def export_chat_csv(chat, filename, db, messages):
    Exports the chat messages to a CSV data file.

    @param   chat      chat data dict, as returned from SkypeDatabase
    @param   filename  full path and filename of resulting file
    @param   db        SkypeDatabase instance
    @param   messages  list of message data dicts
    parser = skypedata.MessageParser(db, chat=chat, stats=False)
    dialect = csv.excel
    # csv.excel.delimiter default "," is not actually used by Excel.
    # Default linefeed "\r\n" would cause another "\r" to be written.
    dialect.delimiter, dialect.lineterminator = ";", "\r"
    with open(filename, "wb") as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f, dialect)
        writer.writerow(["Time", "Author", "Message"])
        for m in messages:
            text = parser.parse(m, output={"format": "text"})
                text = text.decode("utf-8")
            except UnicodeError:
            values = [
                m["datetime"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                m["from_dispname"], text
            values = [v.encode("latin1", "replace") for v in values]
def export_chats_xlsx(chats,
    Exports the chats to a single XLSX file with chats on separate worksheets.

    @param   chats     list of chat data dicts, as returned from SkypeDatabase
    @param   filename  full path and filename of resulting file
    @param   db        SkypeDatabase instance
    @param   messages  list of messages to export if a single chat
    @param   skip      whether to skip chats with no messages
    @param   progress  function called before exporting each chat, with the
                       number of messages exported so far
    @return            number of chats exported
    count, style = 0, {0: "timestamp", 2: "wrap", 3: "hidden"}

    writer = xlsx_writer(filename, autowrap=[2])
    message_count = 0
    for chat in chats:
        if skip and not messages and not chat["message_count"]:
            main.log("Skipping exporting %s: no messages.",
            continue  # continue for chat in chats
        main.status("Exporting %s.", chat["title_long_lc"])
        if progress: progress(message_count)
        parser = skypedata.MessageParser(db, chat=chat, stats=False)
        writer.writerow(["Time", "Author", "Message", "Skype Name"],
                        {3: "boldhidden"})
        msgs = messages or db.get_messages(chat)
        for m in msgs:
            text = parser.parse(m, output={"format": "text"})
                text = text.decode("utf-8")
            except UnicodeError:
            values = [m["datetime"], m["from_dispname"], text, m["author"]]
            style[1] = "local" if db.id == m["author"] else "remote"
            writer.writerow(values, style)
        message_count += chat["message_count"]
        count += 1
    return count
    def run(self):
        self._is_running = True
        while self._is_running:
            search = self._queue.get()
            self._stop_work = False
            self._drop_results = False
            if search:
                parser = skypedata.MessageParser(search["db"])
                # {"html": html with results, "map": link data map}
                # map data: {"contact:666": {"contact": {contact data}}, }
                result = {"html": "", "map": {}, "search": search}
                result_count = 0
                counts = {"chats": 0, "contacts": 0, "messages": 0}
                # For finding matching items
                pattern = re.compile(".*(%s)" % re.escape(search["text"]),
                # For replacing matching text with bolded text
                pattern_replace = re.compile(
                    "(%s)+" % re.escape(search["text"]), re.IGNORECASE)
                chats = search["db"].get_conversations()
                chats.sort(key=lambda x: x["title"])
                chat_map = {}  # {chat id: {chat data}}
                for chat in chats:
                    chat_map[chat["id"]] = chat
                    if "conversations" in search["tables"]:
                        title_matches = False
                        matching_authors = []
                        if pattern.match(chat["title"]):
                            title_matches = True
                        for participant in chat["participants"]:
                            c = participant["contact"]
                            if c:
                                for n in [
                                        c["fullname"], c["displayname"],
                                    if n and pattern.match(n) \
                                    and c not in matching_authors:

                        if title_matches or matching_authors:
                            result_count += 1
                            counts["chats"] += 1
                            title = chat["title"]
                            if title_matches:
                                title = pattern_replace.sub(
                                    lambda x: "<b>%s</b>" % x.group(0), title)

