    def save_statistic(self, bucket, type, name, value, anon, in_average_data=None):
        args = {'value': value,
                'updated': int(time()),
                'anon': anon,
#        print "starting set_sql_dict"

        records = yield self.dbconfig.select('statistics', select='*', where=['bucket = ? AND type = ? AND name = ?', bucket, type, name])
        if len(records) > 0:  # now we need to merge the results. This can be fun.
#            print "existing stat found: %s" % records[0]
            if type == 'counter':
                args['value'] = records[0]['value'] + value
                results = yield self.dbconfig.update('statistics', args, where=['id = ?', records[0]['id']] )
            elif type == 'datapoint': # chance is super rare.... Just replace the value. Probably never happens.
                results = yield self.dbconfig.update('statistics', args, where=['id = ?', records[0]['id']] )
            elif type == 'average':

                record_average_data = cPickle.loads(str(records[0]['averagedata']))
#                print "record_average_data: %s" % record_average_data
#                print "in_average_data: %s" % in_average_data

                counts = [record_average_data['count'], in_average_data['count']]
                medians = [record_average_data['median'], in_average_data['median']]
                uppers = [record_average_data['upper'], in_average_data['upper']]
                lowers = [record_average_data['lower'], in_average_data['lower']]
                upper_90s = [record_average_data['upper_90'], in_average_data['upper_90']]
                lower_90s = [record_average_data['lower_90'], in_average_data['lower_90']]
                median_90s = [record_average_data['median_90'], in_average_data['median_90']]

                # found this weighted averaging method here:
                # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29330792/python-weighted-averaging-a-list
                new_average_data = {}
                new_average_data['count'] = record_average_data['count'] + in_average_data['count']
                new_average_data['median'] = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(medians, counts)) / sum(counts)
                new_average_data['upper'] = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(uppers, counts)) / sum(counts)
                new_average_data['lower'] = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(lowers, counts)) / sum(counts)
                new_average_data['upper_90'] = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(upper_90s, counts)) / sum(counts)
                new_average_data['lower_90'] = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(lower_90s, counts)) / sum(counts)
                new_average_data['median_90'] = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(median_90s, counts)) / sum(counts)

                args['averagedata'] = sqlite3Binary(cPickle.dumps(new_average_data, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
                results = yield self.dbconfig.update('statistics', args, where=['id = ?', records[0]['id']] )
            args['bucket'] =  bucket
            args['type'] = type
            args['name'] = name
            if type == 'average':
                args['averagedata'] = sqlite3Binary(cPickle.dumps(in_average_data, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
#            print "saving new SQL record: %s" % args
            results = yield self.dbconfig.insert('statistics', args, None, 'OR IGNORE' )

    def save_sql_dict(self, save_all=False):
        Called periodically and on exit to save a dictionary to the SQL database.

        This allows multiple updates to happen to a dictionary without the overhead of constantly updating the
        matching SQL record. This can lead to some data loss if data is constantly updating and the system crashes.

        :param save_all: If true, save all the SQL Dictionaries
        for name, di in self._dictionaries.iteritems():
#            logger.warn("save_sql_dict 1")
            if di['dirty'] or save_all:
#                logger.warn("save_sql_dict 3 {di}", di=di)
                safe_data = {}  # Sometimes wierd datatype's happen...  Not good.
                for key, item in di['dict'].iteritems():
                    safe_data[key] = item
 #               logger.warn("save_sql_dict 4 {di}", di=safe_data)
                save_data = sqlite3Binary(cPickle.dumps(safe_data, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
                yield self._Libraries['localdb'].set_sql_dict(di['component_name'],
                        di['dict_name'], save_data)
#                print "in save_sql_dict - returned from saving data into sql"
                self._dictionaries[name]['dirty'] = False
        if self.unload_defer is not None:
    def process_config(self, inputType, config_item, config_type, msg):
        logger.debug("in process_config ->> config_item: {config_item}", config_item=config_item)

        # make sure the command exists
        if config_item not in self.config_items:
            logger.warn("ConfigurationUpdate::process_config - '{config_item}' is not a valid configuration item. Skipping.", config_item=config_item)
        elif config_item == "gateway_configs":
            payload = msg['data']
            for section in payload:
                for key in section['Values']:
                   self._Configs.set(section['Section'], key['Key'], key['Value'])
        elif config_item == "gateway_variable":
            records = msg['data']["configdata"]
            sendUpdates = []
            for record in records:
                if self._Libraries['configuration'].get_config_time(record['section'], record['item']) > record['updated']:
                  self._Configs.set(record['section'], record['item'], record['value'])
                else: #the gateway is newer
                  sendUpdates.append({'section': record['section'],
                                      'item'   : record['item'],
                                      'value'  : record['value']})

# needs to be implemented on server first!!
#            if len(sendUpdates):
#              self.gateway_control.sendQueueAdd(self._generateMessage({'cmd' : 'setGatewayVariables', 'configdata':sendUpdates}))
#            self._removeFullTableQueue('GatewayVariablesTable')
        elif config_item in self.config_items:
            logger.debug("ConfigurationUpdate::process_config - Doing config for: {config_item}", config_item=config_item)
            configs_db = self.config_items[config_item]

            data = []
            if 'data_type' in msg:
                if msg['data_type'] == 'object': # a single response
                    logger.debug("Processing single object config response.")
                elif msg['data_type'] == 'objects': # An array of responses
                    logger.debug("Processing multiple object config response.")
                    data = msg['data']
                if isinstance(msg, list):
                    data = msg
                elif isinstance(msg, dict):
                    data = data.append(msg)
                    raise YomboWarning("Cannot process configuration update")

            tempConfig = {}  # Usef for various tracking. Variable depends on config_item being processed.
            tempIndex = {}  # Usef for various tracking. Variable depends on config_item being processed.
            tempStorage = {}  # Usef for various tracking. Variable depends on config_item being processed.

