    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        mesh = self.mesh.copy()

        if fortran_flag:
            mesh = OAS_API.oas_api.manipulate_mesh(mesh,
            self.geo_params['taper'], self.geo_params['chord'],
            self.geo_params['sweep'], self.geo_params['xshear'],
            self.geo_params['span'], self.geo_params['yshear'],
            self.geo_params['dihedral'], self.geo_params['zshear'],
            self.geo_params['twist'], self.symmetry, self.rotate_x)

            taper(mesh, self.geo_params['taper'], self.symmetry)
            scale_x(mesh, self.geo_params['chord'])
            sweep(mesh, self.geo_params['sweep'], self.symmetry)
            shear_x(mesh, self.geo_params['xshear'])
            stretch(mesh, self.geo_params['span'], self.symmetry)
            shear_y(mesh, self.geo_params['yshear'])
            dihedral(mesh, self.geo_params['dihedral'], self.symmetry)
            shear_z(mesh, self.geo_params['zshear'])
            rotate(mesh, self.geo_params['twist'], self.symmetry, self.rotate_x)

        # Only compute the radius on the first iteration.
        if self.compute_radius and 'radius_cp' not in self.desvar_names:
            # Get spar radii and interpolate to radius control points.
            # Need to refactor this at some point.
            unknowns['radius'] = radii(mesh, self.surface['t_over_c'])
            self.compute_radius = False

        unknowns['mesh'] = mesh
    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        mesh = self.mesh.copy()

        if fortran_flag:
            mesh = OAS_API.oas_api.manipulate_mesh(mesh, self.geo_params['taper'],
                self.geo_params['chord'], self.geo_params['sweep'], self.geo_params['xshear'],
                self.geo_params['dihedral'], self.geo_params['zshear'],
                self.geo_params['twist'], self.geo_params['span'], self.symmetry, self.rotate_x)

            taper(mesh, self.geo_params['taper'], self.symmetry)
            scale_x(mesh, self.geo_params['chord'])
            stretch(mesh, self.geo_params['span'], self.symmetry)
            sweep(mesh, self.geo_params['sweep'], self.symmetry)
            shear_x(mesh, self.geo_params['xshear'])
            dihedral(mesh, self.geo_params['dihedral'], self.symmetry)
            shear_z(mesh, self.geo_params['zshear'])
            rotate(mesh, self.geo_params['twist'], self.symmetry, self.rotate_x)

        # Only compute the radius on the first iteration.
        if self.compute_radius and 'radius_cp' not in self.desvar_names:
            # Get spar radii and interpolate to radius control points.
            # Need to refactor this at some point.
            unknowns['radius'] = radii(mesh, self.surface['t_over_c'])
            self.compute_radius = False

        unknowns['mesh'] = mesh

    # Get the finalized surface, which includes the created mesh object.
    # Here, `surface` is a dictionary that contains information relevant to
    # one surface within the analysis or optimization.
    surface = OAS_prob.surfaces[0]

    # If you want to view the information contained within `surface`,
    # uncomment the following line of code.
    # pp(surface)

    # Obtain the number of spanwise node points from the defined surface.
    num_y = surface['num_y']

    # Create an array of radii for the spar elements.
    r = radii(surface['mesh'])

    # Obtain the starting thickness for each of the spar elements based
    # on the radii.
    thickness = r / 5

    # Define the loads here. Choose either a tip load or distributed load
    # by commenting the lines as necessary.
    loads = numpy.zeros((num_y, 6))
    P = 1e4  # load of 10 kN
    # loads[0, 2] = P  # tip load
    loads[1:, 2] = P / (num_y - 1)  # load distributed across all nodes

    # Instantiate the OpenMDAO group for the root problem.
    root = Group()
def setup(num_inboard=2, num_outboard=3, check=False, out_stream=sys.stdout):
    ''' Setup the aerostruct mesh using OpenMDAO'''

