def image_vanish(pattern: Pattern,
                 timeout: float = None,
                 region: Rectangle = None) -> None or bool:
    """ Search if an image is NOT in a Region or full screen.

    :param Pattern pattern: Name of the searched image.
    :param timeout: Number as maximum waiting time in seconds.
    :param Region region: Region object.
    :return: Location.
    if not _is_pattern_size_correct(pattern, region):
        return None

    pattern_found = True

    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    end_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)

    while pattern_found and start_time < end_time:
        time_remaining = end_time - start_time
        logger.debug('Image vanish: {} - {} seconds remaining'.format(
            pattern.get_filename(), time_remaining))
        image_found = match_template(pattern, region, MatchTemplateType.SINGLE)
        if len(image_found) == 0:
            pattern_found = False
            pattern_found = True
        start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

    return None if pattern_found else True
文件: finder.py 项目: leshibily/iris2
def wait_vanish(pattern: Pattern,
                timeout: float = None,
                region: Rectangle = None) -> bool or FindError:
    """Wait until a Pattern disappears.

    :param pattern: Pattern.
    :param timeout:  Number as maximum waiting time in seconds.
    :param region: Rectangle object in order to minimize the area.
    :return: True if vanished.

    if timeout is None:
        timeout = Settings.auto_wait_timeout

    image_found = image_vanish(pattern, timeout, region)

    if image_found is not None:
        return True
        raise FindError('%s did not vanish' % pattern.get_filename())
def _get_pattern_click_location(ps: Pattern,
                                region: Rectangle = None,
                                align: Alignment = None):
    """Returns the click location based on the pattern/string found location and alignment."""
    if align is None:
        align = Alignment.CENTER

    width, height = ps.get_size()
    find_location = image_find(ps, region=region)

    if find_location is None:
        raise FindError('Unable to find pattern {}'.format(ps.get_filename()))

    if ps.get_target_offset():
        target_offset = ps.get_target_offset()
        find_location.x += target_offset.x
        find_location.y += target_offset.y

    rect = Rectangle(find_location.x, find_location.y, width, height)
    return rect.apply_alignment(align)