    def test_strengthen2(self):
        Forall(i) GFa_i and G(b_i)  ->  Forall(j) GF(c_j) and G(d_j)
        replaced by
        'liveness': Forall(i) GFa_i and G(b_i)  ->  Forall(j) GF(c_j)
        'safety': Forall(i) G(b_i)  ->  Forall(j) G(d_j)

        a_i, b_i = QuantifiedSignal("a", "i"), QuantifiedSignal("b", "i")
        c_j, d_j = QuantifiedSignal("c", "j"), QuantifiedSignal("d", "j")

        ass = ForallExpr(["i"], BinOp("*", UnaryOp("G", UnaryOp("F", a_i)), UnaryOp("G", b_i)))
        gua = ForallExpr(["j"], BinOp("*", UnaryOp("G", UnaryOp("F", c_j)), UnaryOp("G", d_j)))

        property = SpecProperty([ass], [gua])

        safety_properties, liveness_properties = strengthen(property, self._get_converter())

        assert len(liveness_properties) == 1, str(liveness_properties)
        assert len(safety_properties) == 1, str(safety_properties)

        expected_liveness_gua = ForallExpr(["j"], UnaryOp("G", UnaryOp("F", c_j)))

        #: :type: SpecProperty
        liveness_prop = liveness_properties[0]
        assert str(liveness_prop.assumptions) == str([ass]), str(liveness_prop)
        assert str(liveness_prop.guarantees) == str([expected_liveness_gua])

        safety_prop = safety_properties[0]
        expected_safety_ass = ForallExpr(["i"], UnaryOp("G", b_i))
        expected_safety_gua = ForallExpr(["j"], UnaryOp("G", d_j))
        expected_safety_prop = SpecProperty([expected_safety_ass], [expected_safety_gua])
        assert str(expected_safety_prop) == str(safety_prop), str(safety_prop)
    def test_strengthen3(self):
        Forall(i,j) GFa_i * GFb_i_j * Gc_i_j -> Forall(k,m) GF(d_k_m) * G(e_k)
        replaced by
        'safety':   Forall(i) Gc_i_j  ->  Forall(k) G(e_k)
        'liveness': Forall(i,j) GFa_i * GFb_i_j * Gc_i  ->  Forall(k,m) GF(d_k_m)
        a_i, b_i_j, c_i_j = _get_is_true("a", "i"), _get_is_true("b", "i", "j"), _get_is_true("c", "i", "j")
        ass = ForallExpr(
            ["i", "j"],
                "*", UnaryOp("G", UnaryOp("F", a_i)), BinOp("*", UnaryOp("G", UnaryOp("F", b_i_j)), UnaryOp("G", c_i_j))

        d_k_m = _get_is_true("d", "k", "m")
        e_k = _get_is_true("e", "k")
        gua = ForallExpr(["k", "m"], BinOp("*", UnaryOp("G", UnaryOp("F", d_k_m)), UnaryOp("G", e_k)))

        property = SpecProperty([ass], [gua])
        safety_properties, liveness_properties = strengthen(property, self._get_converter())

        # lazy..
        print("safety_properties", safety_properties)
        assert len(safety_properties) == 1, str(safety_properties)
        assert len(list(chain(*[sp.assumptions for sp in safety_properties]))) == 1
        assert len(list(chain(*[sp.guarantees for sp in safety_properties]))) == 1

        print("liveness_properties", liveness_properties)
    def test_strengthen3(self):
        Forall(i,j) GFa_i * GFb_i_j * Gc_i_j -> Forall(k,m) GF(d_k_m) * G(e_k)
        replaced by
        'safety':   Forall(i) Gc_i_j  ->  Forall(k) G(e_k)
        'liveness': Forall(i,j) GFa_i * GFb_i_j * Gc_i  ->  Forall(k,m) GF(d_k_m)
        a_i, b_i_j, c_i_j = _get_is_true('a', 'i'), _get_is_true(
            'b', 'i', 'j'), _get_is_true('c', 'i', 'j')
        ass = ForallExpr(['i', 'j'],
                             '*', UnaryOp('G', UnaryOp('F', a_i)),
                             BinOp('*', UnaryOp('G', UnaryOp('F', b_i_j)),
                                   UnaryOp('G', c_i_j))))

        d_k_m = _get_is_true('d', 'k', 'm')
        e_k = _get_is_true('e', 'k')
        gua = ForallExpr(['k', 'm'],
                         BinOp('*', UnaryOp('G', UnaryOp('F', d_k_m)),
                               UnaryOp('G', e_k)))

        property = SpecProperty([ass], [gua])
        safety_properties, liveness_properties = strengthen(
            property, self._get_converter())

        print('safety_properties', safety_properties)
        assert len(safety_properties) == 1, str(safety_properties)
        assert len(list(chain(*[sp.assumptions
                                for sp in safety_properties]))) == 1
        assert len(list(chain(*[sp.guarantees
                                for sp in safety_properties]))) == 1

        print('liveness_properties', liveness_properties)
    def test_strengthen2(self):
        Forall(i) GFa_i -> Forall(j) GF(b_j)
        is left as it is
        a_i, b_j = QuantifiedSignal("a", "i"), QuantifiedSignal("b", "j")

