def create_site_base(name, folder, username):
    Create an empty Plone site installation and corresponding UNIX user.

    Each sites has its own subfolder /srv/plone/xxx.

    base_folder = os.path.dirname(folder)



    # Enable friendly

    with sudo:
        print "Creating a Plone site %s folder %s for UNIX user %s" % (name, folder, username)
        install("-d", folder)
        reset_permissions(username, folder)

    create_site_initd_script(name, folder, username)

    print "Site base (re)created: %s" % folder
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    if args.outdir == KEY_DIR:
        sh.install("-m", "700", "-d", KEY_DIR)

    mrenclave_path = os.path.join(args.outdir, "mrenclave")

    with open(args.MANIFEST_SIGNATURE_FILE, "rb") as f:
        mrenclave = f.read()[MRENCLAVE_OFFSET:MRENCLAVE_OFFSET +

    with open(mrenclave_path, "w+") as f:
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    if args.outdir == KEY_DIR:
        sh.install("-m", "700", "-d", KEY_DIR)

    pubkey_path = os.path.join(args.outdir, "challenger_public.key")
    privkey_path = os.path.join(args.outdir, "challenger_private.key")

    if os.path.exists(pubkey_path):
        raise FileExistsError("File %r already exists" % pubkey_path)

    if os.path.exists(privkey_path):
        raise FileExistsError("File %r already exists" % privkey_path)

    public_key, private_key = crypto.generate_ecdh_key_pair()

    with open(pubkey_path, "w+") as pubkey_file:

    with open(privkey_path, "w+") as privkey_file:
def create_base(folder):
    Create multisite Plone hosting infrastructure on a server..

    Host sites at /srv/plone or chosen cache_folder

    Each folder has a file called buildout.cfg which is the production buildout file
    for this site. This might not be a real file, but a symlink to a version controlled
    file under /srv/plone/xxx/src/yoursitecustomization.policy/production.cfg.

    Log rotate is performed using a global UNIX log rotate script:

    :param folder: Base installation folder for all the sites e.g. /srv/plone
    from sh import apt_get

    with sudo:

        # Return software we are going to need in any case
        # Assumes Ubuntu / Debian
        # More info: https://github.com/miohtama/ztanesh
        if (not which("zsh")) or (not which("git")) or (not which("gcc")):
            # Which returs zero on success
            print "Installing OS packages"
            apt_get("install", "-y", *PACKAGES)

        # Create base folder
        if not os.path.exists(folder):
            print "Creating installation base %s" % folder
            install(folder, "-d")

        # Create nightly restart cron job
        if os.path.exists("/etc/cron.d"):
            print "(Re)setting all sites nightly restart cron job"
            echo(CRON_TEMPLATE, _out=CRON_JOB)

def copy_site_files(source, target):
    Rsync all non-regeneratable Plone files.

    We also *must* not copy some files as they would mess up
    running the buildout on the new target.


    # Make sure we can SSH into to the box without interaction

    print "Syncing site files from old site %s" % source
    from sh import rsync
    # XXX: --progress here is too verbose, rsync having multiple file transfer indicator?
    rsync("-a", "--compress-level=9", "--inplace",
        "--exclude", "*.lock",  # Data.fs.lock, instance.lock
        "--exclude", "*.pid",
        "--exclude", "*.log",  # A lot of text data we probably don't need on the new server
        "--exclude", "var/log/*",  # Old rotated log files
        "--exclude", "eggs",
        "--exclude", "downloads",  # Redownload
        "--exclude", "parts",  # Buildout always regenerates this folder
        "--exclude", "bin",  # old bin/ scripts may not regenereate, point to Py interpreter on the old server
        "--exclude", ".installed.cfg",  # Otherwise does not regenerate zeoserver
        "--exclude", ".mr.developer.cfg",
        "--exclude", "*.old",     # Data.fs.old
        "%s/*" % source, target,