                            entry = "<tr><td align='right' valign='top'>" \
                                    "<font color='%s'>%s</font></td>" \
                                    "<td colspan='2'><a href='chat:%s'>" \
                                    "<font color='%s'>%s</font></a><br />" % (
                                        conf.HistoryGreyColour, result_count,
                                        chat["id"], conf.HistoryLinkColour,
                            if title_matches:
                                entry += u"Title matches.<br />"
                            if matching_authors:
                                entry += u"Participant matches: %s.<br />" % \
                                    ", ".join([u"%s (%s)" % (
                                            lambda x: "<b>%s</b>" % x.group(0),
                                            c["fullname"] or c["displayname"]
                                        ), pattern_replace.sub(
                                            lambda x: "<b>%s</b>" % x.group(0),
                                    ) for c in matching_authors
                            entry += "</td></tr>"
                            result["html"] += entry
                            result["map"]["chat:%s" % chat["id"]] = \
                                {"chat": chat}
                            if not counts["chats"] % conf.SearchResultsChunk \
                            and not self._drop_results:
                                result = {
                                    "html": "",
                                    "map": {},
                                    "search": search
                    if self._stop_work:
                        break  # break for chat in chats
                if result["html"] and not self._drop_results:
                    result = {"html": "", "map": {}, "search": search}
                if not self._stop_work and "contacts" in search["tables"]:
                    contacts = search["db"].get_contacts()
                    # Possibly more: country (ISO code, need map), birthday (base
                    # has YYYYMMDD in integer field).
                    match_fields = [
                        "displayname", "skypename", "province", "city",
                        "pstnnumber", "phone_home", "phone_office",
                        "phone_mobile", "homepage", "emails", "about",
                    field_titles = {
                        "displayname": "Display name",
                        "skypename": "Skype Name",
                        "province": "State/Province",
                        "city": "City",
                        "pstnnumber": "Phone",
                        "phone_home": "Home phone",
                        "phone_office": "Office phone",
                        "phone_mobile": "Mobile phone",
                        "homepage": "Website",
                        "emails": "Emails",
                        "about": "About me",
                        "mood_text": "Mood",
                        "country": "Country/Region",
                        "province": "State/Province",
                    for contact in contacts:
                        match = False
                        fields_filled = {}
                        for field in match_fields:
                            if contact[field]:
                                value = contact[field]
                                if pattern.match(contact[field]):
                                    match = True
                                    value = pattern_replace.sub(
                                        lambda x: "<b>%s</b>" % x.group(0),
                                fields_filled[field] = value
                        if match:
                            entry = u""
                            if (not counts["contacts"]) and result_count:
                                entry += "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr /></td></tr>"
                            result_count += 1
                            counts["contacts"] += 1
                            entry += u"<tr><td align='right' valign='top'>" \
                                    "<font color='%s'>%s</font></td>" \
                                    "<td colspan='2'>" \
                                    "<font color='%s'>Contact %s</font>" \
                                    "<br /><table>" % (
                                        conf.HistoryGreyColour, result_count,
                                            lambda x: "<b>%s</b>" % x.group(0),
                            for field in match_fields:
                                if field in fields_filled:
                                    entry += u"<tr><td nowrap valign='top'>" \
                                            "<font color='%s'>%s</font></td>" \
                                            "<td>&nbsp;</td><td>%s</td></tr>" \
                                             % (conf.ResultContactFieldColour,
                            entry += "</table><br /></td></tr>"
                            result["html"] += entry
                            result["map"]["contact:%s" % contact["id"]] = \
                                {"contact": contact}
                            if not \
                                counts["contacts"] % conf.SearchResultsChunk \
                            and not self._drop_results:
                                result = {
                                    "html": "",
                                    "map": {},
                                    "search": search
                        if self._stop_work:
                            break  # break for contact in contacts
                if result["html"] and not self._drop_results:
                    result = {"html": "", "map": {}, "search": search}
                if not self._stop_work and "messages" in search["tables"]:
                    chat_messages = {}  # {chat id: [message, ]}
                    chat_order = []  # [chat id, ]
                    messages = search["db"].get_messages(
                        ascending=False, body_like=search["text"])
                    for m in messages:
                        chat = chat_map.get(m["convo_id"], None)
                        chat_title = chat["title_long"]
                        entry = u""
                        if (not counts["messages"]) and result_count:
                            entry += "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr /></td></tr>"
                        result["html"] += entry
                        result_count += 1
                        counts["messages"] += 1
                        time_value = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                            m["timestamp"]).strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M")
                        displayname = m["from_dispname"]
                        body = parser.parse(
                            html={"w": search["window"].Size.width * 3 / 5})
                        if type(body) is str:
                            body = body.decode("utf-8")

                        entry = \
                            u"<tr><td align='right' valign='top'>" \
                            "<font color='%s'>%s</font></td>" \
                            "<td valign='top'><a href='message:%s'>" \
                            "<font color='%s'>%s%s</font></a></td>" \
                            "<td align='right' nowrap>&nbsp;&nbsp;" \
                            "<font color='%s'>%s</font></td></tr><tr>" \
                            "<td></td>" \
                            "<td width='100%%' valign='top' colspan='2'>" \
                            "%s<br/></td></tr>" \
                            % (conf.HistoryGreyColour,
                               m["id"], conf.HistoryLinkColour,
                               "" if (
                                   skypedata.CHATS_TYPE_SINGLE == chat["type"] \
                                   and m["author"] != search["db"].id
                               ) else " in %s" % chat_title,
                               conf.HistoryTimestampColour, time_value,
                        result["html"] += entry
                        result["map"]["message:%s" % m["id"]] = \
                            {"chat": chat, "message": m}
                        if self._stop_work:
                            break  # break for m in messages
                        if not counts["messages"] % conf.SearchResultsChunk \
                        and not self._drop_results:
                            result = {"html": "", "map": {}, "search": search}
                        if counts["messages"] >= conf.SearchMessagesMax:
                        if self._stop_work \
                        or counts["messages"] >= conf.SearchMessagesMax:
                            break  # break for c in chat_order

                final_text = "No matches found."
                if result_count:
                    final_text = ""
                    for table, count in counts.items():
                        if count:
                            final_text += "%s%d %s" \
                                % (", " if final_text else "", count, table)
                    final_text = "Found %s." % final_text
                if self._stop_work:
                    final_text += " Search stopped by user."
                if counts["messages"] >= conf.SearchMessagesMax:
                    final_text += " Search stopped at message limit %s." \
                        % conf.SearchMessagesMax
                result["html"] += "</table><br />%s</font>" % final_text
                result["done"] = True
                if not self._drop_results:
    def get_chat_diff(self, chat, db1, db2):
        Compares the chat in the two databases and returns the differences as {
          "messages": [[messages different in db1], [..db2]],
          "participants": [[participants different in db1], [..db2]]
        c = chat
        messages1 = list(db1.get_messages(c["c1"])) if c["c1"] else []
        messages2 = list(db2.get_messages(c["c2"])) if c["c2"] else []
        c1m_diff = []  # Messages different in chat 1
        c2m_diff = []  # Messages different in chat 2
        participants1 = c["c1"]["participants"] if c["c1"] else []
        participants2 = c["c2"]["participants"] if c["c2"] else []
        c1p_diff = []  # Participants different in chat 1
        c2p_diff = []  # Participants different in chat 2
        c1p_map = dict((p["identity"], p) for p in participants1)
        c2p_map = dict((p["identity"], p) for p in participants2)

        m1map = {}  # {remote_id: [message, ], }
        m2map = {}  # {remote_id: [message, ], }
        m1_no_remote_ids = []  # [message, ] with a NULL remote_id
        m2_no_remote_ids = []  # [message, ] with a NULL remote_id
        m1bodymap = {}  # {author+type+body: [message, ], }
        m2bodymap = {}  # {author+type+body: [message, ], }
        difftexts = {}  # {id(message): text, }

        # Skip comparing messages if one side is completely empty
        parser1, parser2 = None, None
        if not messages1:
            c2m_diff, messages1, messages2 = messages2, [], []
        elif not messages2:
            c1m_diff, messages1, messages2 = messages1, [], []
            parser1 = skypedata.MessageParser(db1)
            parser2 = skypedata.MessageParser(db2)

