def test_add_sidedrink():
    order = Order(1)
    ing = WeightIngredient(2, 'fries', 's', 2000, 60, 100, 140, 2, 2.8, 3.4)
    order.add_sideDrink(ing, 2, 'l')
    assert order.sideDrinks[0][0] == ing
    assert order.sideDrinks[0][1] == 2
    assert order.sideDrinks[0][2] == 'l'
    def addWeightIngredient(self, name, kind, stock, sWeight, mWeight, lWeight,
                            sPrice, mPrice, lPrice):
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise UserError('Name of ingredient must be in alphabets')
        if kind != 'm' and kind != 'd' and kind != 's':
            raise DevError('kind must be either "m"/"s"/"d"')
        if not isinstance(stock, int):
            raise UserError('Stock of ingredient must be in number')
        if int(stock) < 0:
            raise UserError(
                'Stock of ingredient must be equal to or larger than 0')
        if not isinstance(sWeight, int) or not isinstance(
                mWeight, int) or not isinstance(lWeight, int):
            raise UserError('All weights of ingredient must be in number')
        if int(sWeight) <= 0 or int(mWeight) <= 0 or int(lWeight) <= 0:
            raise UserError(
                'All weights of ingredient must be larger than zero')
        if isinstance(sPrice, str) or isinstance(mPrice, str) or isinstance(
                lPrice, str):
            raise UserError('All prices of ingredient must be in number')
        if not isinstance(float(sPrice), float) or not isinstance(
                float(mPrice), float) or not isinstance(float(lPrice), float):
            raise UserError('All prices of ingredient must be in number')
        if float(sPrice) < 0 or float(mPrice) < 0 or float(lWeight) < 0:
            raise UserError('All prices of ingredient must be positive')

        global newID
        newID += 1
        new = WeightIngredient(newID, name, kind, stock, sWeight, mWeight,
                               lWeight, sPrice, mPrice, lPrice)
def test_addIngredient_weightIngredient_to_burger():
    main = Main('wrap')
    lettuce = WeightIngredient(1, 'lettuce', 'm', 2000, 50, 100, 150, .50, 1, 1.5)
    main.addIngredient(lettuce, 1, 's')
    assert main.ingredients[0][0] == lettuce  
    assert main.ingredients[0][1] == 1
    assert main.ingredients[0][2] == 's'
    assert main.price == 4
def test_del_sideDrinks_incorrect_input():
    order = Order(1)
    ing = WeightIngredient(2, 'fries', 's', 2000, 60, 100, 140, 2, 2.8, 3.4)
    order.add_sideDrink(ing, 2, 'l')
    ing2 = QuantityIngredient(1, 'can of coke', 'd', 40, 3)
    with pytest.raises(UserError) as e:
        order.del_sideDrink(ing2, 1, 's')
    assert "You don't have any can of coke in your order to remove." in str(e.value)
def test_calc_price():
    order = Order(1)
    main = order.add_main('burger')
    ing1 = QuantityIngredient(1, 'sesame bun', 'm', 20, 1.00)
    main.addIngredient(ing1, 2, None)
    ing2 = WeightIngredient(2, 'fries', 's', 2000, 60, 100, 140, 2, 2.8, 3.4)
    order.add_sideDrink(ing2, 1, None)
    assert order.calc_price() == 5.0
def test_new_weight_ingredient():
    food = WeightIngredient(2, 'fries', 's', 2000, 60, 100, 140, 2, 2.8, 3.4)
    assert food.id == 2
    assert food.name == 'fries'
    assert food.kind == 's'
    assert food.stock == 2000
    assert food.sWeight == 60
    assert food.mWeight == 100
    assert food.lWeight == 140
    assert food.sPrice == 2.00
    assert food.mPrice == 2.80
    assert food.lPrice == 3.4
def test_del_sideDrinks_correct_input():
    order = Order(1)
    ing = WeightIngredient(2, 'fries', 's', 2000, 60, 100, 140, 2, 2.8, 3.4)
    order.add_sideDrink(ing, 2, 'l')
    order.del_sideDrink(ing, 2, 'l')
    assert not order.sideDrinks