    # Define the aircraft properties
    from CRM import span, v, alpha, rho

    # Define spatialbeam properties
    from aluminum import E, G, stress, mrho

    # Create the mesh with 2 inboard points and 3 outboard points.
    # This will be mirrored to produce a mesh with 7 spanwise points,
    # or 6 spanwise panels
    # print(type(num_inboard))
    mesh = gen_crm_mesh(int(num_inboard), int(num_outboard), num_x=2)
    num_x, num_y = mesh.shape[:2]
    num_twist = np.max([int((num_y - 1) / 5), 5])
    r = radii(mesh)

    # Set the number of thickness control points and the initial thicknesses
    num_thickness = num_twist
    t = r / 10

    mesh = mesh.reshape(-1, mesh.shape[-1])
    aero_ind = np.atleast_2d(np.array([num_x, num_y]))
    fem_ind = [num_y]
    aero_ind, fem_ind = get_inds(aero_ind, fem_ind)

    # Set additional mesh parameters
    dihedral = 0.  # dihedral angle in degrees
    sweep = 0.  # shearing sweep angle in degrees
    taper = 1.  # taper ratio

    # Initial displacements of zero
    tot_n_fem = np.sum(fem_ind[:, 0])
    disp = np.zeros((tot_n_fem, 6))

    # Define Jacobians for b-spline controls
    tot_n_fem = np.sum(fem_ind[:, 0])
    num_surf = fem_ind.shape[0]
    jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(num_twist, num_y)
    jac_thickness = get_bspline_mtx(num_thickness, tot_n_fem-num_surf)

    # Define ...
    twist_cp = np.zeros(num_twist)
    thickness_cp = np.ones(num_thickness)*np.max(t)

    # Define the design variables
    des_vars = [
        ('twist_cp', twist_cp),
        ('dihedral', dihedral),
        ('sweep', sweep),
        ('span', span),
        ('taper', taper),
        ('v', v),
        ('alpha', alpha),
        ('rho', rho),
        ('disp', disp),
        ('aero_ind', aero_ind),
        ('fem_ind', fem_ind)

    root = Group()

    root.add('mesh',  # This component is needed, otherwise resulting loads matrix is NaN
         GeometryMesh(mesh, aero_ind), # changes mesh given span, sweep, twist, and des_vars
         TransferDisplacements(aero_ind, fem_ind),

    prob = Problem()
    prob.root = root
    prob.setup(check=check, out_stream=out_stream)

    # Output the def_mesh for the aero modules
    def_mesh = prob['def_mesh']

    # Other variables needed for aero and struct modules
    params = {
        'mesh': mesh,
        'num_x': num_x,
        'num_y': num_y,
        'span': span,
        'twist_cp': twist_cp,
        'thickness_cp': thickness_cp,
        'v': v,
        'alpha': alpha,
        'rho': rho,
        'r': r,
        't': t,
        'aero_ind': aero_ind,
        'fem_ind': fem_ind,
        'num_thickness': num_thickness,
        'num_twist': num_twist,
        'sweep': sweep,
        'taper': taper,
        'dihedral': dihedral,
        'E': E,
        'G': G,
        'stress': stress,
        'mrho': mrho,
        'tot_n_fem': tot_n_fem,
        'num_surf': num_surf,
        'jac_twist': jac_twist,
        'jac_thickness': jac_thickness,
        'out_stream': out_stream,
        'check': check

    return (def_mesh, params)
    def add_surface(self, input_dict={}):
        Add a surface to the problem. One surface definition is needed for
        each planar lifting surface.

        input_dict : dictionary
            Surface definition. Note that there are default values defined by
            `get_default_surf_dict` that are overwritten based on the
            user-provided input_dict.

