	def rm(self, uid, username, did, force=False):
		# is canonical?
		canon_deleted = True
		cnd, err = cond(CND_NO_DELETED, CND_CANONICAL, username=username, did=did, uid=uid)
		rows = self.db.select(self.TABLE, 'flags', cnd, limit=1)
		if not rows:
			canon_deleted = False

		# rm 
		cnd, err = cond(CND_NO_DELETED, username=username, did=did, uid=uid)
		rows = self.db.select(self.TABLE, self.COLUMNS, cnd)
		if not rows and not force:
			raise Error (ENOREC, err)
		for row in rows:
			nf = set_deleted(row[self.FLAGIDX])
			cnd = full_cond(self.COLUMNS, row)
			self.db.update(self.TABLE, {'flags': nf}, cnd)

		# set new canon flag
		if canon_deleted:
			cnd, err = cond(CND_NO_DELETED, uid=uid)
			rows = self.db.select(self.TABLE, self.COLUMNS, cnd, limit=1)
			if rows:
				nf = set_canonical(rows[0][self.FLAGIDX])
				cnd = full_cond(self.COLUMNS, rows[0])
				upd = {'flags': nf}
				self.db.update(self.TABLE, upd, cnd)
	def rm(self, did, domain, force=False):
		if self.is_last_domain(did, domain):
			return self.rm_did(did, force)

		# is canonical?
		canon_deleted = True
		cnd, err = cond(CND_NO_DELETED, CND_CANONICAL, did=did, domain=domain)
		rows = self.db.select(self.TABLE, 'did', cnd, limit=1)
		if not rows:
			canon_deleted = False

		# remove
		cnd, err = cond(CND_NO_DELETED, did=did, domain=domain)
		rows = self.db.select(self.TABLE, self.COLUMNS, cnd)
		if not rows:
			if force: return
			raise Error (ENOREC, err)
		for row in rows:
			nf = set_deleted(row[self.FLAGIDX])
			cnd = full_cond(self.COLUMNS, row)
			self.db.update(self.TABLE, {'flags': nf}, cnd)

		# set new canon flag
		if canon_deleted:
			cnd, err = cond(CND_NO_DELETED, did=did)
			rows = self.db.select(self.TABLE, self.COLUMNS, cnd, limit=1)
			if rows:
				nf = set_canonical(rows[0][self.FLAGIDX])
				cnd = full_cond(self.COLUMNS, rows[0])
				upd = {'flags': nf}
				self.db.update(self.TABLE, upd, cnd)
	def add(self, did, domain, flags=None, force=False):
		dflags = self.default_flags()
		fmask  = parse_flags(flags)
		flags  = new_flags(dflags, fmask)
		canonical = is_canonical(flags)

		if self.exist(did, domain):
			if force: return
			raise Error (EDUPL, errstr(did=did, domain=domain))

		# set digest realm attr
		da = self.Domain_attrs(self.dburi, self.db)
		da.set_default(did, 'digest_realm', domain)

		# update canonical flag
		cnd, err = cond(CND_NO_DELETED, did=did)
		rows = self.db.select(self.TABLE, self.COLUMNS, cnd)
		canon_exist = False
		for row in rows:
			if not is_canonical(row[self.FLAGIDX]):
			if not canonical:
				canon_exist = True
			f = clear_canonical(row[self.FLAGIDX])
			cnd = full_cond(self.COLUMNS, row)
			self.db.update(self.TABLE, {'flags':f}, cnd)
		if not canonical and not canon_exist:
			flags = set_canonical(flags)

		# add new domain
		ins = { 'did' : did, 'domain' : domain, 'flags' : flags }
		self.db.insert(self.TABLE, ins)
	def add(self, uid, uri, flags=None, force=False):
		dflags = self.default_flags()
		fmask  = parse_flags(flags)
		flags  = new_flags(dflags, fmask)
		canonical = is_canonical(flags)

			username, did = self.uri2id(uri)
			if force: return

		us = self.User(self.dburi, self.db)
		if not us.exist(uid) and not force:
			raise Error (ENOUSER, uid)

		if self.exist(uid, username, did):
			if force: return
			raise Error (EDUPL, username)

		# update canonical flag
		cnd, err = cond(CND_NO_DELETED, uid=uid)
		rows = self.db.select(self.TABLE, self.COLUMNS, cnd)
		canon_exist = False
		for row in rows:
			if not is_canonical(row[self.FLAGIDX]):
			if not canonical:
				canon_exist = True
			f = clear_canonical(row[self.FLAGIDX])
			cnd = full_cond(self.COLUMNS, row)
			self.db.update(self.TABLE, {'flags':f}, cnd)
		if not canonical and not canon_exist:
			flags = set_canonical(flags)

		# add new URI
		ins = { 'uid' : uid, 'did' : did, 'username' : username, \
			'flags' : flags }
		self.db.insert(self.TABLE, ins)