        # Assemble maps by remote_id and create diff texts. remote_id is not
        # unique and can easily have duplicates.
        for messages, idmap, noidmap, bodymap, parser, mdiff in [
            (messages1, m1map, m1_no_remote_ids, m1bodymap, parser1, c1m_diff),
            (messages2, m2map, m2_no_remote_ids, m2bodymap, parser2, c2m_diff)
            for m in messages:
                if m["remote_id"]:
                    if m["remote_id"] not in idmap:
                        idmap[m["remote_id"]] = []
                # In these messages, parsed body can differ even though
                # message is the same: contact names are taken from current
                # database values. Using raw values instead.
                if m["type"] in self.MESSAGE_TYPES_IGNORE_BODY:
                    t = m["author"] if skypedata.MESSAGES_TYPE_LEAVE \
                                       == m["type"] else m["identities"]
                    t = parser.parse(m, text={"wrap": False})
                t = t if type(t) is str else t.encode("utf-8")
                difftext = difftexts[id(m)] = "%s-%s-%s" % (
                    m["author"].encode("utf-8"), m["type"], t)
                if difftext not in bodymap: bodymap[difftext] = []

        # Compare assembled remote_id maps between databases and see if there
        # are no messages with matching body in the other database.
        for remote_id, m in [(r, j) for r, i in m1map.items() for j in i]:
            if remote_id in m2map:
                if not filter(lambda x: difftexts[id(m)] == difftexts[id(x)],
                    # No message with same remote_id has same body
        for remote_id, m in [(r, j) for r, i in m2map.items() for j in i]:
            if remote_id in m1map:
                if not filter(lambda x: difftexts[id(m)] == difftexts[id(x)],
                    # No message with same remote_id has same body

        # For messages with no remote_id-s, compare by author-type-body key
        # and see if there are no matching messages sufficiently close in time.
        for m in m1_no_remote_ids:
            potential_matches = m2bodymap.get(difftexts[id(m)], [])
            # Allow a 3-minute leeway between timestamps of duplicated messages
            if not [
                    i for i in potential_matches
                    if (abs(i["timestamp"] - m["timestamp"]) < 3 * 60)
        for m in m2_no_remote_ids:
            potential_matches = m1bodymap.get(difftexts[id(m)], [])
            # Allow a 3-minute leeway between timestamps of duplicated messages
            if not [
                    i for i in potential_matches
                    if (abs(i["timestamp"] - m["timestamp"]) < 180)
        for p in participants1:
            if p["identity"] not in c2p_map:
        for p in participants2:
            if p["identity"] not in c1p_map:

        c1m_diff.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a["datetime"], b["datetime"]))
        c2m_diff.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a["datetime"], b["datetime"]))

        result = {
            "messages": [c1m_diff, c2m_diff],
            "participants": [c1p_diff, c2p_diff]
        return result
def export_chat_template(chat, filename, db, messages):
    Exports the chat messages to file using templates.

    @param   chat      chat data dict, as returned from SkypeDatabase
    @param   filename  full path and filename of resulting file, file extension
                       .html|.txt determines file format
    @param   db        SkypeDatabase instance
    @param   messages  list of message data dicts
    tmpfile, tmpname = None, None  # Temporary file for exported messages
        is_html = filename.lower().endswith(".html")
        parser = skypedata.MessageParser(db, chat=chat, stats=True)
        namespace = {
            "db": db,
            "chat": chat,
            "messages": messages,
            "parser": parser
        # As HTML and TXT contain statistics in their headers before
        # messages, write out all messages to a temporary file first,
        # statistics will be available for the main file after parsing.
        # Cannot keep all messages in memory at once - very large chats
        # (500,000+ messages) can take gigabytes.
        tmpname = util.unique_path("%s.messages" % filename)
        tmpfile = open(tmpname, "w+")
        mtemplate = templates.CHAT_MESSAGES_HTML if is_html \
                    else templates.CHAT_MESSAGES_TXT
        step.Template(mtemplate, strip=False).stream(tmpfile, namespace)

        namespace["stats"] = stats = parser.get_collected_stats()
            if stats.get("startdate") else "",
            if stats.get("enddate") else "",
            [x for x in parser.emoticons_unique if hasattr(emoticons, x)],
            stats.get("messages", 0),

        if is_html:
            # Collect chat and participant images.
                "participants": [],
                "chat_picture_size": None,
                "chat_picture_raw": None,
            if chat["meta_picture"]:
                raw = skypedata.fix_image_raw(chat["meta_picture"])
                namespace["chat_picture_raw"] = raw
                namespace["chat_picture_size"] = util.img_size(raw)

            contacts = dict((c["skypename"], c) for c in db.get_contacts())
            partics = dict((p["identity"], p) for p in chat["participants"])
            # There can be authors not among participants, and vice versa
            for author in stats["authors"].union(partics):
                contact = partics.get(author, {}).get("contact")
                contact = contact or contacts.get(author, {})
                contact = contact or {"identity": author, "name": author}
                bmp = contact.get("avatar_bitmap")
                raw = contact.get("avatar_raw_small") or ""
                raw_large = contact.get("avatar_raw_large") or ""
                if not raw and not bmp:
                    raw = skypedata.get_avatar_raw(contact,
                raw = bmp and util.img_wx_to_raw(bmp) or raw
                if raw:
                    raw_large = raw_large or skypedata.get_avatar_raw(
                        contact, conf.AvatarImageLargeSize)
                    contact["avatar_raw_small"] = raw
                    contact["avatar_raw_large"] = raw_large
                contact["rank"] = partics.get(author, {}).get("rank")

        tmpfile.flush(), tmpfile.seek(0)
        namespace["message_buffer"] = iter(lambda: tmpfile.read(65536), "")
        template = templates.CHAT_HTML if is_html else templates.CHAT_TXT
        with open(filename, "w") as f:
            step.Template(template, strip=False).stream(f, namespace)
        if tmpfile: util.try_until(tmpfile.close)
        if tmpname: util.try_until(lambda: os.unlink(tmpname))
    def run(self):
        self._is_running = True
        # For identifying "chat:xxx" and "from:xxx" keywords
        query_parser = searchparser.SearchQueryParser()
        result = None
        while self._is_running:
                search = self._queue.get()
                if not search:
                    continue  # continue while self._is_running

