    def test_compile_config_default_folder(self, fname_param_config):
        """Folder location.

        This is tricky because it depends on whether or not the user specified
        a config file and whether or not he also specified the "--folder" flag.

        _, param, _ = fname_param_config

        # Config file and no "--folder": config file entry wins.
        param.configfile = str(TEST_CONFIG_FNAME)
        param.folder = None
        cfg, err = main.compile_config(param)
        assert not err
        assert cfg.folder == TEST_CONFIG_FNAME.parent.absolute() / "some/path"

        # Config file and "--folder some/where": `--folder` wins.
        param.configfile = str(TEST_CONFIG_FNAME)
        param.folder = "some/where"
        cfg, err = main.compile_config(param)
        assert not err and cfg.folder == Filepath("some/where")

        # No config file and no "--folder": manifest folder must be CWD.
        param.configfile = None
        param.folder = None
        cfg, err = main.compile_config(param)
        assert not err and cfg.folder == Filepath.cwd() / "foo" / "bar"

        # No config file and "--folder some/where": must point to `some/where`.
        param.configfile = None
        param.folder = "some/where"
        cfg, err = main.compile_config(param)
        assert not err and cfg.folder == Filepath("some/where")
def compile_config(cmdline_param) -> Tuple[Config, bool]:
    """Return `Config` from `cmdline_param`.

        cmdline_param: SimpleNamespace

        Config, err

    err_resp = Config(
        selectors=Selectors(set(), namespaces=[], labels=[]),
        groupby=GroupBy("", []),
    ), True

    # Convenience.
    p = cmdline_param

    # Load the default configuration unless the user specified an explicit one.
    if p.configfile:
        logit.info(f"Loading configuration file <{p.configfile}>")
        cfg, err = square.cfgfile.load(p.configfile)

        # Use the folder the `load()` function determined.
        folder = cfg.folder

        # Look for `--kubeconfig`. Default to the value in config file.
        kubeconfig = p.kubeconfig or cfg.kubeconfig
        # Pick the configuration file, depending on whether the user specified
        # `--no-config`, `--config` and whether a `.square.yaml` file exists.
        default_cfg = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
        dot_square = Filepath(".square.yaml")
        if p.no_config:
            cfg_file = default_cfg
            cfg_file = dot_square if dot_square.exists() else default_cfg

        logit.info(f"Loading configuration file <{cfg_file}>")
        cfg, err = square.cfgfile.load(cfg_file)

        # Determine which Kubeconfig to use. The order is: `--kubeconfig`,
        # `--config`, `.square`, `KUBECONFIG` environment variable.
        if cfg_file == default_cfg:
            kubeconfig = p.kubeconfig or os.getenv("KUBECONFIG", "")
            kubeconfig = p.kubeconfig or str(cfg.kubeconfig) or os.getenv("KUBECONFIG", "")  # noqa
        del dot_square, default_cfg

        # Use the current working directory as the folder directory because the
        # user did not specify an explicit configuration file which would
        # contain the desired folder.
        folder = Filepath.cwd()

        # Abort if neither `--kubeconfig` nor KUBECONFIG env var.
        if not kubeconfig:
            logit.error("Must specify a Kubernetes config file.")
            return err_resp
    if err:
        return err_resp

    # Override the folder if user specified "--folder".
    folder = folder if p.folder is None else p.folder

    # Expand the user's home folder, ie if the path contains a "~".
    folder = Filepath(folder).expanduser()
    kubeconfig = Filepath(kubeconfig).expanduser()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # GroupBy (determines the folder hierarchy that GET will create).
    # In : `--groupby ns kind label=app`
    # Out: GroupBy(order=["ns", "kind", "label"], label="app")
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Unpack the ordering and replace all `label=*` with `label`.
    # NOTE: `p.groups` does not necessarily exist because the option only makes
    #        sense for eg `square GET` and is thus not implemented for `square apply`.
    order = getattr(p, "groupby", None)
    if order is None:
        groupby = cfg.groupby
        clean_order = [_ if not _.startswith("label") else "label" for _ in order]
        if not set(clean_order).issubset({"ns", "kind", "label"}):
            logit.error("Invalid definition of `groupby`")
            return err_resp

        labels = [_ for _ in order if _.startswith("label")]
        if len(labels) > 1:
            logit.error("Can only specify one `label=<name>` in `--groupby`.")
            return err_resp

        # Unpack the label name from the `--groupby` argument.
        # Example, if user specified `--groupby label=app` then we need to extract
        # the `app` part. This also includes basic sanity checks.
        label_name = ""
        if len(labels) == 1:
                _, label_name = labels[0].split("=")
                assert len(label_name) > 0
            except (ValueError, AssertionError):
                logit.error(f"Invalid label specification <{labels[0]}>")
                return err_resp

        # Compile the final `GroupBy` structure.
        groupby = GroupBy(order=list(clean_order), label=label_name)
        del order, clean_order, label_name

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # General: folder, kubeconfig, kubecontext, ...
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    kinds = set(p.kinds) if p.kinds else cfg.selectors.kinds

    # Use the value from the (default) config file unless the user overrode
    # them on the command line.
    kubeconfig = Filepath(kubeconfig)
    kubecontext = p.kubecontext or cfg.kubecontext
    namespaces = cfg.selectors.namespaces if p.namespaces is None else p.namespaces
    sel_labels = cfg.selectors.labels if p.labels is None else p.labels
    priorities = p.priorities or cfg.priorities
    selectors = Selectors(kinds, namespaces, sel_labels)

    # Use filters from (default) config file because they cannot be specified
    # on the command line.
    filters = cfg.filters

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Verify inputs.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Abort without credentials.
    if not kubeconfig.exists():
        logit.error(f"Cannot find Kubernetes config file <{kubeconfig}>")
        return err_resp

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Assemble the full configuration and return it.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cfg = Config(
    return cfg, False