        # Get defaults and update surf_dict with the user-provided input
        surf_dict = self.get_default_surf_dict()

        # Check to see if the user provides the mesh points. If they do,
        # get the chordwise and spanwise number of points
        if 'mesh' in surf_dict.keys():
            mesh = surf_dict['mesh']
            num_x, num_y = mesh.shape

        # If the user doesn't provide a mesh, obtain the values from surf_dict
        # to create the mesh
        elif 'num_x' in surf_dict.keys():
            num_x = surf_dict['num_x']
            num_y = surf_dict['num_y']
            span = surf_dict['span']
            chord = surf_dict['chord']
            span_cos_spacing = surf_dict['span_cos_spacing']
            chord_cos_spacing = surf_dict['chord_cos_spacing']

            # Check to make sure that an odd number of spanwise points (num_y) was provided
            if not num_y % 2:
                Error('num_y must be an odd number.')

            # Generate rectangular mesh
            if surf_dict['wing_type'] == 'rect':
                mesh = gen_rect_mesh(num_x, num_y, span, chord,
                                     span_cos_spacing, chord_cos_spacing)

            # Generate CRM mesh
            elif surf_dict['wing_type'] == 'CRM':
                npi = int(numpy.ceil(((num_y - 1) / 2) * .4))
                npo = (num_y - 1) // 2 + 2 - npi
                mesh = gen_crm_mesh(n_points_inboard=npi,
                num_x, num_y = mesh.shape[:2]

                    'wing_type option not understood. Must be either "CRM" or "rect".'

            # Chop the mesh in half if using symmetry during analysis.
            # Note that this means that the provided mesh should be the full mesh
            if surf_dict['symmetry']:
                num_y = int((num_y + 1) / 2)
                mesh = mesh[:, :num_y, :]

            Error("Please either provide a mesh or a valid set of parameters.")

        # Apply the user-provided coordinate offset to position the mesh
        mesh = mesh + surf_dict['offset']

        # Get the spar radius
        r = radii(mesh)

        # Set the number of twist and thickness control points.
        # These b-spline control points are what the optimizer sees
        # and controls
        if 'num_twist' not in input_dict.keys():
            surf_dict['num_twist'] = numpy.max([int((num_y - 1) / 5), 5])
        if 'num_thickness' not in input_dict.keys():
            surf_dict['num_thickness'] = numpy.max([int((num_y - 1) / 5), 5])

        # Store updated values
        surf_dict['num_x'] = num_x
        surf_dict['num_y'] = num_y
        surf_dict['mesh'] = mesh
        surf_dict['r'] = r
        surf_dict['t'] = r / 10

        # Set default loads at the tips
        loads = numpy.zeros((r.shape[0] + 1, 6), dtype='complex')
        loads[0, 2] = 1e3
        if not surf_dict['symmetry']:
            loads[-1, 2] = 1e3
        surf_dict['loads'] = loads

        # Throw a warning if the user provides two surfaces with the same name
        name = surf_dict['name']
        for surface in self.surfaces:
            if name == surface['name']:
                print("Warning: Two surfaces have the same name.")

        # Append '_' to each repeated surface name
        if not name:
            surf_dict['name'] = name
            surf_dict['name'] = name + '_'

        # Add the individual surface description to the surface list
from transfer import TransferDisplacements, TransferLoads
from vlm import VLMStates, VLMFunctionals
from spatialbeam import SpatialBeamStates, SpatialBeamFunctionals, radii
from materials import MaterialsTube
from functionals import FunctionalBreguetRange, FunctionalEquilibrium

from openmdao.devtools.partition_tree_n2 import view_tree
from gs_newton import HybridGSNewton

# Change mesh size here
# Create the mesh with 2 inboard points and 3 outboard points
mesh = gen_crm_mesh(n_points_inboard=2, n_points_outboard=3)
num_y = mesh.shape[1]
r = radii(mesh)
t = r / 10

# Define the aircraft properties

# Define the material properties

# Create the top-level system
root = Group()

# Define the independent variables
indep_vars = [
    ('span', span),
    ('twist', numpy.zeros(num_y)),
def setup(num_inboard=2, num_outboard=3, check=False, out_stream=sys.stdout):
    ''' Setup the aerostruct mesh using OpenMDAO'''