                is_text_output = ("text" == search.get("output"))
                wrap_html = None  # MessageParser wrap function, for HTML output
                if is_text_output:
                    TEMPLATES = {
                        "chat": templates.SEARCH_ROW_CHAT_TXT,
                        "contact": templates.SEARCH_ROW_CONTACT_TXT,
                        "message": templates.SEARCH_ROW_MESSAGE_TXT,
                        "table": templates.SEARCH_ROW_TABLE_HEADER_TXT,
                        "row": templates.SEARCH_ROW_TABLE_TXT,
                    wrap_b = lambda x: "**%s**" % x.group(0)
                    output = {"format": "text"}
                    TEMPLATES = {
                        "chat": templates.SEARCH_ROW_CHAT_HTML,
                        "contact": templates.SEARCH_ROW_CONTACT_HTML,
                        "message": templates.SEARCH_ROW_MESSAGE_HTML,
                        "table": templates.SEARCH_ROW_TABLE_HEADER_HTML,
                        "row": templates.SEARCH_ROW_TABLE_HTML,
                    wrap_b = lambda x: "<b>%s</b>" % x.group(0)
                    output = {"format": "html"}
                    width = search.get("width", -1)
                    if width > 0:
                        dc = wx.MemoryDC()
                        wrap_html = lambda x: wx.lib.wordwrap.wordwrap(
                            x, width, dc)
                        output["wrap"] = True
                main.log("Searching for \"%(text)s\" in %(table)s (%(db)s)." %
                self._stop_work = False
                self._drop_results = False

                parser = skypedata.MessageParser(search["db"],
                # {"output": text with results, "map": link data map}
                # map data: {"contact:666": {"contact": {contact data}}, }
                result_type, result_count, count = None, 0, 0
                result = {
                    "output": "",
                    "map": {},
                    "search": search,
                    "count": 0
                sql, params, match_words = query_parser.Parse(search["text"])

                # Turn wildcard characters * into regex-compatible .*
                match_words_re = [
                    ".*".join(map(re.escape, w.split("*")))
                    for w in match_words
                patt = "(%s)" % "|".join(match_words_re)
                # For replacing matching words with <b>words</b>
                pattern_replace = re.compile(patt, re.IGNORECASE)

                # Find chats with a matching title or matching participants
                chats = search["db"].get_conversations()
                chats.sort(key=lambda x: x["title"])
                chat_map = {}  # {chat id: {chat data}}
                template_chat = step.Template(TEMPLATES["chat"])
                for chat in chats:
                    chat_map[chat["id"]] = chat
                    if "conversations" == search["table"] and match_words:
                        title_matches = False
                        matching_authors = []
                        if self.match_all(chat["title"], match_words):
                            title_matches = True
                        for participant in chat["participants"]:
                            contact = participant["contact"]
                            if contact:
                                for n in filter(None, [
                                    if self.match_all(n, match_words) \
                                    and contact not in matching_authors:

                        if title_matches or matching_authors:
                            count += 1
                            result_count += 1
                            result["output"] += template_chat.expand(locals())
                            key = "chat:%s" % chat["id"]
                            result["map"][key] = {"chat": chat["id"]}
                            if not count % conf.SearchResultsChunk \
                            and not self._drop_results:
                                result["count"] = result_count
                                result = {
                                    "output": "",
                                    "map": {},
                                    "search": search,
                                    "count": 0
                    if self._stop_work:
                        break  # break for chat in chats
                if result["output"] and not self._drop_results:
                    result["count"] = result_count
                    result = {
                        "output": "",
                        "map": {},
                        "search": search,
                        "count": 0

                # Find contacts with a matching name
                if not self._stop_work and "contacts" == search["table"] \
                and match_words:
                    count = 0
                    contacts = search["db"].get_contacts()
                    # Possibly more: country (ISO code, need map), birthday
                    # (base has YYYYMMDD in integer field).
                    match_fields = [
                    template_contact = step.Template(TEMPLATES["contact"])
                    for contact in contacts:
                        match = False
                        fields_filled = {}
                        for field in match_fields:
                            if contact[field]:
                                val = contact[field]
                                if self.match_all(val, match_words):
                                    match = True
                                    val = pattern_replace.sub(wrap_b, val)
                                fields_filled[field] = val
                        if match:
                            count += 1
                            result_count += 1
                            result["output"] += template_contact.expand(
                            if not (self._drop_results
                                    or count % conf.SearchResultsChunk):
                                result["count"] = result_count
                                result = {
                                    "output": "",
                                    "map": {},
                                    "search": search,
                                    "count": 0
                        if self._stop_work:
                            break  # break for contact in contacts
                if result["output"] and not self._drop_results:
                    result["count"] = result_count
                    result = {
                        "output": "",
                        "map": {},
                        "search": search,
                        "count": 0

                # Find messages with a matching body
                if not self._stop_work and "messages" == search["table"]:
                    template_message = step.Template(TEMPLATES["message"])
                    count, result_type = 0, "messages"
                    chat_messages = {}  # {chat id: [message, ]}
                    chat_order = []  # [chat id, ]
                    messages = search["db"].get_messages(
                    for m in messages:
                        chat = chat_map.get(m["convo_id"])
                        body = parser.parse(
                            m, pattern_replace if match_words else None,
                        count += 1
                        result_count += 1
                        result["output"] += template_message.expand(locals())
                        key = "message:%s" % m["id"]
                        result["map"][key] = {
                            "chat": chat["id"],
                            "message": m["id"]
                        if is_text_output or (
                                not self._drop_results
                                and not count % conf.SearchResultsChunk):
                            result["count"] = result_count
                            result = {
                                "output": "",
                                "map": {},
                                "search": search,
                                "count": 0
                        if self._stop_work or (not is_text_output and count >=
                            break  # break for m in messages

