def test_newrand_bounded_rand_int(range_, n_pts):
    """Test that `bounded_rand_int` follows a uniform distribution"""
    n_iter = 100
    ks_pvals = []
    uniform_dist = stats.uniform(loc=0, scale=range_)
    # perform multiple samplings to make chance of outlier sampling negligible
    for _ in range(n_iter):
        # Deterministic random sampling
        sample = [bounded_rand_int_wrap(range_) for _ in range(n_pts)]
        res = stats.kstest(sample, uniform_dist.cdf)
    # Null hypothesis = samples come from an uniform distribution.
    # Under the null hypothesis, p-values should be uniformly distributed
    # and not concentrated on low values
    # (this may seem counter-intuitive but is backed by multiple refs)
    # So we can do two checks:

    # (1) check uniformity of p-values
    uniform_p_vals_dist = stats.uniform(loc=0, scale=1)
    res_pvals = stats.kstest(ks_pvals, uniform_p_vals_dist.cdf)
    assert res_pvals.pvalue > 0.05, (
        "Null hypothesis rejected: generated random numbers are not uniform."
        " Details: the (meta) p-value of the test of uniform distribution"
        f" of p-values is {res_pvals.pvalue} which is not > 0.05")

    # (2) (safety belt) check that 90% of p-values are above 0.05
    min_10pct_pval = np.percentile(ks_pvals, q=10)
    # lower 10th quantile pvalue <= 0.05 means that the test rejects the
    # null hypothesis that the sample came from the uniform distribution
    assert min_10pct_pval > 0.05, (
        "Null hypothesis rejected: generated random numbers are not uniform. "
        f"Details: lower 10th quantile p-value of {min_10pct_pval} not > 0.05."
def test_newrand_set_seed(seed, val):
    """Test that `set_seed` produces deterministic results"""
    if seed is not None:
    x = bounded_rand_int_wrap(100)
    assert x == val, f'Expected {val} but got {x} instead'
def test_newrand_bounded_rand_int_limits(range_):
    """Test that `bounded_rand_int_wrap` is defined for unsigned 32bits ints"""
    with pytest.raises(OverflowError):