    # Define the aircraft properties
    from CRM import span, v, alpha, rho

    # Define spatialbeam properties
    from aluminum import E, G, stress, mrho

    # Create the mesh with 2 inboard points and 3 outboard points.
    # This will be mirrored to produce a mesh with 7 spanwise points,
    # or 6 spanwise panels
    # print(type(num_inboard))
    mesh = gen_crm_mesh(int(num_inboard), int(num_outboard), num_x=2)
    num_x, num_y = mesh.shape[:2]
    num_twist = np.max([int((num_y - 1) / 5), 5])
    r = radii(mesh)

    # Set the number of thickness control points and the initial thicknesses
    num_thickness = num_twist
    t = r / 10

    mesh = mesh.reshape(-1, mesh.shape[-1])
    aero_ind = np.atleast_2d(np.array([num_x, num_y]))
    fem_ind = [num_y]
    aero_ind, fem_ind = get_inds(aero_ind, fem_ind)

    # Set additional mesh parameters
    dihedral = 0.  # dihedral angle in degrees
    sweep = 0.  # shearing sweep angle in degrees
    taper = 1.  # taper ratio

    # Initial displacements of zero
    tot_n_fem = np.sum(fem_ind[:, 0])
    disp = np.zeros((tot_n_fem, 6))

    # Define Jacobians for b-spline controls
    tot_n_fem = np.sum(fem_ind[:, 0])
    num_surf = fem_ind.shape[0]
    jac_twist = get_bspline_mtx(num_twist, num_y)
    jac_thickness = get_bspline_mtx(num_thickness, tot_n_fem - num_surf)

    # Define ...
    twist_cp = np.zeros(num_twist)
    thickness_cp = np.ones(num_thickness) * np.max(t)

    # Define the design variables
    des_vars = [('twist_cp', twist_cp), ('dihedral', dihedral),
                ('sweep', sweep), ('span', span), ('taper', taper), ('v', v),
                ('alpha', alpha), ('rho', rho), ('disp', disp),
                ('aero_ind', aero_ind), ('fem_ind', fem_ind)]

    root = Group()

        promotes=['twist_cp', 'span', 'v', 'alpha', 'rho', 'disp', 'dihedral'])
        'mesh',  # This component is needed, otherwise resulting loads matrix is NaN
            aero_ind),  # changes mesh given span, sweep, twist, and des_vars
        promotes=['span', 'sweep', 'dihedral', 'twist', 'taper', 'mesh'])
             TransferDisplacements(aero_ind, fem_ind),
             promotes=['mesh', 'disp', 'def_mesh'])

    prob = Problem()
    prob.root = root
    prob.setup(check=check, out_stream=out_stream)

    # Output the def_mesh for the aero modules
    def_mesh = prob['def_mesh']

    # Other variables needed for aero and struct modules
    params = {
        'mesh': mesh,
        'num_x': num_x,
        'num_y': num_y,
        'span': span,
        'twist_cp': twist_cp,
        'thickness_cp': thickness_cp,
        'v': v,
        'alpha': alpha,
        'rho': rho,
        'r': r,
        't': t,
        'aero_ind': aero_ind,
        'fem_ind': fem_ind,
        'num_thickness': num_thickness,
        'num_twist': num_twist,
        'sweep': sweep,
        'taper': taper,
        'dihedral': dihedral,
        'E': E,
        'G': G,
        'stress': stress,
        'mrho': mrho,
        'tot_n_fem': tot_n_fem,
        'num_surf': num_surf,
        'jac_twist': jac_twist,
        'jac_thickness': jac_thickness,
        'out_stream': out_stream,
        'check': check

    return (def_mesh, params)
    def add_surface(self, input_dict={}):
        Add a surface to the problem. One surface definition is needed for
        each planar lifting surface.

        input_dict : dictionary
            Surface definition. Note that there are default values defined by
            `get_default_surface` that are overwritten based on the
            user-provided input_dict.