                infotext = search["table"]
                if not self._stop_work and "all tables" == search["table"]:
                    infotext, result_type = "", "table row"
                    # Search over all fields of all tables.
                    template_table = step.Template(TEMPLATES["table"])
                    template_row = step.Template(TEMPLATES["row"])
                    for table in search["db"].get_tables():
                        table["columns"] = search["db"].get_table_columns(
                        sql, params, words = \
                            query_parser.Parse(search["text"], table)
                        if not sql:
                            continue  # continue for table in search["db"]..
                        infotext += (", " if infotext else "") + table["name"]
                        rows = search["db"].execute(sql, params)
                        row = rows.fetchone()
                        if not row:
                            continue  # continue for table in search["db"]..
                        result["output"] = template_table.expand(locals())
                        count = 0
                        while row:
                            count += 1
                            result_count += 1
                            result["output"] += template_row.expand(locals())
                            key = "table:%s:%s" % (table["name"], count)
                            result["map"][key] = {
                                "table": table["name"],
                                "row": row
                            if not count % conf.SearchResultsChunk \
                            and not self._drop_results:
                                result["count"] = result_count
                                result = {
                                    "output": "",
                                    "map": {},
                                    "search": search,
                                    "count": 0
                            if self._stop_work or (not is_text_output
                                                   and result_count >=
                                break  # break while row
                            row = rows.fetchone()
                        if not self._drop_results:
                            if not is_text_output:
                                result["output"] += "</table>"
                            result["count"] = result_count
                            result = {
                                "output": "",
                                "map": {},
                                "search": search,
                                "count": 0
                        infotext += " (%s)" % util.plural("result", count)
                        if self._stop_work or (
                                not is_text_output
                                and result_count >= conf.SearchTableRowsMax):
                            break  # break for table in search["db"]..
                    single_table = ("," not in infotext)
                    infotext = "table%s: %s" % \
                               ("" if single_table else "s", infotext)
                    if not single_table:
                        infotext += "; %s in total" % \
                                    util.plural("result", result_count)
                final_text = "No matches found."
                if self._drop_results:
                    result["output"] = ""
                if result_count:
                    final_text = "Finished searching %s." % infotext

                if self._stop_work:
                    final_text += " Stopped by user."
                elif "messages" == result_type and not is_text_output \
                and count >= conf.SearchMessagesMax:
                    final_text += " Stopped at %s limit %s." % \
                                  (result_type, conf.SearchMessagesMax)
                elif "table row" == result_type and not is_text_output \
                and count >= conf.SearchTableRowsMax:
                    final_text += " Stopped at %s limit %s." % \
                                  (result_type, conf.SearchTableRowsMax)

                    "output"] += "</table><br /><br />%s</font>" % final_text
                if is_text_output: result["output"] = ""
                result["done"] = True
                result["count"] = result_count
                main.log("Search found %(count)s results." % result)
            except Exception as e:
                if not result:
                    result = {}
                result["done"], result["error"] = True, traceback.format_exc()
                result["error_short"] = "%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__,
    def get_chat_diff_left(self, chat, db1, db2):
        Compares the chat in the two databases and returns the differences from
        the left as {"messages": [message IDs different in db1],
                     "participants": [participants different in db1] }.
        c = chat
        participants1 = c["c1"]["participants"] if c["c1"] else []
        participants2 = c["c2"]["participants"] if c["c2"] else []
        c2p_map = dict((p["identity"], p) for p in participants2)
        c1p_diff = [p for p in participants1 if p["identity"] not in c2p_map]
        c1m_diff = []  # [(id, datetime), ] messages different in chat 1

        if not c["messages1"]:
            messages1, messages2 = [], []  # Left side empty, skip all messages
        elif not c["messages2"]:
            messages1, messages2 = [], []  # Right side empty, take whole left
            messages_all = db1.get_messages(c["c1"], use_cache=False)
            c1m_diff = [(m["id"], m["datetime"]) for m in messages_all]
            messages1 = db1.get_messages(c["c1"], use_cache=False)
            messages2 = db2.get_messages(c["c2"], use_cache=False)
            parser1 = skypedata.MessageParser(db1)
            parser2 = skypedata.MessageParser(db2)

            m1map = {}  # {remote_id: [(id, datetime), ], }
            m2map = {}  # {remote_id: [(id, datetime), ], }
            m1_no_remote_ids = []  # [(id, datetime), ] with a NULL remote_id
            m2_no_remote_ids = []  # [(id, datetime), ] with a NULL remote_id
            m1bodymap = {}  # {author+type+body: [(id, datetime), ], }
            m2bodymap = {}  # {author+type+body: [(id, datetime), ], }
            difftexts = {}  # {(id, datetime): text, }

            # Assemble maps by remote_id and create diff texts. remote_id is
            # not unique and can easily have duplicates.
            things = [(messages1, m1map, m1_no_remote_ids, m1bodymap, parser1),
                      (messages2, m2map, m2_no_remote_ids, m2bodymap, parser2)]
            for messages, idmap, noidmap, bodymap, parser in things:
                for i, m in enumerate(messages):
                    # Avoid keeping whole messages in memory, can run out.
                    m_cache = (m["id"], m.get("datetime"))
                    if m["remote_id"]:
                        if m["remote_id"] not in idmap:
                            idmap[m["remote_id"]] = []
                    # In these messages, parsed body can differ even though
                    # message is the same: contact names are taken from current
                    # database values. Using raw values instead.
                    if m["type"] in self.MESSAGE_TYPES_IGNORE_BODY:
                        t = m["identities"]
                        if skypedata.MESSAGES_TYPE_LEAVE == m["type"]:
                            t = m["author"]
                        t = parser.parse(m, output={"format": "text"})
                    t = t if isinstance(t, str) else t.encode("utf-8")
                    author = (m["author"] or "").encode("utf-8")
                    difftext = "%s-%s-%s" % (author, m["type"], t)
                    difftexts[m_cache] = difftext
                    if difftext not in bodymap: bodymap[difftext] = []
                    if i and not i % self.REFRESH_COUNT:

            # Compare assembled remote_id maps between databases and see if
            # there are no messages with matching body in the other database.
            remote_id_messages = [(r, j) for r, i in m1map.items() for j in i]
            for i, (remote_id, m) in enumerate(remote_id_messages):
                if remote_id in m2map:
                    is_match = lambda x: (difftexts[m] == difftexts[x])
                    if not any(filter(is_match, m2map[remote_id])):
                        c1m_diff.append(m)  # Nothing with same remote_id+body
                if i and not i % self.REFRESH_COUNT:

            # For messages with no remote_id-s, compare by author-type-body key
            # and see if there are no matching messages close in time.
            for i, m in enumerate(m1_no_remote_ids):
                potential_matches = m2bodymap.get(difftexts[m], [])
                if not [
                        m2 for m2 in potential_matches
                        if self.match_time(m[1], m2[1], 180)
                if i and not i % self.REFRESH_COUNT:

        message_ids1 = [m[0] for m in sorted(c1m_diff, key=lambda x: x[1])]
        result = {"messages": message_ids1, "participants": c1p_diff}
        return result
    def get_chat_diff(self, chat, db1, db2):
        Compares the chat in the two databases and returns the differences as
          {"messages": [[IDs of messages different in db1], [..db2]],
           "participants": [[participants different in db1], [..db2]]}.
        c = chat
        messages1 = db1.get_messages(c["c1"], use_cache=False) \
                    if c["c1"] else []
        messages2 = db2.get_messages(c["c2"], use_cache=False) \
                    if c["c2"] else []
        c1m_diff = []  # Messages different in chat 1
        c2m_diff = []  # Messages different in chat 2
        participants1 = c["c1"]["participants"] if c["c1"] else []
        participants2 = c["c2"]["participants"] if c["c2"] else []
        c1p_diff = []  # Participants different in chat 1
        c2p_diff = []  # Participants different in chat 2
        c1p_map = dict((p["identity"], p) for p in participants1)
        c2p_map = dict((p["identity"], p) for p in participants2)

        m1map = {}  # {remote_id: [(id, datetime), ], }
        m2map = {}  # {remote_id: [(id, datetime), ], }
        m1_no_remote_ids = []  # [(id, datetime), ] with a NULL remote_id
        m2_no_remote_ids = []  # [(id, datetime), ] with a NULL remote_id
        m1bodymap = {}  # {author+type+body: [(id, datetime), ], }
        m2bodymap = {}  # {author+type+body: [(id, datetime), ], }
        difftexts = {}  # {(id, datetime): text, }

        # Skip comparing messages if one side is completely empty
        parser1, parser2 = None, None
        if not messages1:
            c2m_diff = [(m["id"], m.get("datetime")) for m in messages2]
            messages1, messages2 = [], []
        elif not messages2:
            c1m_diff = [(m["id"], m.get("datetime")) for m in messages1]
            messages1, messages2 = [], []
            parser1 = skypedata.MessageParser(db1)
            parser2 = skypedata.MessageParser(db2)

        # Assemble maps by remote_id and create diff texts. remote_id is
        # not unique and can easily have duplicates.
        things = [(messages1, m1map, m1_no_remote_ids, m1bodymap, parser1),
                  (messages2, m2map, m2_no_remote_ids, m2bodymap, parser2)]
        for messages, idmap, noidmap, bodymap, parser in things:
            for i, m in enumerate(messages):
                # Avoid keeping whole messages in memory, can easily run out.
                m_cache = (m["id"], m.get("datetime"))
                if m["remote_id"]:
                    if m["remote_id"] not in idmap:
                        idmap[m["remote_id"]] = []
                # In these messages, parsed body can differ even though
                # message is the same: contact names are taken from current
                # database values. Using raw values instead.
                if m["type"] in self.MESSAGE_TYPES_IGNORE_BODY:
                    t = m["identities"]
                    if skypedata.MESSAGES_TYPE_LEAVE == m["type"]:
                        t = m["author"]
                    t = parser.parse(m, output={"format": "text"})
                t = t if isinstance(t, str) else t.encode("utf-8")
                author = (m["author"] or "").encode("utf-8")
                difftext = "%s-%s-%s" % (author, m["type"], t)
                difftexts[m_cache] = difftext
                if difftext not in bodymap: bodymap[difftext] = []
                if i and not i % self.REFRESH_COUNT:

        # Compare assembled remote_id maps between databases and see if there
        # are no messages with matching body in the other database.
        remote_id_maps = [(m1map, m2map, c1m_diff), (m2map, m1map, c2m_diff)]
        for map1, map2, output in remote_id_maps:
            remote_id_messages = [(r, j) for r, i in map1.items() for j in i]
            for i, (remote_id, m) in enumerate(remote_id_messages):
                if remote_id in map2:
                    is_match = lambda x: difftexts[m] == difftexts[x]
                    if not any(filter(is_match, map2[remote_id])):
                            m)  # Nothing with same remote_id and body
                if i and not i % self.REFRESH_COUNT:

        # For messages with no remote_id-s, compare by author-type-body key
        # and see if there are no matching messages sufficiently close in time.
        no_remote_ids = [(m1_no_remote_ids, c1m_diff, m2bodymap),
                         (m2_no_remote_ids, c2m_diff, m1bodymap)]
        for m_no_remote_ids, output, mbodymap in no_remote_ids:
            for i, m in enumerate(m_no_remote_ids):
                potential_matches = mbodymap.get(difftexts[m], [])
                if not [
                        m2 for m2 in potential_matches
                        if self.match_time(m[1], m2[1], 180)
                if i and not i % self.REFRESH_COUNT:
        for p in participants1:
            if p["identity"] not in c2p_map:
        for p in participants2:
            if p["identity"] not in c1p_map:

        c1m_diff.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1]))
        c2m_diff.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1]))
        message_ids1 = [m[0] for m in c1m_diff]
        message_ids2 = [m[0] for m in c2m_diff]

        result = {
            "messages": [message_ids1, message_ids2],
            "participants": [c1p_diff, c2p_diff]
        return result
def export_chat_template(chat, filename, db, messages):
    Exports the chat messages to file using templates.

    @param   chat      chat data dict, as returned from SkypeDatabase
    @param   filename  full path and filename of resulting file, file extension
                       .html|.txt determines file format
    @param   db        SkypeDatabase instance
    @param   messages  list of message data dicts
    tmpfile, tmpname = None, None  # Temporary file for exported messages
        is_html = filename.lower().endswith(".html")
        parser = skypedata.MessageParser(db, chat=chat, stats=is_html)
        namespace = {
            "db": db,
            "chat": chat,
            "messages": messages,
            "parser": parser

        if is_html:
            # Collect chat and participant images.
                "participants": [],
                "chat_picture_size": None,
                "chat_picture_raw": None,
            if chat["meta_picture"]:
                raw = skypedata.fix_image_raw(chat["meta_picture"])
                imgparser = ImageFile.Parser()
                img = imgparser.close()
            for p in chat["participants"]:
                contact = p["contact"].copy()
                contact.update(avatar_raw_small="", avatar_raw_large="")
                bmp = contact.get("avatar_bitmap")
                raw = contact.get("avatar_raw_small")
                raw_large = contact.get("avatar_raw_large")
                if not raw and not bmp:
                    raw = skypedata.get_avatar_raw(contact,
                    if raw:
                        p["contact"]["avatar_raw_small"] = raw
                raw = bmp and util.wx_bitmap_to_raw(bmp) or raw
                if raw:
                    if not raw_large:
                        size_large = conf.AvatarImageLargeSize
                        raw_large = skypedata.get_avatar_raw(
                            contact, size_large)
                        p["contact"]["avatar_raw_large"] = raw_large
                    contact["avatar_raw_small"] = raw
                    contact["avatar_raw_large"] = raw_large

        # As HTML and TXT contain statistics in their headers before
        # messages, write out all messages to a temporary file first,
        # statistics will be available for the main file after parsing.
        # Cannot keep all messages in memory at once - very large chats
        # (500,000+ messages) can take gigabytes.
        tmpname = util.unique_path("%s.messages" % filename)
        tmpfile = open(tmpname, "w+")
        mtemplate = templates.CHAT_MESSAGES_HTML if is_html \
                    else templates.CHAT_MESSAGES_TXT
        step.Template(mtemplate, strip=False).stream(tmpfile, namespace)

        namespace["stats"] = stats = parser.get_collected_stats()
            if stats.get("startdate") else "",
            if stats.get("enddate") else "",
                filter(lambda e: hasattr(emoticons, e),
            stats.get("messages", 0),

        tmpfile.flush(), tmpfile.seek(0)
        namespace["message_buffer"] = iter(lambda: tmpfile.read(65536), "")
        template = templates.CHAT_HTML if is_html else templates.CHAT_TXT
        with open(filename, "w") as f:
            step.Template(template, strip=False).stream(f, namespace)
        if tmpfile: util.try_until(tmpfile.close)
        if tmpname: util.try_until(lambda: os.unlink(tmpname))
def export_chat(chat, messages, filename, db):
    Exports the chat messages to file.

    @param   chat      chat data dict, as returned from SkypeDatabase
    @param   messages  list of message data dicts
    @param   filename  full path and filename of resulting file, file extension
                       .html|.txt determines file format
    @param   db        SkypeDatabase instance
    result = False
    f = None
        is_html = filename.lower().endswith(".html")
        is_csv = filename.lower().endswith(".csv")
        is_txt = filename.lower().endswith(".txt")
        if is_txt:
            f = codecs.open(filename, "w", "utf-8")
            f = open(filename, "w")

