def __fabdir(branch, filepath='', release=None): # only a function taking the split up branch/filepath can be decorated release = release or base.current_release() directory = _join(env.releases_path, release, env.github_repo_name) for root, dirs, files in walk("fab/%s" % branch): subdir = re.sub("^fab/%s/?" % branch,'',root) for name in dirs: joinpath = _join(subdir, name) # only make the dirs you need if re.match(re.escape(filepath), joinpath) \ or re.match(re.escape(joinpath)+'/', filepath): if joinpath[0:1]!='.' \ or joinpath.split('/')[0] == filepath.split('/')[0]: # ignore or trim 'hidden' dirs in fab/<branch>/ run("mkdir -p %s" % _join(directory, re.sub('^\.[^/]*/?', '', joinpath))) for name in files: joinpath = _join(subdir, name) if filepath == '' or re.match(re.escape(filepath), joinpath): if joinpath[0:1]!='.' \ or joinpath.split('/')[0] == filepath.split('/')[0] \ or subdir == '': # ignore or trim filepaths within 'hidden' dirs in fab/<branch>/ put(_join(root, name), _join(directory, re.sub('^\.[^/]*/', '', joinpath)))
def execute(branch, command, release=None): """ Execute a shell command in the virtualenv $ fab execute:staging,"tail logs/*.log" If no release is specified it defaults to the latest release. """ release = release or base.current_release() directory = _join(env.releases_path, release, env.github_repo_name) return _virtualenv(directory, command)
def copy_settings_file(branch, release=None): """ Copy the settings file for this branch to the server $ fab copy_settings_file:staging If no release is specified it defaults to the latest release. """ release = release or base.current_release() directory = _join(env.releases_path, release, env.github_repo_name) put( "environments/%(branch)" % env, _join(directory, "environments/%(branch)" % env) )
def create_virtualenv(branch, release=None): """ Create the virtualenv and install the PIP requirements $ fab create_virtualenv:staging If no release is specified it defaults to the latest release """ release = release or base.current_release() directory = _join(env.releases_path, release, env.github_repo_name) with cd(directory): return run(" && ".join([ "virtualenv --no-site-packages ve", "source ve/bin/activate", "pip -E ve install --download-cache=%(pip_cache_path)s -r requirements.pip" % env, "python develop", ]))