        # Get defaults and update surface with the user-provided input
        surf_dict = self.get_default_surf_dict()

        # Check to see if the user provides the mesh points. If they do,
        # get the chordwise and spanwise number of points
        if 'mesh' in surf_dict.keys():
            mesh = surf_dict['mesh']
            num_x, num_y = mesh.shape[:2]

        # If the user doesn't provide a mesh, obtain the values from surface
        # to create the mesh
        elif 'num_x' in surf_dict.keys():
            num_x = surf_dict['num_x']
            num_y = surf_dict['num_y']
            span = surf_dict['span']
            chord = surf_dict['root_chord']
            span_cos_spacing = surf_dict['span_cos_spacing']
            chord_cos_spacing = surf_dict['chord_cos_spacing']

            # Check to make sure that an odd number of spanwise points (num_y) was provided
            if not num_y % 2:
                Error('num_y must be an odd number.')

            # Generate rectangular mesh
            if surf_dict['wing_type'] == 'rect':
                mesh = gen_rect_mesh(num_x, num_y, span, chord,
                    span_cos_spacing, chord_cos_spacing)

            # Generate CRM mesh. Note that this outputs twist information
            # based on the data from the CRM definition paper, so we save
            # this twist information to the surf_dict.
            elif 'CRM' in surf_dict['wing_type']:
                mesh, eta, twist = gen_crm_mesh(num_x, num_y, span, chord,
                    span_cos_spacing, chord_cos_spacing, surf_dict['wing_type'])
                num_x, num_y = mesh.shape[:2]
                surf_dict['crm_twist'] = twist

                Error('wing_type option not understood. Must be either a type of ' +
                      '"CRM" or "rect".')

            # Chop the mesh in half if using symmetry during analysis.
            # Note that this means that the provided mesh should be the full mesh
            if surf_dict['symmetry']:
                num_y = int((num_y+1)/2)
                mesh = mesh[:, :num_y, :]

            Error("Please either provide a mesh or a valid set of parameters.")

        # Compute span. We need .real to make span to avoid OpenMDAO warnings.
        quarter_chord = 0.25 * mesh[-1] + 0.75 * mesh[0]
        surf_dict['span'] = max(quarter_chord[:, 1]).real - min(quarter_chord[:, 1]).real
        if surf_dict['symmetry']:
            surf_dict['span'] *= 2.

        # Apply the user-provided coordinate offset to position the mesh
        mesh = mesh + surf_dict['offset']

        # We need to initialize some variables to ones and some others to zeros.
        # Here we define the lists for each case.
        ones_list = ['chord_cp', 'thickness_cp', 'radius_cp']
        zeros_list = ['twist_cp', 'xshear_cp', 'zshear_cp']
        surf_dict['bsp_vars'] = ones_list + zeros_list

        # Loop through bspline variables and set the number of control points if
        # the user hasn't initalized the array.
        for var in surf_dict['bsp_vars']:
            numkey = 'num_' + var
            if surf_dict[var] is None:
                if numkey not in input_dict:
                    surf_dict[numkey] = np.max([int((num_y - 1) / 5), min(5, num_y-1)])
                surf_dict[numkey] = len(surf_dict[var])

        # Interpolate the twist values from the CRM wing definition to the twist
        # control points
        if 'CRM' in surf_dict['wing_type']:
            num_twist = surf_dict['num_twist_cp']

            # If the surface is symmetric, simply interpolate the initial
            # twist_cp values based on the mesh data
            if surf_dict['symmetry']:
                twist = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, num_twist), eta, surf_dict['crm_twist'])

                # If num_twist is odd, create the twist vector and mirror it
                # then stack the two together, but remove the duplicated twist
                # value.
                if num_twist % 2:
                    twist = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, (num_twist+1)/2), eta, surf_dict['crm_twist'])
                    twist = np.hstack((twist[:-1], twist[::-1]))