            save_records = []
            for record in data:
                items = record.items()
                temp_record = {}

                for col, val in items:
                    if col not in configs_db['map']:
#                        logger.debug("## Col (%s) not in table.." % col)
#                    print "col = %s (%s)" % (col, configs_db['map'][col])
                    if self._LocalDBLibrary.db_model[configs_db['table']][configs_db['map'][col]]['type'] == "INTEGER":
                    elif self._LocalDBLibrary.db_model[configs_db['table']][configs_db['map'][col]]['type'] == "REAL":
                    elif type(val) is dict:
                        val = sqlite3Binary(cPickle.dumps(val, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
#                    temp = (col, decryptPGP(val))
                    temp_record[configs_db['map'][col]] = val

#                logger.debug("Pre checking nested %s" % config_item)
                # process any nested items here.
                print "config_item: %s" % config_item
                if config_item == 'gateway_modules':
                    if '1' not in tempConfig:
                        tempConfig['1'] = {
                            'inputType' : 'nested',
                            'config_item' : 'device_type_modules',
                        tempConfig['2'] = {
                            'inputType' : 'nested',
                            'config_item' : 'command_device_types',
                        tempConfig['3'] = {
                            'inputType' : 'nested',
                            'config_item' : 'device_types',
                        tempConfig['4'] = {
                            'inputType' : 'nested',
                            'config_item' : 'variables',
                        tempIndex['1'] = []  # device_type_modules
                        tempIndex['2'] = []  # command_device_types
                        tempIndex['3'] = []  # device_types
                        tempIndex['4'] = []  # variables
                        tempStorage['1'] = []
                        tempStorage['2'] = []
                        tempStorage['3'] = []
                        tempStorage['4'] = []

#                    logger.info("devicetypes: %s" % record['device_types'][)
                    if 'DeviceTypes' in record:
#                        logger.debug("Call nested: {record}" % record=record)
                        for tempDT in record['DeviceTypes']:
                            if tempDT['UUID'] not in tempIndex['3']:
#                                print "adding device type: %s" % tempDT

                        for dt in record['DeviceTypes']:
                            if dt['UUID'] not in tempIndex['1']:
                                    'device_type_id' : dt['UUID'],
                                    'module_id' : record['UUID'],  # record = module
                                    'priority' : dt['Priority'],

                            for dtc in dt['Commands']:
                                if dt['UUID'] not in tempIndex['2']:
                                        'device_type_id' : dt['UUID'],    #dt = devicetype
                                        'command_id' : dtc['UUID'],  #dtc = Commanddevice_types
                    # ModuleConfigs
                    if 'ModuleConfigs' in record:
                        for tempGroup in record['ModuleConfigs']:
                            for tempField in tempGroup['Fields']:
                                if tempField['FieldUUID'] not in tempIndex['4']:

                                field = {
                                    'VariableType': 'module',
                                    'ForeignUUID' : record['UUID'],  # record = module
                                    'VariableUUID' : tempGroup['VariableUUID'],
                                    'Weight' : tempGroup['Weight'],
                                    'DataWeight' : tempField['Weight'],
                                    'MachineLabel' : tempField['MachineLabel'],
                                    'Label' : tempField['Label'],
                                    'Value' : tempField['Value'],
                                    'Updated' : tempField['Updated'],
                                    'Created' : tempField['Created'],
                # end if config_item == 'gateway_modules'

                elif config_item == 'gateway_devices':
                    print "config record: %s"  % record
                    if '1' not in tempConfig:
                        tempConfig['1'] = {
                            'inputType' : inputType,
                            'config_item' : 'variables',
                        tempIndex['1'] = []  # DeviceConfigs
                        tempStorage['1'] = []
                    # DeviceConfigs
                    if 'DeviceConfigs' in record:
                        for tempGroup in record['DeviceConfigs']:
                            for tempField in tempGroup['Fields']:
                                if tempField['FieldUUID'] not in tempIndex['1']:

                                field = {
                                    'VariableType': 'device',
                                    'ForeignUUID' : record['UUID'],  # record = device
                                    'VariableUUID' : tempGroup['VariableUUID'],
                                    'Weight' : tempGroup['Weight'],
                                    'DataWeight' : tempField['Weight'],
                                    'MachineLabel' : tempField['MachineLabel'],
                                    'Label' : tempField['Label'],
                                    'Value' : tempField['Value'],
                                    'Updated' : tempField['Updated'],
                                    'Created' : tempField['Created'],
            for key, value in tempStorage.iteritems():
#                logger.info("key: {key}, value: {value}", key=key, value=value)
                self.process_config(tempConfig[key]['inputType'], tempConfig[key]['config_item'], config_type, tempStorage[key])

            if len(save_records) > 0:
#                for record in save_records:
#                    yield self._LocalDBLibrary.insert(configs_db['table'], record)
#                print "saving records: (%s): %s" % (configs_db['table'], save_records)
                yield self._LocalDBLibrary.insert_many(configs_db['table'], save_records)
            raise YomboWarning("Unknown type on processing configuration update.")
        if inputType == "response" and config_type == "full":
            self._removeFullDownloadQueue("get_" + config_item)