def create_device_stream(arg, allowed):
    """ Create a device stream based on protocal string. """
    argsplit = arg.split(':', 1)
    if len(argsplit) == 1:
        # use first allowed protocol as default
        addr, val = allowed[0], argsplit[0]
    elif len(argsplit) == 2:
        addr, val = argsplit[0].upper(), argsplit[1]
        return None
    if addr not in allowed:
        return None
    if addr == 'PRINTER':
        stream = printer.PrinterStream(val)
    elif addr == 'FILE':
            if not os.path.exists(val):
                open(val, 'wb').close() 
            stream = open(val, 'r+b')
        except (IOError, OSError) as e:
            return None    
    elif addr == 'PARPORT':
        # port can be e.g. /dev/parport0 on Linux or LPT1 on Windows. Just a number counting from 0 would also work.
        stream = serial_socket.parallel_port(val)
    elif addr == 'PORT':
        # port can be e.g. /dev/ttyS1 on Linux or COM1 on Windows. Or anything supported by serial_for_url (RFC 2217 etc)
        stream = serial_socket.serial_for_url(val)
    elif addr == 'SOCKET':
        stream = serial_socket.serial_for_url('socket://'+val)
        # File not found
        raise error.RunError(53)
    return stream
文件: iolayer.py 项目: boriel/pcbasic
 def __init__(self, arg, default_stream, flush_trigger):
     """ Initialise LPTn: device. """
     addr, val = parse_protocol_string(arg)
     self.stream = default_stream
     if (addr and addr not in self.allowed_protocols):
         logging.warning('Could not attach %s to LPT device', arg)
     elif addr == 'FILE':
             if not os.path.exists(val):
                 open(val, 'wb').close()
             self.stream = open(val, 'r+b')
         except (IOError, OSError) as e:
             logging.warning('Could not attach file %s to LPT device: %s', val, str(e))
     elif addr == 'PARPORT':
         # port can be e.g. /dev/parport0 on Linux or LPT1 on Windows. Just a number counting from 0 would also work.
        self.stream = serial_socket.parallel_port(val)
         # 'PRINTER' is default
         self.stream = printer.PrinterStream(val)
     if self.stream:
         self.device_file = LPTFile(self.stream, flush_trigger)
         self.device_file.flush_trigger = flush_trigger