    def find_files(self, config: Config, builder: "Builder") -> None:
        """Find all source files in the source dir and put them in
            exclude_paths = (self.config.exclude_patterns +
                             self.config.templates_path +

            # Current implementation is applying translated messages in the reading
            # phase.Therefore, in order to apply the updated message catalog, it is
            # necessary to re-process from the reading phase. Here, if dependency
            # is set for the doc source and the mo file, it is processed again from
            # the reading phase when mo is updated. In the future, we would like to
            # move i18n process into the writing phase, and remove these lines.
            if builder.use_message_catalog:
                # add catalog mo file dependency
                repo = CatalogRepository(self.srcdir, self.config.locale_dirs,
                for docname in self.found_docs:
                    domain = docname_to_domain(docname,
                    for catalog in repo.catalogs:
                        if catalog.domain == domain:
        except OSError as exc:
            raise DocumentError(
                __('Failed to scan documents in %s: %r') % (self.srcdir, exc))
    def find_files(self, config, builder):
        # type: (Config, Builder) -> None
        """Find all source files in the source dir and put them in
            exclude_paths = (self.config.exclude_patterns +
                             self.config.templates_path +

            # Current implementation is applying translated messages in the reading
            # phase.Therefore, in order to apply the updated message catalog, it is
            # necessary to re-process from the reading phase. Here, if dependency
            # is set for the doc source and the mo file, it is processed again from
            # the reading phase when mo is updated. In the future, we would like to
            # move i18n process into the writing phase, and remove these lines.
            if builder.use_message_catalog:
                # add catalog mo file dependency
                for docname in self.found_docs:
                    catalog_files = find_catalog_files(
                        docname, self.srcdir, self.config.locale_dirs,
                        self.config.language, self.config.gettext_compact)
                    for filename in catalog_files:
        except EnvironmentError as exc:
            raise DocumentError(
                __('Failed to scan documents in %s: %r') % (self.srcdir, exc))
    def find_files(self, config, builder):
        # type: (Config, Builder) -> None
        """Find all source files in the source dir and put them in
            matchers = compile_matchers(
                config.exclude_patterns[:] +
                config.templates_path +
                builder.get_asset_paths() +
                ['**/_sources', '.#*', '**/.#*', '*.lproj/**']
            self.found_docs = set()
            for docname in get_matching_docs(self.srcdir, config.source_suffix,  # type: ignore
                if os.access(self.doc2path(docname), os.R_OK):
                    logger.warning(__("document not readable. Ignored."), location=docname)

            # Current implementation is applying translated messages in the reading
            # phase.Therefore, in order to apply the updated message catalog, it is
            # necessary to re-process from the reading phase. Here, if dependency
            # is set for the doc source and the mo file, it is processed again from
            # the reading phase when mo is updated. In the future, we would like to
            # move i18n process into the writing phase, and remove these lines.
            if builder.use_message_catalog:
                # add catalog mo file dependency
                for docname in self.found_docs:
                    catalog_files = find_catalog_files(
                    for filename in catalog_files:
        except EnvironmentError as exc:
            raise DocumentError(__('Failed to scan documents in %s: %r') % (self.srcdir, exc))
def auto_link_remapper(no_autodoc=False):
    - Auto-Remaps links to fit with the actual document file structure. Requires
      all doc files to have a unique name.
    - Creates source/toc.md file

    global _CURRFILE

    print("  -- Auto-Remapper starting.")

    def _get_rel_source_ref(path):
        """Get the path relative the source/ dir"""
        pathparts = path.split("/")
        # we allow a max of 4 levels of nesting in the source dir
        ind = pathparts[-5:].index(_SOURCEDIR_NAME)
        # get the part after source/
        pathparts = pathparts[-5 + 1 + ind:]
        url = "/".join(pathparts)
        # get the reference, without .md
        url = url.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
        return url

    toc_map = {}
    docref_map = defaultdict(dict)

    for path in Path(_SOURCE_DIR).rglob("*.md"):
        # find the source/ part of the path and strip it out

        if path.name in _IGNORE_FILES:
            # this is the name including .md

        sourcepath = path.as_posix()
        # get name and url relative to source/
        fname = path.name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
        src_url = _get_rel_source_ref(sourcepath)

        # check for duplicate files
        if fname in toc_map:
            duplicate_src_url = toc_map[fname]
            raise DocumentError(
                f" Tried to add {src_url}.md, but a file {duplicate_src_url}.md already exists.\n"
                " Evennia's auto-link-corrector does not accept doc-files with the same \n"
                " name, even in different folders. Rename one.\n")
        toc_map[fname] = src_url

