.doclist.get({"parentfield": "entries"}):
                if item.fields.get('item_code'):
                    for fieldname, val in apply_pos_settings(
                            pos, item.fields).items():
                        if (not for_validate) or (
                                and not item.fields.get(fieldname)):
                            item.fields[fieldname] = val

            # fetch terms
            if self.doc.tc_name and not self.doc.terms:
                self.doc.terms = webnotes.conn.get_value(
                    "Terms and Conditions", self.doc.tc_name, "terms")

            # fetch charges
            if self.doc.charge and not len(
                    self.doclist.get({"parentfield": "other_charges"})):
                self.set_taxes("other_charges", "charge")