        # @todo add stats?
        parser = skypedata.MessageParser(db)
        chat_title = chat["title_long_lc"]
        main_data = {
            "title":          chat_title,
            "date1":          messages[0]["datetime"].strftime("%d.%m.%Y") \
                              if len(messages) else "",
            "date2":          messages[-1]["datetime"].strftime("%d.%m.%Y") \
                              if len(messages) else "",
            "messages_total": util.plural("message", chat["message_count"]),
            "chat_created":   chat["created_datetime"].strftime("%d.%m.%Y") \
                              if chat["created_datetime"] else "",
            "app":            conf.Title,
            "now":            datetime.datetime.now() \
                              .strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"),
            "db":             db.filename,
            "count":          str(len(messages)),
            "chat_info":      "Showing %s" \
                              % util.plural("message", len(messages)),
        if is_html:
            # Write HTML header and table header
            header_data = dict([(k, escape(v)) for k, v in main_data.items()])
            if header_data["date1"] and header_data["date2"]:
                header_data["chat_info"] += \
                    " from <b>%(date1)s</b> to <b>%(date2)s</b>" % header_data
            header_data["chat_info"] += ".<br />"
            if header_data["chat_created"]:
                header_data["chat_info"] += \
                    "Chat created on <b>%(chat_created)s</b>" % header_data
            if header_data["messages_total"]:
                header_data["chat_info"] += \
                    ("," if header_data["chat_created"] else "Chat has") +\
                    " <b>%(messages_total)s</b> in total" % header_data
            if header_data["chat_created"] or header_data["messages_total"]:
                header_data["chat_info"] += ".<br />"
                "History of Skype " + header_data["title"],
            if chat["meta_picture"]:
                raw = chat["meta_picture"].encode("latin1")
                if raw.startswith("\0"):
                    # For some reason, Skype image blobs
                    # can start with a null byte.
                    raw = raw[1:]
                if raw.startswith("\0"):
                    raw = "\xFF" + raw[1:]
                header_data["header_left"] = htmltag("span", {
                    "class": "chat_picture",
                    "title": chat["title"]
                img = wx.ImageFromStream(cStringIO.StringIO(raw))
                header_data["css_chat_picture"] = cssrule("span.chat_picture",{
                        "url(data:image/jpg;base64,%s) " \
                        "center center no-repeat" % base64.b64encode(raw),
                    "margin": "0px 10px 0px 10px",
                    "display": "block",
                    "width": "%spx" % img.Width,
                    "height": "%spx" % img.Height,
            if chat["participants"]:
                for p in chat["participants"]:
                    avatar_class = "avatar__default"
                    if "avatar_image" in p["contact"] \
                    and p["contact"]["avatar_image"]:
                        raw = p["contact"]["avatar_image"].encode("latin1")
                        if raw.startswith("\0"):
                            # For some reason, Skype avatar image blobs
                            # can start with a null byte.
                            raw = raw[1:]
                        if raw.startswith("\0"):
                            #raw = raw[1:]
                            raw = "\xFF" + raw[1:]
                        # Replace dots and commas, as they are
                        # not valid CSS identifier characters
                        avatar_class = "avatar_" \
                            + p["identity"].replace(".", "___") \
                              .replace(",", "---")
                        header_data["css_avatars"] += cssrule(
                            "span.%s" % avatar_class, {
                                    "url(data:image/jpg;base64,%s) center " \
                                    "center no-repeat" % base64.b64encode(raw)
                    if skypedata.CHATS_TYPE_SINGLE == chat["type"]:
                        title = p["contact"]["name"]
                        name = escape(p["contact"]["name"])
                        if p["contact"]["name"] != p["identity"]:
                            title += " (%s)" % p["identity"]
                            name += "<br />(%s)" % escape(p["identity"])
                        side = "right" if (p["identity"] == db.id) else "left"
                        header_data["header_%s" % side] = "<div>%s" \
                            "<br />%s</div>" % (
                                htmltag("span", {"title": title,
                                    "class": "avatar header %s" % avatar_class}
                                ), name
            if skypedata.CHATS_TYPE_SINGLE != chat["type"]:
                header_data["header_link"] = PARTICIPANTS_LINK
            for k, v in header_data.items():
                header_data[k] = str(v)
            f.write(CHAT_HTML_HEADER % header_data)
            if skypedata.CHATS_TYPE_SINGLE != chat["type"]:
                for p in sorted(chat["participants"],
                                key=lambda a: a["contact"]["name"].lower()):
                    img_attr = {"class": "avatar avatar__default"}
                    img_attr["title"] = p["contact"]["name"]
                    if p["contact"]["name"] != p["identity"]:
                        img_attr["title"] += " (%s)" % p["identity"]
                    if "avatar_image" in p["contact"] \
                    and p["contact"]["avatar_image"]:
                        # Replace dots and commas, as they are not valid
                        # CSS identifier characters
                        img_attr["class"] = "avatar avatar_%s" \
                            % p["identity"].replace(".", "___") \
                              .replace(",", "---")
                    name = escape(p["contact"]["name"])
                    if p["contact"]["name"] != p["identity"]:
                        name += "<br />(%s)" % escape(p["identity"])
                    f.write("            <span>%(img)s%(name)s</span>\n" % {
                        "name": name,
                        "img": htmltag("span", img_attr),
            f.write("        </div>\r\n    </td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</table>\r\n" \
              "</td></tr><tr><td><table class='content_table'>\r\n")
        elif is_txt:
            main_data["hr"] = "-" * 79
            f.write("History of Skype %(title)s.\r\n" \
                    "Showing %(count)s messages" % main_data)
            if main_data["date1"] and main_data["date2"]:
                f.write(" from %(date1)s to %(date2)s" % main_data)
            if main_data["chat_created"]:
                f.write("Chat created on %(chat_created)s" % main_data)
                f.write("Chat has")
            if main_data["messages_total"]:
                f.write(("," if main_data["chat_created"] else "") +
                        " %(messages_total)s in total" % main_data)
                    "Source: %(db)s.\r\n" \
                    "Exported with %(app)s on %(now)s." \
                    "\r\n%(hr)s\r\n" % main_data
        elif is_csv:
            # Initialize CSV writer and write header row
            dialect = csv.excel
            # Default is "," which is actually not Excel
            dialect.delimiter = ";"
            # Default is "\r\n", which causes another "\r" to be written
            dialect.lineterminator = "\r"
            csv_writer = csv.writer(f, dialect)
            csv_writer.writerow(["Time", "Author", "Message"])

        colourmap = collections.defaultdict(lambda: "remote")
        colourmap[db.id] = "local"
        previous_day = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(0)
        for m in messages:
            if m["datetime"].date() != previous_day:
                # Day has changed: insert a date header
                previous_day = m["datetime"].date()
                weekday = previous_day.strftime("%A").capitalize()
                date = previous_day.strftime("%d. %B %Y")
                if locale.getpreferredencoding():
                    weekday = weekday.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding())
                    date = date.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding())
                if is_html:
                        "<tr>\r\n\t<td class='t1'></td>\r\n\t" \
                        "<td class='day t2'></td>\r\n\t" \
                        "<td class='day t3'></td>\r\n\t" \
                        "<td class='day' colspan='2'><span class='weekday'>" \
                        "%(weekday)s</span>, %(date)s</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n" % {
                            "weekday": escape(weekday),
                            "date": escape(date)
                elif is_txt:
                    f.write("\r\n%(weekday)s, %(date)s\r\n%(hr)s\r\n\r\n" % {
                        "weekday": weekday,
                        "date": date,
                        "hr": "-" * 40

            if is_html:
                body = parser.parse(m, html={"w": -1, "export": True})
                f.write("<tr>\r\n\t" \
                    "<td class='author %(authorclass)s' colspan='2'>" \
                    "%(name)s</td>\r\n\t" \
                    "<td class='t3'></td>\r\n\t<td>%(text)s</td>\r\n\t" \
                    "<td class='timestamp'>%(time)s</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n" % {
                        "authorclass": colourmap[m["author"]],
                        "time": m["datetime"].strftime("%H:%S"),
                        "name": escape(m["from_dispname"]),
                        "text": body
                parsed_text = parser.parse(m, text=True)
                    parsed_text = parsed_text.decode("utf-8")
                except Exception, e:
            if is_txt:
                    "%(datetime)s %(name)s:\r\n%(text)s\r\n\r\n" % {
                        "datetime": m["datetime"].strftime("%H:%S"),
                        "name": m["from_dispname"],
                        "text": parsed_text
            elif is_csv:
                    parsed_text = parser.parse(m, text=True)
                    parsed_text = parsed_text.decode("utf-8")
                except Exception, e:
                values = [
                    m["datetime"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),