        liveness_ass = ForallExpr(["i"], UnaryOp("G", UnaryOp("F", a_i)))
        liveness_gua = ForallExpr(["j"], UnaryOp("G", UnaryOp("F", b_j)))

        property = SpecProperty([liveness_ass], [liveness_gua])

        safety_properties, liveness_properties = strengthen(property, self._get_converter())

        assert len(liveness_properties) == 1, str(liveness_properties)
        assert len(safety_properties) == 0, str(safety_properties)

        actual = liveness_properties[0]
        expected = property
        assert str(actual) == str(expected), str(actual) + " vs " + str(expected)
    def test_strengthen2(self):
        Forall(i) GFa_i and G(b_i)  ->  Forall(j) GF(c_j) and G(d_j)
        replaced by
        'liveness': Forall(i) GFa_i and G(b_i)  ->  Forall(j) GF(c_j)
        'safety': Forall(i) G(b_i)  ->  Forall(j) G(d_j)

        a_i, b_i = QuantifiedSignal('a', 'i'), QuantifiedSignal('b', 'i')
        c_j, d_j = QuantifiedSignal('c', 'j'), QuantifiedSignal('d', 'j')

        ass = ForallExpr(['i'],
                         BinOp('*', UnaryOp('G', UnaryOp('F', a_i)),
                               UnaryOp('G', b_i)))
        gua = ForallExpr(['j'],
                         BinOp('*', UnaryOp('G', UnaryOp('F', c_j)),
                               UnaryOp('G', d_j)))

        property = SpecProperty([ass], [gua])

        safety_properties, liveness_properties = strengthen(
            property, self._get_converter())

        assert len(liveness_properties) == 1, str(liveness_properties)
        assert len(safety_properties) == 1, str(safety_properties)

        expected_liveness_gua = ForallExpr(['j'],
                                           UnaryOp('G', UnaryOp('F', c_j)))

        #: :type: SpecProperty
        liveness_prop = liveness_properties[0]
        assert str(liveness_prop.assumptions) == str([ass]), str(liveness_prop)
        assert str(liveness_prop.guarantees) == str([expected_liveness_gua])

        safety_prop = safety_properties[0]
        expected_safety_ass = ForallExpr(['i'], UnaryOp('G', b_i))
        expected_safety_gua = ForallExpr(['j'], UnaryOp('G', d_j))
        expected_safety_prop = SpecProperty([expected_safety_ass],
        assert str(expected_safety_prop) == str(safety_prop), str(safety_prop)
    def test_strengthen1(self):
        Forall(i) GFa_i -> Forall(j) G(b_j)
        replaced by
        'safety': Forall(j) G(b_j)
        'liveness': []

        a_i, b_j = QuantifiedSignal("a", "i"), QuantifiedSignal("b", "j")

        liveness_ass = ForallExpr(["i"], UnaryOp("G", UnaryOp("F", a_i)))
        safety_gua = ForallExpr(["j"], UnaryOp("G", b_j))

        property = SpecProperty([liveness_ass], [safety_gua])

        safety_properties, liveness_properties = strengthen(property, self._get_converter())

        assert len(liveness_properties) == 0, str(liveness_properties)
        assert len(safety_properties) == 1, str(safety_properties)

        actual_guarantees = safety_properties[0].guarantees
        assert str(actual_guarantees) == str([safety_gua]), "\n" + str(actual_guarantees) + "\nvs\n" + str([safety_gua])
    def test_strengthen2(self):
        Forall(i) GFa_i -> Forall(j) GF(b_j)
        is left as it is
        a_i, b_j = QuantifiedSignal('a', 'i'), QuantifiedSignal('b', 'j')

        liveness_ass = ForallExpr(['i'], UnaryOp('G', UnaryOp('F', a_i)))
        liveness_gua = ForallExpr(['j'], UnaryOp('G', UnaryOp('F', b_j)))

        property = SpecProperty([liveness_ass], [liveness_gua])

        safety_properties, liveness_properties = strengthen(
            property, self._get_converter())

        assert len(liveness_properties) == 1, str(liveness_properties)
        assert len(safety_properties) == 0, str(safety_properties)

        actual = liveness_properties[0]
        expected = property
        assert str(actual) == str(
            expected), str(actual) + ' vs ' + str(expected)
    def test_strengthen1(self):
        Forall(i) GFa_i -> Forall(j) G(b_j)
        replaced by
        'safety': Forall(j) G(b_j)
        'liveness': []

        a_i, b_j = QuantifiedSignal('a', 'i'), QuantifiedSignal('b', 'j')

        liveness_ass = ForallExpr(['i'], UnaryOp('G', UnaryOp('F', a_i)))
        safety_gua = ForallExpr(['j'], UnaryOp('G', b_j))

        property = SpecProperty([liveness_ass], [safety_gua])

        safety_properties, liveness_properties = strengthen(
            property, self._get_converter())

        assert len(liveness_properties) == 0, str(liveness_properties)
        assert len(safety_properties) == 1, str(safety_properties)

        actual_guarantees = safety_properties[0].guarantees
        assert str(actual_guarantees) == str([safety_gua]), \
            '\n' + str(actual_guarantees) + '\nvs\n' + str([safety_gua])