    # Rercreate regeneratable folders
    install("-d", "%s/eggs" % target)
    install("-d", "%s/parts" % target)
    install("-d", "%s/downloads" % target)
    install("-d", "%s/bin" % target)
文件: setup.py 项目: tmoon/python-sgx
# Link graphene's pal launcher to /usr/bin/graphene-pal
pal = "/usr/bin/graphene-pal"
if not os.path.islink(pal):
        ["ln", "-s",
         os.path.join(GRAPHENE_DIR, "Runtime/pal-Linux-SGX"), pal])

# Create sgx group (if it doesn't exist)
except sh.ErrorReturnCode_9:

# Create the config directory
sh.install("-m", "750", "-g", config.GROUP, "-d", config.CONFIG_DIR)

# Create the data directory
sh.install("-m", "770", "-g", config.GROUP, "-d", config.DATA_DIR)

# Create the sealed directory
sh.install("-m", "770", "-g", config.GROUP, "-d", config.SEALED_DIR)

# Copy sgx-ra-manager to `/usr/local/bin/`.
# We don't include sgx-ra-manager in the `scripts` argument to setup(), because setup() creates a script
# which uses run_script() to execute the actual script, thereby ignoring our custom shebang to run python3-sgx.
sh.cp("scripts/sgx-ra-manager", "/usr/local/bin/")

# Copy sealing manifest to config directory
sh.cp("config/sealing", config.CONFIG_DIR)
def install_plone(name, folder, unix_user, python, version, mode, port):
    Installs a new Plone site using best practices.

    from sh import git, bash, install, touch, rm

    if os.path.exists(folder) and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, "buildout.cfg")):
        sys.exit("%s exists, but seems to lack buildout.cfg. Please remove first." % folder)

    # Create buildout structure using create_instance.py
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, "buildout.cfg")):

        # Resolve the latest version
        if version == "latest":
            version = get_plone_versions()[0]

        # Checkout installer files from the Github
        temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        installer_folder = os.path.join(temp_folder, "plone-unified-installer-%s" % version)
        plone_home = os.path.join(temp_folder, "plone-fake-home")

        print "Getting Plone installer"
        if not os.path.exists(installer_folder):
            git("clone", "git://github.com/plone/Installers-UnifiedInstaller.git", installer_folder)

        print "Checking out Plone installer version from Git %s" % version
        bash("-c", "cd %(installer_folder)s && git checkout %(version)s" % locals())

        # The following is needed to satisfy create_instance.py Distribute egg look-up
        # It assumes distribute and zc.buildout eggs in a predefined location.
        # We spoof these eggs as they are not going to be used in real.
        cache_folder = os.path.join(plone_home, "buildout-cache", "eggs")
        install("-d", cache_folder)
        touch(os.path.join(cache_folder, "zc.buildout-dummy.egg"))
        touch(os.path.join(cache_folder, "distribute-dummy.egg"))

        python = Command(python)
        # Run installer
        python( \
            os.path.join(installer_folder, "helper_scripts", "create_instance.py"),
            "--uidir", installer_folder,
            "--plone_home", plone_home,
            "--instance_home", folder,
            "--daemon_user", unix_user,
            "--buildout_user", unix_user,
            "--run_buildout", "0",
            "--itype", mode,
            '--install_lxml', "no",

        # Delete our Github installer checkout and messy files
        rm("-rf", temp_folder)

    # Integrate with LSB
    create_site_base(name, folder, unix_user)

    # Restrict FS access over what unified installer did for us
    reset_permissions(unix_user, folder)

    # Run buildout... we should be able to resume from errors
    with sudo(H=True, i=True, u=unix_user, _with=True):


        set_buildout_port(os.path.join(folder, "buildout.cfg"), mode, port)

        # We mod the buildout to disable shared cache,
        # as we don't want to share ../buildout-cache/egs with other UNIX users
        # on this server
        rebootstrap_site(name, folder, python)

    # Check we got it up an running Plone installation
    check_startup(name, folder, unix_user)