def export_omm(satrec, object_name):
    launch_year = int(satrec.intldesg[:2])
    launch_year += 1900 + (launch_year < 57) * 100
    object_id = '{0}-{1}'.format(launch_year, satrec.intldesg[2:])

    return {
        "OBJECT_NAME": object_name,
        "OBJECT_ID": object_id,
        "CENTER_NAME": "EARTH",
        "REF_FRAME": "TEME",
        "TIME_SYSTEM": "UTC",
        "EPOCH": sat_epoch_datetime(satrec).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'),
        "MEAN_MOTION": satrec.no_kozai * _xpdotp,
        "ECCENTRICITY": satrec.ecco,
        "INCLINATION": satrec.inclo / _deg2rad,
        "RA_OF_ASC_NODE": satrec.nodeo / _deg2rad,
        "ARG_OF_PERICENTER": satrec.argpo / _deg2rad,
        "MEAN_ANOMALY": satrec.mo / _deg2rad,
        "EPHEMERIS_TYPE": satrec.ephtype,
        "CLASSIFICATION_TYPE": satrec.classification,
        "NORAD_CAT_ID": satrec.satnum,
        "ELEMENT_SET_NO": satrec.elnum,
        "REV_AT_EPOCH": satrec.revnum,
        "BSTAR": satrec.bstar,
        "MEAN_MOTION_DOT": satrec.ndot * (_xpdotp * 1440.0),
        "MEAN_MOTION_DDOT": satrec.nddot * (_xpdotp * 1440.0 * 1440),
def test_december_32():
    # ISS [Orbit 606], whose date is 2019 plus 366.82137887 days.
    # The core SGP4 routines handled this fine, but my hamfisted
    # attempt to provide a Python datetime for "convenience" ran
    # into an overflow.
    a = '1 25544U 98067A   19366.82137887  .00016717  00000-0  10270-3 0  9129'
    b = '2 25544  51.6392  96.6358 0005156  88.7140 271.4601 15.49497216  6061'
    correct_epoch = dt.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 19, 42, 47, 134368)

    # Legacy API.
    sat = io.twoline2rv(a, b, wgs72)
    assertEqual(sat.epoch, correct_epoch)

    correct_epoch = correct_epoch.replace(tzinfo=conveniences.UTC)

    # Modern API.
    sat = Satrec.twoline2rv(a, b)
    assertEqual(conveniences.sat_epoch_datetime(sat), correct_epoch)
def test_sat_epoch_datetime():
    sat = Satrec.twoline2rv(LINE1, LINE2)
    datetime = conveniences.sat_epoch_datetime(sat)
    zone = conveniences.UTC
    assertEqual(datetime, dt.datetime(2000, 6, 27, 18, 50, 19, 733568, zone))