                # If num_twist is even, mirror the twist vector and stack
                # them together
                    twist = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, num_twist/2), eta, surf_dict['crm_twist'])
                    twist = np.hstack((twist, twist[::-1]))

            # Continue to use the user-defined twist_cp if inputted to the
            # surface dictionary. Otherwise, use the prescribed CRM twist.
            if surf_dict['twist_cp'] is None:
                surf_dict['twist_cp'] = twist

        # Store updated values
        surf_dict['num_x'] = num_x
        surf_dict['num_y'] = num_y
        surf_dict['mesh'] = mesh

        radius = radii(mesh, surf_dict['t_over_c'])
        surf_dict['radius'] = radius

        # Set initial thicknesses
        surf_dict['thickness'] = radius / 10

        # We now loop through the possible bspline variables and populate
        # the 'initial_geo' list with the variables that the geometry
        # or user provided. For example, the CRM wing defines an initial twist.
        # We must treat this separately so we add a twist bspline component
        # even if it is not a desvar.
        surf_dict['initial_geo'] = []
        for var in surf_dict['geo_vars']:

            # Add the bspline variables when they're needed
            if var in surf_dict['bsp_vars']:
                numkey = 'num_' + var
                if surf_dict[var] is None:

                    # Add the intialized geometry variables to either ones or zeros.
                    # These initial values do not perturb the mesh.
                    if var in ones_list:
                        surf_dict[var] = np.ones(surf_dict[numkey], dtype=data_type)
                    elif var in zeros_list:
                        surf_dict[var] = np.zeros(surf_dict[numkey], dtype=data_type)

            # If the user provided a scalar variable (span, sweep, taper, etc),
            # then include that in the initial_geo list
            elif var in input_dict.keys():

        if 'thickness_cp' not in surf_dict['initial_geo']:
            surf_dict['thickness_cp'] *= np.max(surf_dict['thickness'])

        if surf_dict['loads'] is None:
            # Set default loads at the tips
            loads = np.zeros((surf_dict['thickness'].shape[0] + 1, 6), dtype=data_type)
            loads[0, 2] = 1e4
            if not surf_dict['symmetry']:
                loads[-1, 2] = 1e4
            surf_dict['loads'] = loads

        if surf_dict['disp'] is None:
            # Set default disp if not provided
            surf_dict['disp'] = np.zeros((surf_dict['num_y'], 6), dtype=data_type)

        # Throw a warning if the user provides two surfaces with the same name
        name = surf_dict['name']
        for surface in self.surfaces:
            if name == surface['name']:
                OASWarning("Two surfaces have the same name.")

        # Append '_' to each repeated surface name
        if not name:
            surf_dict['name'] = name
            surf_dict['name'] = name + '_'

        # Add the individual surface description to the surface list
            num_x = 3  # number of spanwise nodes
            num_y = 11  # number of chordwise nodes
            num_y_sym = numpy.int((num_y + 1) / 2)
            span = 32.  # [m]
            chord = 1.  # [m]
            cosine_spacing = 0.
            full_wing_mesh = gen_mesh(num_x, num_y, span, chord,
            num_twist = numpy.max([int((num_y - 1) / 5), 5])

        half_wing_mesh = full_wing_mesh[:, (num_y_sym - 1):, :]

        # Define beam properties #
        r = radii(half_wing_mesh) / 5  # beam radius
        thick = r / 5  # beam thickness
        fem_origin = 0.5  # elastic axis position along the chord
        #zeta = zeta_vect[i]
        zeta = 0.0  # damping percentual coeff.
        zeta = float(zeta)

        E = 70.e9  # [Pa]
        poisson = 0.3
        G = E / (2 * (1 + poisson))
        mrho = 2800.  # [kg/m^3]

        # Define the independent variables #
        indep_vars = [('span', span), ('twist', numpy.zeros(num_twist)),