        # find relative links to all other files
        for targetpath in Path(_SOURCE_DIR).rglob("*.md"):

            targetname = targetpath.name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
            targetpath = targetpath.as_posix()
            url = relpath(targetpath, dirname(sourcepath))
            if not "/" in url:
                # need to be explicit or there will be link ref collisions between
                # e.g. TickerHandler page and TickerHandle api node
                url = "./" + url
            docref_map[sourcepath][targetname] = url.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

    # normal reference-links [txt](urls)
    ref_regex = re.compile(r"\[(?P<txt>[\w -\[\]\`]+?)\]\((?P<url>.+?)\)",
                           re.I + re.S + re.U + re.M)
    # in document references
    ref_doc_regex = re.compile(
        r"\[(?P<txt>[\w -\`]+?)\]:\s+?(?P<url>.+?)(?=$|\n)",
        re.I + re.S + re.U + re.M)

    def _sub(match):
        # inline reference links
        global _USED_REFS
        grpdict = match.groupdict()
        txt, url = grpdict["txt"], grpdict["url"]

        txt = TXT_REMAPS.get(txt, txt)
        url = URL_REMAPS.get(url, url)

        if any(url.startswith(noremap) for noremap in _NO_REMAP_STARTSWITH):
            return f"[{txt}]({url})"

        if "http" in url and "://" in url:
            urlout = url
            fname, *part = url.rsplit("/", 1)
            fname = part[0] if part else fname
            fname = fname.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
            fname, *anchor = fname.rsplit("#", 1)

            if not _CURRFILE.endswith("toc.md"):
                _USED_REFS[fname] = url

            if _CURRFILE in docref_map and fname in docref_map[_CURRFILE]:
                cfilename = _CURRFILE.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
                urlout = docref_map[_CURRFILE][fname] + ("#" + anchor[0]
                                                         if anchor else "")
                if urlout != url:
                        f"  {cfilename}: [{txt}]({url}) -> [{txt}]({urlout})")
                urlout = url

        return f"[{txt}]({urlout})"

    def _sub_doc(match):
        # reference links set at the bottom of the page
        global _USED_REFS
        grpdict = match.groupdict()
        txt, url = grpdict["txt"], grpdict["url"]

        txt = TXT_REMAPS.get(txt, txt)
        url = URL_REMAPS.get(url, url)

        if any(url.startswith(noremap) for noremap in _NO_REMAP_STARTSWITH):
            return f"[{txt}]: {url}"

        if "http" in url and "://" in url:
            urlout = url
            fname, *part = url.rsplit("/", 1)
            fname = part[0] if part else fname
            fname = fname.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
            fname, *anchor = fname.rsplit("#", 1)

            if not _CURRFILE.endswith("toc.md"):
                _USED_REFS[fname] = url

            if _CURRFILE in docref_map and fname in docref_map[_CURRFILE]:
                cfilename = _CURRFILE.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
                urlout = docref_map[_CURRFILE][fname] + ("#" + anchor[0]
                                                         if anchor else "")
                if urlout != url:
                        f"  {cfilename}: [{txt}]: {url} -> [{txt}]: {urlout}")
                urlout = url

        return f"[{txt}]: {urlout}"

    # replace / correct links in all files
    count = 0
    for path in sorted(Path(_SOURCE_DIR).rglob("*.md"), key=lambda p: p.name):

        # from pudb import debugger;debugger.Debugger().set_trace()
        _CURRFILE = path.as_posix()

        with open(path, "r") as fil:
            intxt = fil.read()
            outtxt = ref_regex.sub(_sub, intxt)
            outtxt = ref_doc_regex.sub(_sub_doc, outtxt)
        if intxt != outtxt:
            with open(path, "w") as fil:
            count += 1
            print(f"  -- Auto-relinked links in {path.name}")

    if count > 0:
        print(f"  -- Auto-corrected links in {count} documents.")

    for (fname, src_url) in sorted(toc_map.items(), key=lambda tup: tup[0]):
        if fname not in _USED_REFS:
            print(f"  ORPHANED DOC: no refs found to {src_url}.md")

    # write tocfile
    with open(_TOC_FILE, "w") as fil:
        fil.write("# Toc\n")

        if not no_autodoc:
            fil.write("- [API root](api/evennia-api.rst)")

        for ref in sorted(toc_map.values()):

            if ref == "toc":

            if "Part1/" in ref:

            if not "/" in ref:
                ref = "./" + ref

            linkname = ref.replace("-", " ")
            fil.write(f"\n- [{linkname}]({ref})")

        # we add a self-reference so the toc itself is also a part of a toctree
        fil.write("\n\n```toctree::\n  :hidden:\n\n  toc\n```")

    print("  -- Auto-Remapper finished.")