def _depends_on(pkg, spec, when=None, type=default_deptype, patches=None):
    when_spec = make_when_spec(when)
    if not when_spec:

    dep_spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec)
    if pkg.name == dep_spec.name:
        raise CircularReferenceError("Package '%s' cannot depend on itself." %

    type = canonical_deptype(type)
    conditions = pkg.dependencies.setdefault(dep_spec.name, {})

    # call this patches here for clarity -- we want patch to be a list,
    # but the caller doesn't have to make it one.

    # Note: we cannot check whether a package is virtual in a directive
    # because directives are run as part of class instantiation, and specs
    # instantiate the package class as part of the `virtual` check.
    # To be technical, specs only instantiate the package class as part of the
    # virtual check if the provider index hasn't been created yet.
    # TODO: There could be a cache warming strategy that would allow us to
    # ensure `Spec.virtual` is a valid thing to call in a directive.
    # For now, we comment out the following check to allow for virtual packages
    # with package files.
    # if patches and dep_spec.virtual:
    #     raise DependencyPatchError("Cannot patch a virtual dependency.")

    # ensure patches is a list
    if patches is None:
        patches = []
    elif not isinstance(patches, (list, tuple)):
        patches = [patches]

    # auto-call patch() directive on any strings in patch list
    patches = [
        patch(p) if isinstance(p, six.string_types) else p for p in patches
    assert all(callable(p) for p in patches)

    # this is where we actually add the dependency to this package
    if when_spec not in conditions:
        dependency = Dependency(pkg, dep_spec, type=type)
        conditions[when_spec] = dependency
        dependency = conditions[when_spec]
        dependency.spec.constrain(dep_spec, deps=False)
        dependency.type |= set(type)

    # apply patches to the dependency
    for execute_patch in patches:
def _depends_on(pkg, spec, when=None, type=default_deptype, patches=None):
    # If when is False do nothing
    if when is False:
    # If when is None or True make sure the condition is always satisfied
    if when is None or when is True:
        when = pkg.name
    when_spec = spack.spec.parse_anonymous_spec(when, pkg.name)

    dep_spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec)
    if pkg.name == dep_spec.name:
        raise CircularReferenceError("Package '%s' cannot depend on itself." %

    type = canonical_deptype(type)
    conditions = pkg.dependencies.setdefault(dep_spec.name, {})

    # call this patches here for clarity -- we want patch to be a list,
    # but the caller doesn't have to make it one.
    if patches and dep_spec.virtual:
        raise DependencyPatchError("Cannot patch a virtual dependency.")

    # ensure patches is a list
    if patches is None:
        patches = []
    elif not isinstance(patches, (list, tuple)):
        patches = [patches]

    # auto-call patch() directive on any strings in patch list
    patches = [patch(p) if isinstance(p, string_types) else p for p in patches]
    assert all(callable(p) for p in patches)

    # this is where we actually add the dependency to this package
    if when_spec not in conditions:
        dependency = Dependency(pkg, dep_spec, type=type)
        conditions[when_spec] = dependency
        dependency = conditions[when_spec]
        dependency.spec.constrain(dep_spec, deps=False)
        dependency.type |= set(type)

    # apply patches to the dependency
    for execute_patch in patches: